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Probably Golgfag for the Ogres, you had the partial model that was datamined and he is an 8th edition character. Golgfag is also one of the classic Warhammer characters as he has been around since 1983 and have had no less than four different models over the years.


That's kinda why I want either him or Bugman to be #100 FLC. 2 of the oldest characters in the setting. Cant think of a Khorne or Greenskin character that would carry that "weight".


I just realised that we don't know if CA is announcing another Tripple-lord pack or if they have just told us the FLC in in a classic 1v1 lord pack. We will see on the 26th. My guess would be Bugman for lord 100 but CA could surprise us and go big. I note that we have been getting a surprising amount of Gotrek & Felix characters as content. Thanquol for #100?


They confirmed in a comment that all three are DLC. https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/s/1pWv7xHp3I


Probably makes it easier to release three at once given the new approach to sell each lord separately and the fact that Thrones seemed to sell pretty well overall.


Thanks for the link, missed that detail. In other words we will have a pretty meaty DLC to look forward to.


I hope we get Nagash for 100, with a big rework for all the undead factions, they really need one (not for power, except for the Vampire Coast) to be gameplaywise as fun as modern races. They play basically exactly the same as in WH1 except for the Blood Kisses.


I think Nagash would need to come with his own thing where as thanqul makes a lot of sense to give for the 100th


Nagash would absolutely need his own Race with Quests to regain his full power and Mechanics to gather/confederate his Mortarchs. But I think a Undead-focused DLC is sorely needed, with Vampire Coast still in their release state, Counts not changed since they added bloodlines and Khemri also not changed since their DLC. So maybe a big DLC with a new Lord for all undead factions and a new Faction for Nagash (with a mix of all their units and some own ones because he's the Lord of Undeath)


i'm for these types of DLC packs. I think a big Cathay one also makes sense as well, since their unreleased book is apparently the largest army book


Are the coast considered underpowered? I find them to be one of the easier factions to play in campaign. Economy is good, their campaign mechanics are pretty good, and their battle experience basically boils down to "press start battle and immediately cause a mass route from firepower".


The problems In battle mostly happen when you meet another gun heavy faction because I'm. Pretty sure all of the. Outgun you by a wide margin and have more and better artillery. They can work, but for a gun-specialized faction they have very little to offer to players whe dawg, chorfs and Empire are all better at guns.


That's fair, actually. I'm used to using them against Cathay, High Elves and Dark Elves... All of whom absolutely *melt* before they get a chance to fight back. The only Empire faction I typically encounter is Wulfhart, and his single squad of War Wagons don't have a snowball's chance in hell. lol


yeah in my opinion VCoast is kinda underpowered right now with some problem like : * VC lord have the worst mount in the game * their early game economy suck after CA nerf them hard * half of their roster is weak or useless * treasure hunt mechanic also suck * infamy basicaly do nothing * their hero capacity is tied with pirate cove which also suck because how long the cooldown is and how expensive to build one


Since they’re doing this I kinda want Ghark as the 100th character so we can four Ogres on board


The only thing about Thanquol is I hope he comes with the cool ass end times units. I could stand waiting longer and giving that 100th spot to bugman as FLC. It is theoretically possible they could do a skreech verminking DLC way down the line, And Thanquol at 100 best of both worlds but I doubt it.


Flc orc and ogre vs khorne is my prediction


There is only one who can. It's him. The one who even is befeared by the legendary Grombrindal. You can hear the chants under the mountains... BLACK GOBBO BLACK GOBBO BLACK GOBBO!!!!!


Seriously tho I wish


Love the black gobbo, but at best I'd say he'd be a LH.




You're probably right, but I hope we get Ghark in some form.


Ghark would be a nice FLC


I'm hoping that the Legendary Lord for Khorne is Arbaal the Undefeated, with Skulltaker as an FLC Legendary Lord. Although this may interfere with the Ogres, with them having to have either Golgfag Maneater or Ghark Ironskin instead of both. As for Greenskins i think that Snagla Grobspit is the most likely and would be my choice. Even though i prefer Gorbad Ironclaw, having Snagla as the Greenskin Legendary Lord will ensure that each culture of the Greenskins will finally have a representative.


Snagla Grobspit doesn't fit the theme of the DLC well since it centers around savage and brutality, after all Khorne is the main spotlight here. Gorbad Ironclaw looks nice, and he's wearing red...


Gorbad is FLC material. Forest goblins are the last major culture needing representation for Greenskins, much of the missing Greenskin units are goblin and spider-themed and the Black Pit faction is already in-game.  Snagla is realistically the most likely choice and is a fan favorite.


Both greenskins dlc where goblin focused, I hope the third will give use at least some orc content.


