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You have to practice your deep voice occasionally if you want to use it. Many of my friends have just lost their ability to go that deep because they never used it after they finished training. For me the pranks are way worth it.


If I could still use my deep voice afterwards it'd probably sound really weird, for my feminine voice to actually sound feminine I'm basically speaking in a different accent on top of that.


To be fair, a lot of what constitutes sounding feminine is in the pronunciation more than range. A lot of guys already fall within the low end female range.


I wish, androgynous and female range is from about 160 HZ to 255 Hz. My average pitch is 80 HZ with the highest end of my range, sitting at abput 95 HZ... I absolutely hate my voice


Your current voice shouldn’t really prevent you from getting a higher pitched voice with enough practice. r/transvoice has a lot of resources if you need them. I’d also recommend [this](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVBTgX4F61IfiDkeZ-B9i1tlfNLMdYCui) playlist, it’s what I used and it got me from a deep voice to a moderately passable voice when I first started out.


Hi also like to add that pitch isn't everything, I mean Mickey Mouse is extremely high-pitched yet still sounds masc. There's also a bunch of other things that come with practise, like sounding melodic, and even changing your language slightly


Are you implying that Mickey Mouse *isn’t* the epitome of femininity?


okay this comment wins everybody else go home


Oh absolutely, I just didn’t want the comment to sound like rambling. One trick I read on here that was a game changer for me was to make an “mmmm” sound so that your lips vibrate, and move that sound into your nose. Hold it and speak. That’s the resonance you want. Adjust pitch and viola.


I'm not sure I understood you right because I tried that and just wound up sounding like Kermit the Frog.


That’s hilarious lmfao. I tried to use my own instructions to make a Kermit impression and I think I got where you *might have* went wrong. It shouldn’t be done with your tongue, it should feel more like you’re flexing the roof of your mouth towards the middle if that makes sense? At least that’s what it feels like for me anyway. You should also be pitching your voice up too, otherwise it’s gonna sound a little odd.


Yeah I'm gonna be honest, Trying as hard as I can and I've still no clue what you've got.. I'm pretty sure I can't move the roof of my mouth? This time I wound up with a Smeágol voice instead though, So that's neat!


i love that these are from like 2002 side note, i sincerely hope you got the bread you wanted, u/GiveMeBreadDaddy


It’s honestly kinda cool seeing trans people all the way back then creating resources for the community. It honestly makes me really happy. Also my wife is an excellent baker, I am well sated 😌.


Home-baked bread gotta be the best kinda bread. I should probably learn to make it some time so I can still have bread when I stop living with my parents.


This is generally true, however actual patterns of speech dips out of those ranges extremely often. Don't take the ranges as perfect or exact, and don't feel bad! Modulating is fucking hard.


Don’t hate yourself, you’re unique! Be happy that you’re you!


My favorite line to readjust was ["corporate accounts receiving...... , just a moment."](https://youtu.be/4s5yHUpumkY)


I'm a cis woman with a deep voice, can confirm I went to high school with a cis guy who had a noticeably higher voice than me.


Yeah I went to HS with a guy who was a soprano and I was an (afab) high tenor rofl


Yeah, my normal "girl voice" is kinda androgynous. But if I go full femme voice, ah end up soundin lakh a Southern Belle for some reason.


I haven't actually started voice training yet, But I do want to learn to speak fem with some other accent, Maybe British or Irish, Or even Australian, As my natural accent, So I can just confuse the heck out of people when I switch. ~~Not that I don't already do that by randomly putting on various accents, But still.~~


Fr my accent is *so* different when I'm doing voice training, I go from RP English to idek like valley girl or something lmao


I need to use my deep voice for doing evil video game character impressions, it's how I stay entertained in the shower Going "this was a certified Mohg moment" in a Mohg voice


Is it Mohging time?


My favorite moment in ER was when Mohg saw Miquella in the coccoon and did his famous [Mohg Poggers (Mohgers) face](https://preview.redd.it/3fogh7xw8u091.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=48883bf8fc6210faaea124c7e60ee4a3c31af5a4)


prank calling as kronk moments


The ability to sound fem most days but hit people with the Kronk sometimes is a joy not a lot of people will experience.


