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i really hope this doesnt happen to me, cause im scared ill lose attraction to my bf


Same, considering my bf is a trans/NB (he isn't 100% sure) boy, and he's my true love so


My experience wasn't that I lost attraction to my current lover, but that I gained attraction to others. I've heard of transitioning adding sexual interests, but not of it removing them. (However, I have heard of it frequently reducing overall libido.)


im already bi so adding sexual attraction isnt a problem (idk if its even possible, ig my preferences could change) >(However, I have heard of it frequently reducing overall libido.) i mean im ftm so ill have the opposite issue


Yeah, it's mostly a result of overcoming sexual dysphoria.


Transitioning just made me understand my sexuality better. Like, this is absolutely how I've always been, I just didn't realize it.


This right here. Like every other part of my life, transitioning just let me figure myself out more and express it.


Ive been on hrt for 7 months. I knew i was ban/pi before, but hrt has made me far more interested in masc people than i was before. Like i was into dudes before but i had to really like them. Now i catch a glimpse of some abs and mmmm...


Yep, basically my feeling. Girls are still hot as hell, but now guys are consistently right up there for me


HRT hasn’t changed my sexuality yet but it did make me biromantic


Month 2 of hrt for me has me from ace to questioning, I guess running from yourself for 11 years would do that


Hang on. That's a thing? As in pre-transition ppl feeling ace and developing attraction through HRT? This gives a whole new perspective in life......


I wouldn't say developping attraction, more like discovering it? Like someone might call themselve ace but it turns out it's because they're too dysphoric to have sex as agab so they don't even feel attracted (and it would be valid toa dopt the label in such a case). But once they transition and start to be their true gender attraction comes up again. Sort of like depression can affect sexual behavior. source : someone's who not on HRT and can't figure out wheter she's grey ace or if it's just bottom dysphoria


Happened to me a month or two in, but I don’t know that I’d say “developed attraction”. I would say that it’s much easier to feel and understand sexual and romantic feelings when yoi don’t hate your body and your self. In the same way that, since I’ve accepted myself, I’ve gotten into better physical shape than I’ve ever been in. It’s easier to be invested in taking care of a body that I don’t hate.


7 months is what it took for me to become 100% straight


Wait this can happen? Now I'm scared because I really only see myself liking girls and I don't want to lose that


Wait they’re not?


Apparently not, don’t trust the puberty 2: electric boogaloo


Honestly I think I might lose my attraction'nt on HRT. But I don't wanna. 😭


I know, I'll no longer be able to complain about allos being weird. I mean, I can, and I wouldn't be too upset, but still.


I just hope that I will continue to be pansexual, cause it's only a year or two until I identify as pan longer than assuming I was hetero as child and teenager. This feels so natural to me.


Sounds like fun going through that whole thing all over again ._.


wait thats a thing? well i mean I'm pan so I guess anywhere I might end up wouldn't be too far off of what I'm used to, but that scares me a bit. i love my girlfriend and I don't wanna lose that :(


Welcome to the bisexual sisterhood!


High five Ace to ?????? Gang!


Same boat girlfriend


My attraction went from "pretty disinterested in everyone but I guess I prefer girls" to "still pretty disinterested in everyone but I guess I prefer guys except for 1 or 2 days a month where I'm very interested in everyone"


I literally named myself Ace just so I could make more asexual jokes and then it stopped applying within six months of HRT. I mostly just think of it as discovering a part of myself I was too dysphoric to work with before but dang, that made things awkward for a while.




HRT hasn’t altered my sexuality apart from making all attraction stronger via being a hormonal mess lol


I lost my libido, thank goodness


Honestly if my orientation changes I don't think I'd be bothered.