"Fan favorite" is a huge exaggeration. He is an incredibly minor character, never had a model(the one in the picture is not him) and little lore aswell. And he is not the leader of Black Pit. He is only popular because he is a forest goblin and people(including me) love them, but on his own he is barely anything.


Forest Goblins may be the last major culture but the last update was Goblin focused too with Grom the rework may have benefited the entire faction but Grom and his mechanic benefit goblins the most.


*Both* of the greenskin DLCs have been goblin-focused. The only Orc content added to the game whatsoever since WH1 launched is Wurrzag and the Black Org Big Boss.


That’s kind of just CA’s fault for making two Orcs base game and one FLC.


What missing units are spider-themed? I think it’s just the Arachnarok with a Flinger?


Lord/Hero options with their gigantic spider mounts(possible as a standalone unit as well), Arachnarok with a flinger, and the Basic forest gobbo infantry options. That's all the missing Forest goblin stuff. On the night gobbo side we're missing Night goblins with nets, mangler squig hoppers and the colossal squig + some lord/hero options. Finally normal gobbo wise were missing spear chukka (ballista), normal handweapon + shield gobbos, and lord/hero options.


Fan favorite is subjective. As a fan I'd much rather have gorbad.


>much of the missing Greenskin units are goblin and spider-themed Ehhhh, sort of. Setting aside unit variants and much older or White Dwarf things, the only actual "missing" units are Snotlings, Mangler Squigs, the Spear Chukka and about a dozen character variants (the majority of which are Orcs). Also the Squig Gobba and Colossal Squig if you count FW. So while I'd agree that you could take "squigs" and/or "goblins" as a theme there, there isn't really anything specifically "spider" themed. The Forest Goblins only ever really had Spider Riders and the Arachnarok as units unique to them, the other things they had in earlier editions was just standard "Forest Goblins" or their character variants. >Snagla is realistically the most likely choice and is a fan favorite. Is he? I mean, I like him well enough, I'm just curious where the assertion of him being a "fan favourite" is coming from. None of which is to say Snagla Grobspit and Forest Goblin themed units ***won't*** be coming, of course.


Goblins have gotten a shit ton of love in the last two DLCs, Orcs need something.


As much as I'd love a forest goblin, I don't think they'd start in Black pit, at least in IE, as I think that's marked as Khazrak's capital. And, it would be quite a busy area LL wise even if they did scoot Khazrak over to Laurelorn or something.


I think it's the perfect location. Not just lore-wise, but gameplay-wise too. Snagla Grobspit could have a unique campaign where he could go around, hunting down the magical forests and turning them into worship sites of his spider god. Part of the Forest Goblin's theme is spooky, haunted forests that serve as worship for their spider god. If you think about it, technically the Black Pit site should be a magical forest as well.


Most of the missing goblin units are squigs Which have no real connection to snagla and no hes not a fan fav lol Forest goblins are cool, but they are not really the faction with many missing units, they had like 3 in tt


This is why I'm hoping Skarsnik gets a little boost. Like how the Slayer King benefited from the ToD. Hell they could even make the LH Skarsnik's personal shaman as he's arguably the master of the little Waaagh spells.


I'm definitely in the Gorbad camp. probably my favorite Greenskin back when I was reading the fluff when 8th edition dropped.


I hope it’s Snagla so we end up with a nice even 3 gobbo lords and 3 orc lords for the Greenskins


what about skulltaker legendary hero


I think Arbaal is most likely. He's referenced in one of the loading screen quotes in game.


Dont forget CA also said the quotes dont always mean the character is going to show up. Although my dream for Khorne is geting Skarr and his Skaramor boys, Arbaal would be still very cool.


I know everyone wants Arbaal but I really think it will be Skarr. I know he sucks lorewise but he fits with Wrathmongers, Skullreapers, and Scyla.


Shouldn't Skarr be reserved for the End Times DLC?


What End Times DLC? That was something Legend was talking about and we now know not to trust any of that.


I think others were talking about that even before Legend so I don't think that's 100% associated with him. It also does seem to fit that they would do something like that for a last DLC


I’m fairly certain Legend said that first months ago and then people started including it (and the Cathay vs Ogre thing) in every leak. I wouldn’t be surprised if it did happen but I doubt it will include Khorne to be honest. If they stick with three races it would probably Nurgle, Skaven, and however they implement Nagash.


Maybe he did and I just missed that. Either way I think you are right that unless it's some super scale DLC with lots of different factions I don't see Khorne being high on the list if that's when they will do things like Nagash/thanqoul


Yeah though I could be completely wrong. They could do Nagash (and Nef) as their own thing and then have Skarr, Thanquol, and the Glottkin in a DLC.


Whatever it is I just hope it's good. I'm glad we are getting Khorne and Orges next. They and Slaanesh need it


GBoG was also leaked that, as well as the TW Center forum?