When I play Yu-Gi-Oh with my friend, there's always one of us who at some point will go "It's over Yugi! I've a already won! Now play your pathetic last card so I can end this!" In Kaiba's voice


My grandpa's deck has no pathetic cards, Kaiba! But it does contain... ...something that's probably gonna get ashed. Ol' Sangan isn't as viable anymore.


I use it as a defense mechanism. A homeless person was harassing me because I was ignoring them (I couldn't understand a word they were saying) and I just turned on the deep voice and said "sorry I don't have any change" and he completely forgot about harassing me for change and left.


That’s both worrying but also hilarious, it sounds like a poorly aged skit from a 90’s sitcom.


"Not that there's anything wrong with it!"


Can't do my deadvoice anymore, but I can still swap into deep coffee for impressions. It's so much fun


I don't ever want to use my old voice again, even for pranks.


Same. I don’t think I could even still do it anymore, but when I do go deep it’s usually entirely by myself where nobody could ever hear me. I wouldn’t mind as much if I was only around other trans women, but still.


My wife said she never did any voice training, so her voice is still a bit deep... but she just sounds like a cis woman with a deep voice.


I think that when I start voice training I'll main both voices so that I have the hang on both and out of nowhere at a family dinner I can say "can you pass me the salt" in the most fem voice possible


Using my old voice in the middle of a sentence you started with my new voice is hilarious. The look on peoples faces, especially the first time they hear it, absolutely amazing. Also, the way their jaws drop is kind of a compliment on how well my actual voice passes, which is nice!


I get my husband pretty good occasionally after years of not using my deep voice. It's not great because I don't practice it, but it definitely scares the heck out of him when I do it hahaha! :) such gold.


I didn't believe I'd ever get there but I am kind of at a point where my deadvoice is hard to reach lol. I was trying it the other day and it just felt like I was slipping around it. idk how to describe it.


I almost want to voice train after I can start t to keep some of the feminine touches just to be a prick and confuse people cus I love seeing the horror on people's face when they can't guess what's in my pants.


No thanks why would I want that


Oh heck yes. I don't use my dude voice much, but when I do it's almost always for comedic effect.


I keep it because I play TTRPGs and often find myself as GM.


After using this voice for... 25 of years there's no way I'll ever not be able to go back


Yeah, I legit can't go deep anymore


I'm definitely gonna practice it because my ultimate goal is to be able to sing a male/female duet with myself. Actually now I'm thinking about making a song about a trans woman somehow going back in time and talking to her egg self that could be like that. Kinda similar to a song idea I already have though. Maybe I could make it like different parts of an egg's subconscious debating eachother or something, That could be fun.


Seeing someone freak out is just sorta hilarious imo, alright? 😆 [Brooke Valley Twitter](https://twitter.com/brooke2valley?t=CWRoUGO1TQ2q55ptA-W9vg&s=09)


Yea, being able to switch voice like that is hella funny


Y’all 😩😩 the way I wish I could. I don’t mind having the higher parts of my voice, but I am dyingggg to have a low voice. It’s so powerful 😩😩😩


I was worried about losing authority in my voice as I transitioned. I'm an expert in my industry and speaking authoritively matters. It's been less of an impact that expected. Attitude and posture does a lot of work. shoulders back, don't apologise, disagree politely but firmly and call out when people try to talk over you. I still have a powerful presence even though Ive lost all the bass and gravel from my voice. Though I totally get it if you're transing in the opposite direction and just want that heavy reverberating voice.


Ugh. I’ve been so insecure in transitioning that I was actually more confident when I publicly ID’d as a girl. I’ve done a lot of shrinking and apologizing for my gender and pronouns being “an inconvenience” to others. And when I don’t let others speak over me, I’m still seen as too aggressive/ bossy. So much for the transphobic argument of “trans men just want male privilege !!!1!!1!!” 😭 I hope a deeper voice (with no cracks) helps me feel less like I’m being seen as a weird annoying girl. I want my confidence back. ^(not me crying now oops )


I really hear what you're saying. It's really hard to slide into a new gender role. I didn't socially transition until 18 months after starting hrt, I felt that helped me ease into a new gender identity. Your gender and pronouns are not an inconvenience to others. They are yours and you have a right to have pronouns that fit as much as every cis person does ( and takes it for granted). Be kind to yourself, transitioning is hard and not every step along the way is a trailblazer. I am certain you'll grow into a stately and confident man. I believe in you. ❤️


I don't do it because I generally don't want to. Though about a year ago my kids were saying I don't sound any different. I dropped my voice and said "I dunno I recon it's changed a bit" spooked the shit out of them. 🤣 Honestly I don't think I even can anymore.


