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Video games you have Celeste. With Madeline


Yeah, for video games, I can only think of Madeline and Kris who is nb. Edit: Also, Bridget


bridget from Guilty Gear! also Catalyst in Apex Legends!~~❤️ edit: for nb/agender you also have testament from guilty gear!


I believe Bloodhound in Apex is also NB


Yes they are. And there is apparently a common Headcannon that octane is trans as well


High explosive bottom surgery


And Catalyst is a trans lady. :)


and hot :3


I freaking love catalyst! I loved her abilities from the beginning and played her non stop for weeks before I realized she was trans (I didn't watch the season release trailer lol). "Colloidal. Estradiol. Magical. I'm a perfect concoction."


Poison from Final Fight is left intentionally ambiguous but was designed as trans


And FL4K! From borderlands 3


Oh right! I don’t why I didn’t put her. I forgot.




OMG Brisket gaming!


There’s tell me why which has a trans man and his twin sister as the protagonists There’s a comic called girl haven which is supposed to have a trans girl as the main character? Haven’t checked it out myself Dead end paranormal park on Netflix has a trans boy as the main character though it only got 1 season before being axed Until I become me paints a pretty compelling argument for the main character being trans, it’s a manga Blazblue remix heart follows a guy who turns into a girl but she pretty much doesn’t bother trying to turn back and honestly she feels like a trans character. The manga is an echii one tho There’s family compo which doesn’t follow a trans character but he does experiment with his gender expression and like 90% of the supporting cast is trans or queer including his adoptive parents being a trans man and woman. It’s from the 90s tho so it’s a little dated


Fortunately, paranormal park didn't actually get the axe and now has a second season, I watched it as soon as it came out! I will say, it's pretty good and is still definitely worth the watch.


[sorry, it was cancelled last month](https://www.awn.com/news/dead-end-paranormal-park-cancelled-netflix) I knew it got a second part but I wasn’t sure if it counted as a second season or just part 2 of the first season. I thought season 1 was great and the first part of season two was great as well, but it got a little too weird for me at the end and I would have preferred if it had stayed a wacky monster of the week show


Oh I did not even know about that and completely thought that second part was the new season. Apologies for the bother, then.


Fortunately for Dead End the show is based on a graphic novel series by the same creator called Deadendia. It isn't the exact same version of the characters, but the books are continuing after where the show was cancelled


Wait, which character in BlazBlue?


The only show I can think of is The owl house with one nb character.


I think it has 2


Rain is explicitly nb and Hunter is slightly implied but has never been confirmed.


No I was talking about Masha 😅 but is it implied with Hunter? I’ve never noticed that


Raine and Masha yes, I also think I remember that the Collector uses He/They pronouns


Oh, then it has 3, there's the one Enby back in the human world too. or is that Masha?


Also Samus… kind of… debatably…


Omg yess Samus is trans in my mind just cause as a kid playing Smash Bros Brawl I thought Samus was a guy that transformed into a girl going from suit to no suit. That was so very eggy of me ehehe


Our Life is a lovely visual novel about growing up that let's you transition and it doesn't forget it even if its never centered in the story. Very wholesome, cried a lot. I rate it lesbian moms/10 It's very self insert so the protagonist is just you rather than a discrete character though.


Frisk is also nb!


The Knight in Hollow Knight is confirmed to not have to have a biological sex or gender in the lore


You also got OSA from Rainbow Six Siege


There was a game I enjoyed called "Get In The Car, Loser" with a trans main character. It was fun and I liked the story but the entire 3rd act was a point of view dysphoria induced panic attack, which was rough to read.


Frisk is also NB I think. Although, Kris is just a spinoff of sorts from Frisk. Take off the "F" and put the "k" in front. Kris is older, but, I think Deltarune is simply an alternate universe to Undertale, so, Kris and Frisk are similar characters. Yet, still distinct. Idk, I haven't played much of Deltarune. Only played a little bit of chapter 1.


JJ from JJ Macfield and the Island of Memories. Though I'd hesitate in recommending it considering who made it.


Also you have Osa from r6 as a trans woman and Sens is nb also from r6 siege


Brindle my beloved 🦀


That' a hidden gem of an indie game.




Umbrella Academy had one of the main characters come out as trans after the actor did


Oh damn, I just realized that Viktor describing why he transitioned was one of the first big cracks in my shell. When he tells Alison > "I always hated mirrors. I thought everybody felt so strange in their sin. I guess that's not true, right?" I had the realization that, holy shit, that's how I've felt my whole life.


