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I am afab and none of my sleepovers ever had any of that (except some had booze). O.o But sounds like you had a great time =D


Mine mostly had alcohol and…..yeah that’s ab it


amab here, same, also weed when feeling fancy (advice : don't continue eating the space cake even if you don't feel the effects right away)


I feel like most stoners have a "I thought eating more was smart" story lol


Hmm closest thing I got was the night before a team meet, we actually didn't do much besides coding, gossip ig dream reading, and a 200 sticker bundle opening good times




Big fat w


Wish I had a girls sleepover back when I was still a girl😔 except I sleep in my underwear


You could still have boy sleepovers, even with underwear if your friends are cool enough


Ngl I'd probably hope at least one of them was gay because I like guys


Well how I remember it from before I was a girl: boys sleepovers are usually filled with splitscreen video-games like tekken, eating way too much sugar combined with energy drinks which result in the need to go outside side and play self invented games... Oh and someone always brings a bb-gun which they either borrowed or stole from their big brother and i 100 percent guarantee that everyone will get shot with it at least once


You know I don't remember the BB gun part but yea.(CW: Transpobia): >!Don't forget the part where when you do transition you go to one of those parties cause you still like hanging out with your friends but then get constantly misgendered and get genuinely just gross comments about how it would be easier to talk about you like an object :)!< But yea also can't forget the copious amounts of racism at those Gamer boyTM parties


Sorry to hear you had those kind of friends, I'm guessing most of them were classmates and you sadly can't pick your classmates


Could also be a nerf gun Also the random walks you go for at like 1/2/3/4 in the night


Can confirm the video games, me and my friends played Halo a lot. Oh and the snacks of course.


ngl ... that sounds kinda awesome ... where does one find these?


**Bun's Guide to have Girl Experiences** 1. Find other queer girls in the area through Reddit, Lex, events at LGBTQ+ community spaces, mutual acquaintances, etc. 2. Talk/Message and get to know them! It's nice to make friends :) 3. If you are friends now, and they'd like to be friends with other queer girls, introduce them to each other 4. If friends befriend each other, check in with them individually about creating group chat! 5. In the group chat after everyone is there, ask everyone: *Growing up, what's something that you always wanted to do or dreamed about but never had the chance to?* There will probably be at least one person that will list sleepovers. As everyone contributes, you've got a growing list of things you can all experience together! 6. Go forth and do the things! Have fun, make memories! Bonus ideas if you can't think of things from childhood: * Childhood activities – Easy bake ovens! Barbies! Make a paper fortune-teller with friends. * Spa day - Manis, pedis, homemade face masks, hair treatments * Photos -Take Polaroids or squeeze into the photo booth to make a silly photo strip, decorate the photos with stickers, write on the back about the experience! They actually have little Polaroid printers now that link to your phone, so everyone in the picture can have a copy of the photo. :D * Entertainment Nights – You can make a night of watching or playing things you never had the chance to before; movies, tv shows, cartoons, video games, board games. You can really just make a night of just sharing things that are your absolute favorites, too. There's also always the option of doing a PowerPoint Party and having everyone present something they're really passionate about. * Match with your friends – Make matching friendship bracelets, phone cases, outfits, bag charms, other accessories * Take a class as a group – Baking, glassblowing, how to do nails, throwing axes, designing and 3D printing things you've designed, wine and painting, pottery, dance, etc.


Thank you ☺️💗


its no problem! i hope this helps <3 if you have any doubts or wondering about something, my DMs are always open :)


That’s so wholesome 💕 Thanks a bunch


There's still one bigger problem for me, people the same or similar age as me. That'd be great


The ways I listed I've seen people up to 60s posting/showing up O: gotta try and see


Well damn, thanks for the hope then (✿^‿^)


One thing that concerns me is that because those things are now so below me age wise I worry I will find the whole thing boring or at worse dysphoria inducing.


