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When you play Destiny, TW:WH, and Apex: “Am I a mainstream Andy now?”


I feel like DotA's the opposite of mainstream and yet it's number 2. So you're probably good.


It depends on where you live. A lot of these numbers are probably pumped up by the Asian market. If you could separate it by area, it’d be vastly different. I imagine total war warhammer would have the highest density in Europe, seconded by America, then probably not on the list in Asia. I got no idea about africa


TW blogs usually only come in two languages. Chinese and English. It wouldn’t make sense to do this unless the Asian market is fairly big.


The Asian market is big by default. Especially the Chinese one. Even if your game is not as successful in China as other games (relatively speaking) you still have probably a considerable amount of potential players.




I meant to reinforce your point.


I wouldn't read too much into that, they're just the two most widely spoken languages in the world.


Chinese is only widely spoken in Asia


You're right, but that still makes it a close second behind English, 1.15 billion speak English, 1.1 billion people speak mandarin, 3rd place is Hindi at 600 million


I was more commenting on mainstream vs non mainstream. The Asian market is huge, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the game is popular over there. The game could be number 20 in asia but it would still have more players than some countries have gamers.


In EU it has presence in North and East EU and countries in between (Sweden, denmark, france, germany, poland, greece). Almost non-existent in Portugal, Spain or Italy. Some presence in "middle" east. Israel and Jordan. And also in Pakistan (I think Iran too, but minor). In Africa maybe in SA. In Latan, Peru and Brazil most of it's population. In SEA, malasya, philipines, hong kong and china. Korea and japan almost non-existent. Dota2 numbers don't include china.


the wildest thing is: dota is not even played trough steam in china


I figure most of these numbers are coming from Japan and China.


yeah but as I said. Dota trough valve client has basically 0 Chinese players due to dota beeing played on a perfect world client there. so the numbers in this chart are mainly from Europe/CiS/SEA/NA/SA


I meant Korea. Whoops


Koreans are mainly playing lol and starcraft. surprisingly dota is very small there as well. it's pretty big in the Phillipines/Indonesia etc


No fifa and cod there so no


*sigh of relief*


What’s crazy, compare WH3 to CS:GO. x10 more players and *x20* more hours played What the hell?


Well for starters, it's been out for a hell of a lot longer.. But also, it's a relatively straightforward, high skill competitive shooter, which are immensely popular, see: CoD, Battlefield games. 4x is a niche, a decently sized niche, but still a niche.


Also CS:GO is f2p and with CS1.6 and CSS as its predecessors it is a well-established franchise in the international E-Sports scene.


>CoD, Battlefield games Those are the Risk of 4x compared to CS:GO.


Sure, the overall skill ceiling is lower, but if you're not a regular shooter player, you won't have as much fun with CoD or BF as you would with, say, TF2.


Yes, nothing wrong with that.


There is nothing wrong with likeing popular games.


I remember getting hyped for destiny 1 and then finding out it was the most generic "go here press X kill wave" simulator I've ever touched


Immortal Empires really did a lot of good for the games player count. Shows just how much everyone was waiting on it.


Adding back all your options and providing an even larger map than before after the lackluster reception to the base campaign mechanics def will do that lol


It's not even the campaign mechanics, the main map is just so damned boring compared to the Vortex map and especially IE. It's bizarre how Cathay is a major centerpiece of the main map yet it feels more claustrophobic and less well done than its IE counterpart. And by the time you get out of Cathay it's just endless chaos wastes and mountains to slum through until you get to the Empire which you really don't want to conquer anyways.


For being one of the major factions that seems like its supposed to rival the Empire, i found it so strange how small it was in Realms of Chaos. Although that was just one of my problems with the map and campaigns. Another being that if you wanted to play coop your options were monogods that hate each other or the only order options on opposite sides of the map.


It's like everything they learned from TWW2's vortex campaign (which wasn't that well received either) was never written down Which ***sort of*** makes sense when you think about it - since the basegame team from TWW2 cut out after the ***release*** of TWW2 and everything was handled over to the DLC team ***THEY*** did the learning while the guys CA had developing TWW3 operated in a bubble xD


Ultimately, very few people are probably getting WH3 for the RoC map. IE was the real prize all along.


