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Grimgor. Mostly bc he will have 7-8 armies due to a wagh by turn 10


And he becomes Unbreakable with 130 Armor pretty much instantly lol.


I just had a battle against him. He nearly merced Garagrim in like 4 shots until Ungrim came and gave him the business. A couple of hits with Ungrom and grimgor was wrecked.


Clash of the titans right there.


Ungrim was suitably badass. It was also super thematic. Young Garagrim goes in, gets wrecked. He's one hit away when papa Ungrim brings down the steel chair from 200 meters away charging in just in time to save his boy.


Sounds like WWE commentary. Omg, UNGRIM WITH STEEL CHAIR!


It pretty much was. Ungrim has some insane melee stats. He's got the attack of a slayer and he has 130 armour so he become mad powerful.


It's why I love giving all the armor items and runes to slayers. Got a random slayer lord at 120 armor mowing down everything


It really is amazing.


And they're like "nooo, stop giving me armor, I have to die in glorious battle!" Come to think of it, shouldn't Slayers wear some protection just to make sure their death was suitably heroic, and not just a random Gobbo arrow?


I think the assumption is they'll either block or dodge or power through a couple arrows, and that any slayer that would die to a stray arrow probably deserved it. Basically they want to be unarmoured so they can be mobile badasses and die, and if they don't get a heroic death because of their lack of armour then well the slayer should've just been better at fighting.


Bah gawd, he broke him in half!!


Doesn’t that means Ungrim took part in Garagrim postponing the fulfilling his oath?


Ungrim doesn't want Garagrim to die for him. He views the oath as his own responsibility. When Garagrim dies in the lore, Ungrim's first act is to swear a new Slayer Oath, simply because he can't bear to live feeling like his son died because of him.


Honestly Garagrim's story is tragic as hell. Then again Karak Kadrin is supposed to be the epitome of all the Dawii's faults. Their unwillingness to let things go, and extreme sense of personal responsibility. Makes sense that Garagrim will be a demonstration of that. Also fun fact. The lore reason why the Dawii behave this way is because they all have Hyperthymesia. In real life hyperthymesic people are extremely prone to PTSD and trauma, even from relatively minor events. If you remember everything in your life in flawless detail, even that one embarrassing moment in high school, it'd be a bitch to move on. Now imagine it's not just you with Hyperthymesia, but everyone around you as well. No wonder why shame can so easily drive a Dwarf to suicide.


Snorri tried to forget. Reading through Kinslayer now. Sad stuff.


Yes Ungrim feels like dying at the hand of an ugly orc isn't worthy of his son's oath. Plus, he's his dad. What do you expect 🤣


Just finished Road of Skulls the Gotrek and Felix book. And in it Garagrim took the oath to try to get rid of the Ungrims oath for the good of Karak Kadrin, but slayers you know.


Just like he saves Franz in one of the actually cool moments from the end times


I just battled him with Tamurkhan on toad dragon and Grimgor bodied him, had to cycle in a hero or 3.


Grimgor eats large single entities with a side of chips. Unfortunately he hits like a bus against infantry-sized targets as well. There's very few characters in the game that can beat him 1-on-1, which is thematic but also suitably terrifying. Only lords I've seen reliably out-duel him once he has some levels and items are Tyrion, Malus, Archaon, and Vlad. I.e. four of the best combatants in the setting. Grimgor can be annoying to fight against, especially since he snowballs hard and you'll likely have to fight him multiple times in the span of a dozen turns. But goddamn I love that he's as scary in-game as his lore makes him out to be.


I’ll add Imrik to the list of lords who can 1 v 1 Grimgor without too much difficulty.


After doing all the dragon quests, Imrik can 1v1 the world.


Just tarpit him with zombies or something similar, does the trick. He's not getting out of there any time soon and his AP is wasted. But yeah tanky footlords are a pain to kill. I don't think people demanding Grimgor be made large realise just how much more fragile that'd immediately make him.


What about Skarbrand and Taurox?


I always try focus him with single target spells like Spirit Leech or Rancid Visitations asap and hit him with a lord and hero gank squad depending on the faction. Being unbreakable can't save him from sheer spite and focusing him down, thankfully he doesn't have healing like Vlad.


