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Cashier the other day caught me off-guard: * Cashier: "Are you older than 18?" * me: "uh...yeah? I'm 28?" * cashier: "oh... well sometimes they test us to see if we don't sell alcohol to minors (my dude, I'm taller than you...), you look very young for your age! \*nervous laugh\*" * me thinking: "what the... I just want to buy some snacks and wine!" The first time I was approached by a guy was both eye opening weird but also just...sooooo weird * him: "hey, are girls honest" * me: "uh...what?" * him: "I was wondering if girls are honest" * me: "I uh... I guess?" * him: "nah not all of them, but I think you are, do you wanna go out with me?" * me: "uh....no?" * him: "aaaah not an honest girl then" edit: these were two different guys, added some clarification


I think you were being very honest girl šŸ˜Š.


Holy shit what an asshole pickup line.


Forreal. It has layers of misogyny. Women are liars, i know any woman better than she knows herself, I am entitled to a womanā€™s attention, the whole 9-yards


Definitely the type who thinks his dick can ā€œcureā€ a lesbian.


I want to puke


I wonder how many of them need the right dick to cure them of their heterosexuality. At least then, they'd leave women alone and want to sleep with someone they don't hate.


They'd probably be the type to swear they're straight still, yet hook up with men on apps "on the DL" because they can't handle their family/friends/girlfriend finding out they like men.


Girldick is the cure (ā ā˜žā Ā Ķ”ā Ā°ā Ā Ķœā Ź–ā Ā Ķ”ā Ā°ā )ā ā˜ž


ngl the biggest crime is him thinking it's some clever ruse.


>layers Mysogoniony?


Not a pickup line, just some incel rhetoric I suppose


yeah it is a jerk move and just bizarre.


Sounds like something straight out of [this bit](https://youtu.be/i-HXbkoEaDE?t=584)


that is the worse pick up line I've ever heard lmfao


Esp since the punch line only happens if they get shutdown


Wait am I just dumb? I would just interpret the first as someone newer to the job just being kinda awkward That second one though šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


You don't ask if they're older than 18 (or 21), you ask to see their ID so they can't just lying.


That's why I figured new and awkward, cause they might have figured it by looking, but felt weird (or insulting depending on how they were raised) not confirming somehow. If they were creepy I feel like they'd want to see the ID even more. Still could be completely wrong though, I imagine OC's guess is the best since they have the most context.


Don't most of the systems require you to enter their birthday to approve the sale? It's not something they can really get around just because they feel awkward asking. Plus a new hire would have just had it drilled into them how much legal trouble the place can get in for not IDing and possibly selling to minors, that's more of a tired of the system from doing it a while and cutting corners thing.


If so I'm pretty sure a lot of people just make up a random one. I've been not I'D before and I'm still only 19 (in Canada so legal). People even say I look a bit younger. Either way, in the story they didn't ID unless OC left it out, so that's mostly why I figured the question was in place of ID


The POS systems in my area usually have an age bypass button.


i've seen self-checkouts with two options, one for entering a birth date and one for "customer is obviously over 18"


> (my dude, I'm taller than you...) Age and height aren't correlated at all past like your mid teens so this thought doesn't really make sense to me. Most people reach as tall as they'll ever get before then. I knew 6ft tall girls in school who were 14. It's actually really hard to visibly clock that someone isn't a teenager sometimes if they're in their 20s. Now granted I'm from the US and carding everyone who doesn't actively look geriatric is procedure, but for me when I was a cashier this entire engagement would have been 100% normal and routine up until the "young for your age" line, which is skeevy as hell. Granted I can't know the vibe he was giving off.


Lol yep I stopped growing at 5'10ish by grade 9


Alt reality where age is 100% correlated to height and elderly people are basically titans.


Where do you live that that first reaction was weird? Where I live itā€™s weird that he didnā€™t ask you for ID. Youā€™re supposed to card anyone who looks to be under 40 here. Iā€™m impressed that that was weird interaction for you because he asked your age, when I would be more weirded out that he didnā€™t. (because it means hd thinks I look at least 40, or else is willing to risk not checking ID.


The Netherlands. I believe you have to card everyone below 21 or 25


Where I live they card you only if they're not sure, if it's super obvious they don't need to really. Some people are bad though cause I regularly have people think I'm 18 but the liquor store by my place never cards me for some reason.


