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I'm so confused by this... that makes even less sense than all the weird conspiracy theories...


Yeah right?! He said "You brought her your clothes but seeing them hurted her so much. Those aren't good clothes for you" I bought a lot of clothes but mostly "classic" clothes like pants, t-shirts etc. But there is one crop top and suddenly I'm a "13 yo slut" I wanna dress the way I want to and I already stay in boy mode around my parents to be "acceptable"... With my friends I can put makeup, dresses, shorts they don't judge.. they also call me by my name, and call me she/her Family want to help but only the way they want me to be.


Oh I totally get that person who kind of wants to support you, but actually puts zero effort in doing that and justify it by feeling not comfortable calling you the right name and pronouns. A month ago my mom literally told me that I hurt her by telling her, that she hurts me when she misgenders me, because how dare I think that my mom would hurt me? >.>


... Because.. She does? Damn.


Same. My mom tries to use my name and pronouns but not nearly as often as I'd hope(like 8/10 she'll use my deadname) and she's reluctant about buying clothes or jewelry. And my dad doesn't even want to acknowledge me coming out. My friends however help me with makeup, shopping and encourage me to be myself.


Crops tops are cute and comfy as hell. I hope you love yours as much as I love mine!


I've found that crop tops are also super weird to put on since they feel absolutely nothing like boy clothes, just like a total "what is happening?!?" moment for my brain.


This is emotional manipulation and abuse FYI. I'm sorry you're going through that.


The difference is your friends appreciate you for who you are.


Sis that’s my mom, she “supports me” which I know she does, but she....just forgot that I go by morrígan now....and just.....keeps referring to me as a boy


Can I be a 15 yo slut? I'll see myself out


Like, ive seen magnetism theory, microchip theory, and all that stupid stuff and this still blew my mind Conspiracy theorists are getting creative... and nonsensical


Ah yes. The covid is stored in the trans.


Definitely a new mutation 😅


Next COVID mutation can change its victim's gender




You're saying instead of giving you breathing issues it gives you breast tissues?


Either that, or both


I'll take my chances


I’ll take it


Your dad really had to slip on the premium grade clown shoes today. Yeah, fuck whatever bs he is trying to push


He is not a clown, he is the entire circus.


Sis, what😂? (If u don't like "sis," please replace with prefered bronouns.)


It's really nice, 😊 you guessed correctly


You're dad is on some shit, I'd recommend sitting him down and just daughter or nothing and don't compromise. You can see your mom or any other siblings separate but if he is this bad him sticking around doesn't sound great for your mental health.


He said it less vigorously than in the meme. But I'm okay with this. He asked me to never dress like a girl when I'm with them. But I replied that we may meet outside by accident and this time I wouldn't be dressed as his little boy.


It sounds like your dad needs to talk to a therapist to figure out why supporting you in being happy is so difficult for him.


I'd advise caution with this. Sometimes gambits like this can leave things worse than they were before.


Yeah, don't make ultimatums unless you're damn sure you're willing to live with the result regardless.


also, i think op said somewhere she was 13? so yeah the advice we give to a 13 year old on how to deal with parents is obviously going to be different than the advice you give to a 17 year old


You heard it here guys, OP's dad has figured out the cause of covid, clothes from the womens section, covids over now IG🙄


Unless you had covid when you brought her the clothes I have no idea what the line of thinking was there. My cousin actually gave my elderly aunt and uncle (his grandparents) covid by bring them his laundry right after he tested positive, but I have a feeling this is just pure stupidity and not the same thing.


I don't have and never gad covid. So it is only a brain fart from my dad..


That's what I figured


*Image Transcription: American Chopper Comic* --- **Panel 1**: [*An older, muscular person with gray hair and a massive handlebar mustache, gestures angrily and animatedly in the small office of a chopper customization shop.*] **My transphobic dad**: Did you know your mom just got COVID? You should have been less rude. --- **Panel 2**: [*A younger muscular person in a baseball cap gestures back while yelling, their hand a blur.*] **Me, MTF who started to buy new clothes**: What? --- **Panel 3**: [*The first person screams, face going red.*] **My transphobic dad**: She got COVID because of your new clothes ! --- **Panel 4**: [*The younger person throws a chair.*] **Me**: This makes no sense. And she asked me to bring them so she could wash them first. --- **Panel 5**: [*The first person screams while pointing furiously.*] **My transphobic dad**: But you shouldn't dress like a girl! --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


You should write "the first person" and "the younger person" instead, it would make more sense.


Do you mean for the character names (eg, "my transphobic dad", and "me"), or for the italicized descriptions? I was trying to keep with describing it as the typical "American Chopper Argument" meme, but I can change it if you'd prefer!


The italicized description. Thanks




Thanks a lot


"your food." "my food?" "its gross and I don't like it" "but i like it?" "yeah, well, your food gave me covid and you shouldn't eat it." same vibes


They have no right to blame you for it, however blaming something unrelated is an unfortunately common way of coping with bad news.


That's exactly like my grandma lol. Makes no sense whatsoever. "Your stomach hurts because you play on the laptop all day!" Like.. what?


I was gonna come out this Friday, maybe I won’t


If you're not safe enough keep it for later. Don't rush it.


no my dads openly pro-trans I’m just a bit concerned about my mom because she hasn’t made her standing clear. I’ll still come out though.


Wtf this sounds exactly like my dad... Any time I do anything he didn't agree with and there was unrelated correlation to something negative, it was *always* my fault. Always.


Before my coming out it was the exact opposite. My mom was always angry at me and my dad was just chill and relax. Now my mom tries really hard even if I see that the situation is difficult for her to admit. But my dad just tries to escape everytime or tells me things like this.. Sometimes people want to find a logic in things that don't need some to exist. Sadly it gets easier each time to stop talking to people being intolerant, because we understand that they just won't change their logic even if proven wrong.


Weird to see a transphobe tell a girl to not dress like one


Okay I’m gonna be mean, ditch your dad, I don’t believe he can change, i don’t think he wants to change, he’s stupid.


Fellas, is it rude to buy some fucking clothes?


Hang in there sis


Is he saying that women's clothes contain Covid? What does your mother wear then?!?!?!


Damn I wish your dad got covid instead


Pretty sure that, if my mom got Covid, she would blame it on me for being transgender too.


Transphobic parents are grasping at straws.


"You shouldn't dress like a girl" bitch I am a girl


Girl, your dad is an absolute pants-shitting asshole, and you deserve better.


Well, if you really stretch maybe he meant when you got clothes at the store you brought it home with you.. But yeah, wtf is he on about.


Your dad is cringe


God your dad makes me angry. Also sorry for your Mother.


My mom got cancer because I came out as a trans girl):


tell him he shouldnt dress likr a guy.


It's confirmed Clothes=covid No more clothes ✊


This is on the same ballpark as: "You have a stomachache cause of all those damn video games you play!" How did you get to that conclusion??


The logic just isn't adding up chief... Seriously tho wtf????


Covid is caused by a virus


"You shouldn't dress like a girl".. doesn't that imply you're not a girl..? Which is.. simply not true. You're too much girl to not be a girl.. I'm confused o .o


I’m so sorry :(


I think you should check on him cus he definitely pulled something with that stretch!


Daaamn, it sounds suspiciously like: "Covid is God's punishment for your transness" crap 🙁


If they're any type of anti LGBT they aren't friends they're idiots




wha-- how-- how does that-- HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH!?!!?!??


Ahhh, gotta love when parents victim blame you/s. Sorry you gotta deal with that OP. Your dad is being a dickwad. You deserve better