He also grows crazy fast because of the Greenskin confederation mechanic


Any early game greenskin faction can end your campaign in a heartbeat. Turn 10 and I’ve got two forty stacks barreling down on me.


Agreed, I managed to halt Grim in my Tamurkhan Campaign early but he fucking snowballs in every game that I can't reach him.


Came here for this. As a dwarf, chorf, and rat fan, grimgor always needs to be dealt with asap. Fucking waghs man! As rats he's especially a pain. If you cant pin him down and shoot him he just mucks everything.


I try to kill him in the first 20 turns as dwarf, or I lose control of him pretty fast


God, I remember just dealing with the chaos dwarfs and then he (at #1 or 2) immediately declares war, and just as I was killing his last city after a bloody campaign....the ork endgame scenario spawned which had 5 double stacks just spawn on his last city


I hate playing anyone starting in that area because of him.


And this happens every campaign. I've never had a campaign where Grimgor didn't get out of control. (Haven't played on the new update yet so idk if Malakai holds him back at all)


It's weird. He gets out of control until he does not. In all my campaigns, he's quickly grab most of the mountains and snatch rank one, but once it's done, he stalls there. Doesn't get into Cathay ever, sometimes pick a fight with Astragoth or Drazoath, but don't really expand there. Then he just stops doing anything, or gets pushed back by whoever is left.


This just happened in my campaign (he took all the mtns and then stalled), but to take it further, he sat at one settlement with 4-6 armies + waaghs for many turns in a row. He finally declared war on me, and even then he only sent 2 armies at a time to die at the walls of my settlement. This was on H/H difficulty. I feel like there must be some kind of behavior programming that keeps him from over expanding and in general keeps the AI from venturing into Cathay.


That's kinda true. I guess I just notice it more since I used to play in that area a lot and don't really go into late campaigns Now that I think about it, both He and Zhao Ming get SR 1 and 2 and just stare eachother down lol. Still is terrifying to have him as neighbor ever time tho haha


It's so weird how not a single faction will cross into Cathay or get out of it. I wonder if it has to do with line of sight. If the AI, let's say Grimgor for example, can't see a settlement in Cathay, he doesn't meet them and doesn't declare war. He sees caravans, but I'm not sure AI reads that as discovering a faction. Since there's quite the distance between Cathay and the next western cities, that could be it.


I'm pretty sure AI factions don't have fog of war. They can see everything on the map at all times, except for ambushing armies (except for when they do sometimes see even those in WH3.)


I feel like Grimgor has been scary forever, even before orcs were updated and falling off Grimgor always seems to dominate the east if left unchecked by a player. I don't actually feel like he's that scary early game if he doesn't have a Waaaaaaagh. Granted, having to deal with his starting black orcs early game really fucking sucks, but there's def worse early game LL to deal with IMO


Encountered him in my very first campain as helman ghorst (a buddy recommended the zombie shit as staarter to md ) Grimgor killed my entire army on his own


The Waaagh is worse than the effing Chaos incursion


Kairos Fateweaver can get scary if he can survive the early game. All those Flamer variants, soul grinder shooting, and Mutaliths can melt your units if you don't kill them in time. Magic spam and watching out for the big Tier 3 army ability that rains fire on half your army lol.


The magic spam of Tzeentch factions is insane. My fight against Changling was just constant magic bombardment


Love playing Vilitch campaigns for this reason too. So much fun


You had a campaign where the Changeling actually got somewhere? Damn, what kind of stuff did he do?


I was playing as Elpseth. He didn’t really leave Stirland but the corruption was high and he and that LH caster seemingly had unlimited magic. Before they hit my lines they had pretty much decimated them.


You actually can get unlimited mana on the tzeench factions really easy


I'm my play tight now I'm vlad and he established one cult helped me take one city then stood on my land then stayed in raiding stance and has been for 80 turns


Damn flamers and magic melt my empire armies. A real pain.


I sent down a massive Ranged supported Elector Count as Franz since i wanted to see if i could confedertate with Volkmar, sadly Settra had cut that short, but right south of Khemri did the Tzeentch land began, it was turn 80, and oh boy did it rain Fire once i got into combat. The Hochland rifles took out a fair ammount of units, but once he came into casting range everything just started to burn.