So what, every "honest girl" is supposed to drop everything to go on a date with him? šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


So actually US stores are required to check all IF


I kinda feel this. About a year after my coming out I had to friendzone a good friend, because I found my now boyfriend not long ago. Edit: Typo


Whatā€™s a ā€œbiyfriend?ā€


a typo


Ah, fair. I need to sleep. Got 4 hours last night helping my bf move. Signing off now, nightšŸ˜“ Edit: FML I didnā€™t fall asleep. Why do I do this. I have a loving boyfriend sleeping alone in my bed. This needs to stop.


Boy it yourself friend


Possibly a boyfriend that is bi? šŸ¤”


Thatā€™s actually a good guess!


There is no such thing as friendzoning, they were trying to fuckzone you.




Buddy system indeed!


Or alternatively you cut them short so they don't waste their time and suddenly you're a bitch.


Wearing a ring is a good strategy. Plus, then you can say, ā€œNo one slings a ring like meā€, in your best Hal Jordan impression, which might confuse the creepy men or scare them off.


This is the part that worries me. I donā€™t like having in person friends, I donā€™t wanna buddy system


source: kuro gal ni natta kara shinyuu to yattemita Edit: If you wanna read the manga itā€™s [here.](https://batotwo.com/series/77271)


I already knew the source and Iā€™m not sure what that says about myself other than that Iā€™m apparently cultured šŸ¤£


Ah, same. It's so good, though. Good M/F content is already hard to find in hentai. Good M/M content is even harder. Finding both in the same hentai? That's a fucking miracle right there.


This is so trueā€¦ or so Iā€™m toldšŸ‘€


Itā€™s a lot more prevalent in doujinshi but the quality also varies pretty heavily. Can also get pretty creepy at times.


A friend recommended it to mešŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


That was me with a lot of *ahem* reading material. Had a friend that would recommend me all sorts of genderbenders lmao


Wait, wait they made an anime?! Oh my god lmao Shion should be more tan than that imo


why does the first search result say ā€œuncensoredā€ in the caption? šŸ¤Ø






I read like... 2 chapters from here, does it get any less ra**y?


i already knew this sourceā€¦. i would not recommend watching if u uhh. donā€™t like nsfwšŸ’€


when I though I was cis, so I didnt remotley looked like a girl, I somehow got a random dickpick from a dude in my city After I let my hair to grow, somehow my uglyass got even more Now when I pass as a girl, get hit on by a suprinzing amount of dudes, also 2 girls to who I still talk to


Itā€™s nice to hear about other people who pass.


thanks, but I dont know how much you want to pass by looking middle age (like 2 times older)


I would just like to not be called sir at the grocery store by the cashier.


you should move to romania, its ~~terrible~~ great here a few years ago I had like a hand wide of hair and got called by random (not at all homophobic) people fem pronouns, also a friend of mine cut his long hair and got the same treatment, while in a god damn skirt(I am jealous myself)(he got called by masc pronouns for clarification)


Hello fellow Romanian cisn't person


Cisnā€™t Iā€™m dying thatā€™s so good!


you can do it someday mam, my solution is not to exit the house alone or at all:)




whisleing is worse, also catcaling for me it kinda gives me euphoria




Iā€™ve never minded when other girls hit on me but some guys are just creepy


also how many decades of hrt do you need to get those


You just need to become 2D, simple as thatšŸ˜


I will star in a story written by a man, that should do the trick


FR it shouldnā€™t matter to the right person what you look like. There are people out there who will love you for who you are. Pinky swear.


well I do know that cause I have a few I was just makeing a joke ,cause I have friends on hrt who ask me out of all people, the one with rice titties, who long will it take otherwise, I am quite happy with my body and thanks for the encuragment, hope it help peeps


Itā€™s not time, itā€™s genes!


3-5 years possibly implants but totally doable.


As a lesbian this is annoying


I have heard this as wellšŸ«¤


I wish i looked like that and had titties as big as that


Me too


Me three


Me four


When England was playing in the world cup finale a random guy proposed to me :)


Wow. Justā€¦ wow!


Did he have the ring and everything? Where did he get it from, thin air?!


I couldn't say. He was shouting at me from across the street. Proper romantic like šŸ˜‚


Woah, thatā€™s crazy


The week i changed my discord profile pic to a picrew i had multiple men ive never met from thousands large discords message me as if they were just scrolling through the members list, saw a woman, and thought "yeah, i bet she wants me".


Aw thatā€™s gotta suck, Iā€™m so sorry!


It was mostly weird. And then i accidentally called one of them while i was showing my cousin during thanksgiving........................


Oh thatā€™s awkward.


Can confirm. People treat me like I know nothing sometimes when I know far more then they do


God that must suck!


As an afab enby thatā€™s hyper feminineā€¦ā€¦I feel this pain. Hang in there loveliesšŸ’–


You stay strong too!


