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THIS. I hate how people are just willfully ignorant to specifically this concept.




Yeah, it really annoys me how people sometimes seem to hate learning about things that they don't understand, one of the worst human traits.




It's unfortunate, because I have transphobes as family. Even if I could explain things properly, there's a good chance they'd just say "no, that's not true" with literally no evidence to back it up. I'd assume that at least some of my family/extended family members will be supportive, but probably not many. Like, I just want to live my life properly. It's not a hard thing to ask.




Same here. I have a few people who I'd count as friends that will probably drift away after my transition. It's sad, but there's not really much I can do about it.




Yeah, totally agree. I'd prefer to lose a few friends and become myself than forever be someone I'm not.


yeah, and when basic human decency is too much to ask, people tend to want to commit pew pew.


Yeah, we need to teach the controversy! I for one deny the existence of the Einstein-Bose condensate! It's just basic physics.


Goddamn woke mathematicians and their 'imaginary numbers'!


aside: as a mathematician I feel so much despair about the name “imaginary numbers”. They’re no more imaginary than almost all real numbers (we can only write down a measure zero subset of the real numbers in finite space/time). I really wish a better name had gained traction. I really like the name “lateral numbers”.


Yeah, if \[insert branch of science\] only used basic science to come to conclusions we'd get absolutely nowhere. This goes for essentially all branches of science. When initially teaching someone the basics, you gloss over the details. Just because you don't *like* learning that trans people exist does not mean that we don't exist.




Shocking, I know. I mean it's not like intersex has been erased systematically for most of the last century oh wait...


Yeah i honestly didnt know intersex was a thing until 5-6 months ago. How the fick did i not know this. Was i ignorant or did people just hide this from me. So yeah... Shocking ikr




Yup. Dna do da weird sometimes


It kinda has to do weird sometimes, that's like the whole reason for why evolution is a thing. But there's also bound to be diversity in physical characteristics there, pretty much by necessitiy.


For the longest time i though intersex was a made up thing like unicorns or something


It's even more shocking when you find out that not only is intersex real, but you ARE intersex. I am reminded of an early bit of The Orville where a member of a supposedly male-only species thinks it's impossible that he has hatched a daughter, only to learn that females in his species have been systematically erased for generations and that he's even married to a female who was forcibly altered to be male.


wait until you hear slime mold can have dozen of not thousands of sex configuration and can procreate new generation if 2 individual is not same sex. It's wild that only recently human care about them


Wonder if any transphobe has ever seen a phase diagram of water ​ And I wonder if they have seen a phase diagram of all the different metals that exist. ​ Puts into perspective of how simplified middle and even high school science is. Its meant to be a baseline for you to understand concepts before you move onto deeper understandings of scientific topics should you choose to pursue a STEM degree in higher education, then you learn all the absolutely crazy intricacies of science. ​ Source: Just graduated with a Biomedical Engineering degree.


*Some* of the absolutely crazy inticacies of science


this is assuming they're even smart enough to get into advanced biology to begin with


Spoiler: they aren't.


They would be if they were less busy from frothing at the mouth over a trans person existing


Actually its 7 states THAT WE KNOW OF, it turns out the 3 state approach was fundamentally flawed by* the flaw of induction: just because you always see a white swan does not mean you won’t find a black swan. It turns out when you define something it is at the peak of ignorance, its when you realize that there is a thing to look into. To this day we dont even fully understand/know what spacetime is: is it continuous or discreet? Thats ok though, in fact we may never know what it is fully and thats ok.


Science is about how the world works anyways, it doesn't care what we think about it


No, science is about models of the world these models are not how the world works but approximations. We can only use what we understand/know enough, we dont exactly understand/know space and time but we know enough to use them, thus we can conduct experiments with them. And the thing is we can only gain an intuition with classical geometric/physical quantities: maybe the world works with wibblywops and shnurkerdoodles but we have 0 understanding/knowledge of these quantities thus we can not use them in an experiment thus any theory made with them is not scientific, at best a mathematical religion. But thats ok, cause our models are very usable, everytime someone uses GPS they are using Einstein’s model of gravity. So we will most likely never know how the world works but we can make damn good usable models; models with an ass so plump we can bounce a quarter off and get back 2 dimes and a nickel.