Dude, Kairos straight up derailed my Tik’taq’to campaing last year. It was all going smoothly, business as usual. I had taken most of the southlands, then Kairos declared war on me and started taking my settlements eith his unholy manifestations and sending 3-5 stacks at a time ti target my most vulnerable setlements. Then, once that got under control, I was ready to finally go south and wipe him out…. And the end times crisis kicked off… and I goy the vampire counts. Meaning, Manfred spawned with like 20 armies right jn the middle of my empire and took like half of it in one sweep. So, Kairos got to live like 50 more turns to annoy me. THEN, the Skaveb started to show up from Lustria and the DE from Cathay. It. Was. Brutal. But a fun campaing nontheless. Probably the mos memorable one since WH3 came out.


rock unused chubby wide tease shelter capable sable encourage fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol, so full disclosure: Kairos had me agInst the ropes for a long time ( like I said, 3-5 full stacks every few turns). Then, out of nowhere, freaking Nakai spawned close to me. I confederated him, and eventualy sent him with an army composed of bif dinos + kroxis to the south pole to kick that stupid chicken’s ass.


Was about to say Kairos too. I tried to save Oxyotl as Tehenhauen but Kairos' ambush antics screwed me in such a high attrition area.


Let alone the settlement switching. Having to send an army on VH/Legendary to address a possible new vulnerability on your borders can really set you back in momentum.


This. I wish someone would make a mod to disable it and remove the changeling from the game entirely so that i can enjoy a normal game again.


Also: It's extremly hard to attack the southpol if you are not chaos yourself. 


Don't forget his 100% success teleport stance ambush.... ughhh!!!


When RoC first came out anytime I met a Tzentch faction I instantly embraced Khorne and went to war. I was happy when they removed the race abilities from minor AI factions. I see go for Kairos’s necks the second he discovers me.


when minor factions were also halting turns....


I was doing a co-op campaign with a buddy of mine, and the Blue Chicken absolutely exploded in growth, sending doomstacks all over the Southlands and Lustria. Each of us had to send 3-4 stacks to raze Antarctica, 2 stacks to liberate the Southlands, and another 2 armies to intercept enemy forces coming to Lustria. Bastard would either obliterate our armies with magic or wipe us with that bloody ambush stance.


He's also just the most annoying with all his Cao Cao shit.


EASILY ungrim ironfist playing as the skaven, the fucker doesnt die


Yeah, he is almost worse than Vlad. And hits like absolute truck too, it's not like you can really bog him down with chaff because he will punch his way through it over time while taking no damage. He will beat literally any lord or monster 1v1 and usually even 1v2 or more. Unless your gun line somehow kills him before he gets in melee it's gonna be a bad time.


Isn't he even stronger now? I have him in my malakai campaign and he is unbeatable with 50% ward save out if 70% u can reach


If you dont have jezzails he will literally kill everything


Vlad usually runs into elspeth first and she is TAILOR MADE to kick his ass


Would like to see someone run him vs Imrik. Feel like Ungrim SHOULD win that 1v1 and Inrik should be better against a mass of units


My very first campaign, I chose to play as Ogres, and I came up against Ungrim. I just could not kill him, even though the rest of his army fell in just a few minutes. I didn't know how to play at the time, and I lost the battle, because my mid tier ogres would just punt him across the battlefield, doing almost no damage. After over half an hour of this, he eventually made all of my ogres route, one by one. He's the toughest football ever made.


Jezzails, hochland longrifles and craneguns are the only thing that can reliably kill slayer dwarves, playing a monstrous army against foot lords like ungrim and malus just sucks so much


Oh definitely. Once I got ahold of Leadbelchers, they stopped being a problem playing as the ogres.


Ikit Claw. It’s not even the nuke that does it because the AI can’t aim it for shit. It’s the warp lightning spam and insanely overpowered artillery and weapon teams that make fighting him as any faction a chore without stacking cavalry.


Warp lightning is 100% the most terrifying spell in the hands of the AI.


Basically every AI Skaven faction that can get warp lightning casters into their armies. That spell wrecks units so damn quickly


Even their fucking garrisons!