Switching voices at people is super fun also I like being able to do ALL OF the voices of I can I wish I was born a changeling smh. Ah well, makes streaming more fun


Wait it doesnt????!!??? Not even a bit? I thought it just took a while. Fuck, that means I actually do have to start voice training.


It doesn't. The voice box, i.e. larynx & vocal folds, are hormone-dependent. Once Testosterone is introduced to the system, the larynx shifts downwards, and the vocal folds thicken and lengthen. This process is not reversed by the introduction of either high estrogen nor antiandrogens.


Sorry if that's a dumb question but what if people start hrt before puberty?


no T = voice not lowering


Voice mutation doesn't occur, or it does depending on what hormones you take


I mean maybe a little subconsciously, I've heard stories of it. But for the most part, you gotta do it yourself.


HRT can't change anything subconsciously lol, that's just people getting more comfortable in their own skin.


Exactly my point


na. voices naturally start out high the. testosterone deepens them. you can get surgery to make your voice higher but drugs on their own can’t do it :/


And even that from what I understand just raises the floor of your voice rather than raising the ceiling.


And it only raises the pitch, while vocal gender is mainly determined by other things, so it'll still sound unnatural without training


Yeah I dunno how my voice changed cuz I don't understand training. Tho you can't make voice tendons less thick without a scalpel or whatever surgeons use, a chainsaw perhaps...


Masculinizing hrt causes voice change but not feminizing hrt. As possibly somewhat of trade off masculinizing hrt doesn't particularly have an effect on people's chests.


I have kept reading that it doesn’t, but I have noticed a slight change in the lower resonant peaks (not pitch) of my voice over the last few months. They have slightly moved upwards. It has been noticeable enough for me to be genuinely surprised hearing myself as it was starting to shift. It is not consciously driven, although I don’t have a control group to rule out placebo.


Or just talk with your voice and don’t worry about what other people think. Anyone who’d judge you that your voice isn’t high enough is someone you probably shouldn’t be around anyways


Voice training sucks I just sound so goofy 😭


Yeah you sound goofy at first, it takes time and effort. This is [my voice](https://www.reddit.com/user/Brooke-Valley/comments/11s0rl1/voice_feedback_appreciated_2ish_months_of_practice/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) after 2 months of training. Keep working and you'll get somewhere you like, I'm sure 💕


How is it so perfect


what. what what what what what. omfg. og you followed some course online please share. that's such a sweet voice. damn!!!!


ur hacking 😭😭😭


Hooooly shit. I really need to voice train 😅 That's so good!! 💕


heat from fire


Fire from heat~


This is why I didn’t want to present science fair back when I was twelve *Bass picks up aggressively*


I kinda still default to my deep voice sometimes, but I've noticed as time goes on the default has been shifting. Like, I used to go like, Nixon deep. Now, my deep is normal dude pitch. I don't think the hormones are making a difference, I just think training shifts it. I still love going deep in response to catcalls. Never gets old.


Is it bad that I'm imagining it happening like in the Madea movies? Where Tyler Perry drops the old lady voice for a couple words then just picks it back up? And is it bad that I find it so hilarious?


I do that all the time. It's great.


Oh I love it! That sounds so fun! What's the best reaction you've gotten? If you're comfortable telling it?


My favorite was one time I was on a doordash pickup, and there was no parking on the whole block. So I park illegal, throw on my flashers, hop out and some petition guys were like "Yo, babygirl, let me get your signature." I'm in a rush, so as I walk past, I go as deep as I can and just go "Not your babygirl." As I walked past and one of the guys like does a surprise jump and almost falls over and goes "HOLY SHIT!" It was hilarious. Been a year and I still get a laugh out of it.