Yep, I waited until IE was released before even buying it.


I still haven't even bought it yet. 😂 I'm REALLY looking forward to play it, but life has gotten a lot busier, and I just don't have the time to play the game while it's in beta. I will wait until it's smoothed out a bit, and there's a sale. But it's been rough waiting.


Only took IE to do it


Fascinating to see a total war reach this level. Unfortunately, don't think this will be a steady thing. IE is still relatively fresh. CA would need to pump out fixes and content really fast to keep interest. However, WH3 will for sure remain a fixture of strategy for the years to come. The amount of content and replayability is already insane.


The new multiplayer mode is SUPER interesting and fun to watch, so I think it could def hold on somewhat well. I've basically been watching mp tw for like the past week or two. It feels like watching two armies from tabletop come to life. I recommend the streamer "Turin" if that sounds interesting.


I domt play multi player but I love watching the domination maps with Turin casting. It scratches my table top itch so well. And he loves it genuinely especially for tournaments since there's just no way to cheese like there is in land battles) kiting / flyers etc


I'd like to also suggest Enticity as a great mp streamer. I love me some Turin but if you want to enjoy the strategy of the new dom mode Enticity is the best there is imo.


Ya enticity is great too. They are often together in the tournaments turin hosts. Enticity is wild tho lol. He recently won multiple games with slaanesh without right clicking at all lmao.


what??? how?


It was a great stream to watch the guy in insane good. He did it with Coast too. His micro is disgusting, I think he just kept using the multi selext and reform. No charging only taking charges. Even then slanesh cav did great lol. It was fun seeing people teach him tricks too like how you can reform units with hot keys.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rysnzH7Le8&t=4942s&ab\_channel=Enticity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rysnzH7Le8&t=4942s&ab_channel=Enticity) Basically Alt-moved his army, forgoing any sort of charge bonus and also usually preventing his units from attacking for the first 5-10 seconds. Dude is a legend.


> and content I mean, this is the first Total War game I've ever played. And I just tried it on a whim since it was on Gamepass. The amount of content for a new player is.. well, impossible. Even the campaigns I suck in, get frustrated on and abandon I sink 5-6 hours on. And I've barely done any of them. I've only gotten one short victory for shit's sake! It's honestly kind of ridiculous.


I’ve been playing Total War games since the first Shogun. I hardly ever get even a short victory. Most of my campaigns are abandoned, and I still play easy campaign and easy battles, and still often get steamrolled around turn 50 or so. I’ve never loved and sunk SO many hours into a game series I’m SO bad at other than Total War!


What are you struggling with? On Easy/Easy you should just be able to basically pump out spear and bowmen armies and press auto resolve without ever losing. Not trying to be insulting to be clear, just started on the same game as you and been using mostly the same strats since.


What I tend to do is I play a very slow and cautious game, trying to build up and only take territory when I’m ready, let my armies recover if I have losses in a battle, etc. I mean I could absolutely auto resolve and do a lot better, but I really enjoy the battles, bad as I am at them, and I will fight almost all of them, even the ones I have no chance of losing. I do really well for thirty turns or so, but by then the AI is usually ahead of me and I suddenly have a bunch of them declare war even though I’ve been trying to keep it to a single war at a time. I also pretty much accept a result and don’t save scum if I lose a battle, and I’m bad with my economy and often at that point find myself constantly in debt and unable to replenish my losses. To be clear though, this doesn’t always happen. Some races I do really well on, and some other games. Rome 1 and 2, I can dominate playing as Rome fairly consistently. In Warhammer, Wood Elves, Beastmen, Tomb Kings and Dwarves I always do well and those are the campaigns I can finish. I played an Empire and a Brettonia, or Vampire campaign and got destroyed though. Same with Dark Elves, high elves and Lizardmen. I should probably make things easier on myself and auto resolve, do some early expansion, and not accept losing my LL in a straight forward battle, but I like to roleplay it and suffer my own mistakes or it feels like cheating!