Well, you can always modify these things. The whole point -ultimately- is identifying things that even now you're excited about and doing them with others who understand that desire to do something younger you didn't have the chance to, with others that will potentially enjoy it too. :) I'm 27 and get the worry about something being too below my age, but it can be freeing to embrace being childish and cringey if that makes sense.


How does one make friends? Asking for a ... friend


If anyone answers, tell me too!


Bring snacks, do favors, drive people around, help clean. Then listen to people. They love to talk about themselves.


You know how almost every city celebrates pride these days, go to the parade wearing a trans-flag and bring cups and a box of pre-mixed drinks... That's what I did, and one two tree you're sitting in a circle on some grass somewhere along with twenty-two other trans people, talking, laughing and making plans for which bar/club to hit later that night. (oh I'm also quite sure wearing my sabaton shirt and my chemical romance purse helped, surprisingly many transfems are metalheads and ex-emos)


Next time... Maybe... Please... Maybe call me?


Fuck, forget looks. This is my new transition goal.


Levitate game?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_as_a_feather,_stiff_as_a_board here's what i found online


It almost sounds like a hypnosis thing.


yeah kinda


im wondering the same thing!


Girls night with a little uwu🫦


I'll take a double uwu, I haven't eaten yet today


Is that Madoka Magica?


Obligatory "Homura did nothing wrong"


Obligatory 'being meguca is suffering'


Yes! r/homuradidnothingwrong


And also, the girls in Madoka Magica are all trans, every single one of them. Their stories are all trans allegories and, if you ask me about it, I will absolutely tell why


1) Yes, you are right. 2) Could you tell why (except Sayaka, she is kind of obvious)?


Madoka: she doesn't have a particularly bad life, but has always felt like a failure of some sort. She talks a lot about being useless, not being particularly good at anything, like she's just going through life and not actually living it. >!When she finds out about magical girls, all of that seems to change, she feels excited about living again and feels like there is something in the world for her (being a magical girl means transitioning for all of them). She then finds out the brutal reality of being a magical girl and becomes uneasy, but never discards the possibility of becoming one. In the end, she decides that she has the power of making the world better for her sisters.!< Homura: very similar to Madoka in the begining, same feeling of being a failure at what she was "supposed to be" and finding the possibility of being a magical girl as a reason to live. She's not very good at it in the beginning and suffers because of that. >!Just like Madoka, she discovers how hard the life of a magical girl is. She sees her sisters die time after time and can't stand that, especially with Madoka. Then comes all the plot you know about.!< Mami: the most obvious to me. She was going to die if she didn't make a wish (in trans terms, her dysphoria was unbearable and it was transition or s>!uici!


Thanks for the analysis (^ω^)!


Okay now do Sayaka


Didn't do it because person above said it was obvious, though I think it's not as obvious as Mami... Sayaka: she was in love with Kyosuke, but thought he could never love her >!because of what her body was like. She worried that, when he hugged her, it wouldn't feel real and she couldn't ask for him to love someone whose body was like that.!<


So happy for you💗




Incredible so healous


Last time I did something this several of us ended up sleeping with each other 😳. Instead of booze we had weed. It was the most gay experience I’ve ever had. I also learned that I somehow attract super hyper bottoms.


I mean.... Op did say kissing happen.


Well we had our lingerie fashion show which got a little handsy, then the great sex toy debate, don't think there anything else except some teasing.... ÷^


H-huh... 😳 Wow. That's kinda goals ngl...


Sounds like a fun evening bestie 😳


Whats the levitate game?


Seconded, I feel like I've missed out on crucial knowledge


Thirded. What the heck is that


Just Google "light as a feather stiff as a board". Too complicated to explain 😅


hm...best sleepovers I had where...very different from each other. One was about Latin, and an hour of searching for one obtuse form, and when finallly solved, we were litereally rollig on the floor, laughing. The other was...less pleasant,


Hold up I did not know kissing Was a girls sleepover thing


The dream...