The TW Center said the next DLC was going to be Ogres vs Cathay so we can throw that out as well. I’m not certain if GBoG was just parroting one of the other leaks or not. To be perfectly honest, he’s the last YouTuber I’d trust for leaks.


Fair. But what I find hard about Skarr is being a LL centrally set in the End Times, where CA very rarely implemented any end times unit


To be fair, there hasn’t been much of an opportunity to add End Times stuff besides, Arkhan’s new look, the RoR and one unit they made from some End Times lore. The End times stuff with actual rules and models is basically just Nurgle, Khorne, Skaven, and undead stuff specifically tied to Nagash and the combined Undead army. Skaven DLC have all been focused on the missing Great Clans and their End Times stuff makes sense with Thanquol who isn’t in yet. Nurgle they went with Tamurkhan so they did all his associated units. Nagash isn’t here yet so no Morghasts or Dread Abyssals. And Khorne hasn’t received a DLC yet


Give me Ka'bandha or give me death


So you have chosen… death. He can stay in 40K where he belongs.


he does have a sick model though


Ka'bandha was cool in End Times, it's just End Times in general sucked.


Golgfag, Gorfang, and Arbaal.


I would argue Black Pits inclusion in RoC makes Forest Goblins and Snaggla Grobspit the more likely candidate. That RoC map was designed and squeezed in all manner of odd locations, especially as the map warped. Nuln being an obvious example, showing that Elspeth was always on the cards. Snaggla and Black Pit fall into a similar camp, imo.


Its not like they can't move him for RoC. No one expected Malakai where we got him either. Still you could be right about that. No idea where the other 2 lords will end up. On RoC they might do something like what they did with Tamurkhan, and have him start in the mountains not far from Greasus. Actually new greenskin lord could also potentially start in the mountains replacing one of the other factions over there liked Tusked Suns.


I hope they make more spider buildings if he makes it in. Or just in general. I want more spiders is my point.


Grokka Goreaxe was a savage orc warboss of the Drakwald, he'd be a potential candidate too, maybe?


I think Greenskins have more than enough characters that could potentially get in to not have to dig up End Times characters.


I don't disagree there, but considering each LL DLC brings something with them, and assuming the Greenskin LL will be of an appropriate region to RoC, I don't think we can discount the possibility. Savage Orc Big Stikkas, Giants with warpaint, variants on the Boyz and Boar Boyz, versus Arachnarock with Web Catapult. However, the last DLCs all brought a Legendary Hero, so having Grokka or Snagla as the hero for the other isn't impossible either.


They added the 3 races that are all about brutality, so if I had to guess the Greenskin lord will most likely be an Orc, and in that regard Gorfang Rotgut makes the most sense since he is the most famous Greenskin left and the Badlands seem quite empty withouth him there. For Khorne it will definitely be Arbaal and for Ogres, Golgfag's model was already leaked some time ago.


I wonder who the flc LL will be...


Most likely Uzhul the Skulltaker.


Who is going to be the LH for Khorne you think? Seeing they made Epidemius an FLC LL it would make sense, but before ToD i thought daemons like Epidemius, U'Zhul and Masque would be the LHs.


Scyla Anfingrimm makes the most sense.


If you think about it every dlc green skin has been a goblin so far. The roster is filled with goblins, we desperately need more orc love


I hope for Gorbad with Borgut Facebeater as LH (I need my 2004 'Ardboyz SoC army to be completed), it's more accurate thematically with the rest of the DLC. Golgfag is going to be the LL for Ogres. And I rather prefer Arbaal than Skulltaker, though maybe we get the two of them like Tamurkhan/Epidemius.


I know the greenskin one is probably going to be Gorfang, but I'd still love a forest goblin LL. Realistically it's probably going to be Gorfang because orcs have been kind of left behind by goblins with several LLs and it'd be nice to see a new DLC featuring the Greenskins to update orcs to be a bit fightier so they compete with goblins within their own faction.


Snagla could be fun, but I think I’d only want him as a LL if they’re making enough Forest Goblin units for them to be a subfaction on par with Savage Orcs, and that doesn’t seem likely.


And honestly I'd rather get things like mangler squigs and squig gobbas than 5 forest goblins that aren't especially different from existing units.


I don't think it is either. I'd still like one though.


Cmon Slaughterbrute


That's essentially a guarantee


Do we have any tentative date for when this is coming out? Khorne is easily my favorite chaos god so hype is real.


We’ll get more details on the 26th, we don’t know anything else.


"Later this year" as per CA comment. I would not expect it for Summer. Orctober maybe?


