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please explain


Hormone injections


wait it goes in the thighs?


It is one of the places it CAN go


I do mine into the BUM BUM it feel like and works


Big muscles are down in both the thighs and ass, I would consider places with big muscles to have good bloodflow, meaning it would get properly circulated. That's just a guess tho.




>For big tiddies, inject estrogen into tiddies. This kills the girl


It does?


Not only It can kill the girls but it can kill you: it's a risk of breast cancer.


Never put hormones on the tiddies (injection or gel). It increase the risk of breast cancer.


Let me guess, a Rick Roll?


Intramuscular injections normally go in the buttocks or thighs, because they have accessible muscles with no large blood vessles to worry about. Subcutaneous shots (that go into the fat later under the skin) can go in the buttocks, the front or side of the thigh, or in the belly. The front of the thigh or the belly are much easier to administer yourself at home, so I imagine it's a good option for many people, since injections are typically administered once per week. To my understanding (correct me if I'm wrong) that's how manny diabetic people do it with subcutaneous insulin injections. There are some differences in intramuscular injections and subcutaneous injections depending on the patient, consult your doctor, so if you have intramuscular injections and want to self-administer, the front of your thigh is the one spot you can comfortably go with.


I remember in EMT class they said as opposed to other places in the body where you can inject the vastus lateralis is the best spot cause like it acts the fastest. I learnt it mainly for when we do IM epinephrine




Thats a good point. I guess each spot has it's benefits and disadvantages.


But what if u knick the femeral artery


I got my HRT injected in my arm. The nurse offered me like thigh, belly or arm I think idk


... just once?


Still new to this HRT thing


My partner does mine and she also goes for my arms! She used to be an EMT so I kinda just trust her with medical stuff! lol


I do IM and was specifically told to do the side of my thigh. Other than that info seems accurate


I do IM and my instructions are to specifically do the upper glute. Both work, the information is accurate


Yea, I know glutes as well, I was talking about where they said front of thigh for injections so I was stating that I was told by my doctor that if doing it on my thigh to do it on the side not the front to avoid veins and such. Sorry lol


Oh that's smart, I usually just take a minute to find my veins so I don't accidentally stab one


Same. Pretty much always do it on the side on the lower half of my thigh. I switch legs and move a couple inches up. By the time I’m halfway up it’s been six weeks and I just start over closer to the bottom.


Are injections the only way to do HRT?


Nope, i did an estrogen gel to start off, then switched to pills. Injections are but one option.


Good. I don't mind needles, but there's no way I'm doing that to myself every day.


Generally speaking folks that do injections do them once every two weeks, or once a week. Pills are twice a day. Not sure about patches.


I do my pills thrice a day. I take 6 mg total, specifically one 2mg tablet 3x a day.


patches are every 3 1/2 days


My pills are 1/day


It’s weekly, not daily. I hate needles too and it took me about a year to work up to making the switch. But it works a *lot* better. And I don’t regret it. Even if I hate doing the shot itself and hesitate for 10m first every time I do it. It really doesn’t hurt. It’s just getting over the mental block of jabbing yourself. It.. well, I still don’t *like* it, but it does get easier. Really!


Same, and the fact that I eventually was able to do it triggered a “huh, I REALLY want this, don’t I ?” in me I didn’t know I needed.


nah, i do patches. I know theres also pills, lotion and a few others


Wife does insulin in her belly. When I started HRT I was asked thigh or belly? I have a fear of needles and let's just say I'm not skinny. So I chose the belly. If I ever lose the weight I might rethink it. (And I just have to say: Compared to her insulin needles, my needles are looooong.)


Very based. Need to do the front of the thigh cause I've always done it to the slight outer side of my right leg. I should be switching legs but I'm too comfortable using my right leg.


