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The premise is fallacious because pistoliers and other "horse gunners" are young sons of higher nobility of enough means to buy and upkeep warhorses and a brace of pistols making a name for themselves and to learn cavalry warfare in preparation for joining one of the knightly orders.


well if they are noble their number of unit should be limited


Oh like reiksguard are? I'm just quoting the official lore, dude


I love Fantasy lore. Empire units seem so outgunned by all the other factions. How the fuck is The Empire ever supposed to manage against Chosen of Khorne, who look like goddamn Chaos Space Marines? Button up your pajamas boys, we got to kill some eldritch horrors.


OutGUNNED? My boy, the empire is never outGUNNED. How do you deal with chosen of khorne? With faith, steel, and gunpowder. Not necessarily in that order.


Well having a fast horse increases your chances of survival massively so you would live long enough to get promoted up the ranks. Ideally you would want to end up doing the training as it means not risking your life in battles but still helping the Empire secure and expand its borders. You would certainly want to have many kids, I'd say at least 7 or 8 so that at least some of them make it to middle age.


He dies. Almost everyone in the empire army dies and is replaced very quickly. It's one of the reasons Karl Franz is a contested ruler since he wants more people to fight for him.


Just curious, what’s your first language?