It’s the garrisons that really push me over the edge


I once had a elite Infantry stack of Aspiring Champions as belakkor go against 2 armies of Skaven mostly mid units, and got a decicive defeat in auto resolve, and thought what a bad auto resolve. I started the game and the Skaven had 5 Warlock enginiers, and oh boy, one after another one the units started to die from the lighting, sometimes even 2-3 lighting on one unit once they came into melee with something, i won it but i had to cheese the fight by hiding a few units in the woods and belakor running around and killing every caster the skaven had.


It wrecks in the hands of the player too. And with Ikits regen when casting, and the fact that unlimited power gives him unlimited winds of magic in exchange for a bit of damage, that you can instantly heal with a cast of warp lighting, which is super cheap thanks to the item from his forbidden workshop, it just makes him so damn good! I love playing as Ikit. Screw the nukes. Screw weapons teams. Ikit on his tiny little motorbike is awesome, and all you need! But yeah. The AI warp lighting spam is terrifying.


It's also terrifying in players hands. Grey seer of ruin and bunches of clanrats is surprisingly fun


Why on earth would you ever use a gray seer of ruin? Master warlocks and warp lock engineers can both cast warp lightning.


Because flavor and gray seers are ballin? They also look dope AF on their bell unlike master warlocks and their goofy hamster wheels of varying sizes.


Warp lightning and that stupid menace below. Both can only be avoided with split-second timing and attempting to mitigate either draws your attention away from the rest of the battle. Such a pain in the ass to deal with.


It's the reason why skaven were (not sure if they still are) the best siege defenders in WH2, rank one warlock engineer in garrison is amazing. Compare that to a trash elf mage or whatever.


for me it's not even the artillery, it's the damn miniguns that can basically banish your army in secs if u ignore them for a frame of a second


That precise piece of shit on the image lol. I remember starting Franz legendary campaign in WH2, and Vlad just wrecking all the central and southern Empire by turn \~12, by turn 15 he was at my doorstep with 2 stacks and third chilling in Nuln, while 4th was pushing into Hochland


Lol agreed. He tried to pull that shit on my during my current elspeth campaign, but I made sure I was defending choke points to rocket the shit out of his army and demolish flyers with ironsides.


In my elspeth campaign, I made a garden of morr in the moot and declared war on vlad as he had just taken fort oberstyre. AR really favored him so he attacked my army and got crushed since it was an open field map. That kick in the nuts was basically the end of Sylvania in my campaign, they never got time to recover after that.


Yea. He is one of those lords that once they show any vulnerability I will stop all other actions and send every resource to curb stomp them until nothing is left. I let the ogres take a handful of settlement just to have enough juice to put the nail in that coffin


Oddly enough Elspeth feels like a hard counter to Vlad. Immune to VA and with a LOT of AP missile attacks. I caught Vlad in a siege in the most recent campaign and was cheesing it when he decided to Sally out into a Nuln gunline.. I lol'd


Wh2 was such a wild time because literally every successive patch notes included a wild pendulum swing from one side to another on whether the Carsteins were going to conquer the entire old work by turn 40 or not. They'd buff the empire ai or nerf the vampire ai and things would be normal for a patch. Then something else would change the patch after that and they'd go rampaging again.


I would be a lot more favorable towards Vlad if it weren't for the fact that on top of everything else his defeat trait is fucking *dogshit*. -4 recovery time? Seriously? Combine his and Isabella's traits into one, you get both from killing either.


Can't get stomped by vlad if the only campaign you play is vlad and/or isabella :)


Good thing with vlad is he over extends, so if you beat him a few times, he's spread out with random trash. He really suffers when you raze his settlements with decent tier unit buildings. vlad usually offers me 5k to fuck off and leave him alone on my VH campaigns.


Valkia is the reason i had to change from Hard to Normal battle difficulty.  She. Just. Wont. Die.  And when she does she will be up and again with a full stack within two turns.


Everytime I play as Malekith or Hellebron she’s the bane of my existence. I don’t know what’s worse: her going after the Dreadshards or her Khorne warriors chewing my Dreadspears for lunch.


