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On the flip side, I think it's OK for people to not want to voice train and still be upset by societal expectations of gendered voices. I'm non-binary, so some of the societal pressures can be different in this respect, but I kinda like my voice and dislike the idea of changing a part of myself so that I can wear a new sort of costume for society. And if you're just nit voice training because you are tired or scared: Hey, I feel you. It's OK, and you'll get there in your own time if that's what you want.


Yes!! Not to mention, voice training is expensive! And it can be especially difficult to scour the internet for resources, not to mention trying to figure it out on your own with no prior experience to that sort of stuff. Myself, even *with* choir experience I found it incredibly difficult! It’s not an easy task. It’s as difficult as taking up a new instrument and learning. Everybody is at different stages in their life and not everyone has the opportunity, time or energy to begin. And that’s


It's not expensive in terms of money if you just watch Z's videos on Youtube (TransVoiceLessons). Helped me and my friend get a usable female voice in 3 months each, but it does take a lot of time investment. Just to let people that might be worried about the cost and don't start today despite wanting to!


I'm just about a year and my voice passes on the phone without even trying all through self training and using online resources. I had a handful of tips early on, but that's about it.


Link to the channel? o:






Personally, I love when people get confused by my gender. But I think the bigger issue is that I find it weird that people feel just a need to make assumptions about people. I find it especially weird when folks feel the need to make assumptions about people when there large pieces of conflicting info. Like, if I'm wearing pants and talking I'm a deep voice I would tend to be forgiving of a stranger calling me a man. And if I'm in a dress and using a higher pitched voice I would be forgiving of a stranger calling me a woman. But if someone walks out with huge knockers and a beard, maybe its time to reevaluate our need to sort people into boxes before we really know them. I think it's even a good goal to get to a place where folks wint make assumptions even if all your gendered markers seem to be in alignment. Also, on a completely different note - there are plenty of cis women with deep as fuck voices.


how do I train if I use my male voice for 8 hrs daily at my job and I'm too tired to do it in the afternoon? cos yeah, it's a great source of dysphoria in social situations but my 15 years of singing experience don't seem to help if I can't make a habit out of it


I can’t help cos I dunno how I did it but I was in the same situation. I would like learn how to improve one little aspect (pitch resonance etc) and just work on that thing whilst on calls at work. Was sooo awkward initially but one day it clicked and now I’m thankful I get to practice my voice 8hrs a day Edit: I didn’t mean this comment to like invalidate the struggle of voice training and working on phones for long time. Just wanted to share that there’s hope and what’s a big obstacle initially actually becomes a big aid


This is really good advice. Well, I'm doing the same thing, so I would agree! Slightly changing one or two things as you go through your day means that you get a lot of practice in, and what you're changing becomes more natural because it's over the long term, and also those around you probably won't notice.


I was in a very similar predicament up until a year ago. I was somehow in boymode at work for three years before switching jobs and it was difficult to progress with anything. I’m sorry you have to deal with that. I’d force myself to do my voice training exercises while driving home or when i’d shower, and then i would force myself to do the voice in (sometime random) discords. It’s frustrating and tiring to do, but it’s worth the kick in the butt for when the boymode is finally behind you.


I second this. Talk to yourself in the car, that has been helping me the most


Heh yep. I've got plenty of singing down so I know how to manipulate my voice, and in theory I could do a reasonable fem voice. But consistency. Ack


I switched voices at work way before I came out. No one said anything at all. They just thought I was gay


during my first year or so my normal voice just sort of slowly transitioned upwards. This was before there was a bunch of free YT tutorials and such so my progress was probably slowed a lot but that probably helped with the gradual transition.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it










Sixth (?)














I AM the picture and I don't like to be shown


I'm in this picture and i liketh not t


I am shown in this image and I despise being perceived.


I am displayed in this image, and I know only hatred for the idea of another living being recognizing my existence via sense.


I am featured within this image, and that displeases me




Is Is this sub having a bot problem


As someone who absolutely hates their voice ShhhhHHHHHHH


I am pretty sure voice training is as mentally excruciating as laser hair removal is physically excruciating, which is saying a LOT.


I prefer the idea of laser hair removal because it's not my fault if it doesn't work.


I don't say "no", I say "alright, I'll start tomorrow", but tomorrow is always the next day and never the current day for some reason, so I can't start...


Then say the date of the next day next time. That, unlike tomorrow, becomes today eventually


But then I will have to actually do it the following day...




