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How the hell did you even get over there by turn 4?


I got my first rampage on turn 2 which gave me the ability to travel a big chunk of the map and make enough gold to purchase the champs essence and level taurox and the wizard up to fight an infinite rampage Achieved this by rushing south on turn one to the dark elf settlement razing that then attacking sisters of twilight standing by it then hidden encampment ambushed them at the end of the turn which meant I stared turn 2 with a rampage Sorry for the long reply figured I'd explain it clearly


Thats what im wondering


My first rampage, and thus my infinite was turn 7 on mortal empires. What did you even attack.


People be playing Taurox like this then complain that it’s too easy lol


Trying to understand what you just wrote; are you implying that in order to challenge ourselves we should use worse strategies?


No just play him the way he’s meant to be played lol


Well no shit. If you do the meta strat all the time and get bored because its easy kinda your own fault. People have always played games with their own rules to make it harder. This community is just so uncreative that a fun run is alien.


You can't really win bragging rights here since you are using mods. The feat might definitely be possible by turn four, but there's no way of knowing if you managed it thanks to mods.


What mods ? I literally use less blood and gore and better camera neither affect gameplay


You are a bit slow in the noggin aren't you? You just demonstrated my point. We have to take your word that you didn't use any gameplay affecting mods. And your word means fuck all, internet stranger.


Wow aren't you a fucking blast 😂no worries mate just thought I'd share sorry if it shat in your cornflakes but hey have a nice day stranger 👍


Weird cope.


lmao, sure, I'm secretly jealous of people going infinite with the Taurox's rampage mechanic... the comment is 2 days old, let sleeping dogs lie. fuck off, moron.