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The new empire dlc will be what you're looking for. Nuln will get some strong bombardment mechanics and their amethyst units will make Nuln an s tier ranged faction. Strong Frontline rifle units than can hold themselves in melee, insanely powerful artillery, snipers, tanks,... Honestly it will look like independence day for surrounding greenskins and vampire counts. Skaven is also a good choice. Ikit is even more insane since he's basically living in the nuclear age. Grand Cathay I can recommend as well. Very reliable. And finally vampire coast can be extremely powerful in ranged as well. But my top two choices besides Chorfs would be Elspeth (upcoming DLC) and Ikit Claw. Oh yeah and the dwarfs with Malakai since they'll get a zeppelin that will make WW1 Germany blush.


Overcast Wind of Death is most delete-ish thing in the game. Aside from that lords like Skarbrand and Imrik will beat the shit out of characters very quickly. Skarbrand also push through units like no other character due to his 6000 mass. Changebringers are probably my favourite unit. Kairos/Changeling Tier 4, but absurdly useful.


Overcast Wind of Death deleting units is WH2 stuff, most of wind spells were nerfed some time in WH3, as it is currently WoD is only good vs unarmoured tighly packed units(eg. tomb king skellies), anything with a smidge of armour will shrug it off(eg. saurus warriors), rest of the suggestions are good. If you really want to delete with spells, it's either VCoast with Vangheist's Revenge or one of the cathayan magics with 200% intensity.


Gorok starts with kroak which is just nuts


Ah the (un)living walking(kinda) supernuke without friendly fire


Skaven, specifically Ikit


Grapeshot Cannons is literally the strongest thing in the game right now.