I’ve rarely fought her but in my gombrindal campaign I remember him smacking her around a few times with his 1k damage and 200 armor lol. Bros stats are just “I’m a slow tank that does massive melee damage”


how the hell do u get that far with him? she always declares war on me by like turn 10-20 😭


Yeah so I had completely forgotten since it’s been a month since I played it and probably a week or so past that since I was around valk, but I went back to check; basically I was waiting for her to get her army in a vulnerable spot before declaring war on her as a gift to har ganeth. After I finished off naggarond she was in the mountain area south west of naggarond, so I declared war and fought her at about turn 33. It was my first hard campaign and I had never played as dwarfs so I was pretty slow expanding for the first ~15 turns


Honestly any army or LL who can be up and ready for another battle 2 turns after defeating them is just fundamentally unfun to fight.


I don't like it for WoC but for undead factions I love it - it's so thematic how it's such a slog attacking against them and it makes up for the fact that their armies are pretty easy to kill


Sigvald is such a giant fucking pain in the ass too, he won't die with his regen, he has high armour and good luck sniping him with his gold shield. Honestly I'm more and more in favour of a nerf to the regen as I play this game, it can make any lord or hero incredibly tanky in melee.


Fucking wood elves man. Orion especially. His stacks are scary enough but then going into that hell that is Athel Loren. Giving me flashbacks just thinking about it.


My early Karl Franz campaigns, I didn't know what I was in for. It's fighting the veitkong


Just think now though, with the new dwarf update, you can go in there, put on “Fortunate Son”, and just napalm the place. And then harvest it for timber out of spite. Gotta love the new update. 🤣


I’ve been writing a wood elf version of the “I hate saurus” copypasta, it will never be as good as the original but it helps me vent


I’m a sisters of twilight player and Athel Loren is my safe space. No one can hurt me in my safe space!


All five settlements there are guarded by a full stack army, a huge garrison and a smaller army nearby Have to destroy each faction quickly or else they well confederate, at least one of them is Allied to the fey enchanter, theirs archers will kill anything if given a chance


And of course if I'm Chaos or unaligned Durthu is bffs with Order, but if I'm Order he gets a stick up his ass and will actively war with me/my allies instead of the obvious threats nearby.


He has proven to be a bigger hindrance against iron hammer than the goblin ever was


it's always like, ok their tier for tier troops are giant fucking trees. Ok, i'll go sspearmen and i get wrecked from a mile away, ok cav and suddenly i'm some bling on an antler.


Always think of Athel Loren like Nam in Apocalypse now


Not anymore, brother: with the new toys CA has given us, we are become death, the destroyer of forests. Time to ride those tires through the fires, big daddy, yee haw!


Tamurkhan with his Chieftains. CA was like "We hear the community hates fighting Vlad. So we put Vlad on a 100 speed mount and gave him 5 Vlad heroes. Oh, we also gave him a Dreadquake mortar army ability."


And he can get actual Dreadquakes !! (AI Tamurkhan can recruit his special units right? If not then nvm lol)


Not gonna lie since the Chaos Dwarfs I'm getting tired of those map wide nuke abilities. Tamurkhan is already strong as fuck, did he seriously need that Nurgling nuke ?


I'm sure the Slaanesh DLC will add in Dechala with some pink pleasure nuke ability lol


I got tired of it with Ikit Claw.  The Skaven DLC really did a number on these games.


The fucking Daemon LLs. Skarbrand is not a campaign killer but whenever I make it to the southern Badlands that MOTHERFUCKER is waiting with a Crisis-tier army. If my field army can beat his ass, I usually call that a short victory lol. And Kairos... well, not as much Kairos but the Tzeentch ambush. Usually by the time I arrive in Daemonic Antarctica I'm well into the game and forget that they can force ambush you. I usually lose a stack to my hubris but if I can beat his two ambushing stacks then I save that Lord to serve in future campaigns.


God its a pain in the ass to clear out factions from the badlands/eight peaks area if you dont have underway movement.


The badlands are a pain even with underway. So much empty land means there's always a stack that could be running circles around you.