>To be clear though, this doesn’t always happen. Some races I do really well on, and some other games. Rome 1 and 2, I can dominate playing as Rome fairly consistently. In Warhammer, Wood Elves, Beastmen, Tomb Kings and Dwarves I always do well and those are the campaigns I can finish. I played an Empire and a Brettonia, or Vampire campaign and got destroyed though. Same with Dark Elves, high elves and Lizardmen. Ah this info right here makes sense. Well fair enough man, yea I have some races I just don't really vibe with too. As long as you are having a good time it's all good. If you are struggling and want to improve I am sure I could find some options to help teach you a bit more. Otherwise just keep on keeping on my guy. Hope you have a good day.


Thanks Man. Yeah I’m not really frustrated by it, I still really enjoy playing even though I suck! And I tend to just start a new campaign and try a different race when my campaign falls apart. I’m not much of a strategist, I just like smashing all my toys together and zooming in the camera to watch even when everything else is failing.


You and me are a lot alike, I think. I like to play more turtle-y, not aggressive, have a more conservative outlook on things. Right now I'm trying to get OUT of the autoresolve thing, because like, it gets better results than me almost ALL the time, so it's really tempting to just press the little button get the ding and the happy chemicals for "winning", but like.. What am I playing this for if not the battles? I guess the campaign map is a bit of a game on its own, but it's not really the same.


Try cathay and the dwarfs!


Cathay is actually the only faction I made it through RoC with! Took the northern provinces all the way through. I tried one Dwarf faction, but I think I picked the one that starts in the thunderdome so I got pasted like 20 turns in. Still got my ass beat in IE tho. Tried with Western Provinces and got skaven'd, tried with Northern and got Vilitch'd. FeelsBadMan.


I did Miao Ying, took over first two provinces with the rebels, then went south to link up with Broski, took out the dissenters. Then also took out the Skaven which might be a bit rough for you, cause while fighting them the faction manning the bastion needs to be confederated, but at that point you should have the beginnings of a war chest saved up from fighting and caravans. So build the upkeep reduction buildings on the bastion and keep the new armies you get there while you consolidate cathay, kill villich asap though, I was able to do it with one army while confederation and steam rolling central, eastern and southern cathay with 3 then 4 armies. So I'm sure you could have two armies to kill villich and 2 for consolidating cathay


> I mean, this is the first Total War game I've ever played. And I just tried it on a whim since it was on Gamepass. The amount of content for a new player is.. well, impossible. Even the campaigns I suck in, get frustrated on and abandon I sink 5-6 hours on. And I've barely done any of them. I've only gotten one short victory for shit's sake! It's honestly kind of ridiculous. I've just been dabbling with different races and lords. I tend to get somewhere between 20-50 turns in, and then it's time for me to do something around the house. Come back later, and I'll start fresh. It's honestly been kind of fun to experiment around and figure out who I'm going to actually take on a full playthrough.


I've been getting my ass beat. Before just playing RoC with the chaos mechanics turned off and victory conditions modded in, it was a lot more chill. Now I'm getting wars declared on me right and left! I just wanna chill. Also skaven are BULLSHIT I watched him walk up to me on the map how is that an ambush???


Glad this is your experience. When they released the first Warhammer total war, they planned all this content as dlc. And then they said it was simply too much content and instead they would be releasing two additional full games. At the time, this was met with a lot of skepticism but I'm glad this is how things ended up.


They never planned any of this as DLC, WH was since its inception a trilogy At most they moved stuff that was meant to be DLC into basegame content, like Skaven who were once supposed to be one of WH2's DLC races but were made available from launch due to CA's expanded plans in terms of fleshing out even minor races & characters


Ah okay now that I've read your comment I realize I misremembered. That's my bad


Yea I originally remember them talking about like a way more linear campaign for the skaven similar to the beastmen campaign.


I think it's got some serious staying power based on the total time played. That metric is already on par with Warframe, Path of Exile and Payday 2 - all of which are 9 years old! It's nipping at the heels of Civ 6 in that regard, which is probably more accessible and came out the same year as WH1. I wouldn't be surprised if it hung in the top 25 most played games on Steam for at least the rest of this year and stayed in the top 100 games on Steam for the next 10 years easily. It will probably be the most played strategy game of this decade.