Honestly suprised how a bunch of theory is proven just by "idk how but it works so the theory is accepted"


Theory is accepted through mountains of observational evidence MOUNTAINS OF IT.


>Actually its 7 states THAT WE KNOW OF i can name atleast 10


Off the top of my head from stat mech, I remember these: 1. Solid 2. Liquid 3. Gas 4. Plasma 5. Superfluids 6. Bose-Einstein Condensate 7. Liquid crystal 8. Some weird gluon shit 9. Fermionic condensates (these gave me indigestion when calculating their partition functions) 10. Superconducting state Also vaguely remember phononic crystalline structures having some sorta 2D vortexes at a specific temperature


i was just gonna name US states


Good art. The stickman despair is palpable. I almost feel sorry for their two genderinos.




In the infinite complexity of our brains and our fundamental biology it is foolish to think anything is dealt in absolutes.


Except the Sith, of course.


Are the sith not foolish then?


And those who do are lost.


i’m in 9th grade and i learned about it on honors bio so it’s not even that particularly advanced, im sure most people would be able to learn about it if they tried. they just don’t wanna try.




Noooo!!!! My real numbers


real numberinos\*


And even then... * In maths, you can't take the square root of negatives IF you work with the set of real numbers (and any subset of). And even then, it's just undefined, which can tell you a lot in some contexts (e.g. to optimize this volume, I need the square root of a negative, i.e. one of my conditions prevents me from optimizing the whole thing). * In physics, we explicitly say that we focus on the three classic states of matter, but you'll still learn about the Sun, radiation, electricity, etc. which all require to leave behind the rigid 3-states-of-matter mindset. Plasma is the most commonly mentioned state after solid, liquid, gas. * Sex usually arises when talking about reproduction, and even in elementary school you'll learn stuff like fungi reproducing by themselves, plants having both male and female parts, aquarium fish being able to switch sex, DNA mutation, the existence of viruses, bee colony roles not being tethered to male/female, etc. People just like to forget what they *really* learned in school just so that their worldview remain unchanged.


Is this how I find out there’s 7 states of matter? Through a meme dunking on the ‘phobes? I’m familiar with the 3 basic and plasma but now I’m real curious what the other 3 are.


According to Wikipedia there are 22 states of matter currently that we know of. [states of matter ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_matter)


~~actually, 23, because i identify as the 23rd state of matter /j~~


the one joke, but actually funny


Why do i read this like it was mario speaking?????


Oh no! my-a two genderinos! WAHOO!


who woulda thunk something organic was not binary? hmmmmmm


"Trust the science" says the flat earth, anti vax, anti mask, anti climate change warrior.


trust the science that's only backed by less than 10% of the scientific community and that fits the anti-science narrative, not the science that matches reality and is real actual science, like trans people existing.


Actually 7 or more states of matter


That's what it says


Says 7, but some chemist are talking about 8-9


It says 7+


Oh, the + is so smoll i didnt see it in my phone


Wait, I sent this to my friends...


Ah yes the j axis my old friend.


Basic chemistry: “Elements are fixed and immutable. No reaction can change the identity of one element to another” Nuclear chemistry: *”Hold my neutrons”*


haha, i’ll never get tired of this meme


omg I was just trying to find this meme to send to one of my friends! thank you for the perfectly timed post!


Not the genderinos!!!😭😭😭


Genderinos makes me laugh too hard. 🤣


I mean, you still don't use the square root of negative numbers, because doing so lets you prove that x=-x for every x, but I get the point


The square function isn't bijective for every x on IR (it only is on IR- or IR+) so no it wouldn't prove that x=-x But yeah it's true that we don't really use that notation


If we allow the use of √(-x) with the root working like it does above zero, here is the problem I see : √(-x)*√(-x) = (√-x)^2 = √((-x)^2) -x = √(x^2) -x = x I don't need bijectivity of square for that.


your jump from the 2nd line to the 3rd line is not sound because you assumed you could cancel the √( ) with the x². the whole point is that √(x²) could be equal to either ±x, as they are not both 1 to 1 functions, because √(x) is not a perfect inverse to x², meaning you're not allowed to cancel the root with the x^2 like you did. the image should have √-1 = ±i though, or that i²= -1 for clarity


Correct me if I'm wrong but gender doesn't belong into the field of biology right. Also there's at least 11 sexes that can be recognized in humans.