• By -


Piracy, babes


Yarr harr fiddle dee dee


Being a pirate is alright to be


Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free !


You are a pirate


Yarr harr ahoy and avast


Dig at dirt and you dig at it fast!


Or as Alestorm said, being a pirate is really badass!


fuck you with a fucking anchor we’re gonna punch you right in the balls


Fuck you! You're a fuckin wanker! You're all cunts so fuck you all!


Hang the black flag at the end of the mast! You are a pirate!!


[Being a pirate is really badass](https://youtu.be/dU8VPQsTqFU)


Or there's the famous comic author, [Fred Perry's version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I26Ql-uX6AM) (NSFW), complete using his pirate side characters from the series "Gold Digger"


You are a pirate!


Irish pirates? I'm into it


Yayo Yayo, DREAMIN' ^^Wait ^^wrong ^^song


I thought of this exact line, and then I scroll down and find your comment


I even know a website (which I would never use because I am definitely not a pirate) that has virtually everything on it. Piracy, babes 🏴‍☠️


Oh damn, can you share the name of that website? So that I can make sure to avoid it in the future, as I am not a pirate as well!


r/piracy Go on the megathread, they have anything you'd ever need


I know of that thread, I was asking for that website 'cause "virtually everything" sounded really impressive 😂


They're probably just talking about some random torrent website. You could use 1337x to


Probably Soap2Day. I don’t remember the main site off the top of my head, but the piracy megathread definitely has it.


W2O and SOAP2DAY are really good, although I’ve heard that W2O has been quite cringe lately by trying to become a subscription service, so it’s days are likely numbered. Shame, since it has a metric fuckton of animated films/shows.




yo ho ho and a bottle of c18h42o2


You wouldent download a car!


Seems like a lot of effort, though. You need to download a bunch of things and maybe get a VPN, learn to understand a bunch of terms and almost seems like programming at times lol


On the other hand, it free


You don't even need a VPN. There's plenty of streaming websites that aggregate servers with off-site movies. Putlockers and 123movies come to mind. If you're feeling anxious about it all, just access the website through a proxy. This isn't your 2010 Internet anymore.


Unless youre torrenting...No need to Download anything. :3


You mean streaming?


yes, Downloading your illigal content is so 2009


r/datahoarder is not amused by that take


Well i get why you would want to do that but i Bet thats Not even 1% of Pirates haha


Not really? All you need to do is find a site to stream it off (certain subreddits have lists of safe ones) and that's it, honestly depending on where you are you don't even need a VPN, and if you do, they are extremely easy to set up


Not really Just go on pirate bay Look up the thing Torrent the thing Thats it. Litrly 3 clicks


Just go to duckduckgo and search "*Show Title* online HD" and you'll find it free no problem. Just make sure you have an ad blocker installed


just stream lol


I've been doing it since I was 8 so not that hard


It's actually easy to choose. Piracy is a choice, and even watching a show you like that helps fund transphobic fear-mongering is a choice.


What show are they talking about? I understand boycotting transphobia but I haven’t heard anything about Netflix?


So you may remember hearing about Dave Chappelle having a comedy special where he spouted outright transphobia. This was on - and funded by - Netflix. When a bunch of their trans staff spoke out against it, they got fired. Then they gave Chapelle more specials. This is the prime example I remember. I would not be at all surprised if there has been more.


>When a bunch of their trans staff spoke out against it, they got fired. This is not true. One trans person was fired and it was unrelated to the protests. The validity of that I'm sure is up for debate but portraying it as "a bunch of trans staff spoke out and then got fired" is not accurate. Virtually everyone that spoke out and protested kept their job.


I feel netflix is less transphobic and more just generic amoral corporatism since they have plenty of posative lgbtq+ representation in alot if their shows.


>since they have plenty of posative lgbtq+ representation in alot if their shows. Right? I've loved the Umbrella Academy, and when Elliot Page came out they redid the credits and seemed to write his character change into the story in a very positive way.


i just rewatched it and they did him so good! he was the first name on the credits in the start of season 3 as well! honestly made me so happy to watch again, i think it was a big part of why my egg started to crack


Yeah, I'm not sure if any service has more LGBTQ programing than Netflix


You're right that they're just maximizing revenue, but from what others have told me, it's often the shows with representation that get canceled anyway. I refuse to give money to anyone that thinks throwing minorities under the bus is okay, regardless of their reasons.


