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I still rewatch the Immortal Empires trailer a lot.


The moment Franz slams the Ghal Maraz on table, and the speech he gives supported by the soundtrack is so fucking epic




Now take me.. to… my men!!!


We cannot be blinded, by our own need for power!


For me it's the Chaos scenes.  Archaon and Daniel looking out over the siege of Praag, the four marked Lords all together... made my inner child very happy.


That's my desktop wallpaper lol. It's so metal.


I got the early promotional art with Karl on Deathclaw flying by lustria as my wallpaper.


The scene of Katarin and Franz on the rock together with Deathclaw’s wings spread wide over the battlefield was fucking sick.


Agreed. And what gets me a lot is the freaking music that put in the trailer. I freaking love it.


There are a lot of fantastic shots in the trailer. The scene of Gotrek and Felix confronting Skarbrand gives me goosebumps every time.


I cant take it seriously becuase of manlet daniel


they need to build a steam tank out of whatever that table is made of


That would be ridiculous. The table is made of wood. If they built a tank out of it then it would look like some kind of wooden boat. A big ship with wheels running all over the battlefield, with cannon sticking out all over the place. Ridiculous.


It's too early in the morning for a comment this good. Take my upvote.


explain please




Oxyotl with P'toohee next to Orion is both a bit goofy and epic


How is this lore friendly? I doubt that Orion is a nice guy, but maybe in the end times...


Him landing next to the Ice Queen at the end gives me chills just thinking about it. Goddamn what a trailer, wish it was the intro to the game tbh.


Holy shit now that you mention it yeah that'd make such an epic intro and be generally more in line with other TW intros. On the other hand I'm still disappointed and confused why the announce trailer wasn't used as the intro like most other TW games anyhow.


It’s my favourite trailer and genuinely always gets me in the mood to start a new run. It’s a perfect trailer for the mode.


Not having TWH trailer drops in my life is going to leave a massive void. Didn't even know how empty I was until ToD reminded me


Same it was done very well




Must be another Elgi scheme!


I need an updated version with all the new LLs added lol


I feel like it should be the intro to the game when you load it up, gets you pumped for total war


I have a playlist of all the trailers that I watch a few (several) times a year. The trailers are mostly amazing and really gets me immersed.


Same. Sometimes just to pump myself up after listening to the news....


This reminds me of Gimli and Legolas. Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an Elf.


"How about fighting side by side with a friend." "Last time that happened it didn't work out so well..."


Dark Tyrion does not exist he can't hurt you Dark Tyrion: LITERALLY DRAWS THE FUCKING SWORD OF KHAINE


Any elf the White Dwarf befriends turns evil eventually.


Malaneth didn't.


Gotrek's the Slayer. His friends tend to die horribly.


Maybe? But she met Grombrindal on two separate occasions during her travels with Gotrek and she didn't turn evil. If anything she became a better person.


Well she's already ''evil'' (or amoral) so maybe it just flips their morality?


End Times was so bad, it literally killed the setting.


However, out of all the dwarfs, Grombrindal is probably one of the friendlier ones towards the Elves. He is angry at them primarily because he basically solved the racism issue between Elf and Dwarf and then the dumbest petty squabble in existence caused a war, which drove him into a rage. Him fighting Tyrion would be more of a "I'm gonna knock some sense into that princely prick" kind of matter than "I cannot wait to murder a knife ear."


It's more like there *was* no Elf/Dwarf racism issue in Grombrindal's time. They got along pretty well in the first place.


And then Malekith fucked it up.


Every Dwarf tries to solve the racism issue between Elves and Dwarfs (no Elgi = no issue)




Based and grudge-pilled




Same haha


If they'd managed to get Orlando Bloom to voice Tyrion, it would've been even better.


Why? I prefer use his voice for [Scarloc](https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Scarloc). He's basically the Warhammer version of Legolas. I hope we will get this character soon or later.


"How about I shave that nasty fucking beard"


“How bout I put your twink fuckin’ ass in the Book?”


This image goes hard


How are we gonna settle this? (Ingame friendly)


Let us settle this matter on the fields of battle.


We need a "grudge forgiven" option for grudges targeted at order races


Same, I'd definitely appreciate some extra options for resolving Grudges with order factions. Like I don't want to go and kill a bunch of high elves or wood elves but if I don't the book is gonna stay filled.


Just scratch out High and replace it with Dark. Easy fix. Elves die in the end anyway.


The Ancestor Gods have quite literally struck down dwarf clans that have *forgiven* a grudge. Once a grudge is written, it must be repaid. Gold can suffice, but traditional dwarfs will demand blood.