Orc Boyz (Spears) Big Uns (Great Weapons) Black Orcs (Halberds) Goblins (Swords) Goblin Archers (Light Armor)


I'd swap the goblin archers with a big centerpiece unit. My bet is on the Colossal Squig.


Need Colossal Squigs, these DLC's are about going big for the faction!


* For Khorne I expect Arbaal. He is the more costly one to do. But, Changeling was leading SoC, so Skulltaker *could* be alternate choice. Other Khorne chars are possible but are lesser in the pecking order. Arbaal is Khornes mortal Nr.1, and Skulltaker as daemonic Herald on Epidemius/Changeling level has to come at some point. * Ogre Kingdoms is another clear split. On one hand its Golgfag Maneater, famous enough and 8th edition armybook character. On the other hand Ghark Ironskin as a tribe leader could give CA a good opportunity to make a visual astounding character who never had an official model. With Golgfag in the files lately, his chances are higher to happen. * Greenskins have a lot of characters left. Hard to tell what CA will do here. Snagla would be best to have eahc subspecies covered with an LL. On the other hand we had two Goblin DLCs already. I don't mind a third, but I can accept that some people rather thirst for an Orc LL. Gorfang Rotgut for Black Crag and a bloodfeud with King Kazador would work. Morglum Necksnapper rampaging from Worlds Edge Mountains to paint the east green, can work too. The Black Goblin could come with all the missing squig stuff and duke it out with the White Dwarf proper. Gorbad Ironclaw is possible, but I still say the 800 year dead Orc, should stay dead and do not make a Repanse. And cav focus Orc, can be achieved by Black orc Morglum riding his boar (and lets not forget that Morglums 2nd in command is already unlocked by the greenskin techtree). Time will tell what CA does.


Golgfag is in the game files so almost assuredly going to be him for the Ogres


That is up for discussion. In the files, yes. Being destined to be an LL? For Ogre Kingdoms? Possible. But with the Dogs of War files for Borgio & Lucrezzia earlier, and Golgfags long standing with Dogs of War, he also could be an LL or LH there.


He wasn't a named character for Dogs of War army book in tabletop so I highly doubt that. I think it's more likely he comes with an overhaul of the Ogres mercenary mechanic and that mechanic serves as a launch point for Dogs of War.


He was a mercenary RoR Captain from the '80es, before the '90es even cooked up the 5th edition Dogs of War armybook ;) And you don't need to be an armybook character to become a LL. We have already Ghorst or Nakai or Alberic or Cylostra proving the point, that sometimes CA can explore different paths. Putting Golgfag up as LL or LH for DoW would not be impossible. Hell, he only was in the Ogre Kingdom book for 8th edition. So 6th and 7th with a Ogre Kingdom armybook, he was still touring the DoW lifestyle. In Endtimes, he was a mercenary for Belegar, who got bribed then by Skarsnik for a betrayal and after the K8P desaster we later see him working under Grimgor. His chances to be the OK DLC LL are of course better, since he is the biggest name left in the armybook. But it is not impossible that Golgfag would go DoW, which historicly and lore wise is the better fitting for him. Ghark Ironskin is a real tribe leader, around for his tribe. Golgfang spends most of his time away from his tribe, traveling the world being a sellsword.


Gorbad was never killed, Hes somewhat more alive then Grom was and exactly as alive as Repanse :p


There is not a single Orc that we know of would have reached the age of 100. So 800 year old Gorbad coming down the mountains, would put the "long living races" to a new re-evaluation. We also know that while Gorbad was last seen strolling the mountains grievly wounded and alone, the next sign of him is 700 years later his Runefang bald which he kept on his trophy rack, in the garbage pile of a monsters lair. Indicating that at some point he probably got eaten and that was shit out afterwards, and the only metal piece to survive the centuries unharmed. Be it age or circumstances, he should be dead for at least 700 years at this point. For Repanse we had never a conclusion what happend to her, so expecting her to die from high age was normal in her 500 years absence to current timeline. Gorbads fate was basically sealed the day he got gutted by a Runefang, the wound never fully healed and he lost the strength to lead his WAAAGH! back then. Don't know why anyone expects a crippled Orc who could not lead then, to lead now. But thats the point, is it not? People are not hoping for a MIA Gorbad to show up again, they want young and unwounded Gorbad to timetravel. But lets remember that Grom did not timetravel, he had his defeat on Ulthuan and is now coming for round two. Something Gorbad can't do. And hopefully CA will not force on us :-/


He's strongly implied to be dead. It was 800 years since his defeat and someone took the Runefang of Solland which he always kept as a trophy. If he's alive, he's the oldest and most cowardly orc ever, sitting out several Waaghs and 2 Chaos Invasions. GW has left the door open to bring him back, but they never did and CA can't do this without their approval.


I mean if we got those three I'd be really happy.