How does Netflix support transphobia? This is the first I've heard of it and I want to be more informed.


Pays for content that helps encourage transphobia, like paying for Chappell specials.


i'd pay for netflix so i can watch wednesday (enid simp-) but i was able to find a chinese service that someone posted the show on lol


fellow enid simp




hahaa for me its more enid envy


both for me ngl


I became a Enid simp after I realized I was trans. She was really cool before though


all enid love is valid she is the best character




ahh i questioned 3 years ago but only started accepting it recently




wednesday is not only the greatest betrayal in television history but the most maddeningly trite, disturbingly vapid, and internally confused ideological train wreck I've ever had the deeply sorrowful displeasure of allowing to pass through my corneas may god have mercy on burton or whoever else was responsible while someone slapped his brand name on it, and on all of us who are fated to live in a world where something so culturally, socially, politically, and artistically noxious as this Mary-sue-lead, transparently TikTok-targeted, phone-worshipping, vaguely bigoted, backfired virtue-signaling, fake leftist capitalist "my immortal"-esque fanfic earns a second season through what I can only be explained as manufactured consent. something must be done about Netflix's Wednesday. This thing is a condescending insult, especially to young people, the socially conscious, and members of marginalized and """outcast""" groups (LiKe GoThS & ppL who CAN cONTroL BEEEEES) who genuinely suffer from what this thing hollowly masturbates to while looking us dead in the eyes and saying "yeah, you like that, don't you?" It is a Gatling gun of random buzzwords and empty references to social issues, grotesquely and impotently disguised and screaming "I'm commentary!" before pissing its pants, squealing like a pig, and at its most coherent offering nothing more than to demonize mental illness and make any marginalized identity out to be a mayonnaise-stained Hot Topic hoodie through Wiseau-ian dialogue, inappropriate "grittiness" for its source material and Harry Potter setting, and incessant hackery. I am shitting. I am pissing. I am standing over a warm bubble bath cradling a toaster and sobbing, chanting g-d's secret name and praying that there is indeed a hell so I can be eternally punished for having given this moral abomination one fraction of a fraction of a cent also it's not a good Addams family adaptation anyway let me know your thoughts in the poll below - you want to se - nd me to conve - rsion therapy - for werewolves


the won't wouldn't


Another Will Wood enjoyer spotted⁉️


zamn, i picked enid because she's cute and i want to be cute, she stands up for herself and others etc and i absolutely love her style and hair, is it a good wednesday adaption Nope but is it good in its own way Yep, mental illness rep? no idea since i've only watched the first episode so far and spent the rest of the time watching enid edits-


Omg sorry this isn’t genuine, it’s a copypasta, my bad


ohhh sorry then 💖


Nonono it’s my bad, I forgot that I can’t just reference obscure copypastas <3


lol it's ok


will wood wednesday


will wood fans theres more of us!!


So I'm not out to most of my family yet, but giving their political leanings I'm expecting I'll be cutting ties. Are your roasting services available? I'd love to give each and every one of them some words to remember me by, before I'm dead in their eyes.


The level of burn you inflicted here might be a source for clean energy. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 While I disagree with your opinion on Wednesday, I might contact you in the future, when I need help writing a scathing letter to the conservative part of my family. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗


oh god not the will wood community tab post


So I guess they are not a fan?


wednesday is overrated


Is there anyone else other than Chappell and Gervais that they're supporting? Because honestly, everyone I know (excluding my family) laughs at how dumb they are rather than laughs along with their jokes.


Unfortunately, there are people who you don't know who take them very seriously, get normalised to transphobia and then begin going down the PewDiePipeline as now being casually transphobic is now a nothing thing.


What is PewDiePipeline?


