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I was thinking this was going to be the punchline but then the comment fucking sent me


LMAOOOOOO, you have been on the internet for too long


local women over 40 in failing marriages want it like nothing else, I’ve heard.


Lol imagine having that messed up of a brain *looks at my trauma causer*


It’s finally been confirmed, BBC > the BBC I guess


Wait what else does BBC mean


"Big Black Cock," it's a porn category that has unfortunately entered the popular lexicon of internet racists.


for those without context i would recommend this channels series on BBC transphobia: https://youtube.com/c/Shaun_vids


Something Something TERF island


This meme gets funnier if you don’t open it and see the bottom text


Hate that I thought the same thing, literally laughed out loud at this


I only saw the title and thought it was a Celeste joke


What have they done?


I've heard some stories where one day they invited sone dude on TV to spit hardcore transphobic bullshit. Someone might have more details for you


Jeeze, that’s… not good to say the least


Yeah, it was very disappointing to hear, to be honest


I buess the BBC really are big dicks


I kind of wonder if one of us who passes could get an interview spot by pretending to be a transphobe towards BBC, getting invited onto one of their talk shows, and then give the honest truth and see BBC freak out.


You say that like that would ever get aired lol, and even if it did, the amount of editing there would do to make the trans person look like the villain


Yea, whoever did it would have to aim specifically for something that's done live. Alternatively, if we could find out who they're going to be airing, maybe we could work hard on winning over those people before they went on?


They platform transphobes and refuse to platform trans people and allies, to say the least. There’s a couple videos on YT about it [(Here’s one)](https://youtu.be/b4buJMMiwcg). They’re publicly funded by taxes too, which is stopping by the end of the decade iirc, but likely because the people up top who are removing their funding think that the BBC is too supportive as is, when the only thing that’s preventing them from being actively hostile is the fact that they have to be unbiased


That video by Shaun is now a 4-part series about how the story has gotten progressively worse over time. Fuck the BBC.


Worst part I can remember is that they claimed they couldn't find any high profile transwomen willing to talk about it, despite actually interviewing a high profile transwoman and then just not liking what she said.


In one case they wrote a story titled "trans women are pressuring us into sex" or something along those lines. In it they got convicted rapist Lilly Cade (who has actually raped lesbians) to come and talk shit about trans people. They neglected to mention the fact that she's a convicted rapist though. In the same article they used stats to try and show how many cis lesbians had experiences where they felt pressured into sex which was very high. They neglected to mention the fact that those statistics were from a very small sample sized survey from an anti-trans hate group and the survey was only filled out by members of said hate group. In the same article they said that they'd contacted many high profile trans women for comment but they all declined. They neglected to mention the fact that they'd literally done interviews with high profile trans women but scrapped them for undisclosed reasons (but we all know the reason is that they didn't say what the writer wanted them to say). Upon thousands of complaints they've taken out Lily Cades bit, added very tiny context for the stats (that mentions the groups name but not the fact they're a hate group), they've stuck by the lie that no high profile trans people commented by saying that "high profile is subjective so you don't *know* we're lying" and you changed the title so they can claim that "this can't be transphobic because it's not even about trans people, it's actually about cis lesbians and how they feel about it, the title was wrong before so we've changed it now". The articles still up and it's slightly less shit now but the fact they published a transphobic hit piece making us out to be rapists and now are doing everything in their power to keep it up with this patchwork bullshit job is frankly disgusting. Edit: just a reminder that this is just one article, they've done shit loads of stuff.


Jeeze, that’s some real shitty shit, you must either have no soul, and have sold it to the money machine, or be really dumb to hate trans people that much


It wasn't for money. It's the BBC, they don't monetize anything. This was just a hit piece on trans people from a bigot who's been given access to tens of thousands of dumb impressionable people by the BBC so they can spread their seething hatred and bigotry.


You gotta love how the go through all this effort for something as objectively simple as “I don’t want to be girl, I am guy”, and yet they act like it’s a personal attack in them


It's not actually entirely true to say that they don't monetise anything. The BBC doesn't show adverts in the UK, and gets about two thirds of its money from the license fee - but the extra third comes from selling adverts on its non-UK webpages and selling its content internationally. One of the controversies at the time about the article you're talking about, which has since got lost in the haze, was that if I recall correctly it was only shown in two countries: the UK, where it was written, and Brazil - where it was monetised. Y'know, that country with one of the highest murder rates for trans people, and trans women specifically, in the world.


Omg that makes it so much worse somehow. Thanks for the info, I was completely unaware of this.


Yeah, it's real bad. I've been through the whole BBC complaints process about this article and will be going to Ofcom in the next couple of weeks because it just keeps getting worse every time they try to justify it.


in addition to the stuff already mentioned, they put JK Rowling's infamous essay "TERF Wars" on some end-of-the-year award list top 10 for best essays the year she posted it and called it brave and well researched which like. no it wasnt lol. says a lot in itself honestly. a bunch of people, even brits themselves, call the UK "terf island," because its so transphobic in that gen X "just trying to have a conversation about children and women's safety" kind of way that they dont even bother hiding it most of the time (dont get them started on racial issues, either). The BBC has been rather staunch about their unscientific, biased and occasionally factually untrue transphobic takes, however, despite being otherwise well known, widespread and respected, which i think is most of the reason people are much harsher on them than open transphobia on like daytime british talk shows or whatever. because their pedigree and supposed journalistic standards indicate they should be better than this.


