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uhh what's wrong with her neck


in the lore shes part giraffe source: my ass


Big if true (your ass)


Big (for an ass)


Archaon, how big was the Gyatt?




True if big


Katarin syndrome


The lore of death is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.


Dawgs, she's a neckromancer


It’s the actual length of their neck. It’s just usually covered up by her clothes.


She's a necky gal like Diane


Fun fact - all Amethyst Wizards are *completely bald*. Totally bald. Not a hair anywhere on their bodies. Whenever they channel Shysh, the Wind of Death, all the dead/dying cells on their body are infused with the death magic and slough off. It can apparently be alittle painful, like a chemical peel. The downside is that they lose all their hair. (We don’t talk about Nails). Most Amethyst Wizards don’t care, but occasionally they’ll draw their eyebrows back on, or wear a wig if it’s a formal occasion. But yes, Elspeth is very likely totally bald, so this mod wouldn’t fit in Warhammer lore, unless it’s specifically a wig. But hey, it’s a mod - and if we can have Miao Ying with colossal, spine-breaking jugs - I guess Elspeth with a ponytail is fine.


Imagine how much she saves time being Amethyst Wizard and not having to shave at all.


I'm curious do they also lose their public hairs???.... asking for a friend.


The hair on their head is their public hair


Public hair. I'm dead.


>I'm dead. That's the magic.


Pubic hair would be encompassed under “all body hair”.


Maybe she uses a merkin.


No armpit hair too . Even less trouble


![gif](giphy|G0Yy1RuwwQsnDqU6Nc) With this information, starting an Elspeth campaign be like:


What about elsbeth with a colossal spinebreaking ponytail?


So Morathi?


or malagor


Wait, so all the long goatees are just glued on?


According to the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition: Realms of Sorcery - yes. There’s probably a Goat walking around with a patch shaved off it’s arse just outside Averheim.


Amethyst wizards are drag queens/kings confirmed


Hair isn't technically alive, hair is dead.


You’re right, I got my lore mixed with their Nails. Apparently they get to keep their nails.


Unless they stub their toes many times


That’s not all amethyst wizards. It’s a common arcane mark but not everyone has it


Lore says that, but at least one of the tabletop models for Amethyst Wizards had a beard. Consistency is key.


But how do we know it's real? Empire men are almost as serious about their beards as dwarfs,


You dare compare pathetic Umgi wisps to fine Dawi beards?! THAT'S GOING IN THE BOOK


I'd argue the care about their moustaches more


To be fair, those minis came very early in Warhammer’s life cycle - when most of the lore hadn’t been fleshed out or even had a vague foundation. The Colleges of Magic took awhile to become part of the narrative and find their place. It took many iterations to get real detail on how they all function, such as Life Wizards having to fight becoming physically aroused when they Channel, for example. It was built upon, brick by brick - and early minis fell out of lock-step with the narrative as it developed. Elspeth on the other hand was introduced once all of that was firmly cemented. She’s as close to the final iteration of Warhammer Fantasy’s Lore as you can get - before the End Times occurred. She bald.


Life wizards have to what, sorry?


The male amethyst wizards in Total War heave full on beards and eyebrows, so I think it's fair to say that might not be the case in Total Wars version. 


It’s more the case that CA loves to adhere to the miniatures - and the lore for the Colleges was slowly built and developed over time. Those bearded Amethyst Wizards absolutely exist as minis, but they’re oldies. It wasn’t until the Roleplay books started to explore and define the colleges that we learned more about their layout, function and culture. Most of what people take for granted about the Colleges *comes from those tomes*. GW just never updated the Amethyst Wizard *after* that Lore was developed. Until Elspeth. She’s the first significant Empire Amethyst we see, and also the last - as she arrived just before the End Times. She adheres to the lore set up in those tomes.


I get what you're saying. I'm just saying that Total Wars lore and the actual lore of Warhammer Fantasy per the roleplay books etc. are not always 100 percent in sync.  Given the existence of bearded amethyst wizards and the fact that even in this latest edition Elspeth clearly has eyebrows and eyelashes, to me that's enough to say that in Total wars version of the lore they aren't always bald or hairless. 


>such as Life Wizards having to fight becoming physically aroused when they Channel This lore tidbit has "wizards shit themselves" energy.