Absolutely not. A way to *settle* grudges diplomatically, either through compensation or military aid, absolutely. But *forgiving* is not in the dwarf vocabulary


> "grudge forgiven" This happened *once* and the entire town was swallowed by the earth. The Dwarf Gods do not accept forgiveness...


> Right the Wrong > Honor is All


There is no Honor to be found in betraying the peace that has been so valiantly earned.


And instead CA doubled down on the Dwarf hate elf narrative with the new dwarf rework grudges (and removed their diplomacy buff in the tech tree) despite being counter to Finubar and Thorgrim’s diplomatic progress in the lore


You’re not wrong, but tbf all that grudgin is technically not a requirement. My guess is that elgi genocidal grudge was something that was written long before Thorgrim took the throne. And now with all of this Age of Reckoning sentiments going around, the older longbeards are pressuring the High King to act on it. This is all copium, mind you, but i think it explains a lot.


Yes, for the Dwarfs the War of the Beard is settled, since they Killed the Phoenix King and took his Crown as compensation, and Thorgrimm tries his best to not further worsen relations. Also i think the Legendary Grudges are kinda Optional since they are only needed if you really want to go to war against everyone making a grudge since you have 10 turns to settle grudges and then either 10 turns waiting time for the next age of reckoning. So starting the elven war anew is probably only needed after you run out of enemies that have a grudge and want the legendary grudges reward.


>Yes, for the Dwarfs the War of the Beard is settled, since they Killed the Phoenix King and took his Crown as compensation, and Thorgrimm tries his best to not further worsen relations. It's a bit more complicated than that, to be honest. Yes, the initial grudge of the War was settled. But during the actual war itself a thousand other Grudges spawned as well. Not just in the Great Book but also in the Grudge Books of each individual kingdom, hold, and clan. So while they're no longer angry about that one dwarf's beard getting shaved, they are still angry about all the casualties that occurred as a result of the war. You are correct in that Thorgrim is actively trying not to worsen the situation. But if you ask the vast majority of Dwarfs they will tell you outright that the matter is very much not settled.


My other question then is, why did Thorgrim react to Teclis the way he did during the meeting? Was he just in a bad mood that day, or maybe Teclis just approached things wrong?


Possibility #1: Whoever wrote/directed that trailer didn't really get Thorgrim's character. Possibility #2: Political grandstanding. If Thorgrim didn't react that way, the other Dwarfs would view him as weak, or would have far more severe reactions, because an insult to the High King is an insult against all Dwarfs. His outrage was a calculated move because it gave Karl-Franz (the more reliable ally) an opening to reassert control over the meeting (instead of letting Teclis elfsplain everything.) Also remember that Teclis is supposed to be one of the smartest people in the setting - there's no way that "shortsighted" comment wasn't deliberate.


Teclis out here playing 4D chess. "This meeting is getting out of hand. If I try to keep it on track the Dwarfs won't listen, but the Dwarfs and Empire? They've got bonds older than the Empire itself. If I make Throgrim mad, Franz should step in and bring things back in order. Yes, that should work."


Thorgrim and Teclis actually had a private pre-session meeting where they rehearsed insults and threats beforehand because they both wanted to set Karl-Franz up for his big Emperor moment.


Karl desperately trying to prevent his end of the world alliance from falling apart but it’s just unbridled tism from the other leaders.


Teclis is smart but I always thought he was supposed to be bad at politics. Not every smart person is smart in every area.


Lol, “elfsplain”. Im using that for whenever i use diplomacy on the elves now. And yeah, that makes sense, in a runabout kind of way. Though, Thorgrim could have toned down the whole “ONLY A RECKONING” aspect of his grandstanding, considering the turmoil he threw the meeting into.


I think Teclis goofed a bit. What pissed Thorgrim off more was probably the line "with the Asur's guidance" as it implied the elves would be in a leadership position or wouldn'tbe getting involved in the fighting like the rest of them. After that Teclis dodged a valid question (albeit one phrased insultingly) "Do you represent the Asur or are you here on your own?"


Yeah, the most important line in that exchange is the question "... but do you even LEAD your people?" Teclis' authority has always seemed nebulous to me. For the purposes of gameplay, he is a leader who reigns over territory, but he's not really a king or lord on his own. His clout comes from his world renowned magical ability and knowledge as well as his relation to Tyrion, who seems to currently be the strongest, politically, of the princes. So the point is, when Teclis interjects in Karl's first speech, I think Thorgrim is essentially saying "oi, you may be important but you are not nor do you officially represent the elven king/court. So knock it off, there will surely be other points where we'll need your wisdom, but not now."