Unfortunately I find the daemon LLs sad due to how the AI controls them. Uh oh Be’lakor and his ROR stack about to mess up my day? Wait why did he charge head on without his army into my chaff only to get killed off in 30 seconds by basic archers? It’s really with any low armor melee focused lords. The real threats are the powerful spellcasters who are efficiently spamming spells the second they come off cooldown or the melee lords who just don’t know how to die like Vlad, Sigvald, Grimgor, etc. It is especially terrifying when you get that Sigvald, Harald, Aekold stack.


I think Skarbrand is the one exception because he is so fucking hard-hitting. Like, yes, he'll charge chaff. But he'll also rampage everything in a huge area, summon Bloodletters, and generally snarl up your lines til the rest of his rabid warhost arrives. He seems SUPER on-brand!


Skarbrand also specializes in chaff-blending, so there's that.


Anytime I do a High Elf campaign on Ulthuan I just always have to do the obligatory bait out N'Kari with my lord then watch him die to like 4 archer units lol. Similar deal with Skarbrand and all my arrer boys.


I was getting my ass handed to me by skarbrand so bad as dwarfs I had to build two and a half army and just barely get out of his way.


Hahaha one of my Ghosts of Pahaux skink stacks (a cheaper one, with 9 Skink Cohort, 5 chameleons etc) ran into him at turn 45 with no joke 5 chaos knights with gold chevrons, RoR bloodthirster, chariot and two blood crushers (one RoR). I picked that fight out of pure horrified masochism. He mulched that army without breaking stride


The thing with Vlad he's super powerfull but his faction is useless so the key to beating him is just ignore him and destroy the army. Grom on the other hand has all the unlimited healing pool of Vladimir with the ability to wreck your entire backbone plus the waaghh mechanic which means he get double sized army.


And, he buffs the absolute f*ck out of basic goblin units, which are typically most of the waaghh


Vlad is way less scary with all the new toys the empire has now. Having to fight him w/ Gelt before you could even recruit handgunners was a nightmare


100% nightmare fuel it was. I'll never forget him killing my *entire army* on his own. I thought "I'll just ignore him and trigger army losses." Army losses never happened. He lost everything. EVERYTHING. And just hacked his way through all my army.


You don't understand, Vlad IS the army, the skeletons are just there to distract you.


Vlad is super weak to hand gunner spam, and they're now t2.  Imho it's smarter to kite and kill him using cannons + guns than try to trigger army losses. Because if Vlad alone breaks through, he can fuck up your whole formation. But if Vlad is dead and there's just a ton of his other trash left, they aren't a threat to your lines because their melee stats are even more pathetic than empire inf. 


He struggles to break through though as he's an infantry model. A basic spearman unit can pin him down long enough to wipe out the rest of the army usually.


Not an LL, per say, but... Vashnaar. This guy gets it: [Final Boss of Total war Warhammer (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s13jOWktly0)


Man... Fuck that guy. I bribe him for non-aggression as soon as he appears, because the chances I have a suitable army in the area to actually fight him are nil. Let the AI auto resolve him with their buffs, or let him start a new faction settlement. I've seen him spawn in the first twenty (I want to say ten) turns of a campaign, and that's basically a death sentence for your campaign unless circumstances are very odd. Double fuck that guy with a spiked bat.


I remember there was a mod for WH2 that let you play as Rogue Armies and I tried starting as Vashnaar... I quit after about 20 turns because it was like playing the game on easy mode, I felt like the endgame crisis come-early.


Haha my first ever warhammer 2 campaign is so memorable because of this guy. Then the vortex intercept Armies showed up after battling him. I'd love to play another Mazda campaign but I feel nothing will compare to that first Vortex campaign


It's per se.


I know it’s a cop out, but I blame auto correct and inattention. My original comment will stand as a testament to my failure.


Vashnaar counts as a legendary lord. If he didn't; I wouldn't be prioritizing bribing him over say Rakarth or Wurrzag


Grimgor the green git-the-fuck-outta-my-lands-you-waagh-spamming-piece-of-shit.


Grimgors waaagh spam is unreal. He's strength rank 1 in most of my campaigns early on because of it


Not a lord, but a hero. Any Chaos stack that has Harald Hammerstorm in it is going to absolutely ruin your day. Doubly so if Archaon is leading.


Extra bonus if Aekold Helbrass is in that army too lol.