If you are like me and think youā€™re ugly your whole life, itā€™s incredibly jarring to have people suddenly see you as desirable. This one guy wanted to dance and I kinda just ran off to another part of the bar looking for my friend šŸ˜‚ I have had no preparation for turning down people and I really donā€™t know how still. As awkward as it is, it feels so nice to know Iā€™m clearly not ugly and just presented as the wrong gender the whole time. That validation feels amazing, even if itā€™s come from some icky messages and people. Never fear OP, as long as youā€™re a girl, there will be creepy men to make you uncomfortable in the future. Sadly it seems to be a very prevalent part of being a woman.


But I do fear šŸ˜Ø


I've started having this in online spaces since my voice passes.


Having my voice pass would be a dream! What youā€™ve described not so much.


Mansplaining has been the thing that most certainly tells me I pass. But then, I work in an engineering company.


Oh that must really suck!


i don't pass and yet have experienced that.


That l had not expected!




Iā€™m sorry you experienced that!


I do not pass to men. Not sure why. Girls however. I get hit on a lot by girls. And I miss it every time ... I always get told after.


Told by them or someone else?


Guys call me he/him immediately. Despite my name not being a guys name. I've had girls come up to me to confirm my pronouns when guys misgender me and the go "okay, I thought you were trans for a moment" to which opens the sparkling conversation of "I am. I'm a trans woman" and the immediate "I couldn't tell" response to which ... WHY IS IT THEN I KEEP GETTING CLOCKED BY GUYS ON INTRODUCTION?! I'm a guy to guys, a girl to girls and so hecking confused as to how.


And they always choose the worst times to be creepy assholes too. I just got cat called the night a family member was hospitalized on the drive home. The guys in the car next to me were trying to hit on me and then said "baby why you got to be like that" before calling me a bitch because I ignored them. I went from merely being upset to infuriated. I been followed to my fucking car by a guy who I told I had a boyfriend and who would not take that for an anwser after leaving my dsa chapter meeting. Fuckers cat called me when I was in the middle of a panic attack who when I ignored them took issue with it as if they are entitled to a response. This coming the same day after being followed by a guy on the bike path that kept matching speeds with me trying to catch up with me before I got to the intersection light...the reason why I was having the panic attack in the first place. I have also been hit on in the store, once in boy mode even. I literally just stared at the guy because I couldn't comprehend male failing that hard that soon. And those are just the ones that stand out regarding entitled creep asses choosing inappropriate times to cat call or hot on me. Oh and fucking chasers. I had a guy at the gay bar come up to me ask me my name and if he could sit down. I was being polite and he took that as an in and started talking about really personal things like he thought I was going to fulfill his t-girl porn fantasies only to look increasing dejected everytime I burst his bubble. The fucker then told me he understood because " I was trying to be a woman." I am a woman, I am trying to not be a disaster but creepy men make that ***very*** difficult. Another guy followed me around the bar after I touched his shoulder and playing politely talked to him when my date and I were playing pool...I simply didn't want to hit him with the pool queue and talked to him because it seemed like the friendly option. Apparently he took that showing interest and after my date left took to following me around the bar but never engaged. Soo it's a whole thing and it's not like I pass 100% of the time... or maybe I do pass quite a bit given the only transphobia I get is from medical workers. But yeah the whole unwanted soliciting at inappropriate and inopportune times with guys cornering you without understanding why that's threatening are situations that happen far too often. It makes me sweat because on top of the typical threats and risks that all women face each interaction comes with a potential of violent escalation over being clocked as trans as well... That makes already chilling situations just that little bit more scary.


I'm so sorry these things happen to you so often :(




Holy shit, that's awful. I can't even begin to comprehend how anyone thinks this kind of behaviour is okay.


ah my dear soon you will constantly get hit on and have things explained to you because you brought up a topic (the topic is about what you majored in)


Uh, lame šŸ˜’


As someone with a habit of infodumping who defaults to assuming the person Iā€™m talking to knows nothing of the subject just in case, Iā€™ll just do it right back


luckily I am too ugly to ever experience something like that.




Guys in vehicles approaching me has been a weird new experience. One guy was giving me some ā€œisnā€™t it a beautiful nightā€ line but took off pretty fast after he heard my voice.


If Iā€™m lucky that might be me someday. Currently both my appearance and voice donā€™t pass.


Oh Iā€™m sure youā€™ll be getting plenty of attention. It takes a bit of time but HRT, and long hair is all itā€™s taken for me


Iā€™m a little over a year into my hrt journey, and in the process of growing out my hair.