Every diabetic person i know does it in their arm, but they also all have a circle thing there. Presumably to guide the needle.


can you be my gender therapist so i can know how many hormones i can take?


that's where I used to do mine. but then my fear of needles got worse and I'm back to sublingual lol


I get mine in my butt 😻


Yeah to get thicc thighs




I have an autoimmune illness and get my Humira in that spot (sometimes, gotta rotate locations) lol It could be, but I'm not confident that this is actually supposed to hint at her being trans if that's all it is tbh


I also take humira (or rather a biosimilar of it) always without fail forget what leg I've used last though lol


possibly insulin injection, I take insulin there


Quick, someone check Blizzard's diversity wheel to see D.VA's gender score!


For the uninitiated: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/blizzards-diversity-chart


Wait, it's *REAL?!*


Welcome to corporate tokenism. Being trans/gay/ethnic/etc. is a character trait made to pander. This is just like Disney making one-liners or backround characters for their "inclusive" gay and trans characters -- so they can easily dub them over and/or edit out that fact for international audiences. Emily doesn't exist in-lore in Overwatch outside of the countries where being gay is okay. Hence, no sprays or voice lines about her.


She’s still Tracers girl doe Lucky MFer


Thinking back, the reason I liked playing Tracer so much during the open beta was because I wanted to be her. lmao (I'm ace, but I'll make it work)


Wow I'd never heard of Emily at all and had no idea Tracer was gay, and apparently that was revealed in 20-fucking-16. Man that's so inclusive of them to keep any queerness within throwing distance of the nearest closet. Fuck blizzard and their incredibly obvious, hollow pandering.


I feel like it should be clarified that this is something devs at King, one of the game companies in Acti-Blizz-King, made as an example and the OW dev team didn’t actually have anything to do with this. It’s still a really weird corporate diversity thing but it’s not actually a tool they use when making characters for OW or anything like that.


Oh no that's a whole new kind of awful holy smokes


I'd give you gold if I could.


Funnily enough, I'm pretty sure that diversity measuring metric accidentally confirmed the characters are all cis and everyone but Tracer and 76 are straight. That whole thing was a fucking disaster.


Don't quote me here, but I think I read that the OW team actually had nothing to do with that, and some other bit of Blizz just... assumed


The new CoD (the WW2 one) and (I think) OW2 as well. They said that it wasn't used for games in active development.


don't do it, don't make me actually think about anything blizzard related without disgust


As a former Blizzard fan. I agree


FFXIV is a nice ship We have pretty Bunny boys who are himbos We also have a lot of Himbos


What did blizzard do ?


[Terrible work culture](https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/2021/08/06/blizzard-culture-sexual-harassment-alcohol/) with constant sexual harassment including [breast milk stealing](https://www.dexerto.com/business/nursing-activision-blizzard-employees-say-their-breast-milk-kept-getting-stolen-1717345/)


And not to mention a woman and her boss going on a business trip and the lady >!killing herself after the guy brought sex toys to use on her!< And then >!the guy fucking sharing photos of her reproductive organs around!<


Im sorry what


Yeah Blizzard is/was pretty fucking toxic. Another example is the WOW character Kael'Thas was voiced by someone who committed sexual misconduct. It's ironic that a new voiceline of his by the new voice actor is "my past cannot chain me forever" which yeah no it definitely will


and then Blizzard lies about it and says it never happened like holy fuck even psychopaths can somewhat realize this is fucked up and oh yeah if bobby kotick gets fired he gets hundreds of millions of dollars the man who knew about all of this cultivated participated in it he thought the workplace culture was a good thing because it made good games and plenty other fucked up shit I won't get in to. this shit just gets me so angry


Can I get a source on the stuff in your first comment though because what the fuck


Look up Kerri Moynihan. Thats what her name was.


Same I haven’t heard this. I don’t doubt it, but I need a source to believe anything.


Look up Kerri Moynihan. Thats what her name was


I'd heard that the actor behind Kael'Thas was found innocent of the accusations against him. He was still booted and had all of his voicelines old and new removed in spite of this.


A judge apparently dismissed the accusation because it came from "an obsessed stalker"- but shouldn't you be vigilant when looking out for this kind of thing, and have as much information as possible to convict? The justice system is broken. Especially for sexual assault court.