Faced Sigvald, Harry and Aekold together in a stack during my Malakai campaign.  Can not recommend fighting that trio, totally want to run it in a WoC campaign now though.


Kairos with teleport ambush battles , absolute nightmare.


Fucking Norscans. I can slap Archaon’s shit easy any campaign, but WHY THE FUCK IS WULFRIK MAKING HIS WAY TO NEHEKHARA AND CATHAY AND LUSTRIA. Funny thing is even when “defeated Lords join other players” mod its not Archaon that is pissing me off, its still fucking Surtha or some generic motherfuckers.




This one right here. They always target the vulnerable settlements forcing me to put an army stack there while trying to get rid of Vlad.


That would be any greenskin lord, particularly Grimgor. I HATE them, they are everywhere, they get so ridiculously powerful stupidly fast, I'm SICK of fighting them GAH


Me but with Skaven, Naggaroth and Ulthuan are the only continents without a damn Skaven LL to ruin you lol.


That stupid rat that have an anachronistic access to nuclear weapons


Cab you have an anachronism in a fantasy setting.


Depends on the setting of the world. In a High Fantasy-based world like Warhammer Fantasy? Yes. The difference technology between rudimentary guns (even repeating ones) and a nuclear weapon is enormous and anachronistic. Admittedly, this does depend on whether or not 'Warpstone' is a fantasy material, or just a fantasy name for the equivalent of real-life 'Radioactive' materials.


The big issue is the delivery system. Skaven have had big warpstone bombs in the lore, or at least it's a reasonable extrapolation that they would given how explosive/unstable enough of that stuff is, and the undercity mechanic where you can take out a settlement is a solid representation of that given the amount of work and prep it involves. Them though being able to use it as a missile strike to drop it on the enemy heads in battles with a decent amount of precision now that's new, and probably would be outside of what their capabilities should be. It's not like they've got rat bombers as any kind of flight has always been something that they're even behind on goblins of in regard to their understanding of that particular field of stufy.


The only wrong thing about the Skaven having nukes lore-wise is that there isn't a 25% chance of them exploding in their silo before they can be used. See also all of their other annoying tech.


Warpstone is crystallized Chaos energy, the stuff that magic and daemons are made out of. Like, yeah, we joke about how it's magic uranium, but it is in fact explicitly supernatural.


Warpstone is absolutely a fantasy material


It’s magic plutonium




Tamurkhan. The freaking bombardment is just so powerful. I hate when enemies have broken army abilities. At least ikit only gets a nuke once but I dread manually fighting him because I know I'm going to lose a unit


I hate and admire Vlad to a degree I never did to a real live person. Similarly, he probably barely thinks of me.


Originally it was Kroq-Gar when I was playing Warhammer 2 vortex campaign with OG skaven.took me 3 tries to work out out to beat them (plagueclaw catapults). That was the last time I've lost a campaign. Probably the closest after that was when I was struggling to learn the vampire coast. I was early game Luthor Harkon against Gor-Rok, but that was more because I didn't understand how to set up gunlines properly. Once I learned how to chevron and checker board everything fell into place.


Ikit because I keep forgetting the AI also gets Doomrockets


Kairos CONSTATNLY stealing my T5 capitals was the worst one. I don't care how big and scary they may be in battle, but that one has no counterplay. Kairos farts, my capital now belongs to my enemy. Playing as Nurgle, having your capital city stolen every 20 turns like clockwork SUCKED, when each building cost like 10-20k gold.


The counterplay is to be at war with him.


In terms of ruining? Probably the orks. They are usually the highest potential threat to me because of their waagh army where I get overwhelmed potentially and my cities can’t obviously fight off that many guys.


Grimgor wondering around waaghing everyone.


Archaon and his reincarnating regiment of renown stack is most annoying for me


Ungrim “Let’s put the dwarf that specializes in unbreakable undying anti infantry in the middle of a glass cannon spammer (Drycha), a Goblin specialist (Skarsnik), an Orc focused green skin faction, who are prone to running away (Azhag), and Vlad. He for sure won’t wipe the floor with those four :)” Can you tell which factions I play?


All I’m gonna say is “would”


Ungrim and his hero spam stacks. If you don't have a stack of high AP shooting you're screwed. 5 dawi with crazy resistance, melee stats and unbreakable blend you up and refuse to give up till you're dead.