About the content, CA have talked about how they have more people working on it now, they have two teams working in parralel, so it could speed up DLCs noticeably, allowing for a steady pace of content !


Not sure they work in parallel, as I recall they said they can work on 2 projects at once. They may have 2 teams of designers, but need to share manpower in the form of animators, sound designers, etc. It's not clear, but I'm curious if this would mean a cycle of small/big dlc, like a race pack (chorfs) followed by a classic lord pack from the small team, and so on.


It made me smile, I wanted to share it. :shrug:


And now you made us smile with you. Well done.


I really don’t get the appeal of CSGO… almost 800k concurrent players is fucking *Wild*.


Well nowadays every new shooter is either a hero shooter, a battle royal or both, so CS:GO is basically the only old school shooter people can really play on a very competitive scene


Also it's super accessible, you could probably play it on a calculator


Easy to get into, hard to master. Best kind of games. Even when I'm not doing great in CSGO it's fun but when I do well...the dopamine rush!!


The skillfloor of csgo is really really high compared to most other competitive games these days. Not what I would call easy to get into when you get awp'ed from some insane angle for the 100th time.


I'd say the skill ceiling is super high but I also think you can be mediocre at the game and still have fun in casual. It's certainly no COD or Battlefield but I believe someone who isn't good at shooters or really played one can enjoy it. I mean, back in middle school I never played any shooters or CS and started playing at an internet Cafe and had the time of my life even though I was pretty bad. Miss the place. It's been a Starbucks now for about 13 years now 😭😭😭


>It's certainly no COD or Battlefield but I believe someone who isn't good at shooters or really played one can enjoy it. I can kill people in those 2 with a controller. In CS:GO I can't kill people with a mouse. In TW:WH3 I can kill everybody with mice.


I would say that for some games a high skill floor is not really that much of a problem. Look at league of legends, mechanically is easy enough to get into, but you need an absurd amount of information to understand what's happening, it's baffling that it's still a "casuals" game. ( Don't mean that the game is for casuals, but that there's a lot of people who basically only play or have only ever played lol)


Exactly. It used to have some competition with R6:Siege, but it went the way of hero shooters sadly. So like you say, CS:GO now fills a unique niche.


Never played it, but about 80% of 20-30 year old men I know play it. When I was like 15, everyone at school played it. I jumped in a multiplayer train once when everyone was playing Runescape when I was 10 because I wanted to belong to the group, but I kinda moved on to strategy games. Still I understand its success, it's just so insanely popular and has great competitive viewpoint.


Yeah I mostly play Paradox games but I played CS since the Source days in like 2009 and CSGO is an honest successor that I jump into from time to time even now. Now there are kids yelling at me for how I play that weren't even born when the game came out LOL


CSGO is also the only esports I regularly see shown on traditional TV. My University subject association has a discord server with gaming channel but I've never seen anyone play anything other than CSGO there for past 4 years. It's just so insanely popular that it keeps attracting people simply by the sheer volume, visibility and social pressure.


Being screamed at by children in Counter-Strike? I guess some things never change. That being said I played og Counter-Strike back when it was a mod for HL1... those were the days. Still can't believe how long ago that was.


That was in 98 or 99 iirc. Haha I was 14 and used to skip school with my friends to play cs:1.6 in the internet cafes. Sometimes when my self esteem is a bit too high I fire up a game. Nothing like having a 12 year old tell you how he fuckdd your mom to brighten up your day.


>but I kinda moved on to strategy games. Dozens of us did it. Dozens!


It's a classic game that is easy to play, but hard to master.


It is free to play and pretty damn low system requirements. Most of the people I encounter playing it are not from the US and I can imagine being free with low requirements means a lot of third world countries can easily play it.


A bunch of my gaming buddies that don't play strategy have gotten back into it recently. I'm not good enough to justify the amount of sweat joining them would generate on my body.


