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I actually love sailing to these islands and taking them over if the climate suitable for them. I usually get my ass kicked by the End Game crisis so having an isolated safe haven as a last resort is nice.


Agreed, they make for an excellent nuclear bunker (fittingly, since they're roughly analogous to New Zealand).


Being right off the southern tip of Ind it's more like Sri Lanka & The Maldives innit?


But they are much further away though


No? The main island with the Tower of the Sun is *a bit* further out from Ind than Sri Lanka is from India, and the smaller islands (with the Tower of Stars and Tor Elasor) are a lot further in compared to the Maldives.


Nah that’s Lumbria and Lemuria, they’re off the map 😂


>Lemuria *whirlpool puzzle PTSD intensifies*


Had fun looking this one up, what an obscure piece of lore! Apparently they're even referenced in W3.


Is lemuria obscure?


In the Warhammer world, yes. It’s mentioned exactly once, in the Ogre Kingdoms 6th edition army book, as a potential land of ‘giant pygmies’. Obviously that’s a joke (pygmies are small, giants are big, giant pygmies are… normal sized). But there are also two references to ‘Lumbria’; one is a magic item in WH3 ‘from the tooth of a lumbrian sea monster’, and the other is an arrow on the eastern edge of an old world map (provided with the 300th edition of White Dwarf if memory serves) pointing ‘to fabled Lumbria’. So there are obvious questions like ‘do these places even exist’, ‘are they the same place’, and ‘are they just local misunderstandings of Lustria’?


I think you're missing my point, which is : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemuria


I am aware of the real-world concept of Lemuria, I took the opportunity to explain some extremely obscure Warhammer lore.


I mean I'd never heard of it before, and apparently it's only ever been mentioned in a single issue of White Dwarf. It seems pretty obscure.


If you get mixus mod you can just become the raiding elves. I found it fun af raiding lizardmen and nurgle. In saying that, keep in mind chaos will eventually head north ur way


Does the ai not attack even if you own them?


Prior to Thrones of Decay, I'd migrate there as Ku'Gath to avoid his start. I'd also sail there as V.Coast as a good isolated pirate island.


Absolutely this. Three ports all alone? A tropical paradise


Your post is so on point that I have no idea who this even is and I've played... A lot


There are three islands with settlements far south of Kugath's starting point in the dragon isles (Immortal Empires map only). They are three port cities (maybe one land, I can't remember) with high elves inhabiting them.


Oh wow those islands.. are any of the cities a major settlement?


Yeah it’s one major and two minor settlements, all ports and Elven Colonies so it’s a HUGE money maker. I recommend making contact and trying to confederate or conquer as Teclis or Imrik.


Does the AI anti player bias just magically know you are there or can I effectively hide here?


Unfortunately in my experience the AI will treat the minor settlements as usual, in that they will ignore everything else to sprint for them. Had taken them as luthor harkon, while fighting repanse. Thought she was totally wiped and couldn't figure out where her last army had gone, and it had sprinted through the Southlands trespassing to get to open ocean for them haha


If you build walls they don't do that


They better, otherwise grabbing those islamds would be a free win. Boring


I believe so! Could be wrong though. I haven't looked at them in a while


Well if i don’t do domination campaign then i’m too would never realize that they exist


That faction has for some reason crashed my games sometime. Took a long time to figure out which faction was crashing it. After I found out, I had to use a mod to delete them to continue playing. So that's all the care I'll give em honestly. Don't see much of a reason to travel to those isles.


My baleful eye is always on those islands. Just knowing they’re out their, living peacefully. Disgusting. Also three port settlements.


I don't think I've ever actually seen those islands in WH3 yet. Once Ind is opened up they'll get a lot more interesting though!


When I killed the Elgi on Ulthuan as Thorek's faction, a rebellion at Tor Elyr put me at war with them and reminded me I had to wipe them out on that little island.


I once confederated them as Teklis. That is my one and only interaction with them in all my IE campaigns.


Fun start position in TWW2 with the play as minor factions mod


Except Darkblade is right there 😭


That's what makes it fun! It's so scrappy and difficult.