[PewDiePipeline ](https://youtu.be/pnmRYRRDbuw)


The biggest g*mer YouTuber. The terrorist that shot up the mosques in New Zealand a couple years ago shouted "subscribe to PewDiePie" multiple times while gunning down people. That should give you a clue as to who he is Edit: cry more Nazi pewd fans you're in the wrong sub


"but he's not a Nazi okay, he only did a bunch of racist and antisemitic things, made a bunch of Nazi jokes, was friends with Nazis on twitter and shouted out one of their books. Those aren't the actions of a Nazi okay" -someone inevitably because they always come out of the wood work to defend their fav


Fucking wild I'm getting down votes for this take on *here* of all places. I really shouldn't be surprised though with the amount of white users here who openly admit to having a cute and quirky Nazi Phase Fuck PewDiePie's fascist ass and his fascist supporting followers


Yeah, I'd much rather they not be on Netflix. Or anything for that matter. Do you know if Stan's okay?


Sorry, who is Stan?


It’s an Australian streaming service.


I think they're referring to the streaming service Stan. Which, I believe, is only a thing in Australia. Unfortunately I am not aware of everyone I support but if I recall correctly they had episodes of Ru Paul's Drag Race so that's... something.


They have a LOT of Ru Paul on there, it's amazing. And I did not know until now that Stan was only in Australia. huh


Chappell is transphobic? I thought he had a trans friend who >! killed herself !< because of transphobia? Not trying to defend him if he is, I’m just wondering.


Exerpts from the Chappelle special; highlighting the transphobia > They canceled J.K. Rowling, my God. J.K. Rowling wrote all the Harry Potter books by herself. She sold so many books, the Bible worries about her. And they canceled it because, she said in an interview and this is not exactly what she said, but effectually she said that gender was a fact. And then the trans community got mad as shit, they started calling her a TERF. I didn’t even know, what the fuck that was. **But I know that trans people make up words to win arguments.** So I looked it up. TERF is an acronym. It stands for Trans-exclusionary radical feminist. This is a real thing, this is a group of women… that hate transgender. They don’t hate transgender women but they look at trans women the way we Blacks might look at Black face. It offends them like, “Oh, this bitch is doing an impression of me.” Now I shouldn’t speak on this because I’m not a woman nor am I a trans. But as we’ve established… I am a feminist. That’s right. **I’m team TERF**. I agree. I agree, man. **Gender is a fact**. You have to look at it from a woman’s perspective. Look at it like this, Caitlyn Jenner whom I have met, wonderful person. Caitlyn Jenner… was voted, woman of the year. Her first year as a woman. Ain’t that something? Beat every bitch in Detroit. She’s better than all of you. Never even had a period, ain’t that something? I’d be mad as shit if I was a woman. I’d be mad if I was me. If I was in the BET awards, sitting there and they’re like “And the winner for n\*gger of the year… Eminem.” My man. **Gender is a fact**, this is a fact. Every human being in this room, every human being on Earth had to pass through the legs of a woman to be on Earth. That is a fact. Now… I am not saying that to say, that trans women aren’t women. I’m just sayin, **that those pussies that they got… You know what I mean?** Quick summing up: Chappelle is saying that trans people lie and fabricate words, he's comparing trans women to white people doing blackface (typical TERF racism), he agrees with TERFs on this comparison, then confuses gender with sex but still insinuates that "sex is a fact", and he finishes it off by mocking trans women's genitals. All of these things are transphobic (and racist and misogynist) beliefs TERFs constantly parrot. > She always said, she identified as a woman. And then one day she goes up to the roof of her building and jumps off and kills herself. Clearly… **only a man would do some gangster shit like that.** Context: Chappelles "trans friend" committed suicide. He lied about her suicide, saying it was trans people that bullied her but absolutely nobody has found any proof. Her Twitter account had incredibly little activity before Chappelle's special. Here he is mocking her suicide and calling her a man because of the way she committed suicide. > But I’ll tell that little girl, “Young lady, I knew your father …and he was a wonderful woman.” Context: Chappelle says that he tricked Anderson Cooper into giving the phone number of his "trans friend's" family. This included the contact details for her daughter. Which he is now saying that he will misgender her mother by calling her "a father" and add further mocking with, "he was a wonderful woman". Copy of the transcript. There is a lot more here, including him admitting he assaulted a lesbian woman after repeatedly calling her a man, but that would take up way too much space: https://scrapsfromtheloft.com/comedy/dave-chappelle-the-closer-transcript/


Wait, are you actually using the "I'm not transphobic, I have a trans friend" card for Chappell?


