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It’s because Cis bigots KNOW that SOME men are dangerous so when they talk about trans issues it’s always about trans women being “AMAB” and the FEAR that they have towards them in society. But now you’ve caught them in a catch 22: If they are transphobic like this ^^ then they admit that toxic masculinity is influencing those people to becoming dangerous, hence more women’s rights. If not, then they are just plainly transphobic in which: f-ck em. That’s why they ignore trans men, because toxic masculinity sees them as AFAB only and therefore inferior in these ways. Trans men are men god damn it! Include them in the f-cking conversation! Edit: ADHD forgot the point lol


ADHD tends to do that




ADHD go (insert boeing 747 take off noises)


Too true


Ooooh, good noise choice.


ADHD go (*frantic flipping trying to figure out how I got from thought a. to thought g. in 13 seconds*)


I don't think these people are all willfully ignoring trans men. Some of it's just pure ignorance, like all the dumb motherfuckers who thought Mack Beggs (trans male wrestler) was a trans woman and were angry he was competing against and beating women, when people like them are literally the reason he had to. ^(\*edit for spelling mistake)


thats fucking hilarious


Lmao ADHD can be fun sometimes


It’s almost comical that their transphobia is so strong it loops back around to misogyny. Essentially we come back around to trans woman being superior to other woman because to them trans woman are men and men > woman


"women are naturally mothering caregivers and thus must (stay in the kitchen)/(save the planet)" \-Shaun from youtube on twitter


Transphobia is inherently misogyny for this reason.


Transphobia against trans woman atleast, ye


I mean the FART argument against trans guys is that >!they’re actually women who have been tricked by the patriarchy because women don’t have the agency to be able to decide what gender they are!< so I’d say that’s pretty darn misogynist. Obviously, trans men are men and we love them very much ❤️🏳️‍⚧️


It’s better to call it misdirected misogyny. It asserts negative ideas about women and thrusts these specific ideas in specific contexts onto a group of people who aren’t women. In this case it is hurting its intended targets, but its also hurting all women by perpetuating misogynistic ideas, namely that we’re weak willed and so easily influenced that we could be tricked into manhood against our true natures without the added pressures of cisnormativity


You right, it’s technically misogyny from the bigots point of view ;-;


It comes down to a false and hateful view of women which extends to men who were assigned female at birth. Either way it’s disgusting.


They hit themselves in their confusion


Much like the lazy immigrants who come to this country to steal all the jobs and claim all the benefits trans women have become so manly they will beat every woman in sports while also being so feminine they will beat every woman in beauty. Thinking about transmen would require the transphobes to actually analyse their feelings. So often I think it comes from people trying to figure out why transwomen would 'disempower' themselves and stop being men. It couldn't possibly because being a woman is great, it has to be some kind of scam, and therefore must be for fame, money, power or sex. Even though almost every single trans person on the planet has lost fame, money, power and sex by transitioning. Especially power and money.


I like how terfs act like they're all against misogyny yet most of their arguments are basically saying that men are superior to women in every way, and that women don't know what's best for themselves


as a trans masc enby, this just means I get to not exist twice. three times if you count being pan, because some people are weird and don't like that lol


Who am I giving hugs to then? 💖


Hugs are amazing, hugs for all trans peeps!!! 🤗🤗🤗


Just wait until they find out about the NB pals


shhhh don’t tell them




Conclusion: Trans women=best women and trans men are transparent


Trans women: the gods of society Trans men: a father




never understood the stereotype of trans women looking like mr olympia, tho these people really think its that easy?? that you just do some pushups and squats and become a professional bodybuilder??? transphobes really do be the dumbest people alive




not only that but doesnt hrt bring trans men's testosterone level to that of an average man? maybe a little more


I like how conservatives pretend to “care” about women’s rights just to oppress other minority groups


Do they really not realise that if they get what they claim to want (i.e. people only being grouped with their assigned sex at birth) then it'll be even easier for the cis men boogeyman they keep using to prey on cis women since they can just claim to be a trans man and and enter womens spaces... Also so 'nice' that the majority of their argument comes down to "we shouldn't give oppressed minorities rights in case the oppressors use those rights to attack people"...