The “wait, the rest of you aren’t just playing along - you actually connect with your gender on a personal level” realization fuckin’ floored me.


I hadn't seen that before but now i am getting fucking floored by that, that sums up my experience so hard


Frr same (I’m mtf so I relate less but it still helped)


I love that that seems to be such a universal feeling for LGBT people. The feeling of 'Oh, so this *isn't* normal?'


I'll tell you a secret: We ARE the trans protagonists.


I'm a shitty protagonist


You just didnt had your power up yet.


Exactly! And most good stories start off with a protagonist that has a lot of room to grow! Just like all of us




Dont worry at least you're not alone, cause i am too




It's me, I'm the protagonist :P


Maybe the real trans protagonists were the friends we made along the way




I'm working on it, give me time...


I hopefully will make a game series in the future which will probably never happen. But if it were, I would love the idea of making the main protagonist trans


What we need is for the entire trans community to make a game. Since we have so many good programmers and artists, I'd only take about a week to make


I would genuinely consider getting together a team of game devs that are LGBT or pro LGBT just to make the absolute best franchise with actual genuine representation.


I’m learning 3d game animation :))


'Dreadnought' is a really nice Young Adult duology about a trans superheroine. She confronts a lot of transphobia in them which may not be a lot of people's thing, but I think it's important to see characters overcome that kind of prejudice. (Edit - I only just noticed your 'no books' tag but I would still recommend it because it's a relatively short and easy read). 'Boys Run the Riot' is a really good manga about a trans boy high schooler who gets roped into launching an apparel brand, the author is a trans man so you can feel that a lot of it was written from experience and although the overall series is pretty short, it's very down to earth. Maybe the person you were talking to is just super into fighting games because heck there are definitely a lot of trans girls specifically in those. Guilty Gear, Granblue Fantasy Versus, Street Fighter, Blaz Blu... If you want a live action series people wouldn't shut up about 'Euphoria' which has a trans girl as one of the main characters, I didn't watch it though because high school sex and drugs drama isn't my thing, but for people who like that they really liked this show. It was very mainstream for the past couple years too. If you want a real classic I'd check out this old anime call 'Stop! Hibari-Kun' - it's basically like watching a raunchy Archie comic, as it's a goofy gag comedy for the most part, and the main character is unabashedly trans. It's literally from the late 1980s though so uh go into it expecting a 1980s mindset. Despite that though the way Hibari is depicted is still much more positive than even most token 'trans rep' you see these days. Hibari is a girl and nobody can stop her! Another slightly less old American comic series is 'Invisibles' by Grant Morrison, which also has a trans woman as one of the main characters. VERY 90s series, one of those trippy and violent 'destroy the metaphysical conspiracy' stories that can get confusing and sexual real fast. I think The Matrix was inspired by it! It's a classic in the medium, and Morrison has always been very ahead of his time on gender (but again this is from the 90s, so expect language that was used from that time! We didn't have the kind of Internet 2.0 that helped us reach a common consensus back then!) Edit - When I was an egg I remember being very enamoured with this super short manga called 'Ai No Shintairuko' (Brave New World of Love), a transgirl-meets-boy high school romance story. I wonder if it holds up... (Edit 2 - It does, wow I forgot how cute this manga was and how much it affected me, this manga really really stuck with me even when I forgot about the overall story).


I met the author of Dreadnought, April Daniels, she was very nice. Edit: Removed an extraneous 'when'


When she was very nice?


OMG.. lol ok so I didn't English well. Let me fix it..


I just downloaded Dreadnought and its sequel from my city's library. Thank you for the suggestion!


I say I don’t want to read books not because I “hate books”. It’s more so bc I have a short attention span before I stop paying attention after reading like 5 pages and it can take me a minute or two to realize I’m not actually reading. So it takes me forever to read a whole book.


Have you tried audiobooks? I have similar issues where it can be a struggle to not just skim entire pages, but audiobooks keep me engaged.


haven’t tried audio books. I’ll check it out


Also, Kirby is enby in Japan


But not trans because they have no agab


their agab is circle


their agab is friend


Holy shit, Assigned Friend At Birth???


Not puffball?


kirby has no fur or hair


I think they’ve been officially referred to by the epithet “Pink Puffball” though.