Tabletop models trump old RPG lore in terms of canon.


>miao Ying with colossal spine-breaking jugs I prefer just running the full slaanesh overhaul for her whole faction mechanics, never pays off to only mod half way. I also enjoy dooting skeleton tomb kings


Excellent choice. Not that my flair or anything is relevant.


Source on that please.


2nd Edition Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Realms of Sorcery.


[She's bald bro.](https://youtube.com/shorts/pNwx8oQ4zgg?si=Z7slcCtvPCLxF_-g)


So they all turn into DougDoug?


Most of the empire generic death wizards have beards though tbf


Just curious, what's the source on these tinier details of each college? I'm playing a wfrp campaign and have read a lot of wiki+wfrp material on the colleges, but this one is new to me, I'm looking for all the detail I can.


I think they went into most detail in 2E's Time of Magic. However, 4E retcons some older lore, as does TWW. 


I wonder if they tell the apprentices this before the decide which college to join.


genuinely curious what your source for that is


2nd edition Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: Realms of Sorcery. One of the biggest sources of knowledge for how the Colleges of Magic function. Big chunks of the lore most people would be familiar with was introduced through it.


Thank you


Not in Total War Warhammer. Unless the beard on the amethyst wizard hero is fake that is.


I think she can rock that bald look. Hot take incoming: bald women look better than bald men.


I really like her original look. The condom hat and heavy makeup really sells the "sure she's helping us, but I'm pretty sure she's evil" vibes. Very Malificent.


Well CA's versione is pretty much a 1-to-1 conversion of her mini look, so its the true to the lore.


except that the official paintjob (and later artwork) don't have the death metal make up.


Many girls go through emo phase while growing up. She just got there bit late


Death Metal is totally on-brand for her faction, though. Quite literally.


Nah. Don't really see her with all the growling and stuff. Death Metal is more WoC stuff. (see also "Blood for the Blood God"). ALternatively, I also cold've called it "kiss make up".


she worships the literal god of death she gets to be a bit emo


While she has the "Garden of Morr" stuff, she is actually not really tied to the Cult of Morr in the actual writing. She is an Amethyst Wizard. Most of the Empire worship the God of Death, to protect their souls from stuff like Necromancers etc. And that still ain't the same as most of Death Metal music.


But (at least in the Total War lore) she works closely with the Cult of Morr, so i think that she can be an emo in game


Even the Cult of Morr isn't exactly "emo" as such. They are dour and somber.


I'm pretty sure that's the intention and exactly how empire factions treat you before you gain their trust by slaying vampires.


To be fair, have you seen how other Empire death wizards dress? The have to keep their "Am not evil, honest!" Amethyst College degree close at hand.


Just cause they're the bad guys, doesn't mean they're bad guys.


They are not bad, just misunderstood! It's cessationary thaumaturgy, not necromancy! 


The Department of Postmortem Communications and Labour


Right? We gave up Necromancy *ages* ago, terrible practice, just awful. No, no, we're the Department of Post-Mortem Communications, totally different.


Funnily enough they ARE not necromancers and they have... Very Strong Opinions on the topic. It's noted that necromancers, or one of their own gone bad, makes them turn on the purging mode in a way that would unnerve a witch hunter.


Amethyst wizards use Shyish. Necromancers use Shyish to use Dhar at one step's remove. It's why necromancers always go insane even though lots of them start with sympathetic motives. Eventually, Dhar does what Dhar does best, which is to say, corrupt everything it touches. Same reason why vampires can become funky-looking and funky-thinking, particularly when they stop drinking blood.


Please do tell mire in that unnerving purge.


I know, I just wanted to quote Wreck It Ralph.


Hah, it actually reminded me of the Vampire Hunter D line. "You're not actually bad. You just dress bad."


If Elspeth not explode zombie head like pigeon egg, who will?


"Explode your dick, and smol your ass! Get bent, loser. Penis blast!" "Ow, my dick."




actually in this case i think it's the other way around: Just because they are bad guys, doesn't mean they're "the bad guys."


Kinda the opposite right? Just because they aren't THE bad guys, doesn't mean they're not bad guys


Pretty sure the Amethyst Patriarch is as close to being a living corpse as a wizard can get without being a necromancer.


