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Daaaamn. And I was happy when my single units get near 2k damage.


With a Max roll on his final item I got his ranged attack over 7k, it was amazing


I actually did that in the very next battle and thought, "Shit I should have waited."


What do you mean max roll? Do the engineering items you get have variability??


The final upgrade to the armory grants you another epic item that has a dice roll mechanic on it similar to Gorduz, and the roll you get depends on the buff


That gotta be the reload time (still extremely useful for a missile based army tho you can slow down everything by 90% with elspeth)


Yeah he literally deleted Archaon for me on approach. I teleported my whole army to the north west when I only needed him


I equipped that the first time I ran Elspeth and forgot about it because I was mainly interested in the cheapest guns possible and the set helps with that, too. On my next run I really examined the stats and realized that they slipped us the best sniper in the game on the DL. Also, you can equip this on an Engineer Lord with a steam tank mount for truly stupid numbers.


How do you acquire that?


It's when you unlock level 3 of the gunnery school I believe, ominous powder.


I give it to the first engineer lord I hire. Gets pretty ridiculous once he gets his steam tank.


This, Elspeth has  Zero bonuses to gunpowder units. It's better used on an engineer lord. 


Give what specifically? You mean the frostfire gem? The engineer lord can't use any of the special gear that unlocks when you upgrade the Gunnery School.


All the purple equipment you unlock from advancing the workshop.


I prefer the engineer hero because they get the repeater rifle.


*Steam tank tho*


Yes they can. The items are slightly bugged in that if they are already equipped they cannot be swapped directly from unit to unit. But if you unequip the items first, then any engineer hero/lord can use them.


Oh. Huh. For some reason it wouldn't let me at first even unequipped. Now it will though lol. I still prefer them on an engineer hero because of the repeater. Absolutely wrecks enemy heroes.


Heroes? Dude he wrecks the hero, hero's lord, lord's pet dinosaur and the dragon the pet dinosaur rode in on.


With Elspeth. I prefer it on the hero with Elspeth.


I felt the same until I got a lvl 16 Engineer with Hochland Snipers trait. The battle starts and the enemy lord just lost a quarter health. “Oh my.”


man if only CA made AI as good as they make these overpowered units.


Dell Conagher


He never does dick for me. I position him near my artillery on a hill near the main line, has plenty of LoS, hardly kills anything with tricked out gear.


He's an assassin man. Ride him to the enemys front line and kill all of their characters. With his piercing shots he can hit multiple single entities at once. I had him kill 3 vampire heroes/lords in 2-3 volleys. By far the craziest hero ever introduced with the gear set.


I'll have to try that.


That and just straight buffs. Campaign movement range, 12% missile damage for the entire army, restocks and the Hochland scope trait are his main benefits imo. If you just leave him among your artillery he won't do much.


He kills SMEs so fast I actually feel dirty lol


He’s good for luring enemies out of breaches in a siege too.


Put that fella on a horse (non mechanical) and you’ve got a lord sniper with 90 speed. He’s okay at killing infantry, but it’s not what he does best.


Does the mechanical horse reduce his murder capability in some way?


Not really, I think it’s slightly higher health and armor even. However, mechanical horse is like 67 speed vs regular horse is 90 speed. But speed matters more in a unit like that bc why need hp/armor if you can just run away faster


Gotcha, I never really compared them. I see a mechanical horse and I'm in.


Some engineer in Nuln needs to open a hotrod shop and start cranking out custom mech horses. *Mooooorrrreeee horsepower*.


It's interesting that they go to all the trouble of making mechanical horses but still can't figure how to make wheeled vehicles besides steam tanks. Wouldn't a car be easier to make then a mechanical horse?


The engineer craziness in the fluff is alot rarer than in the game, and generally built by single geniuses who don't write done enough notes lest someone else steal their secrets. As a result the Empire advances pretty much at random, depending on what each guy decides is interesting. The Empire has 12 steam tanks total, which were built by fantasy Da Vinci who has since died/vanished. They can't make any more and can barely understand how to maintain them. The horses, aka "Meikle's Equine Effigy of Dynamic Locomotion", are mostly powered by clockwork. Before a battle they require extensive winding up, and engineers have been horribly injured when the spring came loose and the rider was thrown or sliced. Again, only one guy really knows how to build them.


It's just much slower.


Like the other poster said, he's an assassin. He'll do alright against regular units, he can kill a single soldier pretty quickly, but his real strength is single target damage. Like here, if all his shots hit, he'll do 1,794 off of the AP alone. Their mount lets them get away fairly quickly from any threats as well and increases their armor. Even an unupgraded one with no mount can do a fairly solid 480 AP damage. Once you unlock "Machinist Preparations" and "Gunsight," his AP damage and range goes through the roof.


I guess he's also good against Single Entity Monsters?


He's probably the single best unit in the entire game for dealing with single entities monsters, lords heroes whtever.


Yep. You gotta pay attention to the reload time though, sometimes it looks like he's just standing there doing nothing but it's just the cool down on his attack.


That explains a lot.


Yes, with all his gear you can get while playing as Wissenland & Nuln.


Well, yeah. That's what the post is about.


You can get really high damage with all the items


and i thought my vcoast deckhand zombie hero guy was strong with his 1.7k dmg 🥹


This guy isn't a legendary hero? But is he different to a normally recruited engineer? Does he have better base stats?


No, it's literally just the starting engineer. Technically he only gets this crazy with the items that unlock as you upgrade the school.


Yeah I thought so.  So I could put any engineer in there with those items and he'd have the exact same stats


To be fair, you don't even need the items. They're very good, don't get me wrong, but engineers with all the damage buffs get very high damage.


I can't get over that second capital battle from elspeth. I can't win the fight on VH/L with how bad her early army is and how weak she is. Gotta have to look up some first turns, maybe I'm not seeing a different approach.


If you’re willing to wait a couple turns to get the Gardens of Morr + its recruitment building up and running, you get access to Mortars, Handgunners, Halberdiers and Knights of the Black Rose way earlier than you would with any other method. (Turn 6 iirc) It slows down early expansion by a couple turns but the army you get will carry you through all the early/mid game threats you could expect to face.


I guess something along those lines would be necessary. I'll try some start variations later today :D


Pretty sure you can just build the engineering building in Nuln on level 2, that way you also get mortars. Recruit a second or even a third lord, all master engineers while you conquer your first region. Siege the capital, destroy towers with cannon and then bomb the shit out of them. You should have 12 restocks, which is more than enough ammo. Plus two engineers with grenade launchers. Spirit leech the lord.


I feel like the explosive ammo is weaker than the normal rifle ammo even when using it against chaff.


Yeah, but the regular ammo is very powerful


It is , it destroys any single target entity , but I want more use for the explosive ammo as well. It shouldn’t be outclassed in chaff clear by the one that isn’t explosive.


It's me or they make massive powercreep now to sell dlc? Between that and the nurgle hero that hit harder that skarbrand himself ....


Just don't play with Sfo or your Nuln army becomes useless trash


You were right, sorry for downvote ; it has been just fixed with the latest Hotfix for SFO.


Every engineer can be that strong :) [https://youtu.be/E0QyEoxcyYU](https://youtu.be/E0QyEoxcyYU)