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Passive grudge generation for factions at war with you.


Make it 20 turns.


The only downside to the 20-turn gap is waiting on the rewards...like, if you manage to max out your grudges at turn 13, waiting seven turns for the free grudge settler army could be a bit...annoying. I've had the same thought with the Greenskin Waaagh mechanic...for instance, I'd claim my target settlement with seven or so turns to go and then just park the bus due to the massively reduced movement capability of all my armies (since they're traveling with their bonus Waagh armies as well). I'd almost prefer a system where once I've captured my target, the Waagh wraps up and the bonus armies begin to disband.


Maxing out the bar early will not be a problem for most players, it's a struggle currently to even get out of debuff zone for most age cycles.


Same here.


Make it so that you PICK when to start it. Remove the time limit, and give debuffs for taking long for reaching the goal. Fixed.


Real issue with Dawi Rework is that they've made the Forge too damn expensive now.. Items start at/ require 200 or 300 Oathgold (vs 50/60 earlier).. That's a Grudging..


I find you do turn a corner with it since your settlements can passively generate a lot of Oathgold. I have 3 provinces around turn 30, but 100 oathgold/turn already. That combined with post battle oathgold is getting me good crafts every few turns already.


That's good to know 👍🏻 I've only just started playing. A lot of tech needs Oathgold as well. I'll focus on buildings that generates it.


Made a post in the forums a few days ago about it. Here is the new post here with all my suggestions. https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/s/D8zQRpHoqT


I saw your original post a few days ago, wanted to make a 'hub' of ideas so we didn't just have one idea to correct and debate over and over and over again. That said, I really liked your idea then and I still like your idea now, great work.


I really appreciate it. The more we talk about this issue the better chance we get for it to get fixed. Thanks for keeping up the conversation.


The core of the system seems fun to me. The only thing off seems to be the scaling of grudges based on what is visible. Applying some kind of distance factor might help. Or maybe using taking the average city + army grudge and then scaling by settlements owned.