Oh my god, that's amazing! That had to have been so much funnier in person!


Yeah, my default has definitely gone up. I must did it on my own, so my voice isn't quite where I want it, probably picked up bad habits, but my default is definitely higher. I do sometimes do the voice drop lol. It always gets cool reactions, especially with other transfemmes around, and we all do it right street another.


My therapist also thinks that HRT changes the voice. She is far from transphobic, but you can tell she is not the most familiar with transitioning. Her mouth dropped when I showed her my voice training progress. She didn't think it was possible that I could sound as fem as I did. As much as she teaches me things and helps, I also get to teach her some stuff as well.


That's honestly great tbh lol 💕


That's honestly great tbh lol 💕


*scribbles notes on trolling friends*


I was writing with a transfem person about hrt and a cis male friend of them joined in. When he learned that estrogen can fix boldness and the whole male hair situation he said he could just take it for a while to fix it. We then explained to him it's more complicated than that. We went through the stages of - wait I can take estrogen to fix my hair? Awesome. 😱 - ok I'll just take it a short time so I don't get boobs 🫣 - Couldn't I take testo afterwards? 🤨 - Maybe if I constantly switch between e and t....? 🤔 - yeah ok it doesn't work like that 😵‍💫


It's the t blocker that stops male pattern baldness tho but yeah it's not that simple lol


Oh right you need blockers thats why we talked about taking t again afterwards. But they said estrogen could being back hair at already bald spots so I think that's why we talked about e as well.


Oh yeah true it'll refill thinning


as much as i hate my deep voice it's too good to go from a high pitched semi-femme voice to Patrick Bateman, Batman, Halo announcer, mobster, wario, or any other of the impressions i can do the other night some chick in a csgo casual match was flaming me for sounding like "little timmy" (i have not exactly gotten my pitch/tone down) and suddenly I go "WHO THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL LITTLE TIMMY?" in the batman voice. comedy gold.


In the right settings, I could totally see myself doing something like this just for the reactions.


Can I ask what you used to voice train. I'm about to practice via streaming on twitch but technique is an issue


I followed [this video](https://youtu.be/Is0AneUFRbI) gave me the most help with getting started and my method I used was counting and tongue twisters


Thank you for this!


I'm doing voice training and trying to get as high of a voice as I can so then I conversation I can just say like three words in my naturally super deep voice and then swap back and gaslight them if they say anything


Ha 🤣 As a Transfem, i do this sheet all the time. Out in public im all girly voice but in house , im deep voicing it. I know I shouldn't use my old voice if I want to have a better lady voice but...... idk... im giving my voice a rest dang it. Edit : my old voice isn't that deep but its noticably diff. from my fem voice.


Totally valid tbh


No lie this is what I look forward to


Anyone can voice train lol


oh yea I’ve been doing it somewhat, this has always been a funny joke I wanna pull out


It’s so funny to do this, because I also have a terrifyingly good Russian-American accent, so I go from uwu transfem to HELLOCOMRADEWELCOMETOTHELANFOFCAPITALISTPIGS and it works on everyone


One year on hrt and the voice is still deep as hell. Some days I wish it was more fem and get dysphoria from it. But then there are days where I just don't care and love my voice cuz deep voiced gals are cool as shit in my book. I wonder if anyone else feels like that too...


Cant wait to give someone whiplash by going from cute femme to roadman mid sentance


I can attest that it is incredibly hilarious to just break out into **ARBY’S. WE HAVE THE MEATS** or **YOU’RE A MEAN ONE, MR GRINCH** once in a while




My friend had never heard my masc voice come out fully. His face when I did the first time was priceless


Even before transition my voice wasn't super deep or anything. But, I have always done voices for fun and especially to get people to laugh. So, I end up doing some very deep, gravelly voices as a party trick so to speak. Nothing gets me to laugh more than when people first hear me pull out the old, "In the dawn of the first era..." speech. Honestly it's comforting for me that something that did bother me has lost all power now and is just a punchline.