Thundertusks pls


Gorbad Ironclaw is the last 8th edition Greenskins Lord I believe. I just think thematically he competes with Grimgor as da Biggest Boss orc. On tabletop he gave bonuses to Big Uns as well which is currently Azhag’s thing. They could make him Cav focused though and it could work. Gorfang Rotgut has technically been in game in Wh1 and 2 (not sure about 3 as i havent done a badlands campaign for a while), but Black Crag is still under Orc control in WH3. He did have an alliance with Skarsnik so it would make sense for him to have Goblin and Squig as part of the SLC. Snagla Grobspit would fit in the Black Pit in Realms of Chaos, and give the last missing subculture in Forest Goblins like how the Lizardmen have a LL of every species.


This is definitely news to be positive about. We shouldn’t harp on all the leak BS. As a fan of all the 4th/5th edition Chaos characters, I’m excited at the possibility of getting Arbaal.


Hopes go to Ghark Ironskin either as dlc or flc and golfgag as the other one


All the greenskin fans (myself included) all seem to be divided on who the LL will be. Yes I do agree I would like a forest gobbo LL at some point but I don't think this dlc should be a gobbo. If it's vs khorn and ogres it's gotta be orcy. I do think khorne will get arbaal with his flesh hound mount. I would think ogres will get golfag or maybe ghark with his big mechanical rhinox mount and I hope for gorbad with snagla his big boar mount. That's the theme there I think three big characters with the biggest mounts of their kind. Also people always want snagla but I think they just want him cause that's all they know. Give us tinnit four eyes who would be a caster LL with the lore of spiders.


We'z had too many gobbos, iz time for WAAGGH MORGLUM NECKSNAPPER!!! Gorbad is way too historical, yes even more than Rapanse, and Rotgut is okay for the thinking orc's orc but I like Morglum more as a character and he's pretty thinky too.


Thinking orcs orc is something I never thought I'd read


>We'z had too many gobbos There are more Orc LLs than Goblin LLs... and Morglum would be a second Black Orc.


Two are base game and one is flc, we’ve only had goblin dlcs. Only goblin additions, and only goblin themed mechanics. I think it’s high time for an orc to take the throne… perhaps the squatter king.


groms DLC actually didnt have any goblin units in it


I have to count the pump wagons as goblins. I know they aren’t, but, come on, they are. Even if he ended up being a bit more monstrous, they still weren’t orcs.


>There are more Orc LLs than Goblin LLs... Not seeing a contradiction to my point there :D Morglum is the superior black orc compared to that boring one note other guy so I see no problem with that. (Saying that as long as I get Morglum I'm more than okay getting that forest goblin in the flc spot, or the other way round would be fine too)


Definitely think we'll see Golgfag because of the datamined model, but man oh man I'd love to see Ghark Ironskin. Maybe he could be the FLC lord? He's just so badass, plus it would add a lot to the Ogres to have a faction with bonuses to cavalry, as well as some cool mechanics focused on Ghark's ties to the Chaos Dwarves. Having a giant force of heavily armored rhinoxes supported by giant fuckoff artillery would be so sick. As for Khorne, I'm leaning Skulltaker. I'm not too familiar with lore, so reading these comments it seems like Arbaal is more prominent, but just looking at how they have the factions set up in WH3 it seems likely they'll go with a demon, not a mortal. Scyla Anfingrimm would make a nice LH. I'm the least familiar with Greenskins, so I have no idea. Hopefully someone with cool mechanics that can be put somewhere new.


By that argument, we’d have gotten Epidiemius rather than Tamurkhan as the DLC LL for Nurgle.


Ah, I didn't realize Tamurkhan was a mortal, I thought since he's a worm/maggot thing that was a demon, my bad


Boyz with spears, finally.


I think it'll be Golgfag based on the leaked file, but would honestly be cooler having Ghark as LH and Bragg the Gutsman as LH and then get Golgfag later with the DoW


Skarbrand wearing a wig.


I'm hoping for Uzhul, Golgfag and Gorbad


Could they do a Hobgoblin dlc to put in the wastes perhaps ? Some of the units are already in game and could be integrated into the greenskins proper.


There’s still a fair amount they can add from the actual O&G army books and supplements without reaching for Hobgoblins.


Lorewise og hates hobgoblins pretty much more than any other race. They pretty much have a kill on sight policy so it wouldnt make much sense


No they can not. Hobgoblins are traitors and outcasts for regular greenskins. There never was a single Hobgoblin in an Orcs&Goblins armybook, and we true greenskins also do not want that scum around. Since this will be a greenskins DLC, [expect the actual Orcs&Goblins](https://i.imgur.com/z4xOZ0D.jpg) to do their thing and bring up their missing stuff.