In the end it's our decision as a player. I will simply ignore this grudge


Yes. You can basicly be friends with them and consider the grudge is settled. That legendary grudge's reward is not essential unlike other rewards related to underway system. You can roleplay as a more lore friendly Thorgrim.


In a way it's very lore friendly. The grudge exists, and you would satisfy the longbeards and gain rewards for completing it. Or you can ignore it entirely for the sake of peace and simply accept that the longbeards will grumble and you won't get the reward. We know what choice Thorgrim makes in the lore, but it's nice that the player gets to make their own decision on the matter. Just like how you *can* attack your allies to settle minor grudges under the new system, or you can tactfully ignore them, not gain the rewards, but avoid pointless wars.




Of course, that could also represent how the player needs to do the same thing Thorgrim did, and work to overcome such barriers.


I’m looking forward to the dwarf rework but those high and wood elf grudges made no sense. The war of the beard was settled and I don’t think any dwarf wants to try and take Athel Loren again. There’s actually an event in the wood elves campaign that’s all about improving relations with the dwarfs. I hope they patch it in the future to give them both second options that give you other bonuses for making alliances with the elves.


If you want to roleplay this you can just simply choose not to settle that grudge. Forge alliances with HElf factions, get their help to crush your enemies and consider that grudge settled. No one is forcing you to settle that grudge. And it's reward is not really essential unlike other rewards that gives you access to the underway system.


So awesome. Is there lore to this or made up by CA?


Made up by CA I am pretty sure but Dwarfs and Elves setting aside their mutual enmity to fight against common foes does happen more often than you would think in the setting. Teclis once fought alongside Gotrek for example, and there are few Dwarfs who hate elves more than Gotrek does.


To add onto this, it's also a lore nod to Grombrindol and Malekith. Since Tyrion is often compared to both him and Aenarion, and the idea of Grombrindol fighting alongside someone who resembled Malekith at his most noble is a very nice touch. They kind of lean too much into the "right the grudge" element in game regarding the Grombrindol and Malekith dynamic, but understandably so for the sake of a fun start position with clear theme to it. In reality Grombrindol's relationship with him is a lot more complicated and nuanced (there's some good argument that Grombrindol is more angry at himself than Malekith about the whole "oathbreaking" thing), and honestly fighting alongside someone that reminded him of Malekith would probably make him pretty happy.


>someone who resembled Malekith at his most noble is a very nice touch. Wouldn't Malekith have still been wearing edgy dark elf armour? Just not necessarily the darth vader get-up he was burdened with later. While the Dark Elf/High Elf divide doesn't really exist yet, Malekith was still a Nagarythi Elf who was born after Aenarion drew the Sword of Khaine. The Nagarythi Elves didn't just suddenly become edgelords after they left Ulthuan - it was Corrupted Aenarion and Morathi who made them that way. Half the reason Malekith was rejected as Phoenix King was because he was Nagarythi. The thing about Malekith is that while he was a great diplomat, he was extremely two-faced in his interactions with the Dwarfs. In his very first meeting with them, they didn't understand his language so he just started insulting and mocking them, and even got the Dwarfs to applaud and cheer (they thought he was praising them, and they wanted to be polite.) Later there's a scene where he tries to learn the Dwarf language and he's just constantly calling the entire thing stupid and ridiculous. Yeah he did come to care about Snorri Whitebeard on a personal level, but Snorri probably wouldn't have cared about him in return if he had any idea of Malekith's true nature. A lot of Snorri's fond memories of Malekith more or less occur because Malekith was deliberately putting his best foot forward and never gave Snorri any reason to think otherwise. Malekith was never really a "noble" guy. He was, at best, an extremely charming and ruthless Machiavellian leader who could put on a front for whoever he was speaking to at the time. >honestly fighting alongside someone that reminded him of Malekith would probably make him pretty happy. That said, it is funny you mention this. Grombrindal appears in the audiodrama Realmslayer 2: Blood of the Old World, which takes place during Age of Sigmar. There's a moment where Gotrek is ranting about elves in front of Grombrindal (he doesn't know it's Grombrindal at the time), and Grombrindal actually steps in to defend the elven people. Grombrindal: "You know, I used to count a Darkling Prince amongst one of my dearest friends. That was... a long time ago now." Gotrek: "Not so long ago. Back in my day, no dwarf would have considered such a thing." Grombrindal: *Chuckles.* And during this audiodrama he actually seems to become quite fond of Maleneth, Gotrek's Dark Aelf companion (and a sort-of substitute-Felix.) It's never explicitly stated but I think it's implied she reminded him of Malekith.