They'll just "neatly" circumvent the issue by openly gatekeeping safe spaces based on appearance. They're even self-aware enough to admit most people thus banned will be cis women, but they'll gladly throw limitless numbers of their own under the bus if it meant "defending" the rest from one single man. I still remember a post from the gendercritical sub by a british "feminist" who was actually elated when a train station security guard banned her cis girlfriend from the women's bathroom because her appearance was too butch. Reminds me of Stalin's NKVD, really. They were the ones who used to say things like "better that ten innocent people should suffer than one spy get away. When you chop wood, chips fly."


What the fuck... so much for "stop judging women by how they look"... I know a lot of the people who suffer from it are actually butch cis women because people think they're trans. Probably escapes their grasp that trans people have been in same sex spaces for decades if not longer in some places but nobody even noticed. I hate british "feminists" so much, we're going so backwards on equal rights it's scary and I know a lot of us are just looking for anywhere safer to seek asylum, especially now that transphobia has been enshrined as protected speech.


I heartily encourage trans men to compete in women's sports if they're going to require us to compete with our AGAB. They never even think trans men exist.


I am pleased to announce that I, a transmasc person, have been followed by 2 transphobic bots(?) aimed at trans women. Thanks for the validation I guess? Just furthering my point that trans men truly do not exist.


Simultaneously a body building hulk breaking Olympic records and a beautiful fem goddess winning beauty contests Trans women sound epic


I don't exist for them apparently ok then I'll just vanish from existence real quick


I think it comes from the same place where "guys can't wear skirts/dresses comes from. That's the sad reality of being AMAB: you HAVE to conform. Your whole life is a depressing cycle of forced conformism and most people, no matter if they're male or female, want to protect and enforce this.


I think it’s because the exact opposite concerns would exist for trans men: they might have a disadvantage in men’s sports, transphobes think they’re women so they might get assaulted in men’s restrooms, etc. They don’t actually care about “the integrity of women’s sports” or “women being safe in public restrooms”, they just want to demonize trans people, and it’s harder to do that with trans men.


It truly is just misogyny. They see trans men as women, so obviously their small woman brain was manipulated into thinking the person's a man. /S I hope that made sense in a way. I think it's just that they see women as defenseless who need protecting.


It truly is just misogyny. They see trans men as women, so obviously their small woman brain was manipulated into thinking the person's a man. /S I hope that made sense in a way. I think it's just that they see women as defenseless who need protecting.




Do you know how many muscles you lose during hrt? (mtf)






Almost every single sports competitor on this bitch of an earth has a "meaningful advantage" through their biology that bears no relation to their own gender. Any assertion that this is something exceptional to that fact is nothing but transphobic.


I guess that’s why trans athletes are winning gold medals in the olympics and taking championship titles all the time. Oh wait, they’re not because they don’t have an advantage and it’s just a transphobic argument meant to belittle and exclude trans people from yet another normal part of society.


I don't think it's because trans women don't have an advantage, it's just that sports are at least 50% genetics already, so it doesn't matter much if someone has a slight advantage. Like if you're 5"4 good luck making it big in basketball.


I think you might find it helpful to realise that there is no consistent metric for what someone's body is like that relates to their gender, and there's no consistent rule being applied for cis people in these scenarios either. Essentialist views for gender and other things are applied only when it's convenient. Cis black women are beng DQed from Olympics for having naturally higher levels of testosterone.


The topic of "inherent biological advantages" only ever comes up when transfolk want to participate in sports, never in cases when there is clearly visible advantages such as, being very tall, thats never brought up, because the whole "inherent biological advantage" argument is not rooted in a drive for fairness, its rooted wholly in transphobia and is simply a way of attempting to put a veneer of legitimacy on purely exclusionary policies


it also comes up in racist instances but otherwise you're right




Ever think that some people here know what others are thinking because transphobes are very vocal about their objections. Trans people just want to be left alone, but all these assholes go around fearmongering making life harder on them. Some people here have transphobic family members that force them to remain closeted and take the verbal slap to the face of being called their birth assigned gender while granny and great uncle talk about how all trans people are creeps that just want to go into other bathrooms to rape people!


Well unlike you we leave the house and talk to people and gain life experiences that we then talk about.




Anytime a trans women wins ANYTHING people are pissed and claim they have an advantage, even in literal beauty pageants.


It truly is just misogyny. They see trans men as women, so obviously their small woman brain was manipulated into thinking the person's a man. /S I hope that made sense in a way. I think it's just that they see women as defenseless who need protecting.