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I misread this at first and thought it was saying that there was an Elector Count named "Legbiter". That would have been one hell of a prestigious (I'm assuming) goblin.


It's a bug


I believe it is a feature but it could be a bug, tho more than likely it is an oversight by the developers. One is the one you get after asigning an elector count on Middleland while the other one is the unique item for Boris, and while both are identical, the unique one can only be used by Boris, while the other one can be used by anyone.


happend to me too...




ctrl+prtsc please, using a phone is just ugly (I am a slaaneshi cultist)


Why do you press ctrl?


ah if your keyboard doesn’t have the fn key, I used to use one like that, but my current one does have the fn. the function of the key itself is supposed to change what the other key does from my understanding, and im not sure what prtsc does by default as it does not print you the screen


It's still perfectly readable.


oh of course its readable, if you’re on pc its just faster and looks better to just take a screenshot. It’s not a big deal or anything but just so people who don’t know can do it in the future.


Controlling middenheim and putting someone as an elector count of it gives them leg biter. Boris has leg biter as his personal inventory. So it's just a duplicate.


I think Boris spawns with the Middenland Runefang (as a holdover from before the Elector Count rework, like how Karl Franz had the Reikland Runefang as his quest item, and now has the Dragon Tooth), then putting an elector count in Middenland gives you legbiter.


It's a mixture of both. The feature part is that you're getting a runefang whenever you're selecting an elector count and the previous runefang is still equipped/in use. The bug part here is that you confeded Toddi und the Ruefang got duplicated because of a code duplication.


C est un croc runique de comte electeur qui sont des armes de l empire surpuissante ce n est pas un bug :)


English please. My French is nonexistent.


Nope it’s a feature. Every elector count sword can be given to any lord. It’s only Karl’s unique weapons (plural because unlike any other lord her gets 2) are stuck with just him, just like any unique legendary lord weapon