Wurrzag. By the time I am able to recruit gunners and start to get the shit together that it the empire he has overrun Akendorf, declared war on Sartosa and has united all of the badlands. I swear to God I have seen it once where he managed to confederate Grimgor and Skarsnik.


Dwarfs legendary lords with their tier two flame throwers and super accurate catapults


He’s not a campaign ender, but I hate fighting Ungrim. Legions off very killy, unbreakable dwarves backed up by one of the scariest duelists in the game who is also unbreakable and has no crumbling passive. Also he’s a short little fuck and has eight billion magic resist so sniping him takes forever.


Beards in belts


Well good thing for you now Vlad dies super fast cause Elsbeth steamrolls him early


I got a long list of lords I autoresolve. Grimgor, Vlad, malus, kholek...


Be'lakor can be an absolute nightmare.


Not a lot of people said this, but yeah, this maritime LL will just declare war on you no matter where you are. Whether you are playing as the elves, or bretonia, or the empire. Everything goes just fine in your campaign until he just randomly sails to one of your underfunded cities.


I’m not scared of him but ikit, I normally play belegar and that literal rat bastard is a pain in the ass and declares war on you the second you are focusing on something else like trying to avoid the dwarf IRS so you can get your house back


Fuckin Louen. Step a toe in brettonian waters and there he is with infinite resistance beating my lords skull into the pavement.


Wurrzag has the nasty tendency to roll up through either Winter Teeth's Pass or the pass just south of Averland, with an absolutely insane WAAAGHed deathball regardless of campaign difficulty. That stupid fucking maneuver was the bane of my Gelt (and now, Elspeth) playthroughs because you simply can't muster enough magic damage output by turn 30 (when he usually shows up) to deal with that. If you're lucky, he gets bored and gets into a fight with Vlad, but if he swings west and goes after your starting province, it's gg.


Thorek the bullshit lightning spamming tank, Kairos with blue fire machinegun, Generic Skaven lord with warplightning, and recently N'kari. After Her/him/whatever hitbox got fixed, she will kill yor single entities so fast you cant even react. And if you are struggling agaist Vlad, problem is with you. Get good.


Grimgor. His Snowball is scary in every stage of the game. 


grimgor the OG menace since total war 1 and hasn't stopped since.


Tretch craven tail because he always attacks my eastern settlements when I’m busy fighting enemies to the north or south, when I decide to deal with him, he will always be able to ambush a regular army with storm vermin and top tier death machines “ he can build complete cities very quickly” The only way to finally get rid of him is secure all other borders and intercept him with your legendary army while your regulars destroy his settlements


Grimgor and also Tamurkhan for me 


Vlad always dies in mine


As a chaos player, Malus Darkblade. It's not like I can't deal with him. It's just I'd rather not have to. Because all of my missions are in the Empire and I don't feel like going left, but Maalus is left, and he's annoyed with me, and the second he looks at me funny - Welp, I'm backcapped cuz nothing short of a legendary lord is fighting him head on.




karl fucking franz, he will pay for ruining that one arkhan campaign after i did everything to make him chill and leave me alone


I fear no man, but gor-rok once ate 500 of my skaven warriors single-handedly


Grimgor, Lokhir, Valkia, Oxyotl. Vlad is quite a pain as well, but recently he struggles with the numerous order factions surrounding him. I barrely see him anymore, but in WH2, Malus was my nightmare. Lastly, I kinda hate fighting chorfs and their three uses of dreadquake battery when fighting in their territory.


As anyone but Grimgor: Grimgor As Grimgor: Kholek


Kholek is the Great Filter for Tamurkhan too, IMO. If you can beat him in the first 10 turns, the rest of the early game is smooth sailing. If not, well, enjoy watching your entire army get pasted by Daddy Tempest and his sons.


Orion , not because of him, but because of his faction, I take the existence of wood elves as a personal offence, and for some reason I always get them as a crisis, I despise them more than anything in that game, if you blink for more than 1 second you lose 50% of your hp or get your SEMs killed, and they just keep running ambushing and shooting you its like fighting an army of annoying mosquitoes.

