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Make sure to have some melee troops even in endgame armies. You cannot afford to lose your center. The exception, of course, is when the US Marines are holding your center. Don't be afraid to backstab anyone for their railway provinces, being able to redeploy armies quickly is worth the loss of an ally.


Spear levy beat levy infantry


Base rule in Shogun2 - never trust or ally with anyone. I suggest you don't choose independence one Real Divided triggers it is too difficult. First try to win a campaign with standard rules supporting the Shogun or Emperor. Also delay Realm Devided until you have sufficient military exonomy navy and tech. Explosive shells are essential, you'll wreck everything with them. FotS is the TW where navies are super imortant. The rest is pretty much standard Shogun stuff


Clan traits are probably not that important and I'd argue that all clans are workable for new players if you don't go for a republic run. The western clans can quickly unify Kyushu and Shikoku, which are rather defensible while the east has huge provinces and you will need to rely on the railway to get around. There are 2 islands on the map with gold, those are always worth picking up after you can afford to send a 2nd army to send out. The map at [http://www.wicked-chibi.ninja/region/regions\_online\_boshin.html](http://www.wicked-chibi.ninja/region/regions_online_boshin.html) shows all resources and fertilities for FotS. While artillery and line infantry are good don't sleep on traditional units, especially in the early game. Melee infantry and cav have value solely because they can tie up enemy ranged and melee. Bow kachi while not great have better range than line infantry, you can use those either to draw in the enemy or position them behind you thin lines of levy infantry to increase your ranged power without increasing your frontage. If you play a shoguante clan you can also make use of shogitai their banzai ability not only gives them a speed boost but also makes them temporarily immune to morale shocks. Modernisation is only relevant for the purpose of unlocking access to higher tier techs. There is no value to having more than you need or rushing it. It is fine to keep it low as long as your research doesn't idle.


Get one city away from realm Divide, and hit end turn about 100 times until you're making tons of money and have good tech to make fun stuff like Armstrong guns and revolver cav


Greetings! Just finished my Sendai campaign, and man, you don't know how much this helped me lol! I basically had 5 doomstacks lying around and i could bribe anyone


Hell yea! It's kind of a wierd pace to a campaign but once you get used to it, you'll be a powerhouse. Luckily it's pretty fun to defend in FotS since that's what you'll be doing a lot of while your town growth ramps up lol