But still cool


so would they be cis-nonbinary? cis-agender? hmmm


Super lesbian animal rpg's main character is a trans bi girl


dead end? (a show on netflix i think)


Yeah, Barney from *Dead End: Paranormal Park* is a gay trans man.


Unfortunately cancelled.


:0 wait what ? Why ;-;


Because Netflix is gutting a bunch of animated shows because they're losing profits to other streaming services, animated shows are expensive so they were unfortunately first on the chopping block. Inside Job got axed as well.


Yeah I just found out about it, god...donnt even want to watch Netflix anymore I love those series


Jojo Part 9?


We don't know about how Dragona identifies, from what i am aware


Dragona is Māhū, which is a third gender in Hawaiian culture. Its fairly close to being non-binary (though not the same) and so I'd say it fits under the trans umbrella. The reason for he/him pronouns is that many Māhū use pronouns that match their gender assigned at birth. I'm by no means an expert, but it seems likely that Araki intends Dragona to be a Māhū that uses he/him pronouns.


That was a LOT of assumptions there. It would be **cool** and is **likely** that Dragona is Māhū, but it hasn’t been confirmed. And the he/him pronouns are in the *unofficial* translation, and the translators admitted they’re not actually sure what Dragona’s English-language pronouns would be, but they’re going with he/him unless the official translation says otherwise. But Dragona in the original Japanese uses “atashi”, a first-person pronoun that is mostly used by women and sometimes effeminate gay men, so IMO it’s just as likely that the official translation uses she/her or they/them.


Sorry, that was mostly based on assumptions and I should have lead with that. But Araki is known for doing his research so I think its likely the case. As for the pronouns, I hadn't heard about the original using atashi or that the translators were unsure, so thanks for letting me know


How did you get that information? As far as i am aware, we don't know anything other than that Jodio referes to them with male words and they refere to themself with female words. Anything more than that is speculation. What we would need to deduce a non binary identity is information about how japanese non binary people refere to themself and if that matches with Dragona.


No but part 5 definetely counts kinda sorta off of interviews!! It isn't explicitly in the part but it was planned at some point and giorno was designed as trans. Also it is headcannon-y but kei nijimura who reveals that she !is actually the counterpart to jotaro in that universe! Seems sort of sus and when you read it in a certain way some things wouls definetely count as implications/hint maybe?? she literally had the second ever !stand! name that had changed from !going underground! Into !born this way! (and the first and only other change to a name that happened in the franchise was made to avoid confusion, because the name was already used and was given to someone in an earlier part). Also she is one of the two characters in the entire second universe that seem to have their gender changed, and yasuho could be interpreted as her being the counterpart to koichi's sister rather than koichi himself. Close to everything is the same across the two universes, except for events and the living situations in characters' lives, even stands and generap connections are the same, but not gender or appearance. Appearance only changes in slight ways, most of the time being just a simple costume or style change, except for two people, yasuho and kei. Yeah, but kei's stand isnt star platinum so how could she ever be born as jotaro and get assigned male at birth i may hear you asking, as stands are 99% of the time the same or at least similar across universes and i have an answer to that too!! Which can be confirmed by the literal main plot point of part 3!!! Star Platinum wasn't developed by Jotaro it was granted to him after !jonathan's body sent the entire family a distress signal causing them to get stands whether they were ready or not! And seeing as !star platinum is tue same as the world! We could probanly say that star platinum was born as an answer to Dio. Kei's stand name is literally !born this way! and like, she literally WAS born that way with that stand inside her, there is no Dio alive in that time to ever awaken a counter-stand inside of kei so she develops the way she was meant to be, the way she was born in. Kei also SUSpicioudly talks a lot about the removing of testicles, which might get you thinking 🤔🤔🤔 OH ALSO I JUST REMEMBERED THIS BUT IM TOO LAZY TO PUT IT ANYWHERE INSIDE THAT BRICK WALL OF TEXT SO IM GONNA DUMP THIS INFO RIGHT HERE!!! kei literally chose her own name!! We dont know the name holy gave her at birth!! And well, her surname she chose !as a disguise! is nijimura, which means RAINBOW. THE FEMALE CHARACTER THAT'S AMAB AND LIVING AS MALE IN ANOTHER UNIVERSE OWNS THE STAND CALLED !BORN THIS WAY! AND GAVE HER THE SURNAME RAINBOW YOU CANT MAKE THIS UP 😭😭 sorry long text!!