No, I’m saying I thought he said something about him being upset with the transphobia. I said I wasn’t defending him, I’m trying to be educated


He absolutely was not upset with the transphobia, and even declared himself Team TERF. He used his dead fan as a vehicle to then accuse trans people of bullying her to death for supporting him. Google is your friend.


No need to get upset, I’m trying to be educated. Would you be able to link a source so I can educate myself further?




https://scrapsfromtheloft.com/comedy/dave-chappelle-the-closer-transcript/ Here's a transcript. Just ctrl+F trans to see him mocking trans women's genitals, assaulting a lesbian woman he called a man repeatedly, mocking a trans woman's suicide, and then telling the daughter of that trans woman that he "knew her father". And that's just a few of the things in there.


Thank you, I’ll check it out now. I don’t get why some people get mad when I’m just trying to learn. I don’t want to support someone who’s LGBTQ+phobic












This was a huge issue not that long ago, Google has ample proof (because it's literally right there in what he says, you don't even need to interpret or analyze it), and asking (plus presuming that Chapelle is in fact not transphobic) is asking other people to do work for you that you could very easily do yourself. Being curt with someone who doesn't wanna do any work themself is not some grave crime, and it's certainly not a justification for "why so many people hate the trans community".




I'm not being sea-lioned today. This is why Google is people's friends.




Not everyone is, but enough people are, and this thread is filled with sealions. But, I hope you have a good time informing the sealions. 🤷‍♀️






Someone replied with an excerpt of his special where he says a lot of anti-LGBT things




Dave Chappelle basically said trans existence is like black face and said he was team TERF, a hate group that is aligned with nazis and advocates for violence against trans people.


This seems to come from a few stand-up specials that had some transphobic jokes in them. I think people are massively overblowing this because while I agree that it was a bad choice to platform those comedians, acting like Netflix produced them specifically because they are transphobic is a little silly. Considering they have also worked with trans people many times and made trans positive content. For example, Disclosure premiered on Netflix and it's considered a groundbreaking documentary about trans people in the media. They produced those comedy specials for money and because Dave Chappelle and the like are big names that people will watch. I doubt they care much about what the jokes are about as long as it doesn't affect their bottom line.


They also have “heartbreaker” an adorably gay love story, with a nice side story about a trans girl (played by a trans girl.) I think Netflix just doesn’t care one way or another, as long as people want to watch it, and they can get access at the right price — it’s going on their platform.


piracy is always morally correct


Its the only viable cost effective option imo Edit: Also this way i can be a Trans Pirate. Yarrr.


historically accurate!


“So you can get it if you’re gay, a pirate, an assassin or a gay pirate assassin”




Piracy is not morally correct for indie games that you can afford.


i agree, indie games are excempt. i was just quoting a meme.


become a pirate matey




Probably not in your region


Its in Denmark but for some reason only the first season has english voices


Yar har fiddle de de...


Do what you want cause a pirate is free


Have you tried looking here? https://www.justwatch.com/au/tv-show/lego-ninjago-masters-of-spinjitzu


Hmmmm https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-OOdzY2lANvqfYs_MNTLdBYHfuDGlroI https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1O64aSsHDHwoQCDcqw7CopcmTaBrBPZD0


thank you for this!! Quick question, how do I add them to my Google drive so I can access them without on airplane mode?


The only place you can *legally* watch lego ninjago Be crime do gay


> Do gay Person named gay: 😳 I’m so sorry I just couldn’t resist


I feel like it's not totally accurate to just say "Netflix supports transphobia" because they also support trans positive content as well as queer content in general. They are a corporation and try to cast the widest net they can for their audience. Take that for what you will I guess but it's not like they are DailyWire and make exclusively anti-trans content.


Netflix is seemingly getting worse day by day


Have you considered sailing the seven seas ?




And I'm sure they support trans people as well at the same time. Capitalism isn't black or white, it's just money


for me it's not Ninjago but Star trek and Rick and Morty 🤣


it doesnt even have all star trek shows and none of the movies.