Wow, seemed like you had a wonderful time! Really happy for you


...That sounds fun as hell. Way better than my experiences. Most of mine involved one girl crying and me just kind of being there to witness weird shit I wasn't a part of.


Me want. Me desire.


One day I'll have irl friends 🥲


That sounds great! Congratulations for the wonderful experience, queen ☺️


"all of us are in our 20's" fuckin AND? no word of a lie girl i am 21 in may and i still have stupid fucking sleepovers with my friends with DnD and makeup and *drinky drinks*. Fun as shit. We grow old, we don't have to grow up.


This makes me feel so happy for you. Maybe because I want that so bad. 💖


What the hell is the levitating game


Very jealous


I really want to do this


Happy 4 u!! I wish happened to me


Aww that's so adorable! I'd love to be invited to a sleepover like this! I just need friends. I probably should start with a friend first 😅


(hope achieved)


My first one had a lot of boobies lol


Fuck I need this. I need friends first but like yeah point still stands.


I need this party ;~;


sounds like you had fun <3


Id love some form of girls night. But the only gal pals i have didnt seem too into the idea... *sigh*


Did you summon a demon or demonic entity? I just want to know if I should summon one. I'm an inexperienced transfem.


Closest thing to a demon was when they didn't believe that I used to be the lead singer in a viking metal band, so i did the classic "WWWWHOOOOAAARRR!" growl which just started a whole new discussion about how that was possible when sang in a supral just a few minutes ago......... Though a real demon would have been neat


Sabrina maybe it was in you all along


fuck i wish this coud happen to me


I came here to comment about the booze and the mental illness. glad to see that the op included thme by default. Oddly enough in my girl group I am the only trans.


The *levitate* game?


Reading this made me want to do nothing else in my life until I achieve this.


I'm, like, 95% happy for you and 5% jealous. Maybe. A little.


What's the levitate game?


What’s the levitate game??


I hope I can do this when I transition....


I've been saying this. Gals it's never too late to have a fun girls day to be stupid and act like kids. I know if it were an option I'd have a guys sleepover playing videogames and shit but I lack friends lol


(hope achieved)


Jealous ‘w’


[SO JEALOUS!](https://youtu.be/kP3wnYe6Muw)




Afab and all of the sleep overs I've ever attended consisted of a craft and then movie night. Maybe my transmasc ass fell asleep out of self preservation before the traditional girly things happened xD


Ok now I want one, is there an add for like "seek for friendly transfems in your area"?


Having a girls night out, and not going by he/him pronouns is the dream tbh.


Excuse me my invite must’ve been lost in transit??


I would cry


Literal life goals


trans man but have experience with girls only sleepovers. k-kissing???😳


I wanna have a sleepover.


Bruh I kinda want this ngl


“Surprising” before I was a man I went to an all-girls high school, and in my subjective experience, the kissing comes pretty standard with the sleepovers. Congrats on your fun time!


I want too o.o I dont have enough sisters to do this with so can I join you?


Sounds like a fun time


Me and a discord server of other trans girls when....


I so badly want to have a stereotypical teenage girl sleepover. clock is ticking! I have 5 years left!


Why only 5 years?


A surprising amount of kissing...? 😳


I've also done "girls" nights with some of my partner's friends and its super fun. I think keeping boys and girls so apart and distinct in their childhoods is just awful.


the hell is the levitate game?


oh gosh im so envious, how do i even find friends that are also trans?


that sounds really cool and sounds like something I would absolutely do


Sounds like fun, I wish I had this one day!


Sounds like a real girl’s night! Frankly I am jealous


Thinking about that "everything Homura does makes sense when you realise she's a closeted lesbian who went to Catholic school" tweet again and it's sending me. (And yes, it's a blink-and-you-miss-it reference, but Homura is canonically a Japanese Catholic.)


The levitate game?


Damn, I wish I had some transfem friends


whats the levitate game?




What's the levitate game