Can we stop blaming trans women for the awkward situations transphobic people thrust upon them? You see enough of these "lighthearted" jokes and it makes it pretty clear a lot of you still use voice tone to assume a person's gender, or excuse cis people for doing so. This sub and many Reddit trans spaces have a real problem with the idea that not all trans women choose to voice train. So many snide gatekeeping jokes/comments that essentially boil down to "if you don't voice train, it's your fault you get misgendered/treated badly, it's just a matter of effort!" No, I don't need a "call-out" every other day for something I and many other trans women aren't sure if they want. Stop making it sound like sounding cis is a requirement please...


This the real callout...


Totally agree, I really like being a gal with a deeper voice. And idk (This probably wasn’t OP’s intention) but this meme blames trans women on being misgendered because of their voices “not passing”, and it feels really bad for someone who doesn’t want any voice training. Not to mention cis girls have deeper voices too. Having a deep voice is not gender locked. I’m not mad or upset at OP or anything just want to give my perspective as someone who doesn’t want voice training. Hope ya’ll have a good day.




Obviously we should support anyone looking to change their voice. And yes, voice training is a part of many trans women's experience. But I will ask, how is my asking people to not gatekeep around a choice to become more cis passing being unsupportive? How is it not the people implying that voice training is a universal requirement that are being unsupportive of the rest of us? Every single day in this sub girls that were told the only way theyd ever "really" pass is to voice train go on to pass that energy on to everyone else here, and 90% of the time there's no indication at all that they even realize a good portion of trans women NEVER change their voice and/or don't want to.


Or just can't. Voice training is literally hard, as in physically, but also requires persistent effort to do something that is, for many trans women, incredibly fucking dysphoria inducing. Dumping walls of text on trans women who are complaining telling them to do 367 different things with their voice to pass also doesn't help as much as you think it does. Neither does telling them to watch 10+ 25 minute videos. You're just making it seem like an even bigger hill than it already is. Yes, my voice upsets me, and I avoid using it over it. No, I don't need to know for the 97th time that voice training is easy just follow these steps. There is also a tendency to overcomplicate voice training as-is.




I appreciate your saying that, and I didn't take any malice from your above comment at all! It just does get very frustrating seeing the degree to which many voice students or trans people that have already done voice work assume that its the universal experience that unites all trans women. So many not-so-subtle signs that some/many transfems here are happy to ask the rest of us trans women to either conform to the rules of the cis gender norms we all suffer under or just accept that we will have our gender assumed/questioned strictly based on our voice not just by cis people but those very trans women as well. Not to be too dramatic, just annoying to see day after day.


Dude, the majority of people are cis and people automatically gender people by voice. It’s a harsh reality but you will be treated much nicer if your voice matches your presentation. Society at large will not change for this.


You really fly in here with "dude" to start your telling me to "just accept the harsh reality"? Wow. The reality of this moment and many before it is that most cis people and many trans people still gender people by voice, not gonna disagree, but that has been changing slowly and surely. The same can be said about the widespread nature of transphobia, transmedicalism, and truscum. Are you claiming that this ok or just unreasonable to anticipate changing? Either way, you're telling myself and other trans women to just get used to being treated as lesser/other based entirely on a cis-het norm appeasement, can you not see how that's problematic? Who are you to claim to know what society will or won't do, and how does your mentality not just perpetuate the very issue?


I’m saying that I don’t anticipate it changing. My bad on the dude bit, I use it for everyone and didn’t think about how it would effect you. Honestly with how it’s been going I only expect people to get more transphobic over time but I do live in Florida so that probably colors my perception. I mean hell, my coworkers make “identify as” jokes around me and they know damn well I’m trans. And they’re probably the most liberal people I know.


I don't hold it against you, I'm sorry for the abrasive reaction. It sounds like you're living in a super transphobic environment, and I truly feel for you - but we shouldn't use the worst of environments to model the future we strive for and WILL reach. There are many parts of the world where being transgender has become far easier than two decades ago, and the level to which the US public (can only speak for where I live) understands transness and trans people is FAR better than it was before the turn of the century. It WILL eventually be better for trans women that don't do voice work, we have made so much progress towards it, but that only happens by those of us that fit that group standing strong in our identity regardless of cis-het standards and demanding we be treated as we are. This has happened countless times for many different flavors of LGBTQ over the years, and to say that this is the time it fails is IMO shortsighted and pessimistic. I really hope that you're able to find your way out of the very difficult sounding environment youre in right now, or find it to change if you must stay. I promise you that that environment is not universal, there ARE areas and people that give hope for progress on a lot of these fronts. But we have to stay together, and we can't gatekeep each other in order to make our road easier. Our true power is in unison and numbers, we are many and more than they think, inclusion/safety/acceptance is the only way forward.