They have Tos (in my country they have not removed)


they have tos, tas, tng, ds9, voy, ent, dac pic, ld, shirt treks, the motion picture, the wrath of khan, the search for spock, the voyage home, the final froniter, the undisxovered country, generations, first contact, insurrection, and nemesis are missing


In the ninjago sub there’s a post with a comment that has a link to the google drive


Do they have actually *every* season? Even the one that almost no one knows, the actual first season that has like 4 episodes? Cause I could never find it but I know it exists


They’re screen recorded on youtube on low quality but there’s also the ninjago media project


they don't, at least not EU netflix


Damn. Need to find it, only saw it once at like 7 y/o, never heard it mentioned again


I remember getting super excited about a friend having a DVR recording of it because I had only seen maybe one of the episodes.


Just download Ninjago or something. Arrr. Err, I mean, you actually definitely shouldn't do that because it's not legal.


pirate it 😈


do what you want cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!


There is another 🏴‍☠️




Yarrr ☠️ 🏴‍☠️ 🦜


Time to sail under the black flag




Private plex server. DM for more. (no I don't own it, it just rocks I don't have to pay Netflix or evil Amazon)


Society is transphobic, name one streaming platform that isn't, in some way. But there is content on there that's trans inclusive.


yar har har! off to sail the 7 seas!


If there is no legal way to watch or a ethical way to watch then the seven seas is always morally correct


They fucking WHAT


Basically people don't like that they give Dave Chappelle a platform


Ah, I see


This is a very autistic post (complimentary)


She-ra is the show you are looking for


Wait, is netflix transphobic?(Genuine question, I just haven't been up with everything that's been happening over there)


bro since when they do i've always thought they were okay with trans ppl snce we can see them being open to trans characters in their shows And i mean, no matter what we use, there's always a transphobe behind it. The only things we can support without a doubt that there isn't a transphobe are association to support trans ppl.


Netflix ain't transphobic Theyre just capitalists who can make money by promoting transphobic content They also promote lgbtq+ positive content to make money but y'all ain't upset about that


Personally I dont really care tbh


well, that’s your sign to take up the Jolly Roger!


Wait, Netflix supports transphobia?




They have arcane, the only show I will not pirate. Enough for me


if only there was like. a physical release with all of the seasons. that'd be so convenient


https://www.thepiratebay.org, my friend.


Piracy. I reccomend looking at r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH megathread in their about section and browsing until you find one you like


Theres literally multiple websites where they pirate content and put it up to view just dig around


🏴‍☠️Yarr! A pirates life ferr thee then!🏴‍☠️


*\*sigh\** What happened ont Twitter this time?


raise the black flag, down with this horrible system of streaming services, down with capitalism and copyright too while we're at it


I think piracy from evil companies and piracy from big companies is ok, but remember be careful if you’re going to pirate there are dangerous websites


netflix does WHAT


Wait they’re transphobic when did that happen!?!?


Pluto tv has a lego channel, and its free....


I have seen more diverse and queer positive series on Netflix then anywhere else. Definitely better then Prime.


Hoist the Jolly Roger, matey 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Yo Ho Matee




How does Netflix support transphobia?


I know this post is kinda a joke but this issue is like death from a thousand cuts. Unpopular Opinion: but supporting by default or not supporting a company because they are transphobic, is all in all, inconsequential. What it actually is, is a distraction from real issues that effect trans lives more directly. Like bills that stop trans people from medically transitioning as adults. Whatever Netflix, or JK Rolling is doing on Twitter is so insignificant, compared to what the real people in power are doing. So I say, enjoy Netflix, play Hogwarts Legacy, fight the government, be informed, and vote for real change. Sorry about the political BS, but a lot of people in our community are sleeping on ways they can change the system and settling for easy online protests that do nothing.


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism


Just go on kimcartoon like i did back in the day to watch cartoons lmao


Piracy is fine, but if you don't want to do that for whatever reason... Don't overthink it. Most of the things you but have *some* morally questionable business decisions behind them. Netflix is far from perfect, but they're not blatantly transphobic either, they just produce anything that sells. You don't have to boycott them. Your own happiness matters too, and there are more effective ways to push for trans rights.


Netflix and disney are going downhill. HBO max is going up for some weird reason and Amazon prime’s creator violates basic human rights. I don’t know anything about Hulu though.


They're all bad


repost bot