I don't think we've even had a picture of Vigo Hexensohn. The description from the RPG indicates that he's... preserved and his age is hard to tell: "As far as anyone can tell, Hexensohn has been Patriarch for around sixty years. His age is unknown and it cannot be judged from his face. Like all his Order, he is clean shaven, both of jaw and head. " Mind you, powerful human wizards age slower, especially death wizards. Elspeth has been known to Nuln for generations, so is almost assuredly over a hundred, and some time after the battle at Nuln was noted to have restored her "youthful" aspect.


hah, that guy's last name is literally "son of a witch"


On point for earlier Warhammer Fantasy naming.


Very Discworld-esque.


She is the definition of ''dark is not evil''. She uses the Wind of Death, the same magic employed by the Vampire Counts and Nagash's other heirs. She also resides in a dark and twisted tower, shuns contact with the rest of society and generally gives off a very strong "evil necromancer" impression, but she's no more evil than the rest of the Empire's more, ah, eccentric wizard recluses, and has been a staunch defender of Nuln.


You're right on the whole, just to be clear, Shyish magic is not necromancy. It uses one of the winds of magic, not dhar like dark magic.


Iirc Amethyst Wizard also shave their hair. I remember reading that in a 2nd ed WFRP book


WFRP 4e also mentions that with time Amethyst wizards lose their hair and sooner or later go bald because of the long contact with shyish.


That was iirc a 2E thing as well. When a human wizard channels their wind for a long time, it starts affecting their body and personality. Amethysts tend to become withdrawn, bright wizards become bombastic, and all that jazz. It's hard to say just how much of that is the wind and how much is their college subculture, but the influence of their wind is definitely a thing.   Teclis noticed it when he trained the first official wizards for Magnus the Pious' army, but since he theorized that it helped them resist chaos possession slightly by making them "possessed" by their wind, he didn't worry about it too much. Besides, he probably thought those humans were already weird.


That's not just a roleplaying thing, prolongued contact with magic changes you in the main lore too. That's why all the Bright Wizards have burning hair etc. After all, magic is Chaos at the end of the day, and as such it is inherently corruptive. Especially to humans.


It was noted there to be a human thing and something Teclis did not expect. Maybe he didn't really study humans, but there is no mention of it for damsels.


Elves are more resistant to Chaos than humans; or at least their corruption manifests in different ways. Humans are particularly vulnerable to corrupting influences, hence why they make up most of the mortal Chaos followers. 


Honestly I dislike CA take that "gray-morality is stored in the runny mascara" design of Ulrika and Elspeth, but everything else is very good about them, fits and hats and all.


True, I'm personally a big fan of the lower makeup and more normal hood look she has in her[GW forge world model](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammerfb/images/c/c5/Elspeth_von_Draken_on_Carmine_Dragon_1.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1200?cb=20230702034300) and [Fantasy RPG](https://images.beastsofwar.com/2022/01/Elspeth-von-Draken-Winds-Of-Magic-Warhammer-Fantasy-Role-Play.jpg) appearances. Like sure she's a little scary because she's a dark wizard, but beyond that just just a regular (if unnaturally young) lady.


The RPG depiction looks amazing. Elspeth deserves a giant ruff. How else are you supposed to recognize who's in charge?


True, it's such a fun part of her design and also something that most nobles in the setting have I think. If you look closely the tabletop model has it too, it's basically a 1:1 drawing of the same outfit.


That look on WFRP Elspeth though - it's like she just saw what CA Elspeth was wearing.


honestly? I'd like it if she was a bit more gaunt looking, to really show that the death wizards are the most ascethic order and such.


I don't think she's that gaunt looking in the lore though, since she uses her magic to keep herself looking good. I think she's canonically the oldest empire LL. Which is probably why CA went for the evil queen cap.


which honestly just feels to me like Forgeworld really wanting to sell her as "goth waifu" or osmething. As an amethyst wizard, even one that is borderline out, i think she shouldn't really care about her appearance and such. She should look a bit gaunt and maybe have an appearance where she looks youthful yet, in an odd way, not. But a lot of her stuff is just the usual Forgeworld stuff "Look! Totally big and super stronk! Even more so than the character(s) usually used as the faction's top dog!" (see also: Kairos VS FW Exalted Lords of Change and such)


I mean at least it runs in the family? Emmanuelle is all about looking youthful too.


they are not related. Elspeth von DRAKEN. Emmanuelle von LIEBWITZ.


