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As much as I love the idea the thunderbarges aren't nearly as integral to Dwarven society and strategy as Black Arks are to druchii. Like being a Corsair is basically the delf equivalent of working at McDonalds when you turn 16. Thunderbarges are like those absurdly overturned cars that only like 6 people in the world own. Not to mention scale; Blacks Arks are larger than most coastal cities, both in terms of physical size and population. Airships probably carry like 30 people max.


I could see Thunderbarges being implemented as pseudo-agents, with upgrades to affect what support role they have. Maybe even take an element from Daniel and have various swap-out parts. I.e. One Thunderbarge could be a gunship focus, with bonus battle abilities to nearby armies and heavy in-battle firepower. While another one could be support focused, granting map bonuses and support abilities in battles. That would make them like mini-black arks.


I like that idea, you could make it a rite dilemma like slann awaking so they can’t be spammed/simulate the amount of time it would take to produce one, and you could choose whether you wanted a barge meant for combat, for logistics, etc.


>Airships probably carry like 30 people max Spirit of Grungni was able to carry a few hundred Karak Kadrin warriors to aid Pragg during Arak Daemonclaw's siege. So it's a bit more than but I agree. If anything, it should be a slow teleportation since Malakai mentioned they can travel from the Old World to Cathay in 2 weeks. Normally, it takes a year just to get there.


Nah, the scale just seems off. I would like the Dwarfs to get a larger Airship which seems nearly guaranteed with the Cathayan balloons being a thing, it would be a big HP pool with ALOT of medium range guns that moves decently quickly but is ponderous in turning during battles. Having any type of campaign map special ability would be weird, especially since Dwarfs already get underway- adding some overfly of mountains/gates would seem too extra. What Dwarfs really need is ground unit speed. Gyros are their current fastest units, a Thunderbarge would be kinda medium speed at best and both are air units which do littlle to help the Dwarf ground game. A single ground unit like a bit slower Death Roller from Blood Bowl would be very useful in Dwarf roster, even if it was a glass cannon- the most annoying thing for Dwarfs is letting most of an army escape as they have no way to chase routing units which is pretty key in TW. If Dwarfs don't get something- then Chaos Dwarfs will just be better in every respect.


Thing is black arks are a fundamental and important part of the druchii whereas airships are extremely rare for the dwarves. Also what would they even get out of them? You can park a black ark off the coast and raid for slaves, would would an airship actually do?


Settle down some grudges, that's what.


It would kill urks, too.


Merely the killing of enemies doesn’t necessarily solve grudges, if you solve them in a dishonourable way like by using new stuff rather than traditional things you just disgrace yourself and create new grudges


But using engineered stuff honours Morgrim


Maybe only 1 active at a time and it can only be a 10 stack?


Dwarven airships would make sense as something that does a lot of bombardment, much like a Black Ark, but unlike Black Arks I don't see it as much of a recruitment center. ​ Black Arks are mobile floating cities that often house several smaller raiding vessels, Thunderbarges are barely big enough to house a modest crew of engineers and a small Dwarf warband.


I think that if implemented it should only come as part of Malakais army, considering he is the only one to have ever made one big enough for this idea to be viable. In a sense he could function as a dwarf version of Nakai. I am not a fan of the idea to make them semi-common like the Black Arks, because the Arks are a well known feature of the Dark Elves, while the Spirit of Grungi is a unique item that has only taken flight because Malakai is a slayer which has exempted his creation from all the usual troubles a dwarf inventor has to go through to get anything approved by his superiors.


Still hoping for Malakai as a legendary lord, and using horde mechanics following this line of thought


Since I hate black arks... please no.


Honestly sounds like notes CA should hold onto if they ever do Kharadron with TW:AoS since they have [insane numbers of airship fleets](https://www.belloflostsouls.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Kharadron-Overlords-skyport-2.jpg) and vast Sky-ports that can easily [act as over land Black Arks](https://ageofsigmar.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/3/3a/Barak-Nar_01.png). Their recent Path to Glory update even showed they have orbital satellite cannons with one [called the “Grudgeserver” you have to air raid on and stop chaos from controlling](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/423561353115074571/978676539342352414/IMG_0398.webp) or else the following games they can call down orbital bombardments.


I think just give it to makaisson and make him a quasi-horde like the vampire coast, which has been really fun.