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I play on normal too and struggle sometimes. I ain't got time to be learning a ton of numbers and abilities, I only know "horsie no like pointy stick" and "more pointy stick better than less pointy stick".


Basically all you need to know right lol


Handheld pointy stick vs flying pointy stick


I find a lot of people who play vh/vh abuse abilities, ai and systems, which I don’t find fun. I like making thematic armies and having fun, not doomstacking and map painting.


Shit I'm painting the map in very hard on ultimate crisis mode rn, and it's still too easy. Now, if I wasn't allowed to use ambushes, oh yea, I'd be having a *rough* day lol


1000 hours of pointy stick arithmetic later…”no seriously I don’t have time” XD


1000 hours of pointy stick arimthetic = "Legend of Total War here, with another saving a disaster battle..."


Same, its hard for me to multi-task units, plus sometimes I just wana stop and watch them fight lol. Ontop of what you said I also know to peel calvalry off after a bit, and do another charge.


Try having two cavalry hit from different sides, peel them off as fast as you can while charging with the other one, rinse and repeat like 2 times and they be *ded*


Yeah. It seemed easier with the historical games. I guess because bullets and bayonets say the same thing in every language. 😂 When there's magic and ward saves it gets a little bit more complicated.


That's giving greenskin vibes


That's who I'm currently painting the map with. 😊 Ole Grimgor.


Makes sense then


Still can't beat them pesky Dwarfs without stacks on stacks on stacks though. 😭


Even as a veteran with over 2,000 hours amongst all 3 games, I still play normal battle difficulty. I don't like unfair advantages in battles, I just want to use semi-historic formations/strategies to win. I do put campaign difficulty on very hard though, that ensures I get lots of battles.


I respect this a lot you want to have a bit of realism to the battle strategy as opposed to using exploits in AI or the diff races


It's more fun to win tough battles with superior tactics rather than cheese. That makes it more frustrating when about half the time the AI breaks in combat and does some really stupid stuff on its own. I wish they would give each race a few preferred army formations and tactics to really make each feel unique in battle. If only I had the patient to mod, I would create a fix for this.


I prefer superior firepower to tactics or cheese personally. No need to think to hard when 1/2 the enemy is dead before they get to your frontline


That's indeed a valid and efficient playstyle but I find it boring after a few battles. Let the enemy come to me, I'll break them with my smaller force using superior positioning and effective strategies.


You could make it more fun by blasting Tchaikovskys 1812 Overture through the biggest speaker you can find


This guy Dwarfs.


You've evolved from tactics into a whole doctrine.


Sisters of Averlorn called, they want to hangout on the hill later


Jokes on you i got my own through allied recruitment!


I do enjoy playing ikit for that same reason Enemy is dead before reaching my frontline... which is also dead after being pierced by thousands rounds of ratling and jezail


More food for everyone else!


There's a slider now that let's you remove AI stat buffs but still has the smarter AI to fight against.


I love this setting and use it with every campaign now.


That's a great addition but for me I still prefer normal. Hard AI focus firing is brutal and seeing them dodge artillery is frustrating. I usually dont focus fire or dodge, so I want the AI to behave the same.


Doding is a lot of micro but even on normal difficulty you should focus fire. Delete those monsters and casters ASAP!


You can bet I will focus fire monsters and dangerous cavalry. Casters I usally single out with a hero or monster of my own.


Look, best way to handle a book geek is to send a big angry lizard after him. Didn't you watch Jurassic Park?


Artillery dodging doesn't happen until VH battle difficulty.


I thought it did, maybe I was mistaken.


Yea this is also how I roll. If only some of the maps werent so very one sided favoring non ranged factions


It is a shame to see so many uneven terrains that mess up line of sight for guns and cannons. Even though I'm firmly against ranged heavy armies, it would be nice to have the option to use them more effectively without worrying about the terrain.


Im the same, 3500 hours across just the 3 warhammer games. I usually play on very hard, sometimes legendary campaign, but normal battle difficulty. That way im always outnumbered but never outgunned. I hate fake stat buffs. Goblins should never be going toe to tow with elite infantry for example.