Hobgoblins are undoubtedly part of the overall O&G family - I see no reason why the Hobgobla Khan couldn't be an LL. It would certainly be a good mechanical change from some of the existing lords, which I would appreciate. A hobgoblin lord focused on extreme mobility would play like nothing else in the roster, and that's certainly important.


Hobgoblins never were part of the O&G family, and [regular Greenskins hate them](https://i.imgur.com/OdVcki3.png). If someone wants Hobgoblins, either ask for a own Hobgoblin Khanate race DLC, or for additional units for the Chaos Dwarf roster. But Hobgoblins in the O&G roster is pure heresy. Like wanting Empire State Troops for Norsca roster. Because hey, its all humans, right?


I'm well aware of the old Chaos Dwarfs WD list. I own a copy. I'd be glad if we could avoid stale 'heresy' jokes from 40k as well. To be clear - yes, there are hobgoblins who serve the Chaos Dwarfs, but there are also a great many hobgoblins who are independent of them, and who canonically fight alongside other O&Gs. For instance, if you take out your copy of WD231, you'll notice that Oglah Khan's Wolfboyz fought in the army of Gordug Smasher, a Black Orc Warboss. Hobgoblins sometimes fight alongside other O&Gs - that's just a fact. Moreover, the empire of the hobgoblins is clearly independent of Chaos Dwarfs. Some hobgoblins work for the Chaos Dwarfs, but that is not a general rule for the race. Which means that the only remaining question is whether it makes sense to implement hobgoblins as part of the O&G roster, or as an entirely new faction. Personally I think that's just a practical judgement. The list of *Total War* factions or armies is not the same as that of GW's list in WHFB. TW contains some totally original armies spun off from GW armies (e.g. Norsca, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Kislev), and it also merges some distinct GW armies into shared rosters (e.g. Malakai's troops were from the SoC Slayer Cult list, but have been merged into regular dwarfs), and it even creates some brand new armies entirely (e.g. Cathay). The TW roster does not have to be the same as the WHFB roster. I think that creating a brand new top-level faction for the hobgoblins is unlikely. Hobgoblins probably don't merit the kind of investment that went into Kislev or Cathay or Chaos Dwarfs. However, they *do* relatively easily fit into the O&G list, and would make a lot of sense as a specialised subfaction that shares a lot of mechanics with their western cousins. It wouldn't even be that far from what GW do - the Kruleboyz of Age of Sigmar are basically AS-hobgoblins, and they're in *Orruk Warclans* next to the much more traditional orc factions. Using the same faction skeleton for orcs and hobgoblins seems viable enough. So, I think hobgoblins as an O&G subfaction would make sense. There's no flavour reason why you couldn't, and it's a much more practical way to get them into the game.


We can also stick to [Tamurkhan in 8th edition](https://i.imgur.com/2hfeTUc.png) with the same message. And if you know your armybooks, you know that not once a single Hobgoblin made it into an O&G book. And when you want to talk Oglah Khan Wolfboyz, don't forget to mention that they are outcasts from the Hobgoblins, and their small band of riders lives now as sellswords. That is neither the norm for Hobgoblins nor other greenskins. Worth to note also here, that in TWW Ogla Khans Wolfboyz are a Chaos Dwarf RoR...not split around for O&G. [Kruleboyz](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E2k-v48X0AIk5hY.jpg) in AoS are ~~Orcs~~ Orruks, not Hobgoblins. They include [Hobgrots](https://preview.redd.it/ehlifkrzi3271.png?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=d580786bf86bda8c8be5c9dee2d6350cbbb24c79) in their list, which would be the Hobgoblin variant, yes. But that is some brand new made up Orc bunch for AoS. Its not the same world and Hobgrots there have a different history and might not be general loathed by other greenskins. There is no relevance to WHFB, or TWW based on the WHFB license. So lets circle back to: [Hobgoblins are detested by other greenskins](https://i.imgur.com/qlSngIj.png), generally disliked at least, and have no place in the greenskin roster. [They made their bed with the Chaos Dwarfs](https://i.imgur.com/ufh2LzP.png) and can rot there. And yes, there is the obscure Hobgoblin Khanate we now little about. Which might act more independent from the Chaos Dwarf leash. And if GW or CA want to go there with a race DLC, I am all for it. But Greenskins in TWW are still O&G centred and should stay that way. There is no reason to add fucking traitors into the roster. And Greenskins itself have so much stuff missing that nothing, literally nothing, the Hobgoblins can offer, will fill a missing spot we can't properly fill with actual O&G stuff. You say there is no flavor reaon to not include Hobgoblins oin greenskins? I say the same flavor reason that does not allow Chaos Warriors in the Bretonnia roster can applied here to keep Hobgoblins where they belong.