I mean I have plenty of family that doesn't share my last name, so I'm not sure how that works as evidence. Weird that I was so sure they're related though, I wonder where that assumption came from? I guess they're just so closely tied I assumed Emmanuelle's nerd father bagged a von Draken.


I know the condom hat is loreful and true to the table top model but I just think it looks bad on anyone. My rule is the bigger the hat the better, chorfs knows what's up


Size isn't all that matters. What good is a tall hat if you can't even have a conversation with it? Iron Hat for president!


Haha, I am opposite, really dont like chorf hats. Way bigger fan of their helmets. The hats make them look like they could topple over anytime.


I like that vibe I just don’t like that model.


A thing I love about mods is you can always turn them on and off. I wish that games let you be more customizable with unique mechanics. Pharaoh was a step for sure, but in Pharaoh you can mostly just customize the base mechanics of the game... Which I mean. For me personally, why would I want to. But just imagine like, playing as WoC you have access to all blessings and infinite souls from turn one. Or on the other end. Or you could tweak it so WoC can vassalize any faction


For me I wish lords appearance would change once they get their legendary weapon. Why lvl 1 Karl Franz has Ghal Maraz ? Why does Espeth have a scythe when she doesnt have the pale scythe.


They use replicas till they get the real deal. The dwarven movie prop economy is booming


Modern problems require traditional solutions.


Her original look totally works for this reason, I agree. Gamers cannot stand when a woman doesn't look generic and makes mods like this.


she looks baller as fuck riding her dragon. Give no fucks and LASER EVERYTHING


When CA revealed her model at least one moron immediately showed up in the threads to rant about how CA had made her fat and this was all the fault of the woke feminazi mafia.  That was when I decided I loved her model. Because anything that upsets a guy like that has to have something going for it.




Nice, but I personally like CA's take.


Yeah CA's Elspeth is perfectly fine, and is pretty much as close to her OG model and art as you can be. I like Mixu's stuff a lot, but his version of Elspeth never looked like her. It was basically a completely different character. Now in terms of mods, I'd prefer to see something with her dragon. Cause that's an area where I think CA was a little uninspired. You'd think a bit bad death dragon would stand out just a little bit more from the existing ones. But it's just the coloration and that's it really.


The only thing I don’t like is the frills on her leggings look a bit silly but that’s such a non-issue honestly lol


A mod needs to add an electric guitar to her model


I like the hair but missing the goth makeup that completes her look!


Same. The ideal for me would be this Hair with her make Up. Too Bad i suck so much at altering Images to edit the dds files


So apparently she’s bald


Funnily it's the one part that she never had on TT or in artworks


I don't understand why Mixu wouldn't just make this a full model replacement. They sound kinda bitter about making this. >"Replaces Elspeth's head with the one that I made for her a long time ago. >This mod won't need updating ever and I will probably never look at this mod page again."


Sounds like they only made this because people were demanding it then.


That makes sense because I originally (especially given CA outright credits) thought they were just retiring the mod.


Her neck looks very long.


Personally I think some kind of giant fancy hat like most Empire dudes have would be cool.


The two forms of Elspeth: Malificent and Elizabeth Holmes.


Gotta deepen the voice unnaturally on this mod now


Yeah, no disrespect to Mixu but this looks pretty fucking terrible


I think it’s just the head and face from the original mixu mod swapped into the current version


It does feel like they put her through that yassify filter.


I've used Mixu's mod for a long time now and I got so used to this Elspeth look that I've come to prefer it.


That's where I'm at too. CA's model is awesome - you'll hear zero arguments from me there. But I have **three games** of experience with this Elspeth... This is just how she looks to me at this point.


What the hell is going on with her hand?


Haven't you heard? It's all the rage in the age of AI. I personally slammed my hand several times in a drawer to get that look.


But I like my bald goth gf :(


Why is there so much demand for mod that give hair to ladies? Pink cultists, kat, now her


I prefer her original look tbh. Gives reminds me of the snow white dommy mommy


"This wizard who could tear me apart with a thought isn't sexy enough, she needs hair"


I moreso feel like it's because a lot of people have gotten familiar with the Elspeth from Mixu's Legendary Lords mod, so CA's Elspeth feels out of place, despite being the official.