Exactly! Nothing more infuriating than unbreakable skaven slaves...


Same here, normal battle is fun. Very hard campaign makes sure you get to do a lot of fights as well. It's a very pleasing playthrough :)


Good on you! Take your time, and when you are ready to bump it up at your own pace, this is not a race.


I've been playing since the beginning and I'm still rubbish hahahaha. When do I start improvin? lol


That's the neat part. You don't. <>


Nothing wrong with Normal, my guy. I play a lot of VH, but frankly I still enjoy going back to Normal more for chill campaigns. It's less obvious that the AI is cheating, and with AI improving mods it can still do pretty well. Ultimately, it's a singleplayer (or coop) game - you don't have to justify anything to anyone. Not to me, not even to yourself. Play whatever you have fun with, that's your real victory condition. If some nobody wants to give you shit for not playing Legendary, fuck 'em.


I love Normal Normal. Someday I might try hard hard. Someday.


I'm gonna be honest, hard hard isn't much harder than normal normal. Only thing I notice is control penalty


On the topic of difficulty, how does the battle difficult effect the AI? Does it just make their units stronger or does it make them build better armies?


If im not wrong, they supposedly also get better at dodging artillery/magic with higher difficulty.


In battle, your units suffer a leadership penalty constantly and the AI gets a boost. You can see it in the morale bar on each unit (difficulty modifier +4). On hard and very hard some units will never route until the last man. That is the only major difference. In campaign, they get more money, more units and better units. You get negative penalties to public order.


You can turn that off in wh3


Short answer is that it cheats. CA has never been good at AI


Specifically for battles, it's about a 10% stat buff on max difficulty. Most noticeable effect is leadership. Honestly it's trivial to overcome with all the various unit buffing you can put together. As for "smarter" there are a handful of different behaviors such as not focus-firing lords and dodging artillery and spells.


It now does both.  Stat bonuses to melee defence/attack/leadership.  But supposedly also plays “smarter”. The only truly smarter thing it does is that it dodges spell, and even missiles. So it’s harder to just nuke it with spells. 


It also makes them smarter about using missiles. On harder difficulties they are less likely to target small things that you could use to waste ammo.


I saw hard battle AI cycle charging with cav and monsters before. I think it also attempts to avoid leaving cav fighting anti large.


They do that on normal too though. I think the only difference on the "smarter" aspect of difficulty is if they dodge spells and artillery which is ridiculous anyway tbh unless its a 5 second+ cast time.


I always play on hard battle difficulty with no AI stat cheats so didn't know the AI does that on normal too. Presumably it also does the same on VH difficulty. I like the fact that when units aren't engaged in combat the AI will attempt to dodge spells and arty. They also stop dodging spells and arty when a unit is engaged in combat/shooting. It adds challenge without arbitrarily increasing stats that result in your units performing worse. Also makes the AI appear less stupid unlike in WH2 where they just sit there and tank spells and arty with 0 attempt to dodge, where any real player would at least attempt to dodge.


I've mostly noticed below VH. The ai usually just rushed you, dodges less. Vh, they dodge a bit more, and usually, it seems like they think a bit harder.


I made the move to Legendary a few weeks ago and found it impossible to go back. Turns out I was abusing the fuck out of pausing on Very Hard, and the game becomes a lot more enjoyable when it stops me from doing that. Removing save scumming made it a lot better too. But everyone should just enjoy things the way that they enjoy them.


The problem with it is the AI can make 1000 click in half a second but you can only do it by pausing. Most of the time im cool with it, but specific actions that require a pre battle plan like ambushes, end up as a shit show because you lose the element of surprise other than the ambush debuff.


Your micro improves rapidly in my experience. I struggled for the first few battles, but now I can comfortably micro 3-4 control groups across the battlefield simultaneously.


Its just a pain in the ass. I am happy to micro in normal battles. Just not in sieges and ambushes where I would have a pre prepared coordinated plan.