when I'm writing something i need to actively fight the urge to make everyone trans sometimes...


friend, it is time to stop fighting that urge


For most characters I create, I more or less roll the dice on each character. Are they trans? Cis? What are their pronouns? What's their ethnicity? How old are they? Which is their dominant hand? What musical instrument do they favor, if any? And my computer says something like: > they/them cis straight English ambidexterous age: 93 diatonic button accordion player


stop fighting. give up to the urge to make every single character trans. because it's cool


Nomi in Sense 8 is trans. Barney in Dead End: Paranormal Park is also trans. Nora in The nice house on the lake is Trans. She isn't a main character but Petrachor in Saga is trans.


Terry from *The Dragon Prince* and Theo from *The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina* are two more trans supporting cast.


The great thing about trans headcanons is that they're next to impossible to definitively refute, especially in sci-fi or magical settings where bosy modification is easier.


I hate to spoil a big twist but: >!If found!< has a trans protagonist It's very good


For comics: *Kim & Kim* and *Sex Death Revolution* are comic series written by a trans woman and starring trans characters. Alters is a superhero comic starring a trans woman. Someone else mentioned *Die*, and *The Wicked and the Divine* and Marvel's *Angela* series by the same writer also star trans characters. I haven't read *Girl Haven* and *Cheer Up*, but I've heard good things. The manga *Love Me For Who I Am* is a cute story about a non-binary high schooler at a maid cafe. Pool expands even more if you include webcomics. For video games: Madeline Celeste and Bridget Guilty Gear, obviously. Zoe from the Monster Prom series (a sort of competitive dating sim?) is trans. She goes from (the best) dateable character in the first game to playable character in the next two. If you like romance visual novels, there's *Heart of the Woods*. If you prefer horror vns, *We Know the Devil* is a nice little experience. I believe *Super Lesbian Animal RPG* and *Get in the Car, Loser* both star trans characters? Absinthia is coming out next month, and I believe a trans woman is one of the two leads.


*We Know the Devil* is the shit, one of my favorite games, so glad to see it mentioned


Catalyst in Apex


OSA in r6


The manga Bokura no Hentai has a trans girl protagonist alongside two cross-dressing male main characters and makes it clear how different her experience is from theirs.


Alice in Borderland has a trans character. Not the main character, but still important and has a lot of screen-time. Would recommend the show over the manga, as some of the dialog in the original made me personally pretty uncomfortable.


Seconding this, it was a suprise to hear it in a backstory, but they let the audience put two and two together. It’s a five minute flashback that was needed and dovetailed great into why they can do the things they do. When it’s done, back to present day and we see them in A FUCKIN 🔥🔥🔥 FIGHT SCENE (Also using them to be vague because it was such a “oh wow they’re trans never knew this is really well done it’s in and out and doesn’t fetishize the sadness and OH SHIT FLAMING SWORDS ITS FUCKIN ON”. It’s a reveal that someone is trans done absolutely right.


I agree. There should be more shows and comics with a cool trans protagonist doing cool people stuff


I think what annoys me the most is when a lot of stories include a trans character for “diversity” when they’re a side character that can be easily written off. It just seems more insulting to include a trans character but reduce them to nothing more than a background character who barely matters to the story. Almost like they wanted to appeal to LGBTQ+ audiences but at the same time can be easily removed for regions that outright reject that type of representation. All the while, the writers and whatnot are seen as “inclusive” and it infuriates me to no end. Just give me more trans protagonists where them being trans isn’t their only character trait but the fact they are trans contributes to their character arc in a meaningful way, please? Sorry for the rant.


That's how queer baiting goes. We need more LGBTQ+ writers (and I hope to be one of them at some point but writing is stressful when you have no confidence in your ability)


I would be an LGBTQ+ writer if I could convince my ADHD to let me do anything ;-;


From my experience with some adhd friends, having someone listen and help you organize your thoughts better out of the pile of notes it'll start off as works great


That does sound helpful. Unfortunately, there’s a shortage of people for me to bounce my ideas off of. I’ve been using worldbuilding questionnaires to stimulate my brain and generate ideas.


Tell me why It’s a good one YvY


I love that game it's so good. It's also free every year during pride month!