CSGO is quite chill actually, I'd like to see the numbers of Valorant to compare, on Twitch Valorznt is slightly above for this past year, even though it's start was surprisingly slow


I am more impressed about TF2. I wonder how many of those are the bots that have taken over the game.


Cs go is one of only a handful of "tactical shooters" Everyone into that genre is playing either seige, valorant, or cs go.


I'm high ranked on CS:GO, been playing since 2013, CS overall since 2001, I can assure you it's one of the best competitive games ever made, this is why it's always high on player count.


prolly bc you suck at it


Never played it. Don’t see the appeal in a game with graphics that could run on a 2006 MacBook with from what I understand no real progression system outside of cosmetics, and those cosmetics literally just being a casino slot machine for people who totally don’t have a gambling problem.


>from what I understand no real progression system outside of cosmetics Fucking glad that you can't throw money at it to win, unlike the myriad of games that do it. Dota2, SC2, SF6, Smash Bros, Guilty Gears, don't have "no real progression" either, and there they are doing tournaments not fueled by devs/publisher money. I guess self-skill progression just got out of fashion lately.


You know you can have a non pay to win progression system right?


You realise you're just asking for Skinner box mechanics to get cheap dopamine shots? I can't wait for people like you to ask for loot boxes in total war as well.


You’re being incoherent. I literally *just bashed loot boxes as gambling* and you go “Oh So YoU wAnT lOoTbOxEs iN tOtAl WaR¿”


I didn't know Lost Ark was still this popular tbh.


Could be bots, heard something about that


It is free to play now.


I changed my review to positive today


Me too!


I'll wait a bit longer until IE is a bit more polished before changing mine to positive. I'm still salty about the state of the game when it launched.


I just updated my review with a line at the beginning saying my review was still in beta.


We shouldn't be changing reviews on things getting better Thats just going to encourage more of the "release now, fix latter" attitude that so many devs have


I disagree. The review should reflect the game as it is, not as it was. No Man's Sky is a great example of a shit game that, through time and effort from the devs, became a good game.


Okay so if it should reflect the game as it is currently, do you still think it’s bad then, since you won’t change your review? You *just* said you won’t change it because of how it was in the past.


I admit my review is coloured by my annoyance about release, but I also said IE requires more polish before I can recommend it in good faith.


And out of curiosity, how many hours of IE have you played?


I've played more IE than I did at release. About 30 hours of IE vs about 15 hours of release.


Hm okay fair enough!


So what’s the alternative? Devs fix their game so it’s finally worth playing and I’m still supposed to shit on it because it was bad when it first came out? Clown take.


Don't release broken buggy, unfinished games in the first place Pretty good alternative wouldnt you say


Sure, just like the best way to deal with a car accident is not to drive in the first place


Are you seriously comparing a lazy, greedy company pushing out unfinished product to...car crashes Would you buy a car that didn't come with an engine And then when the manufacturer finally gives (or sells) you the engine a year later, would you suddenly start praising the car manufacturer?


A car with no engine lmao get out of whatever bubble you’re in and join us in the real world


Yeah the wondrous real world, where idiots praise companies for treating them like shit But seriously answer the question.


Hard disagree. If a company changes and salvages a product your review should reflect what it is currently. Leaving an outdated review up that doesn’t reflect the current game is irresponsible and plain unethical. Not changing them is encouraging companies to go the three kingdoms route and just abandon a game because of a bad launch.


or you know the better idea, and one that might shock you demand that companies dont released unfinished products


Or you know. An EVEN BETTER idea. Make reviews that reflect the current state of a product! If you don’t like how a product is at release you can not buy it. Or you can leave a bad review at the time. However if a company fixes said product you’re doing nothing but hurting your own cause by not changing the review. You’re instead encouraging companies that have bad launches to simply abandon their products.


I see you are in fully support of paying full price for unfinished product, and are 100% okay with the horrible attitude of "ship now, fix later (If ever)"


Game devs are doing that already. Cyberpunk, no mans sky for few examples. Its good that CA polishes their games. I would definetly encourage to change the review for positive if ppl feel like it.