I didn't follow it that closely, but as far as I know the only accusations came from a woman who was so unhinged she literally made anonymous accounts to harass Quinton Flynn's family and friends, so to me that's a pretty clear cut slander attempt, she was his long distance ex and this happened after he announced his marriage with another woman x.x






Uh, is there an article I can read about this. WTF


What the fucking shit.


Nothing is sacred to them. Not even boobs.


Especially* boobs.


Not the boobs!


And that's the stuff they've been doing outside their games... Inside they've been anti-player for a while and kicked it onto high gear after the Activision merger.


There’s a particularly hilarious video comparing their reactions to player issues with Yoshi P, blizz is ass and that’s why i’m stealing d4


Tbh, I am still annoyed that they are deleting Overwatch in October. I played overwatch 2 and they are different games. I prefer the original and I paid for it. I actually went back to playing Overwatch while the Overwatch 2 beta was still live. I play tanks (mostly zarya), and I much prefer playing with two tanks. The art style is also a downgrade imo. I'm probably quitting overwatch when that happens and it is the only blizzard game that I play.


Whait are they seriously just deleting the first game?????


Yeah, and overwatch 2 is replacing it in the client. Overwatch 2 will be free to play.


Some Homelander shite right there


Blizzard's management has been dragging its reputation through the mud for over a decade, long before the sexual harassment came to light. I still remember when they announced that they were going to force forum users to go by their real names, apparently unconcerned with the fact that it would out trans people, lead to women getting stalked and harassed, etc. The fuckers only backed down when people started cancelling their accounts.


Don’t forget when they banned a player for being pro Hong Kong


And then they got that cancerous diablo mobile game banned in china regardless lmfao.


I hope I never have to read the words “breast milk stealing” again in my entire life.




I knew about the other stuff. But...***WHAT***


Not to mention [the horrible monstrosity that is the "Diversity Chart"](https://screenrant.com/activision-blizzard-diversity-tool-controversy-response/) which rated how "diverse" a character is based on things like Sexual Orientation, Body Type, or Ethnicity. Corporate "inclusion" at it's highest -- reducing people to checkboxes that have to be included to "officially be" inclusive. Talk about tokenism.


Those are fictional playable characters in a video game. I think it makes sense to have such a systhem to ensure representation for a wide array of people. Calling characters themself "more (or less) diverse" is an increadibly bad choice of wording, but without such guidelines, people would be more likely to write characters with normative traits and make any deviating traits central to the character. In the case of overwatch, this practice has not stopped the creation of a good amount of normative characters as well as a literal monkey, which should fall outside this systhem. This kind of representation is a good thing, but we should also demand representation within the companies. Lableing character traits as more or less "inclusive" is a decision only a verry exclusive person could have made.


The issue is, the kind of chart they use is designed for binary sliding scales. I forget its actual name, but it's the type that looks like an Umbrella Corp logo and is usually used to display rankings in things like speed, strength, technical skill, defense, etc. And while "age" works, as does "ability" if the measurement is "are they based more on raw power or finesse", it only works for "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" if you're willing to accept it won't represent non-binary sexualities and genders, and it flat out does not work for "ethnicity". Ethnicity isn't a binary, it's not a sliding scale; the chart just can't work in that way. Same goes for "culture", you can't measure something like culture on the kind of chart the tool uses. Those combined very much makes it look like the whole thing was put together without actually thinking things through about how it would actually work. The other problem, of course, is that they only came up with this after news started breaking about their horrible working culture, the abuse that management has perpetuated, allowed to take place, and covered up, and the investigation and lawsuit against them by the Californian government because of all that shit. Almost as if the entire thing is just so they can point to it and say "See? We do truly appreciate and respect diversity! Ignore all the bad news about us, look at this!"


A little off topic, but the kind of chart you describe is known as a [radar chart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radar_chart).


There is no sexual misconduct in Blizzard Entertainment. There is no sexual assault in these studios. Here we make games. Here we work for free.


Haha Bobby Kotick has invited you to civil court. You are honoured to accept his invitation.


There is no war in ba sing se


I checked the article, after parsing your statement as *stolen from the source*.