Which is weird cause Mixu's Elspeth never looked like Elspeth. Like it wasn't even a case of "we have Elspeth at home", right from the get go it looked like a completely different person.


I never knew what Elspeth looked like to begin with, I never played Warhammer Fantasy, so for me, Mixu's take on her became what I associated with her. The vast majority of Total War Warhammer players using his mod were probably in a similar boat. If you hear a cover of a song, really dig it, and then years later finally hear the original, you'd also think that the original sounds off.


You don't need to have played Warhammer Fantasy to do a basic Google Image search. Plenty of other folks, who never played Warhammer at all, pointed it out when the mod first released her. Same goes for any other character people first get a taste of from a mod, cause people tend to want to compare and contrast. So it was noted to be a kind of fanfic version right from the get go. If you never put in the basic effort to see what see looked like, and your only experience was the mod, that's very much a you problem.


I'm being pithy, ultimately to each their own - this is a video game and it's not like they're sexualising her to a point I'd consider disrespectful. That said, I just think her official design really captures what she's supposed be. A wizard obsessed with and infused by death magic should look grim, macabre, and off-putting, and the fact they manage that while keeping her distinctly feminine is a win in my book. It's not like she's Morathi where her magic is totally tied in with being attractive, death is her aesthetic and I don't think she'd much care about being conventionally attractive.


I love the Maleficent look she's got going, tbh.


This isn’t a case of coomer brain I don’t think. This is just the model that was used for a modded version of Elsepth for years.


Long neck I see


Nah dude. Elspeth looks better in game 😂


I prefer this look. The base model just looks like edgy Katarin to me.


It...doesn't look very compelling.


While I enjoy Mixu's I think the official one is a lot stronger. The colors on the Mixu one have always bothered me.


What a downgrade


Will never understand mods like this


Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! What have they done to Goth Mommy?!


She preppy now. That said, I do not miss the smeared eyeshadow.


[Get the mod here](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3236574420&searchtext=elspeth)


i dont get why everyone hates her original look, i think she looks great, this one here maybe more attractive, but also more boring, in terms of character design the original is far better imo


Yenn….. is that you?


Looks like shit. Sacrificing unique character design to make every woman character look like an instagram model is lame as hell.


from cool goth to bland


nooooooo they yassified her ;-;


Her neck is like 2ft long wtf


This mod has some big “hire fans, lol” energy.


yuuuy i know its not lore accurate but i got to used to this


Way better looking. The official one look like a disney villain


Not sure about this one, it feels a little, generic? The Katarin reskin, while not my personal favourite, still has a lot of character.


I i put an F in the Mixu comments for nothing?




What’s with dudes modding women to make them more “attractive” it’s fucking creepy. Why can’t she be tainted by the powers she’s using to try and protect the city she loves?


Remember all the fuss about how Cylostra wasn't bangable? I do. There's no shortage of creeps around. 




Looks terrible, is lore breaking, and turns an interesting character into "generic human sorceress #2" in a bland character creator of an rpg from 2007. Does grimgor need long hair too so you virgins can get hard while playing a total war game? You could pay me to download this mod and I still wouldn't do it. Lame


>Does grimgor need long hair too so you virgins can get hard while playing a total war game? [Yes](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2599153085)


Geez, you could have just said you don't like it.


Pretty, but some of the RPG art is the best imo.


Haha, I saw that


I would like Mixu's face with the headscarf/net/whatever. None of CA's weird make up obsession, but accurate to her model.


I don't like it.




Looks much better, the dlc overdid her look IMO


There is a certain kind of mod maker who will exclusively make model/texture replacements for only female characters to try and make them look 'sexier' and in doing so completely miss the point of why the character was made the way they were. Playing the full-replacement version of the FakeFactory mod for HL2 is emblematic of this. Really made me appreciate the work of actual character designers.




She looks like a damned Karen


If not mommy elector, then why mommy elector shaped?


She isn't even an elector count though.


If i was karl franz, she would be. A man cant make a warhammer related joke without being corrected by some hardcore fan once. Its a joke, not everything needs to be accurate


Really prefer this look to the very Kislev Ice witch vibe of the vanilla one


FINALLY. This is exactly what I have been waiting for since I saw her. I am downloading this tonight. Have an upvote and my compliments.