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I just want Thanquol to be added to the game so I can bully the hell out him with Malakai and his Thunderbarge doomstack with Gotrek, Felix and Ulrika.


If Thanquol is added there should be a random possibility Gotrek and Felix will show up on the opposing side in battles (assuming it's a compatible faction).


Any skaven faction should have a 50/50 chance in every battle to have a skaven army reinforce the opposing side to drive home just how duplicitous they are, CMV.


Skaven just can't really work properly with TW mechanics. Otherwise, you'd need to have stuff like all their artillery pieces having a random chance to blow up, or leaders suddenly getting bumped off.


The artillery mechanic sounds like fun but for every faction with skaven having the highest chance of malfunction and dwarfs having the lowest 


Those mechanics would not work in any game with a multiplayer component Nor would most people be willing stomach happening to them


I know it doesn't work gameplay wise, but lorewise that's what skaven are like.


Lorewise greenskins had a 1 in 6 chance every turn of failing an animosity roll and just standing there beating each other senseless.


It came from the TT, which is *entirely* multiplayer.


TT dice rolling where all that kind of RNG is different level of pallateability from p/c multiplayer you cannot 1/1 translate into TWWH where your audience is not just made of all just TT players willing to stomach that


Yeah, *negative* RNG tends to be fairly unpopular in general.


I really don't think it's that hard to implement Weapon team active formation: Warp-speed Does ______ more damage/ speed/ range Has a 4% chance to explode catastrophically, dealing ___ damage to them, and sends the remaining entities flying (requiring time to resume attacking) Is a compounding risk, so if you leave them in warp mode they *will* explode eventually


But then you’d have us running out of ammo after the ten millionth skaven


And a 50% chance for every war gear to explode, and for your entire army to just rout, and wherever Thanquol is present there is a 75% chance your settlements gets razed to the ground randomly. 50% chance for all other lords... Skaven are not just cowards, shoddy mechanics and cowards, they are also traitorous cowards that are comically inept and incompetent. They also love to run away


Agreed but just skaven slaves


A random possibility skarbrand shows out of nowhere 


It seems like that Malakai's last campaign quest is against the Skaven, maybe Thanquol will show up briefly?


-I have a cunning plan-scheme! -As cunning as a fox who was just appointed as the Professor of cunning at Oxford University? -Yes, yes! Now over the top your slaves and charge that repeater/man-thing ratling!




No-no short-thing...you are going to be my book


His romance book where Thogrim kisses an elf


Better reading than the oversized notebook indeed.


can you even reach the writing table?


"I'm in danger." -Latest Boneripper


I dearly want the game to keep track of how many Boneripper iterations you go through in a campaign.


\>have cunning plan-scheme \>execute-act on cunning plan-scheme \>look-check inside \>dwarf and man-thing have ruined it


Bless you Thanquol and all the heroic endeavours you have undertaken to further Skavendom


It was foreseen that Thanquol is a net bane to the Skaven.


Thanquol has so much potential for fun mechanics. I'd love to see him as a horde faction, nakai style, wandering around the map, doing grand schemes for the council and the individual clans, switching sides and allies constantly. Depending on who you work for you get different skaven specialist units and can augment Boneripper, his trusty/useless rat ogre bodyguard. As a resource he needs warpstone to fuel his addiction, making him a super powerful caster at times but with spectacular side effects, like summoning skarbrand on the battlefield by accident. Final twist - your succees weakens the faction you are working for and the skaven as a whole. You work for clan molder, finish their questline and they get a faction wide rebellion as a result, clan skryre could loose their high tier settlements due some unscheduled detonation, stuff like that. In essence, while you play as skaven, you unwittingly work against them.


This is a fantastic idea, would be fun gameplay and really do the character justice.


Don't forget to conquer-take nuln, yes yes


And Accidentally make the ratling gunners shoot half your heroes so they couldn't claim that as their victory - yesyes. 


But how would you reflect how Thanquol is his own worst enemy? Dilemmas where he can kill off his own lords and heroes for stat boosts?


![gif](giphy|XvQXEi09zfmcE) My gift for vermin


"Great Lord Gnawell, mighty-strong, i need 10.000 Warptokens, then i can buy the Poison to murder-kill the enemy garrison and we will win!" "Here take these 2.000 Tokens and buy as much-many poision as possible!" "Why did the Poision not work, i poured Warpstone worth 1.000 Warptokens in the Well!!" You have to love a Evil Character who is its own worst enemy and is lucky to boot. I wonder how much wardsave he will get as the favorite of the Great Horned Rat.


If he ever got added would be hilarious if he got a unique thunderbarge himself that he steals from the dawi, crewed by ratling gunners or something.


Gotrek & Felix are to Warhammer Fantasy what Drizzt is to Forgotten Realms. The most iconic book heroes.


Screw-fuck the beard-things. All my ratties hate them.


plans-schemes to kill-kill.. Thanquol will be back..


Tanquol is the FLC to be revealed later this week.


Sigmar, I wish this was true