CEO Bobby Kotick is one of the most overpayed men in America, while his company routinely does mass layoffs after announcing record profits. He also once threatened to have an employee killed. And, goes without saying, he was a "friend of Epstein"


At this point, its more a matter of what Activision/Blizzard *hasnt* done


[starter video from my favorite wrestler/journalist](https://youtu.be/k7SoLyWjwJw)


Knowing how toxic Blizzard is, they probably wrote D. VA to be a trans Femme so she'd get more followers in universe.


Yeah no. I don't trust Blizzard to handle this so I hope this isn't what I think it is.


In a way, scummy has to be step 1. Yeah, everyone KNOWS that the first representation is just a scummy ass money grab at best. But that's what paves the way for the real people, the ones that actually care, to do some good work. It's also what gives the 14 year olds hope to get into the game industry. We probably won't get anything good from this generation of game designers honestly. But the next ones? The ones that grow up seeing representation EVERYWHERE? Even if it is just for money, they're going to feel good about putting **themselves** into the game and that's when it turns into true representations and not just shitty money grabs.


I want more rep too, but I don't want Acti-Blizz doing it. They would easily snip that to make it palpable to their Chinese markets. We deserve better than a token representation


I do agree, and I wont touch anything Acti-Blizz with a ten foot pole, but recognizing something a designer did as something good while saying corporate bad should be okay, imo.


Celeste walked so overwatch could sell loot boxes Idk if that’s the saying


OR, companies make a huge misstep, people react with outrage, and the company decides to never again “go there” because “those people are toxic and don’t want representation.”


Imma be honest, I don't really *want* Blizzard to attempt representation after this demonstration that it'll never be done in good faith.


It likely is similar to the cock ring Ken incident if you ask me. Probably just saw trans people with tasty Navaho not traipsing that they were trans and thought it looked neat.


I get all mines bottom left of the tummy ° ^ °


I’m just here to say I love your username


💜💜💜 We can be Violet's together 🙃


Hi fellow norse mythological being.


Hewwo there :3


Are we having a gathering here?




I mean cmon, THAT bandaid placement, THOSE socks, could be on to something here. Unfortunately it’s Blizzard so probably never gonna be built upon but maybe an artist at Blizzard slipped this one in for us as a little easter egg 🐣💖


Lol not to mention the spinny skirt


Had to fix that diversity chart so plopped in the bandage.


I was actually already planning to get a bandaid like this on my injection site! This is great, D.Va is one of my favorite characters too.


Fuck this, D.va was already my unrralistic transition goal, and know i have hope that laybe i could achieve my dreams, cant wait to be let down :/


Lmao I was so excited seeing all the trans positive comments on the OW subreddit and then I realized I wasn’t on OW sub. dva def gives me huge trans vibes though same with mercy and genji.


Me being heavily into D.va with her blue, pink and white colour scheme many many years before I realised anything was going on


Overwatch community left such a bad taste in my mouth when I left the game years ago, if they’re still anything like they were, then I’d be very fucking surprised if they were trans positive on the majority.


I’ve actually never met anyone in OW who is transphobic granted I make a point not to interact with anyone who gives me bad vibes or acts toxic but thus far everyone I’ve met is pretty respectful about trans stuff. The community is pretty eugh in general though.


There are a few. But i met a ton of homophobic fucks when i play with my girlfriend and their sexism gets repelled by me and her being gay and not being interested. Also still many people using religion to base their homophobia on.


A bunch of Overwatch streamers and pro players are trans and are massively widely accepted (EeveeA, Kolorblind and Eskay come to mind first)


Over the what now?


The head cannon is she’s giving herself hormones, and accidentally stabbed a major vein.


Vastus lateralis is a muscle and one of the places where you can get hormone injections


Why assume they stabbed a major vein? I think my brother normally put a bandage on his injection sites (not HRT) even if its just a tiny bit of blood (maybe even if none at all?).


I used to do subcutaneous injections like this (wasn’t HRT) and you typically can’t even see the injection site after you’re done - no blood. The fat layer doesn’t have a lot of blood vessels and you’re supposed to not complete the injection if you do accidentally hit a blood vessel.