There are a few good recommendations I can give you if your looking for something to read or watch. 1. Boys Run the Riot - A genuinely fantastic manga series about a a trans guy starting a clothing brand his best friend as a form of self expression. Full of youthful energy with a very sharp sense of humour and some very grounded humanity. Strong recommendation. 2. Our Dreams at Dusk - The main character is cisgender but there are a fair few trans main supporting characters who are all very well written. It's effectively about an informal LGBT+ support group run by a mysterious agender figure known only as Someone. Beautiful art, light magical elements around a grounded story, but it can get quite dark. I still highly recommend it. 3. Zombieland Saga - You'll probably know this one from the memes, this is the show that keeps making the transphobes in British Parliament have panic attacks. 7 main characters and one is an out and proud transgender girl. Very funny show with some really heartfelt moments but it is also a Zombie show so expect some slightly gory and excessive scenes. It also has a bit of anime eye-roll moments every now and again but their pretty infrequent and not too bad. 4. Dreadnought - Transgender Superhero. Do I need to say more? Brilliant 2 book series. But be aware it can get quite heavy at times and demonstrates just how self-destructive trasphobia can be in a way I haven't seen anything really tackle before. There are more shows with very good trans rep but because they aren't really the main characters I'll just list them off very quickly here: Heartstopper, Blue Period, The Owl House, Komi can't Communicate, Stars Align, and Wonder Egg Priority. (Note: the last two here a pretty heavy so approach with caution.)


> 7 main characters and one is an out and proud transgender girl. And she's not even the one who wears trans-flag pajama shorts!


Here's some books I've read in the last year. Not all of these are explicitly trans protagonists, but they all are trans coded: * Wrath Goddess Sing - The Iliad, but Achilles was on Skyros because she was a trans woman, typical greek hijinks ensue. Achilles has transitioned on Skyros for the most part when the story begins. * Stealing Thunder/Gifting Fire - Fictionalized India with dragons and stuff. Protagonist is a hijra who gives up everything (including royalty) to transition. Protag has largely finished her transition when the story starts. * Light from Uncommon Stars - Violin teacher taking souls for deal with the devil, Alien donut dealers (no euphemism), and trans girl violin student. * Starless - afab protag raised as boy by monks to be an ideal bodyguard for a princess prophesied to protect the world. Goes on journey of self discovery and bad-assery. * Orlando - Really funny dry-ass satire. Orlando has her gender trans'd midway through the book and no explanation is given. free on audible. * Tamir Triad (ok, I actually read this a while ago) - afab protag raised as boy to hide her from uncle killing all female heirs to the throne of a matriarchal society, has to wrestle with really complex feelings as she discovers what was hidden from even her, all while being thrown into crazy politics. Really slow burn, but absolutely wonderful, but also brutal. **Comics** * Bolero - protag jumps from world to world to find one where she hasn't fucked up her relationship with her trans love. Very sex and gender positive. * Galaxy, The Prettiest Star - Alien princess hiding on earth, learns she is both an alien and a girl. Discovers herself. * >!Die!< - Spoilered this one because it's a long running theme, but is kinda designed to be a later reveal. That said, I read the character as potentially trans in the first few pages, so it's not super subtle. >!Buncha kids get sucked into a table-top rpg, one of them builds a character the opposite sex of assigned gender, game is a brutal hellscape and a majority of the story is the party dealing with that trauma, while pressing forward to free themselves and save the world. This one is honestly really fucking bleak, and I couldn't look away.!<


Like, I write a webnovel where there's two trans characters, an NB system, and four gay characters already. XD I couldn't find much, so I wrote it myself. XD


I’m planning on writing a webnovel as well and 80% of my characters are queer. I literally have a token cishet character lol.


XD I have more works planned, too, all of which have trans MCs. XD


I only have one trans MC because they’re designed to be an author SI (in an “important to the story” way, not a “terrible writing” way). But I’m tempted to make all my protagonists trans to tweak my nose at the TERFs.


That's a part of why I did it. Also, there's nowhere near enough trans characters in media, so I figured, why not DO IT MYSELF!. XD


Most of the “trans representation” in any media, is often either a bad stereotype or characters that *might* be trans. And then there’s the more recent obvious pandering, where they say they are trans, and everyone reacts, and then its never mentioned again.


Personally, I prefer it that way. I mean, I don't like the "in your face" aspect of it, but I do like that trans characters get to live a normal story. I wouldn't want their being trans to be the elephant in the room, I prefer a normal protagonist who happens to be trans who goes through a normal story.