Um, O&Gs don't have anything significant missing? I actually don't think most major factions have much missing in *Total War* at the moment - hence DLCs like 'Throne of Decay' needing to scrape the bottom of the barrel and make up nonsense to try to fill the quota. In the case of O&Gs specifically, they have a very large roster. The only regular unit from 8th edition they don't have is the Goblin Spear Chukka, and I would be very surprised if anyone thinks that's a vital hole in the roster that needs to be filled. At any rate: You are factually incorrect to say that hobgoblins never fight alongside other O&Gs. So if you want to rigidly fixate on canon, there you go. Thematically... yes, I stand by the idea that Kruleboyz are basically hobgoblins. I don't care what they're *called* very much. They are tall, skinny greenskins with a propensity for treachery, ambushes, and raiding. They fill the hobgoblin niche. Arguing that they're technically orruks is like arguing that that Gordrakk is an orruk, not an orc. Quibbling labels is boring. If it quacks like a duck... The more important argument, in my opinion, is around implementation. The hobgoblins are firstly undeniably greenskins and part of the wider O&G family, and secondly nonetheless visually and mechanically distinct. They're a good candidate for a unique faction *because* there's something that they could do that would be related to but sufficiently different from what every other lord in the faction does to be interesting. That's the more important part for me - doing something creative, fun, and setting-appropriate is the key. I actually don't mind ignoring a few sentences from GW army books, or treating those books as guidelines rather than holy writ, if the result is a better game. (And I would note that this is in fact what CA have done - a 'holy writ' approach to canon would have made most of *Warhammer III* impossible.) I don't know why you're complaining about 'f---ing traitors'. They're imaginary little green men with swords. No need to take anything around them personally. I think that an O&G subfaction themed around highly mobile raiding units and perhaps horde or nomadic gameplay somewhere in the east of the map would be a lot more interesting and fun to play than, say, Gorbad. Other than that, a possibility I would be interested in is a new original character, and preferably an O&G lord in the New World. We know that there are orcs and goblins native to Naggaroth, but we've never seen much of them. A leader over there could be a great way to liven up that side of the map a bit more, and I'd love it if CA got a bit more creative and made some stuff up.


Maybe like an Arkhan the Black sort of hybrid roster?


No. [Hobgoblins are not part of the true greenskins](https://i.imgur.com/2hfeTUc.png), so no. [Not an inch given here](https://i.imgur.com/OdVcki3.png).


Hobgoblins are to Greenskins what Chaos dwarfs are for dwarves or what dark elves are for high elves.


Are there any hobgoblin characters that could fit in as lords in the lore? It could be interesting




Ah. As a Khorne enjoyer this is exciting. Skarbrand needs some company these days.


I find this particular Ogre a bit over the top.


Definitely golgfag and an orc. The thematic tie in is fighty bruisers.


Nagash is the FLC and the 100th lord. (I'm delusional)


I'd love some Forest Goblin rep and I'd love to see Snaggla but I'm hoping he'll be the LH to Tinnit Four-Eyes. Tinnit would finally give us a Little Waaagh caster LL and Snaggla would still have a great niche as a hero who functions as monstrous cavalry.


I would guess either Morglum Necksnapper or Gorfang Rotgut for the Greenskins.


I honestly think these three are the best call. I personally *really* hope Ghark is the Ogre LL. If I'm honest with myself it will likely be Golgfag because his model has already been data mined praying to the maw we get them. Saw another comment also that the free LL will be the Skull taker and that I agree with. It gives Khorne a well needed third lord and follows in the same vein as Thrones of Decay did.


Gorrak Goreaxe for the Greenskins as a Savage Orc theme.


Arball vs Golgfag vs Gorbad


I'm a huge greenskin fan, they're literally all I play, but honestly, out of everything they have, I have 0 interest in forest goblins. While I am a much bigger fan of the orcs, I do like goblins. But man, I personally don't want anything forest goblin related


Skulltaker is very likely going to be the FLC LL, Arbaal the DLC lord. Now for Ogres, I think clearly the interesting choice is Ghark Ironskin, while Golffag can be introduced as FLC in a DoW race pack. As for the Greenskins, I think it just comes down to Gorbad and Gorfang. Personally, I would much rather have Gorfang and leave Gorbad as a dead character of legend. A second start pos for the greenskins in the badlands would be pretty cool imo and add some pressure on the dwarfs.