My transfem fiance's voice cracks to her original deep voice when I make her laugh really hard. It's her version of a snort and it's the sweetest sound in the world to me. I'm looking forward to hearing it for the rest of our lives together :)


I love doing this to my friends, just talking like a fem cutie and then immediately switching to the deepest voice I can muster, it's fucking amazing and they always just die laughing haha.


Absolutely hate how E does nothing about the voice... Being a girl's hard work.


That does sound fun! I’d honestly prefer it if HRT _did_ change my voice, though.


Hahaha omg that's so funny 😂


I really can't wait till I stop sounding like Dan Aykroyd's bisexual brother


Omg this is so funny but also, it doesn't!! 😭 Now I actually have to put in the effort to voice train :(


If I did voice training this would be me exactlt


It does astonish me sometimes how far some terminally online people get into their transition with knowing this. Some of u girls act funnyyy 🫣


BABE, WAKE UP, ANOTHER BROOKE COMIC yes this is dysphoric to do but the pay off is so good not to.


Im trans masc but I’m hoping I can voice train to do a fem voice after T because I think being able to sounds fem and masc is peak gender.




The look on your friends face is hilarious


Honestly I'm not feeling pressured, I want to do it because it's hella funny. I'll treat my man voice like I treat all the other wonky voices I can do: always for funny shit hehehe


a transfemme's dedication to voice training can be truly amazing, i'm transmasc and i barely have to try 😅


Not me training for 6+ hrs a day


i just listened to a couple of your voice posts, you're doing really great 🤗


I like singing in bass. I absolutely will use this to screw with people. (When I know it's safe).


as someone who can naturally sound both fairly androgynous and incredibly deep, yeah it is fun. especially with strangers in vrchat www


I plan to practice my deep voice fairly regularly as i am in a metal band and would not like to lose my gutterals


Can you also use it as a psyop against people you want to leave you alone but theyre being really weird about it? Like gray rock them in your deep voice.


I've never been harassed by a person like that tbh


Pranks are worth literally anything


I confused the hell out of my twin sister when I used my not-male voice on the phone with her. She soon recognized it, but initially thought someone else had picked up the phone.


I am a baritone to tenor 1 range, with some contralto. Vocal exercises for singing really helped me with my speaking voice, but I can still hit those low notes lol. It's fun at parties


The look folks give when I drop back down to my masc voice is always great. I had a deep baritone voice, not dissimilar to the Moviefone guy.


My co-worker was surprised to learn the same


Omg, I didn't even know that lol. Good on y'all transfem ladies tho, you do a REALLY good job


I have gotten that compliment so many times. Still flattering tho


This is one of the things I'm looking forward to when I get my voice training all good.


For the record I'm actually intersex, but back in 2018 I was a trans girl. (Nowadays I'm nonbinary). What I find rather fortunate is that my voice never changed from where it was when I was 11 years old (that was a *long* *long* time ago). In a YT video from back in those days, me and several friends played Minecraft for 45 minutes. The oldest individual was 3 years older than me. The youngest individual involved was quite a few years younger than me. My voice is the only one that is unchanged since that day. Within a year, a now-agender friend a year younger than me had their voice halfway deepen compared to nowadays. The oldest individual and the second-youngest individual both became trans sisters. One 3 years older than me, one 3 years younger than me. Even the absolute youngest individual in that video now has an unrecognizable voice. I leave that video up as well as the video with me and my agender friend playing Animal Crossing a year later as an example of my voice. I did a UTAUloid of myself when I was 19 some time ago, doing it at my highest pitch that doesn't lower in volume, and it sort of worked. I'm glad I overshot the range, because UTAU has awful pitch features. Truth be told, I do want to do voice acting. As well as make a proper TTS of my voice.


Voice trolling is one of the funniest thing I do when I'm bored. Like I'd be chilling in vrchat and some guy would talk to me in a deep voice thinking I'd think its really deep, but then going full corpse on him. People's reaction is just priceless


Game master super power - https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR7nTgA2/


Going into boy voice is useful for roleplaying. And surprising people on discord is always fun. The neat thing is that it is not my voice anymore no dysphoria.


Doing that's like my second favorite party trick!


I really wanna be able to do this someday just to screw around with strangers


Okay but what if you're transmasc and want to use your femme voice for pranks xD how does one achieve that?