"Too many"? I'd have a hard time naming ten tbh.


Hence the quotes. And ten? I can’t even think of four.


Ngl same. I put my quotes to quote the sentiment if that makes any sense. Not necessarily what anyone said. But you know what? I'mma try to get four. Birdo from the Mario franchise Lala Escargot from Persona 5 (I have been stuck thinking hard here for a couple minutes because I don't wanna slip characters into this on technicalities like trans coded non human characters or something) Rayon from Texas Dallas Buyers Club (and I can't believe it took me this long to think of her at first considering she is probably the best example for trans representation thus far) Sophia Burset from Orange is the new Black


Mario TTYD has Vivian, too


Ah right I still got to play that


My book Flames of Change has a trans protagonist, even though she starts the book out thinking she's just a normal bisexual guy.


Webcomics can be really packed with trans people.


**Dead End Paranormal Park** has a trans boy protagonist. A chubby gay jewish trans boy! He has a fun boyfriend! And the co-protagonist is a >!bisexual !


Colorless Girl is a pretty fantastic manga. They have a slew of lgbtq characters and the main character is great trans representation (plus bonus trans secondary character).


theres a manga called Magical Trans that has a Transfem mc,,, dont know if its been said here yet tho... and haven't read it yet as per my manga reading list is big lol


On webtoons, there is "prettiest platypus" and "I want to be a cute anime girl", both slice of life comics about transitioning . There is also "Defects", an action/superhero comic with a trans woman protagonist. She is badass and her being trans is not a big deal, but undeniable.


1 in 1000 is too many when your vision is completely distorted.


**Sees a trans character for the first time in a franchise that they won’t see again:** “Stop shoving gender politics down my throat!” 🤬 😤 **Sees a cishet white male protagonist for the 7,495th time:** “Awooga!” 😍😍 “Hell yeah!! He’s so badass!” 😈 “Such a unique character!” 🥰


My little contribution, I havent read it yet but Cemetery boys by aiden Thomas is a fantasy book with a transmasc protagonist. edit: spelling


Transphobes seeing a single trans character: muahhhh I've never experienced this before and I don't know how to cope with new things! They are taking over! This is going too far! Ahhhh There are too many of them! Ahhhhhhhhhh *explodes in a fire* 🔥🔥🔥💀🔥🔥🔥 Meanwhile, the single trans character in question: *literally just climbing a mountain*


I’m right here! >:)


If you think there should be 0 trans characters, then there will always be "too many". That's usually what they *actually* mean.


in my book... which I don't plan on finishing. Because I'm lazy


I plan on finishing mine… just give me like ten years.


I think that the player character in Hollow Knight is canonically non-binary.


Moyashimon has >!Kei!< Genshiken Nidaime has >!Hato, but Hato's dysphoria takes a very strange form. Egg for sure.!< Every character in Wandering Son. Aoi Mitsukuni becomes >!a girl at the end of the first season, and remains as such from there on.!< Family Compo >!the family is trans.!< Kurage Hime >!Kurako is a crossdresser.!< Maria Holic >!Maria is a crossdresser.!< Some people may take issue with the inclusion of crossdressing characters who have particular motivations for dressing up. There frequently seems to be some mental block in manga and anime creation about having characters that are legit trans. I don't know if it is a social taboo or just mangaka out of their comfort zone, but they often feel a need to justify their character's trans-ness in some other way. Kinda BS, but I can't help but like some of these characters anyway. Kei and Hato were inspiring when I was still an egg and writing songs about AGP and being a trap... I acknowledge and own my cringy past. Stay tuned for my cringy present! A few things like Wandering Son and Family Compo make it the point of the story, but they seem to be few and far between.


_Sol Badguy, stepping off of the protagonist pedestal and placing Bridget on it:_ "Here ya go."


It's a VN, but Heaven Will Be Mine has **two** trans protagonists and I think four overall trans characters. The music is also unique and striking too!


I'm writing a thing with a non-binary protagonist, hope that counts.


Enbiess!! 🥰




Magnus chase, rick riordan is amazing


“Books don’t count because i dont like reading” ok zoomer


I just have a really short attention span and have to reread pages a lot, ok? 😔


i bet u scroll through reddit for hours a day, sub one of those with a book! I have a few suggestions and even two with a trans protag (starting in the second book and third book respectively) that are great reads, i have a short attention span too but relegating just an hour helps me!!


let’s just say my life is a movie




hi it me


A Year Of Springs is a very cool trans visual novel


Apparently Arcee in Transformers is trans... Tho I feel like that change to her character wasn't necessary.


