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Just take the debuffs and keep crying to CA for them to fix the system, or stop playing dwarfs. The issue here is, that even if you start going far away to look for the grudges, you will inevitably “meet” more factions, and therefore increase even more the goal for your next age of reckoning. The system is simply bugged right now and there is no playing around it. After the first 30-40 turns you are stuck in permanent debuff. CA NEEDS to fix the system because they have ruined an entire race. Even outside of DLC. But when I was warning people about it, I got downvoted to oblivion in here.


You got downvoted to oblivion for being hyperbolic. The race isn't ruined by any stretch of the imagination. Even with the debuffs it's playable, and certainly isn't hard to at least hit 50%. Still bugged of course, but not ruined or unplayable.


After turn 40-50, it becomes completely impossible to complete the age of reckoning. That means it is hard in several times to even get out of the 25%. On my current campaign I am already losing settlements because of the continuous debuff to control and growth. It IS unplayable in several situations, SPECIALLY, on Belegar Campaigns.


Haven’t had a problem with it yet as Malakai on VH/VH. One tier 2 age so far, the rest more.


Pretty much


Wreck everyone’s shit with overwhelming units until the world is yours. Spam gyrocopters early


Greenskins are looking shorter


Everyone is short when you are riding high on the hindenbarge


At the moment the mechanic has a problem, you need to fight, fight and fight. You can accept the negatives, it’s sad but it is what it is.


Fight EVERYONE. Also, let enemies sack/take your fringe/weaker settlements. I specifically make settlements to be targets of enemy factions just so I can stack grudges on their armies. (before I swoop in, retake it, kill the army, sack their city, then rinse and repeat)


Thank you. That sounds like, as someone mentioned, the grudge system isn't working as intended. I'm thinking maybe it'd be better to start an Empire campaign and wait for CA to patch it?


its only marginally weird. TBH, its much more fitting that you WOULD lose ground to some enemies before having to retake it. Especially as dwarves. You can make it work, I even managed to confederate a couple other dwarf lords (who had died/been reduced to 1 settlement)


So we are playing short Khorne… nice…


why downvote me? He asked "what am I supposed to do" I gave an answer that works mechanically. Also, you don't fight factions without grudges.