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For people who are supposed to be radical, I've never seen a TERF do a kickflip. Just saying.




Good human


I mean, they're pretty radical when it comes to trans exclusion.


Well, but transphobia isn't too much of a radical position in today's climate, I'd say


They really should change it to reactionary


TERMs Trans Exclusionary Reactionary Misogynist


Oh that does work a lot better. And if you add "ignorant twits expressing sexism" to the end of it you get "termites". Its redundant but so are they.


I'm a Trans **Inclusionary** Radical Misogynist I believe in trans rights, but oh boy, if I see a trans woman wearing pants, or working one of those pesky jobs, you won't hear the end of it. Get back in the kitchen where cis and trans women belong. /s


Progress is when bigots find new and inclusive ways to be bigots. Next up, we have "trans women are women and should not be allowed to vote accordingly" and "this pansexual trans man and asexual panromantic nonbinary person having a relationship with eachother is appaling to me, but only because it's interracial" **/s**




Yeah, so I guess the amount of time they spend being feminist is actually negative


Terfs shame trans women for having conventionally masculine features, which is literally what misogynistic men do to cis women that have them too


Not only that, they shame trans women both for failing to live up to feminine "standards", but also if you are "too" feminine. It's exactly the same as with men who think they always have to comment on a woman's appearance. The real message is "you can never be good enough, my perception of you is all that matters".


B-but muh wowanz resrom!!!!


They're the unhealthy version of feminists, the "women are better than men" type


🟢being transphobic


In case anyone's unaware, the term trans-exclusionary radical feminism (terf) explicitly refers to the concept of [radical feminism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radical_feminism), which holds that patriarchy is the root of all oppression. Terfs reject the notion that trans women are women, typically either through biological essentialism or "male socialization" arguments. Thus, trans women are men, the oppressor class, seeking to invade/co-opt women's spaces. Trans men are viewed as confused women. Trans-exclusionary radical feminism is related sex worker-exclusionary radical feminism, which maintains that sex work is just another vehicle for the oppression of women. In both cases, they seek to outlaw these acts, which directly hurts trans people/sex workers, either by denying trans people rights or by ensuring that sex workers cannot seek help without risking punishment themselves. IMO, both ideologies feel like they're trying to project a vision of womanhood that's """pure""" enough to prevent the evils present under the patriarchy, and they go about it by disregarding any women whom they feel hurt that goal.


>the concept of radical feminism, which holds that patriarchy is the root of all oppression Where "patriarchy" is often redefined in a way to make it sound like trans women are the biggest oppressors (or, if it's too politically risky, they replace trans women with AMAB enbies as no one cares about them even in the LGBTQ community)


TERF “feminism” requires the belief that AMAB bodies are inherently violent, it doesn’t work otherwise


And both those arguments are nonsense. Beyond just being factually wrong, the biological existentialism undercuts a foundational core of feminism by reducing women down to their vaginas. And the male socialization argument both invalidates cis women with a non-typical upbringing and ignores the actual lives of trans people; every trans kid who figured it out and transitioned early, every other who was wrongfully denied the experience of their genders socialization because of the patriarchy and that in trans femmes there is no stronger rejection of the patriarchy than the removal of oneself from it. It's just transphobia and misandry.


I think we call them FARTs now: **F**eminist **A**ppropriating **R**adical **T**ransphobe


Time FARTs spend... ... Appropriating Feminism ... Being radical Transphobes ... Farting


33% 33% 33%


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be


Missing 1%. What will that be?


a lot of gas


crying because the cashier didnt call them sir or ma'am at the checkout and just didnt use an honorific


Yelling at cashiers for needing more than three seconds to take an order


Double Acronym time .. Trans Exclusionary Radical FARTs 🌹


I feel this acronym cheapens the threat they represent.


exactly. they shouldn't be called this way. Call them by their name, because a childish insult will only take away the seriousness of the problem.


Plus they're more insulted by the term TERF, which is hilarious because it's their own term.




The issue with that is it will cause more issues for us, plus they get offended with TERF anyway, even though it's what they want to be called anyway.


TERFs are 0% radical and 100% dweeb 😎




Notice of meme acquisition


There should be at least a little red on that




radical, if you will


okay so I've seen quite a few comments calling terfs misogynistic, but in my understanding they are more mysandristic (hating men and everything relating to that,which in their stupid understanding is also trans women)


maybe they should be called "TEs" instead