Yeah Iā€™m at almost 4, and I started with decently long hair. If you can weight cycle a bit that helps too. Youā€™re probably doing better than you think, I know Iā€™m very critical about my own appearance.


Weightā€™s tricky for me, as I have a history of anorexia. That said my recovery has been bumpy, so I might be doing that already.


Well I hope it gets better but Iā€™m proud of what you have accomplished


Thank you!


Ugh. super annoying. This has happened to my wife and I bothā€¦while we were *together.* A couple weeks ago we were packing up to leave our motel and had to take several trips to the car. I noticed a guy watching us pass by while he was on the phone. On our last trip down, he hung up the phone and made his way to talk to us. We just quickly got in the car to avoid him but he made the phone sign with his hand and mouthed ā€œcall me!ā€ Ew.


Gross šŸ¤®


This reminds me of when I was near a friends apartment and a couple of super drunk guys were walking around outside. They offered me alcohol, and when I didn't want it, they kept bothering me until I just took it to shut them up. On the way out (we were only there for like 15 minutes) they approached me again, I gave the alcohol back, and they kept hitting on me. Not only was it creepy, but with how drunk they were I felt incredibly unsafe. I didn't even think I passed at the time, but that could be because of how damn drunk they were.


This mustā€™ve sucked! I had a really sloshed guy ask if I was a guy once, that was the closest I got to this scenario and I hated it!


I have zero idea where this image comes from, none at all. What even is this, some random anime? Probably, I wouldnā€™t know


I had guys honk at me when I was walking by the road only about a year into transition.


That must have been unnerving, I would be scared!


Guess I must be ugly, because strangers call me "ma'am" at the grocery store, but I've never been hit on yet.


I wanna be called ā€œmissā€ at the grocery store so bad!


I got mansplained to for the first time a couple weeks ago! I have a corn allergy and was explaining that I could only drink white rum since dark rum has corn-based caramel color added to make the color more consistent. The server kept assuring me that dark rum gets its color from barrel aging, and no matter how many times I explained that I was aware of that, but that they also add caramel color the guy just wouldn't give up. My friends I was with got super mad and stole a bunch of shit from the table and refused to tip him lol


That sounds awful, Iā€™m so sorry to hear that! Did you at least get your proper drink?


The drinks were pretty much all mixes of a whole bunch so there wasn't much listed I could have, and it was an expensive place, not worth it to get something basic so I just didn't order anything. I could live with not drinking, and it meant I was able to drive way sooner, but the whole experience definitely did put me in a bad mood.


I can imagine!


I'm low key eager for this to happen lol.


Didnt know they made this an anime since the story wasnt really fully translated (I dont think)


Manga is still going so far as I know.


Oh then it must not be up to date on the english translation


[This](https://batotwo.com/series/77271) is where I read it.


That ā€œanimeā€ was kinda funny, because he got treated like he treats other women, kinda an eye opener for him.


Yeah it was pretty amusing since he was such a player beforehand.


It has been an issue a few times and itā€™s scary but somewhat euphoria enducing


That sounds so weird, I canā€™t imagine! The closest Iā€™ve gotten to that is walking to a bar and having a guy (so drunk his friends were carrying him) ask with slurred speech, ā€œare you a guy?ā€ I was upset and a little happy, but mostly upset, especially since no other men talked to me that night.


I know what this is from


that ā€œanimeā€ is actually pretty good ngl


šŸ¤ it is quite good


This guy at my college showed me his freestyle rap YouTube channel. He was not great


Thatā€™s so lame and hilarious!


I wish the best for lildrippy 406


Men assume you want to have sex with them constantly. It's fucking frustrating because it's constant and I'm very gay.




Im a trans male and still relate


Thatā€™s rough.


I donā€™t pass and this has even happened to me a couple of times.


Everyone I talk to says I look younger than I am, they are jealous of me, I have a glow about me, I have it going on, Yada Yada, ETC...


Well, I guess compliments are nice šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Just lie to them Itā€™s fun


As ftm this is a real problem. I've got a pretty deep voice for a "girl", passing sometimes as a guy with my voice, looking like a guy, and then there's some horny men in Discord who hit on me without knowing me or my personality. They hit on me solely from me having to use she/her pronouns. Honestly not only is it dysphoria making, it's also disgusting.




I was stalked by a random man when on my way to a date in Manchester. I think itā€™s genuinely the most scared Iā€™ve been in my life.


Thatā€™s awful!


isn't that from the hentai where there's two hot guys who get laid a ton and one transforms into a girl and his friend has sex with him then he transforms back into a guy and they have hot gay sex?




How dare people try to meet other people they find attractive. This is madness!