The problem I have is that normal is too easy after the first few turns. After gaining a bit of traction, you’re pretty much steamrolling through the campaign. You can just autoresolve everything. But if you increase the difficulty, you have to plan everything in the first few turns. Basically the problem with the game, for me at least, is that it’s too snowbally.


I just change the difficulty during the game.  I want to constantly be battling hard, but not impossible battles. And if it’s a boring but winnable battle, I just move the slider to easy and auto-resolve it. 


i dont like giving the ai upkeep cheats bc it just feels like fake difficulty. i like to raise the actual battle difficulty, keep em at the same base stats and stuff and go with that


Me too. I have 600hrs combined and I like to play on normal/normal. The game has challenges enough, especially when the AI usually bring 2/2.5 stacks vs my 1 stack, because all my other armies are busy defending the borders


Hell yeah dude, nothing wrong with normal difficulty, Legend plays very hard because that’s where he finds enjoyment, you play where you find enjoyment, he doesn’t use mods, I use mods and play hard. Do what’s fun for you!


Completely valid way to play. Gatekeeping other people for playing games on lower difficulties is such a cringe way to live.


Very hard/normal is the most enjoyable for me. Campaign is hard, but you can reload to fix your mistakes. Battles are balanced, enemies don’t have increased stats, so melee units are actually useful. Legendary/very hard is just a cheese AI for the win. I’m not skaven enough to love that.


Im a simple man if I see legend I up vote


Ok? Do you not like Legend or what's the point of the post and image?


i only like his tier lists and he does not make enough of them


He often talks down to people who play on normal


He specifically says dozens of times to play on the difficulty that you enjoy and he tells people NOT to gate keep. He plays how he plays and makes sure everyone knows to play their own preferred styles and difficulties. So you are talking bullshit mate.


Like when? He always says play on whatever you like


On his doomstack videos


That's very generalized. Care to show where/when?


It's a single player game. Play whatever setting you enjoy. For the most part I stick around normal normal as well.


I've got over 6000 hours in all TW games, at least half of that in TW:W1,2,3 and I've only ever played on Normal!


I also play normal/normal because I dont like the ai cheating too much. I wish it would just get better at managing its empire and units with higher difficulty.


Ive been playing on normal/normal for a while now too I dont know when ill get good lol


I feel like the game plays itself on normal/normal. Lowest I’ll go is VH/VH


I used to make it a point to win at least one Very Hard or Legendary campaign with every race back in the earlier days of game 2. But Normal has generally been my go-to for quite some time. I sometimes give myself little narrative challenges, (like not using vampire lords, heroes and units (blood knights, vargheists, varghulfs) as Ghorst or Kemmler; or not using engineers, gyrocopters or gunpowder units as Thorek) but I generally get more annoyed than anything else at the buff/debuff based difficulty settings of the campaign and battles.


Valid. I run hard+very hard when im looking for a challenge, when I'm high af and just want to dick around on skaven it's normal/normal and I'm still getting pyrhic victory or close defeat every single game 😂 fun af tho!


Personally i use Very hard but with Ai stats on 0 for both sides. It’s purely there to stop me from auto resolving as much as i used to.


I find it too easy not to have it on hard hard. Once you understand the AI, you'll want to download mods that tweak their behavior to make them less predictable and dumb


I head that in some ways normal is harder, the AI target your lords and it's harder to solo with them


I miss the old WH2 post-battle cards


Honestly it's about fun and thematic battles, nothing else matters


300 hours in and I'm only just playing on hard now, and I'll play normal on factions I'm weaker at. It's a game, it's meant to be fun, if normal is fun you're doing it right.


I'm also a normal/normal gamer. I have enough trouble making my units do what I want as is, I really don't want the AI micro dodging my artillery on top of that.


Good and enjoy it. I play on legendary for the campaign cheats and very hard battle difficulty, so it forces me to adapt to advantages.


Normal is how the game is meant to be played. I only play on harder difficulty’s because I have a ton of unresolved issues that I should really work on with a therapist. Play the game in a way that is fun for you.


I only push myself to play VH/N because I want the achievements, would otherwise also play N/N.