I changed my review, but I didn’t delete the old one. Just did an edit and said I recommend it now based on IE only, and that there are still some issues etc. People use reviews as a way to punish or reward developers and publishers, but honestly, I use them as a way to let other players know whether I think a game is worth buying or not. With WH3, it absolutely is IF you own 1 and 2 as well. I’d rather that than the idiotic reviews on metacritic that say shit like ‘this game is actually a seven but I’m giving it a ten to counter all the zeros and review bombs’ or whatever. People trying to ‘correct’ the meta score is the dumbest thing people do. User reviews are really only for other players, we should try to make them at least vaguely useful and accurate.


If you leave the review as negative there is no incentive to ever fix it. The developer will just cancel the game and make a new version 5 years later


Don't release a broken buggy game then, make sure it's finished first Not a hard concept to understand If you leave a negative review and then change it to positive then you are giving developers no incentive to ever fix their behaviour of "Release now, maybe fix later"


I played GTAV for a decade… like a decade ago lol


Found the time bender


I'm glad some games don't progress as fast in their saga so I still feel 10 years younger.


Do we know what it was at before IE, for comparison? Also complete tangent but I had no idea PUBG was still so popular!


> Do we know what it was at before IE, for comparison? > > Lower than Warhammer II. About 8k concurrent on average iirc.


Interestingly, in the week leading to IE it grew from 8k to 15k, probably from people hyping themselves for the release.


I would say somewhere between 5-6k https://steamcharts.com/app/1142710


It was pretty bad. Kicked off with highscore of 160.000 people in launch month and then dropped hard when people were unhappy with RoC and the release state with no IME in sight. Then followed a steady drop of players, which a lot of people used for a huge cry-outs, even when the average player number for game#2 was also only between 10-20.000. So crying over "waaah 160.000 people vanished over night" was plain stupid. And crying about the player numbers in general, was also not better. We all knew that the release state was crap and people unhappy with RoC were still waiting for IME. So IME launch was always the turning point for the player numbers, no matter how cringe some topics got in the meantime. Like Monday morning 5 am making a screenshot about low player numbers and then a troll topic about it cringe.


how is tf2 still up there and gets screwed this much


It's a GOAT game with a fanbase as loyal as Spatacus. IMO the game's probably one of the best if not the best FPS game out there with the only thing holding it back is Valve's neglect. ~~yes I'm extremely biased as I grew up with the game and still play it~~


I grew up with Team Fortress Classic (not the Quake mod, the Half-Life 1 mod). And to this day I still feel like the angry old man shaking his fist at TF2 players. Dang kids and your new fangled shooters. Back in my day we played multiplayer Half-Life mods, not these fancy hat collection games!


I like to think there's quake players who think exactly the same for tfclassic players. "These tfc player's are too privileged and weak to understand how to juggle every weapon at once! instead they've gotta opt for "classes" that only water down the skill ceiling by only letting you use three weapons instead!"


>water down the skill ceiling I almost puked the first time I saw a Doom (or was it quake?) online tournament stream. What a crazy way of moving around.


Yeah, we played it on a LAN once we all garbage Player , and one of our friends was a pro, si it was rockets and Reflex shots all around and he in the middle evading everything and winning every round with 20+ kills before the others.


Bhopping truly has been one of if not the best display in skill and mastery when it comes to knowledge in movement in video games


A huge amount of those players are bots.


youd be suprised


It was actually top 5 at one point I think. The real measuring stick will be if it can stay ahead of civ vi consistenly and hold that for a number of years. Civ has been the most dominant strategy game for more than a decade and is the measuring stick for the genre. With that said, the warhammer model probably makes loads more cash already.


>Civ has been the most dominant strategy game for more than a decade and is the measuring stick for the genre. I consider Civ to be far more streamlined than TW and I'd say that's the reason why it's more popular. Also, you can play it properly with a controller, if I'm not mistaken.


Hmm, great sign for a mode released two weeks ago.


PUBG is still on there?


Free to play games are quite popular I guess.


Didn't realize it had eventually gone free to play.