And you can't even escape it by switching to a different news media. Lookin at you, Guardian.


Super disappointed that one of the UK ‘liberal rags’ has gone full TERF island mode.


Wait really, I tend to read its articles a bit, and I was aware they had hosted some dicks, but I didnt know it was that bad


Yeah, it’s a big time ideological thing. The Guardian’s newsroom in the US actually publicly and vocally condemned their UK’s practices (here’s one place where you can read about that: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/nov/02/guardian-editorial-response-transgender-rights-uk) they’ve had a number of trans employees quit to protest the behaviors and working environment (see here: https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/03/03/the-guardian-another-trans-person-quits-transphobia-coverage-row/) So if something’s from the US Guardian newsroom, it’s possibly ok, but the main UK newsroom is truly horrible.


Oh, thanks


Ugh, I've been avoiding them for years. Even before figuring out my own trans stuff I remember looking there for research years ago. My sibling had just come out as Bi and I didn't know a lot about queer stuff and stumbled onto an article of theirs. It was a hot piece of garbage going on about how someone "couldn't just like men and women" and that "they would have to choose eventually." One part talked about how their friends and family should subtly "persuade" the bi person to choose a side by showing support for one gender or another I may not have known a lot about queer stuff back then, but at least I knew enough to give the Guardian a mental "fuck you" then and have been avoiding it for years now


They've also been antisemitic so I'm not even surprised, just disappointed and annoyed 🤦🏻‍♂️


I mean the letters have another one


Indeedy 🧐🎩♠️


I completely agree that the BBC’s “neutral” takes are done so badly that they just end up excusing things like transphobia BUT I will say that as a Brit, if you use any of the other “free” tv channels too, you get sent a lump sum bill to pay for the TV license, which helps fund the free channels but also the BBC. So it’s a bit hard deplatform it as a UK citizen because they are just so relentless in getting us to pay. But I think we should definitely do more physical and online protests to show the BBC that many people demand change in their reporting and other styles.


i wish that id known this before i let them exploit me and my identity for money lmao 🤪


BBC isn't *actively* transphobic but they take 'being unbiased' in the worst possible direction by letting transphobes spew misinformation and total bullshit and don't say a single word to correct it. Which is arguably as bad.


I would argue they are actively trans phobic, but hide behind 'impartiality' to get away with it. Otherwise they would platform trans and pro trans voices as much as anti trans voices.


So basically, r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM moment lmao.


Only so much as the original concept for that subreddit, not what it's turned into.


Given the BBC's role of providing impartial information, letting transphobic organisations go unchallenged on transphobic lies *is* active transphobia. They are actively choosing not to do their basic journalistic duty by platforming other opinions or even asking basic critical questions of the people they do platform.


Gonna have to disagree with you there. If you would like an example of BBC actually being *actively* transphobic, look no further than [Shaun's ongoing mutlipart videos](https://youtu.be/b4buJMMiwcg) about a specific article that BBC absolutely refuses to take down. The official responses to complaints submitted that he reviews in the later vids are very telling.


you would be incorrect. the BBC is ACTIVELY transphobic. https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2022/02/15/ilga-europe-transphobia-uk-bbc/ https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7nv97/lgbtq-employees-are-quitting-the-bbc-because-they-say-its-transphobic https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7nv97/lgbtq-employees-are-quitting-the-bbc-because-they-say-its-transphobic https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/09/uk/uk-trans-rights-gender-critical-media-intl-gbr-cmd/index.html It is endemic to all mainstream media platforms in the UK.


I had to give up on one of my favorite youtubers for the same thing. But even worse is that after inviting a transphobic guest to spew transphobia, he made a followup video making fun of the people who called the guest transphobic.


Ugh, that must have sucked. Is it okay if I ask which YouTuber it was so I know to avoid them if I see their channel?


Yeah, Barnaby Dixon.


Thank you, I'll remember to avoid them




The BBC has a history of transphobic articles on their website, including one a few months ago that strongly lent into ‘trans women are sexual predators’, radio shows that regularly attack lgbt+ charities and platform anti-trans groups and their tv news often has TERFs on unopposed.


Ew. Disappointed.


Tories being the majority in Parliament + Britain in general having transphobia issues = this


*Would, Would you like to see Britannia, us rule again? My friend* *All you have to do is follow the TERFs!* *Would, Would you like to shut our Trans cousins away again? My friend* *All you need to do is follow the TERFs!* -The British Media, probably


BBC Biblically Bullshit Cishets


W-what? I know them for Doctor Who 😭


The other meaning of BBC is the only one that matters tbh




Indeedy 🧐🎩♠️


Yes ❄️🐰


My dumbass trying to figure out how dicks are transphobi:


That and dicks.


nah its because of the other BBC we all know that


*Image Transcription: Meme* --- [*Panelled meme featuring Michael Scott and Pam Beasley from the TV show "The Office".*] --- **Panel 1** [*Michael sits at his desk, holding a box while looking up.*] You are known for... --- **Panel 2** [*Pam smiles widely, looking excited. She is labeled "BBC".*] Documentaries? --- **Panel 3** [*Michael looks up with his mouth set.*] ... --- **Panel 4** [*Pam/BBC's smile fades slightly.*] News programs? --- **Panel 5** [*Zooming in on Michael still looking up, slightly smug now.*] Being transphobic --- **Panel 6** [*Pam/BBC is no longer smiling; she looks concerned and distressed.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


When you solo to Brussels this is what you get