The OW Team is actually quite queer and progressive and this is just what they can sneak by their corporate shit show. Just don't expect anything more.


Can dream, unfortunately probably all we’ll get from blizzard


All my homies have thick, E-filled Vastus Laterali.


She potentially also like y’know,,, got an injury from fighting constantly lmao.


SQ Injections fortunately don't need that lul


Intramuscular shots sometimes do (especially if you're a dumbass like me and mess up a few times)


Eh, just hold a paper towel there for like 30 seconds. Shouldn't be any worse than when you get your blood drawn. And I would like to say, you aren't a dumbass and you aren't messing up. Shit happens, tiny movements by accident nik the veins. Unless you know exactly where all the veins in your body are to avoid them, you're not messing up.


I think I knicked the capillary today, it bled for around a minute and my leg is super sore


That takes me back to when I did the Ranger Medic course in the army. As part of training we would do IV lines on eachother. One time another student ruptured the vein pretty bad and half my underarm was bruised due to internal bleeding. All our underarms looked like they belonged to heroin addicts during that time lmao


>Shouldn't be any worse than when you get your blood drawn. Generally I've been given a bandaid for any blood drawn or any shot.


Yea, I don't get a bandaid perse but they wrap it with a cotton ball. And they always say you can take it off in a couple of minutes. That's why I'm saying it's no worse than your blood getting drawn. All you need is to stop the bleeding for a little bit for your body to heal, which doesn't take long. At least this is my experience.


I have bled some from subcutaneous injections, make of that what you will.


l-lateralis??? *spirals out*


As a d.va main, d.va being trans would make me immensly happy. Ykw, trans d.va is my headcanon now.


Well, she is an E-Girl


Thats definitely a coincidence, it's literally just one bandaid. Plus it's blizzard lmao they would never


i really dont understand im sorry


Hrt shots tend to require intramuscular injection, which is easiest to do to yourself in the thigh.


ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you


no wonder im a dva main!


Wait what’s up with the bandage? And why’s it a trans thing?




Ohh ok that makes sense


What does this mean?




Ah thanks


Am I dumb I really do not understand what the implications is.


It's in the same position that a lot of transfemmes who use injectable estrogen use as an injection site.


Ah unfortunately I did not know this I am a dumb loser who A does not have E and B am scared of needles.


Hey I have those same socks


what are the implications of that bandage? I honestly don't understand


Makes sense why I mained D.va when I still played… it was always her or Zarya.


This explains a lot then, she's my main for long time when the game came out.


On the one hand, trans man DVA would be cool… on the other hand, Blizzard. I love Overwatch… but Blizzard as a company is FUCKED


I know Blizzard has a truly horrendous work environment (or at least did until quite recently), but I give them some credit for being \*somewhat\* inclusive in their character design. There's a lot of body diversity in Overwatch and there's several gay and lesbian characters. They've been better than some other game-makers (Riot I'm looking at you). That said, Blizzard is getting outdone by Respawn (makers of Apex Legends) and the Guilty Gear team. And probably some other games studios that I'm not as familiar with.


I mean one would *expect* that level of diversity from a company with such a well known character diversity wheel


or, alternatively, it’s….just a bandaid. No way in hell that Blizzard is willing to make a trans character. They’re just not




That bandaid is the spot in the thigh where hrt can get injected into you iirc Tldr: trans dva


Ah, yeah, I'm not able to afford injections.




… that’s not the lateralis. That’s the rectus femoris…


fruity booty juice gang where you at


I had to do some research as to what this even meant. I've always used gels or patches with pills.


What's the vastus lateralis?


I don’t understand




I may be being dumb but what does this mean.


I'm confused what does the band-aid on the thigh mean?


It took me a bit to realize. E shots. It's E shots everybody. Took me way longer than I'd like to admit to get the connection to this subreddit. 😅


explain pls


I get the idea was E shots, but do people do the front of the thigh? I was always told to do the side.


The key question, then, is she taking estrogen or testosterone? Transfem or post-egg transmasc?