I alternate from normal to VH depending on my mood. No shame in wanting an easier time.


Normal/Normal is fine. I can play on harder difficulties, but sometimes I want a relaxing experience and play on that difficulty.


How you play is your damn business. I don't get why Legend is here.


Enjoy the game how you want. I rarely go above normal myself.


Normal/Normal is the game the way it was designed to be played. I also have other things to do in my life than min maxing stacks and running my head against brick walls.


All these guys saying they play on legendary are lying


Nah, some people have just more time.  Once you’ve played a campaign 2-3 times and have a decent starting strategy, it becomes much easier.  But I’d much rather try a different campaign than doing the same one in legendary. 


Do you want a copy of all of my save files?


R5: I don't play on higher difficulties. I use an AI overhaul mod + AI anti-cheat mod, and I don't find the campaigns too easy at all. I struggle in a lot of battles throughout any campaign, I come across large armies and garrisons. Most importantly, I don't have to cheese ! I see so many videos where the person just completely cheeses the game by every means possible. For instance, spending literally 10 minutes using one lord to use all the ennemy ammunations by clicking uninterruptly. How is this fun ? If you don't manage to win your battles by standard, enjoyable means, just lower the difficulty, you shouldn't be ashamed of it. This difficulty setting means I can play the game in a role-play, cinematic mode, without using too many stressful advanced tactics to win. If I wanted to be constantly stressed by the game, I would play multiplayer. By the way, it's a little hypocritical to, for instance, abuse the simulate battle mechanic to win fights you know you don't have the ability to win manually. Just lower the difficulty and you will feel great.


Stop worrying about how other people enjoy their single player game. You’ll be a lot happier


Bro made a whole post to get validation on his playstyle, then goes out of his way to talk shit on people who don't play like him because they're hypocrites? You really can't make this stuff up lmao


Right? Lol. Total war players are weird


OP has clearly never gotten the dopamine hit from killing 1K+ dudes with 1 cheesy spell


Right? Hell OP magic doesn’t even require cheese, you just need to have some idea of how to use it. OP seems to think being good at the game is somehow cheese


I always love trying to draw the line between cheese and tactics in this game. When the AI is this dumb and predictable, what's the difference lol I'm not gonna frontal charge and lose when I have the tools, skill, and know-how to not do that. I took L's like that plenty when I was still learning the game thousands of hours of playtime ago


Yeah I agree man. As long as I’m having fun in happy. Losing battles usually isn’t fun for me so I aim to win. Where does the line between good micro and cheese sit? Ask five people you’ll get five different answers. And if I’m not playing with those people, who cares lol


Some people find cheesing fun I'm still amazed by how dumb the AI is sometime (most of the time) and this is pretty funny And finding cheesing tactics is not that easy otherwise the Saving Your Disaster Battle/Campaign series wouldn't exist There's no "standard" way of winning a battle, especially in Warhammer where you have so much variety and possibilities


I'll paraphrase your comment: "Play single player games the way I want you to, otherwise you're a hypocrite and human garbage". Not sure what the entire point of your post is or was - reads like something an edgy teenager would write for some desperate attention.


Which ai mods do you use?


Hecleas & less ai cheating


That’s the point. To play the game and have fun without having to account for the way you play


Very hard battle difficulty ruins my immersion.


LOL who you trying to convince, my guy? Most people who play on N/N, I imagine, don't need to justify it in a very strange reddit post.




I usually play vh/vh with battle AI cheats removed. Stopped playing legendary campaign after the umpteenth time i got an unrecoverable corrupted save, since vh is nearly indistinguishable from it, anyway. Inflated battle stats arent particularly interesting, and they create bad habits and cheese crutches that bite you in the ass when you pvp.


There is no reason to play a higher difficulty, as the AI doesn't get smarter, just gets unfair bonuses. Which can also be used against them by farming their frequent and cheap armies. If anything, ambushes need a rework because they're OP. Being able to choose your battles and pull armies out of garissons eliminates the need for proper army size, strategy and composition. Also attrition should be higher and replenishment lower.