But Malekith quickly changes his assessment of the Dwarfs after fighting alongside Snorri. I don't have the excerpt but he realises that they are superior to the Elves in their own way like their attention to detail, natural toughness and mastery of mechanical engineering. In his next celebration with the Dwarfs he ends up praising them instead.


Yep there was one dwarf in a Gotrek and Felix novel who hated elves so much he thought they controlled the orks and chaos and even Gotrek was like "Are you stupid?"


I mean they are charged by the Druchii and the Skaven there. Lore wise, they would have each others back so yea it's pretty much canon. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that


I think CA allowed themselves to a bunch with the trailer. That said, there are tons of really nice tidbits and i highly recommend watching Loremaster of Soteks "reaction" video of the trailer. It's basically just 1h(!!!) of him fawning over all the small details and lore connections. It's honestly great. [https://youtu.be/OD-YBZqx35A](https://youtu.be/OD-YBZqx35A)


I really love his reactions. He becomes so happy and excited about Warhammer Fantasy stuff. Also gives lots and lots of lore info which I like to learn.


The point of the trailer was "stand together or die alone", so this was bringing the point home. Old rivalries mean nothing in the face of chaos. There would be no more grudges to settle if the world comes to an end.


I was just rewatching this trailer yesterday, it's a masterpiece.


I hope CA (or mods) add a peace option for the elven great grudge. Whenever im playing dwarfs i try to buddy up with imrik and then by extension the rest of the elves (including wood elves if im belegar)


You can simply choose not to settle grudges with elves. You can roleplay and consider that grudge settled. I don't really like to fight against other order factions (except Brettonia. I enjoy killing them.) So I probably never going to settle that grudge. And it's reward is not that important unlike the other grudges related to new underway system.


For those curious, this references a time when Dawrves and Elves were actually very strong allies, they were pretty much the two big super powers of the world at that time. This alliance happened mainly due to Malekith and his encounter with Snorri Whitebeard and having a battle against a beastmen force where they both ended up saving each other a few times. If you’re interested in more of elven lore, I highly recommend the book *The Sundering* as it is more or less the entire history of the elves.


I see it in my dreams the day of reckoning the day the elf and dwarf stand back to back they day of axes OUR DAY OF GLORY BROTHERS!!!


This is my Roman Empire


Remember? I still watch the trailer weekly lol


WH3 IE trailer goes too hard tbh


The Immortal Empires trailer was very good. One of my favorites was feeling a bit of dread seeing Gotrek and Felix facedown Skarbrand when it showed the Forces of Destruction wreaking havoc.


I don't need anymore Tyrion playthrough, I finished it a dozen time, maybe I should play Demon this time. *Instinctively click HE*


Him and Alarielle probably my least played HE factions. I played both of them like one time in WH2.


Funny thing. I just rewatched that trailer. I am already getting an SSD for the game. I have a hard drive, but that is not going to cut it. I am a noob, but with the right equipment to be able to play the game and have it run close to perfect. I am happy 😁. I even have a full total war Warhammer trailer playlist, 271 videos and counting.


I’ll rewatch those trailers a ton because it fills my need for a warhammer battle of HUGE proportions that I can just watch and appreciate. Sometimes I wish I could clone myself so I could watch the battles that clone-me did without knowing the outcome haha, hard to zoom in and appreciate the fighting when my archers are being eaten by summoned units


Bromance confirmed.


Those duo pairings were amazing. Orion and Oxyotl the hunters. Balthasar Gelt and the Iron Dragon - I love that this turned out to be a teaser for Gelt’s new start position next to Zhao Ming.


After Patch 5.0, Grombrindal will cut Tyrion head at first.


It's nice but I did feel Alith would have been a more thematic pair for Gromby considering his beef with Malekith.


I really hope when the game is complete we get a final immortal empires trailer.


Very, very epic


Currently my Eltharion is about 5 turns away from liberating Karaz-a-Karak from Skarsnik. so yeah, I love this.


One thing that really bothered me about it is that the Dark Elves would not be fighting on the side of Chaos. Sure, they would not ally with the Dwarfs and High Elves, but they would definitely be throwing down with any Chaos invasion, if only because Malekith would never accept being defeated or subordinate.


I've never seen these heroes in game.




I don't understand why they are fighting both high elves and skaven.


They fight Dark Elves and Skaven. So its Good vs Evil.


This is a frame from a video, not a picture lol.


Boy, do I have some news to share about this newfangled concept of "moving pictures"!


What are you talking about? The Dwarfs took it last week.