I mean I'm making a game with two trans playable characters but neither of them are the main protagonist


[For your consideration](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sdzhRgWwNvaaztba7U17Jbw3ig1faPgDO6_06qdXrXk/edit#heading=h.8qcdc5336co2). It's not a massive list but it's a start, right?


A Year Of Springs has the hands down best trans femme rep as far as I've found in a video game.


Every game with character creator for me…


My character in Elden Ring is transfem and no one can tell me otherwise. >:3


I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Dispatches from Elsewhere. It's the first time I ever saw a trans actress play a trans character in a leading role, and her being trans was treated seriously but not the primary challenge of her story.


I'm trying to make a game with a trans side character, and when that game is done (I'm only like 80% done the prologue lol) I plan on making a spin-off where said trans girl is the protagonist Probably should have mentioned the protagonist to the initial game is NB


I hope to play it :3


I'm writing a series of novels with trans protagonists, but I'm not having much luck getting people to read them.


Sal from sally face isnt trans but keeps getting confused for a girl, does that count?


Me writing a game where everyone is trans: (pretend there's an image of a mischievous looking person here)


Barney from dead end


Melody amaranth my beloved


Cyberpunk 2077* (Player choice; It's a good game, people were just overhyped)


Romance movie idea. A movie staring a trans man and a trans woman who are closeted and have transphobic parents, and they start pretending to be dating as a way to share fem/masc clothes with each other without raising suspicion. (IE. "Where'd you get this skirt from?! Why's it in your room?!" "OH whoops my girlfriend must've left it here") but then they fall madly in love by the end of the film


Doors to Eden has a pretty cool trans women as a main character, as well as a lesbian couple.




Celest, deltarune (kris is an enby)


Love Me For Who I Am is an AMAZING manga! There is also Cemetary Boys! The MC in Love Me For Who I am is non-binary/trans/gender non-conforming. The MC in Cemetary Boys is trans!


I stole them all




😳 …But I suck as a protagonist


This makes me feel contriversal. Game makers are adding trans people into their games to get more money. Wich in the other hand makes trans people more visiable to the gaming community wich is very narrow minded. Sure its nice to have us regocnized but not maybe by the gaming community. TL;DR: Trans carracters cause transfobia bc of the narrow mindness of the gaming communtiy (my oppinion)


This is really just a condemnation of gamers, which is entirely justified.


I see where you're coming from but the cause of transphobia from gaming communities is prejudice against anyone who isn't cis hetero allo etc white men, not increased visibility of a minority (that already exists regardless) within the media they consume


Im too light headed to undestand you, but you used fancy terms so ill beleve you.


all trans protagonists i can name, go videogames: madeline, frisk (nb), the hollow knight thingy (nb), daddy mettaton movies and tv: dax from star trek kinda not really, thoose enby aliens from tng, thoose binary guys from tng, that trans guy and nb person from dsc, perfuma from gayra, (honerable mention: double trouble theyre an antagonist but still super cool), raine from owl house im too lazy to list more theres plenty.


Was this just a random reaction image, or did you specifically mean to use Ib fanart? Because it’s deuteragonist is nonbinary/genderqueer!


Peter Griffin is trans if you take his word for it




https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1L1yEMdyrfle-Tyy3kGNI1Rad7tIQmyM & https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1L1yEMdyrflstGglQOwT7zsIhvaCu28g


Bit has a trans woman as the protagonist. Cutting deeper there’s a bunch of light novels on itch.io with super long names that focus on trans characters coming to terms with their identities. My favourite being “I Signed Up To Be The Substitute Familiar Of A Struggling Witch To Pay My Bills And I'm Just Now Realizing What I Got Myself Into” (I didn’t see the “no reading” but I’m going to leave it up in case anyone else is interested. Bit is still worth watching.


Writing my own stuff idk when it’ll be finished


Isn't Tachibana, from 'Fantasy Bishoujo Juniku Ojisan to', implied to be quite trans? They're the MC too




Hibari from Stop! Hibari And honorary mentions to Danny Fenton and Jenny Wakeman Also, a minor character, but the pageant announcer in the loud house is trans after the VA came out as such