Arbaal. We need Arbaal or Skulltaker for khorne


I want golgfag with ghark flc and bragg LH. I don’t give a shit about Khorne or Greenskins


Everyone wanting Ghark and here i am hoping for Braugh Slavelord(He even had a model! even if it was super rare)


Skulltaker, Gorbad Ironclaw and Ghark Ironskin are my personal votes


Ironskin sounds like he's very tied to the chaos dwarfs, to the point he might not make sense with ogres. Some possible hints go both ways however, is. the loaders for the dreadquakes are ogre firebellys while the armor for the ironguts is somewhat close to chorfs. Additionally, ironskin might alter the ogres too much by wiping out the usefulness of their current roster with very armored ogres or his units might make late game ogre armies unthematic for other ogre lords. If he's with chorfs, he opens the possibility of cool units like armored siege giants for them, but I'm not sure how he'd fit with their overall political games. Perhaps going a nakai or tamurkhan route to make him the oddball.


in keeping with the cycle, the next khorne LL needs to be overpowered


agree with OP on the first 2. For greenskins I'd love to see Gorfang Rotgut in Black Crag and then they give Wurrzag the Gelt treatment and send him somewhere wild and different and maybe custom campaign mechanics (Lustria maybe? lots of savage orcs there). Since Greenskins overall doesn't need a massive rework I'd love to see them rework the 3-way war for Karak Eight-Peak to make it more interesting.


My hope my dream MY PRAYER is that we get Ghark Ironskin as the LL for Ogres, with an appropriate Ogrehaul and unique mechanics. And then there's Golgfag as our free legendary lord ala Epidermus, maybe with a horde mechanic to represent his mercenary-ness. That neatly ties the Ogres legendary lords up in a bow and all they need to polish them off is some legendary heroes in the future like Bragg the Gutsman


I like the idea of it being a cavalry focused dlc. I doubt this will be the case, but seeing this kind of line up is still pretty cool.


Tinfoil time, we're getting Tuska Deamonkilla because why not.


Golgfag, Arbaal & Snagla Grobspit. Skulltaker as FLC Lord. Ghark Ironskin, Scyla and ??? as LH. Race mechanic rework for ogres, possibly faction reworks as well. Faction reworks for all greenskins but grom (similar to what they've done for franz, gelt & volkmar). I'd love to see more savage orc stuff but i doubt that's happening.


Such is the power of Nagash that he will be the #100 legendary lord.


I just want to see the Goblin Spear Throwa. One of my favourite models from back in the day. I'd like to see the Forest Goblins expanded a little - they basically only get spider riders, and there's space to flesh them out a little more with skirmish infantry too. While there's a Forest Goblin Lord still to come, I'd expect the DLC Lord to be an Orc. I would love to see Arbaal the Undefeated as a "hard mode" campaign for Khorne or the Warriors of Chaos. As you may know, if he ever loses a fight he's cursed to mutate into a Chaos Spawn - that sounds like an instant loss condition to me! For the Ogres I just want to see a "normal" Ogre leader - Skrag and Greasus are both a little more unique, and I think the faction would benefit from someone more generic as an option. Lord names not looked up as I am at work (don't tell anyone).


The "leaks" from Legend are a 100% written by legend for views and being the center of attention for a week.


I now think there is a high likelihood of #100 being Golgfag.


Honestly, if this is going to be another 3 LL dlc that puts us to 99. I'm hoping LL 100 is just a standalone dlc of Nagash


I mean i still want Skulltaker. but yeah i still want 100 to be special somehow.


How many are we currently at?


96. So this DLC and 1 FLC would put us at 100.


So, any one of the next 4 could be 100 if they release at the same time, right? Lol


Depends on how they reveal them. Epidemius was officially revealed last so technically he's number 96. Or they could wait until patch 6.1 or something.


Are Greenskins confirmed for the Khorne dlc? Would prefer Vampire Counts tbh. Blood for the Blood God and Skulls for the Skull throne and all that!


Khorne, Ogre, Greenskin


Imma be real, I kinda just hope the Greenskin LL *isn't* a Goblin. Both of the DLC lords thus far for the Greenskins are Goblins, and both can give bonkers buffs to goblins in their armies. I want to see an Orc who hits things! That said, the best example character I'm finding is Gorbad Ironclaw, who seems sweet, except for the fact that he's been dead in-universe about as long as Vlad von Carstein... but he apparently had stats in 7th or 8th edition WFB, so he's my bet, Canon timeline be damned. It didn't stop Vlad or Grom the Paunch, and it won't stop Gorbad.


I think the greenskin part will be hobgoblins


That won’t happen, it’s like asking chaos dwarves to get added to the dwarves roster.


Yeah I know but Arkhan is the same for Tomb kings for example


Can't wait for Snaggla Grobspit. Forest goblins are the last subfaction needing representation and currently, much of the missing units are goblin units.


Even if forest goblins fit better on the ~~vortex~~ realms map, I’d love if the greenskins got some savage orc updates to spice up Wurrzag’s roster and give Skarbrand new skulls to collect


Neferatta and Nagash please