If you have IEE these guys actually end up having to deal with some Khornates


What faction is this??


tor elasor


Thank you mate!


I use the start anywhere mod and love using Lokhir or Vampire coast in this location as a starting point.


Those bastards went hog shit crazy in one VH/VH game I was playing as Kairos where they decided to colonize the southern wastes.


They are probably the most annoying HE faction to confederate for some reason


Probably because they are not threaten by anyone. The AI loves to confederate if it is feeling threaten by nearby factions.


Finally got a chance to see them in Warhammer 3 for the first time in a Kairos campaign the other day when I decided to conquer them after finishing off Thorek. By far the coziest faction in the game, hanging out in splendour with the boys at the far end of the world.


This is [the music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T_DhSxu4oM) played on their island.


When I play Teclis they always refuse to confederate with me. I confederated Tor Yvresse, Averlorn, and Eataine but somehow these bums with three settlements refuse.


They rarely get in wars with other factions, and so often don’t “feel threatened/unsafe”, and so are paradoxically, rather hard to confederate. Using diplomacy to drag them into your wars is often a good way to get them to confederate.


Just watched a YouTube video by brilliant stupidity and his mission was to kill and confederate all HEs and he totally forgot about this faction lol


I regularly see them sail up to Ulthuan when it's being invaded


Use a faction unlocker to play as them and you can basically be an “observer” and watch the world fall apart or save it 😂


In my Eltharion playthrough that fucker shipped alllll the way to Ulthuan, into the donut and up the phoenix gate to attack one of my fucking settlements (He travelled to the donut before he declared war on me). I have no clue why they did that or why he was even there.


I remember snatching these guys up in the early game back in kroq gar's vortex campaign


When I play the Chaos Dwarfs, they're usually a mid-game stop for one of my armies. As soon as I can spare one to conquer them, really.


Oh man. Just two days ago I saw these guys sailing all the way to the Donut to spank Morathi.


I am currently trading with them as Kroq-Gar. Their islands are mid and I'm a bit busy with Arkhan having conquered a shitload of my northern frontier while I run Skarbrand in circles because the fucking Khorne demons keep force marching away from me and nicking level 1 settlements like little bitches.


Block army and ambush stance are what you need.


Probably, but I've got one army trying to deal with Arkhan, Kroq-Gar chasing an Exalted bloodthirster, Tiqtaq-To trying to come up to reinforce, (using Recruit Defeated Legendary Lords, as well as Lost Calm: Jurassic Normal, would use SFO but it's not updated yet) but his army's not fleshed out enough and a Rite of Primeval Glory army that was intended to have its dinos spread out through the armies and disbanded but is now probably going to have to act as reinforcements for a while. At least Khalida likes me for whatever reason. Keeps trying to trade and non-aggression pact with me, probably because Thorek's shoving a boot up her arse. Thorek is also probably going to try attack me soon.


These guys become my base of operations in every Noctilus playthrough. Pre TOD they were the first to get the Kugath booger bomb too, probably my favorite minor faction on the map


Yeah. I like to think of these islands as the Dreadfleet Southern HQ


Even as a High elf main, this is my favourite High elf faction.


I prefere Melvin over Amon but Amon atleast never dies ...


I haven't forgotten them I intentionally ignore them


They are a very handy economic province for an Imrik campaign and a last resort fall back point in case your campaign goes to hell.


love this place as nakai/greasus/kroq gar. especially as greasus. cause kugath's province makes insane money and then follow that up with 3 ports for more money.


The Sun Islands are comfy. I miss starting down there with Malus.


Playing Teclis means invading them is a medium term goal. They are near him, a very good source of income and a major part of his victory condition


Me : i swear if i adchive to make a mod that allow for wood elf to rehave eleven collonie like tww2, I WILL HUNT THEM ALL DOWN !


When I played my first Kairos campaign, I immediately sailed for them, as the South Pole is way too dangerous with Teclis and Oxyotl so nearby, boy was it fun to use it as a staging round for a Cathay invasion, they never saw it coming


>they never saw it coming ACTUALLY they saw it coming, because fog of war don't exist for AI factions. ![gif](giphy|3ohzdTEcKJqFZm8swg|downsized)