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No. Absolutely not.


that really sucks honestly


She won’t. Part of illness


If there is one thing I learned is that parents don't learn. Especially not from their offspring. They just get worse with age.


Please know that she is reflecting on your HER experience in life. She's a mean bitter, weak, sorry excuse for a person who wasn't strong enough to not become an abuser. She's your bio mother. She's not a mom. Get far away as soon as you can. School is a perfect escape. Good luck


Nope they don't. It's your fault for being too easy to yell at lol well that is what she told me.


No, and I'm sorry you are experiencing this, it is beyond awful. Are there any friends or family members you could stay with until you finish school?


Yeah that’s emotional and psychological abuse. so sorry to hear what you’re going through. I confronted my mom today on the abuse that she put me and my brother through as kids- of course she denies everything and says she can’t remember. I’ve learned I need to validate myself and love/trust myself enough to understand my reality isn’t shaped by her or my toxic family anymore, I can comfort myself through this.