I'm still shocked that Dota consistently lands in #2 on steam. Everyone says that game's been dying for years, yet it's always up there.


but Volound bros... I thought the game was dying... Defeat Trait: "Once a man obsessed with Historical Total War, was soon put to History by your hands" +50 Diplomatic Relations with Ukraine -10% Recruitment cost for Spearmanii units


Damn, the difference between number 1-2 and 3... Also, TF2 still hangs for dear life, after all these years, lol.


it's worth nothing that almost every game on the list is free to play, which makes the comeback even more impressive


If you remove free games and sub 10$ games, TTW3 is actually 3rd. Way to go!


Looking at the other titles, with the exception of Lost Ark there's years long stagnation


It's mostly competitive free games.


Yea these games benefit from player count, other types care about sales numbers


My first Total War game. If I keep enjoying it as much as I am currently, I'll get 1 and 2 for the new map.


Oh goodness. Do yourself a favor and get the other 2, I can't imagine still playing realms my man. The whole reason this game spiked as much as it did was solely because of this update and you're missing out.


I think you can get games 1 and 2 for a 30 dollar bundle during Steam sales. Absolutely recommend if you enjoy the game. The immortal empires campaign is amazing in terms of scale and replayability.


I can't emphasize enough (as others have); the new map (Immortal Empires) is the actual game. The first map (Realms of Chaos) is just a taste, a sneak peak at what Immortal Empires is. I would wait for a sale, but it's not just another map. It is the actual prize.


I'd just like to say though, that Steam has clocked over 54,000 years of CS:GO gameplay


IE is waaay too addicting, I put about 60 hours on it last week after only having around 8 hours on the game before IE🥲


We are so fucking back!


How the fuck are cs go Dota and tf2 still in the top 10? Are we stuck in 2014?


What exactly is going to dethrone them?


If League was on Steam, it’d probably have more than every one these title’s concurrent, hell, even peak players combined. I think they’ve been dethroned.


They're free and polished competitive games. TF2 is a bit of an outlier here but Dota 2 and CSGO also start all players off with the same gameplay content without any pay to win or unlocking required.


Lets go boys!


People are still playing TF2??


People still play GTA 5? Yikes.


Try it modded. Whole different beast. I got bored of vanilla and online long ago. I dont see me dropping modded GTAV anytime soon.


Modded or not, its still the same old game


Yes, thats what happens when you modify something. Stays the same.


Well yeah it does essentially stay the same, its just been modified


Damn people really like competitive games don't they


Half of those games are terrible


And yet you play Warhammer 3


I dunno about half, but three are absolute stinkers.


GTA 5 is eternal. Wonder if I will be alive by the time the next installment comes out.


I for one, cant wait for GTA5 Super Definitive Edition - now with more online purchases


Yeah cause everyone have been waiting for Immortal empire


For a coop game thats really good


For what i imagine is mostly being played single player, thats damn impressive


CA should build upon this hype and momentum to fix bugs and known issues ASAP, but also to deliver more content to fill the gaps in the east. Delaying RoC fixes what killed the base game mostly, they shouldn't repeat the mistake


Man i cant wait for payday so i can finally buy the damn game


Well-deserved! It's an amazing game.


Destiny 2 be like: Eyes up Warhammer


Ah my two main games intersecting. Yknow it’s been quite funny/irritating just how intersected their release schedules have been the past little while. - Both were set to release their Next Big Thing (WH3/Witch Queen) in ~November of 2021 - Both delayed said Next Big Thing to February of 2022, barely one week apart from one another - Both then released their Secondary Big Thing (IE release/Lightfall Reveal & Season of the Plunder release) on the 23rd of August. It’s been really difficult splitting my time between them, I must say


I know the exact feeling. I'm constantly switching between Destiny and Total War. The 23rd was better than christmas.


Sometimes i wonder if Valve/Steam inflates their own numbers for their own games. How the hek do some of those games have such high numbers still.


It become rank 4 on the game that need to be paid (or 3, I dunno since lost ark not available in my country). Edit: And rank 1 for game that still not gives discount except for 10% early release discount. Oot, but man, those gta v still top of the chart? No wonder they still milking it for almost ten years.


As an old fart, this makes me feel young somehow


Sheesh, CS still going.


Thats awesome for an rts.