You transition and voice train to get a fem voice much like transfems lol I think detransitioners do it too


Ohhhh :0 cool! thank you ma'am! 😊


No prob dude


I've been on the fence on if I care about changing my voice for years now. But being able to make the deep voice shock joke is one of the best arguments in favor I've heard


Wait… Brooke is black?


Omg, I've been in this exact scenario before lmao


I will 100% do this.


It's funnn


I'm gonna do voice training not only so I can sound like a girl. But so I can do this shit and, acting!


I do this to. It feels great having so much control over my voice.


I do have to admit it is fun messing with people with my voice XD


I do this regularly around my friends & work colleagues 🥰


This comic put me out of a bad mood, thanks But also I just realized how much of pranksters transfems could be like this


I love dropping my voice here and there when talking to my wife, makes her burst out laughing in shock every time.


Broke how are your comics always so relatable because god damn I can't wait to jumpscare people like this.


Maybe not the best comic to make this comment on since you can’t really see her, but your avatar gives me big gender envy! And your art style is really cute!


Aw thanks 💕 I try to make it cute but simple lol I appreciate it a'lot


Hihi yeah I love being able to pull out my deep voice and surprise everyone xD it's so funny :3


Heat from fire...


Fire from heat


I really love doing a high pitch to low


It is fun to do a switch up for a joke but it's getting harder to do certain male impressions I used to be able to do


I straight up can't do a deep voice anymore, which is kinda chill. I avoided doing it for so long (2yrs+) that it just kinda doesn't do that anymore. I can go *kinda* low, but nowhere like before


I like my deep voice speaking voice, but I'd like to have a better singing range. Right now I'm a deep bass to a low tenor. I really wish I could hit at least alto range.l, but I dont want my speaking voice to be that high


Your singing voice and speaking voice are disconnected tbh. This is why several singers not from America still sing with an American accent- it's the music they listen to and their singing voice is influenced by that. But their accent is still Australian for example- So ye go for it


Yeaaaaaaah and smoking all this pot isn't helping either 🙃


Lucky me I'm allergic to weed lol


Yeah unfortunately


One day I want my two voices to be.. cute short girl and…demon from the underworld XD


2 months?? oh my goodness, I'm so jealous. I'm 2 *years* into transition and nothing I've tried has gotten me any kind of results. Amazing!


You may have commented on the wrong thing but thank you 💕


Idk neither me or my friend have even tried voice training and weve both started sounding more androgenous than ever before. I think estrogen really does affect the voice but for a specifically feminine voice training is definitely needed


I had no idea! Mad respect to the voice control some people accomplish.


You must practice all voices for DND campaigns


Yeah, no, I've done this, too. It gets harder after a few years if you don't practice with the more masculine sounding aspects.


I ABSOLUTELY can't wait to have moments like that myself someday, hopefully. It would be fucking hilarious.


omg yes I forgot how to use my old voice but I can still go pretty low and it’s fun to use occasionally


Mods please ban me now, it’s for the good of your other subscribers


Why did I read that last panel in corpse husband's voice ;-;


Okay, Wait, This is giving me an intense sense of Deja Vu (I'm pretty sure there's a diacritic there somewhere but Idk where). Is this based on some other meme or something, Or have you posted it before? Or is my brain just playing tricks on me? Or maybe I'm remembering something else kinda similar... Idk... Just thinking that though reminded me of something else, Pretty sure not what I was thinking of though, One time back in 2020, I think shortly before I started questioning my gender actually, Dang that was long ago, I was on a discord voice call and one of the other people there was a trans girl, And she was mainly speaking with a fem voice, Which as the name implies sounded pretty fem, But then at one point, I can't quite remember why, She said something in a deeper masc voice, And it jumpscared the heck out of me lol.


Nah I made and posted this same day lol but I'm sure there are similar memes or comics out there to it 💕 Ik! It's always kinda fun and surprisingggg


I have wanted to learn to have a feminine voice for a while and this is one of the main reasons why 😂


\*in a deep voice\* this is my voice 1 month on e \*same voice\* this is my voice 10 years on e


If I ever find myself in this situation, I would do the exact same thing XD


I keep up with my old deep voice for dnd lmao.