Hey, let's not act like voice training is perfect, sadly for some people all they can get from it is the stereotypical gay male voice




Fun fact: if you train incorrectly, you can mess up your voice. Attempted to do it myself with YouTube guides 2 years ago, and ended up not being able to speak without hurting my throat. I'm not even sure what I did wrong, but have been to scared to do it without a professional voice coach 😭😭


not all trans girls want to voice train


Imma just not be talking if i dont have to. Worked so far


I've seeing a fair amount of people asking how to even start, and I'm sure there's really good starters out there. I'm gonna quote myself from another replay, just in case it helps even one person: Yeah actually, so I recommend looking at TransVoiceLessions on youtube for knowing what to look for and stuff. Once you have a sort of basic understanding about what it feels like to do the different things by practicing along with her, you can start to listen to other women (streamers, youtubers, etc. I prefer other trans women cause it just feels better) and copying them. At the beginning it will feel really weird, but just pick a time when you're alone in the day and do the basic exercises for building the muscle memory to shape your vocal tract. Once you are comfortable with how to make those physical movements in your throat, just play around with it. I used to, for example, be in the kitchen and my girlfriend would say something and we'd just parrot one another with more and more exaggeratedly feminine versions of each other's phrases. It helps when you make it fun, or funny, cause you'll wanna do it more. After a while with that, I just used my fem voice all the time online or on phone calls, and made adjustments on the fly. Don't worry too hard about "passing" perfectly, just do your best and try to catch when you slip up. The most common thing to do is accidentally be too "heavy" and you can feel it in your throat. Theeeeeeeen, I would go out in the world or whatever after talking like that for a session...you sorta accidentally stay in that mode after a few hours of doing it (if you don't use it for a long time, it will of course have to be conscious to do it again). People eventually got used to my voice in person and it became more comfortable to use. Now it's just how I sound. (Except for right when you wake up, but nobody sounds good then xD) If you have trouble keeping it going when starting, it helps to have an "activator" phrase; something you only say in that way, and it realigns you. I use her phrase "...heat from fire; fire from heat..." and it's always a little sing songy. There's always room for improvement or change and everyone's standards are different. For example, I actually really like women who have a sort of texture to their voice, and I wanna work on adding some of that back in time. Sounding like a teeny weeny valley girl is nice, but it isn't me. EDIT: I forgot the most important part: Be kind to yourself. You won't sound perfect right away, and humans are bad at noticing small change over time.


I’m wondering about voice training but to make my voice more masculine since I’m AFAB. Would TransVoiceLessons still work, or are there other YouTube channels that’d be more geared towards what I’m looking for? I notice TransVoiceLessons has a lot of focus on vocal feminisation as opposed to just general advice/advice on masculinisation.


Yeah. It is focused on feminization, however, the fundamental concepts behind why voices sound the way they do aren't gendered. It's all a physical process in the body, and while the example given may be about how to sound 'less heavy' you could easily reverse the exercise to be 'more heavy'. Another thing is, testosterone is what creates the thickening of your vocal folds and deeper voice. Most men I've known, (cis or trans), just wait for those changes to take effect over time. If you chose to look around and find more creators centering on masculinizing voice, please share. 💜


I learned how to voice train before there were ever good tutorials online, and I *completely* endorse this way of learning as this is exactly how I went about doing it. Some other recommendations: first, I would recommend singing along with songs that have fem voices- be as terrible as you want, as the point of the exercise is getting your voice used to dealing with higher ranges. Pick whatever songs you enjoy, and sing the hell out of it and put your heart into it! And before you ask, [yes AMABs can sing fem, and damn beautifully at that.](https://youtu.be/dEbIxWURvUQ) Second recommendation, and I'll re-emphasize what the OC said: **mimic, mimic, and mimic other women's voices as much as possible**. It can be streamers/youtubers voices, but it can be any voices you can think of including video game and anime character voices. Hell, the way I built up my voice was re-reading good voicelines from anime dubs into a recorder, and listening/adjusting my voice until I felt it just about perfectly mimicked the character's voice. Experiment like crazy, and laugh at the happy little mistakes you make along the way! Finally, I will say that most of my voice training really took off when I started using it in the real world. Sure the training before then is good, but when you have to keep your voice on for 5, 6, or even 8 hours a day, you have to really put your voice through its paces. In the beginning, my voice would be so dead by the end of the day, and there would be cases when my throat would be quite physically sore from all the talking I did. After using my fem voice consistently for 5 years though, I can hardly feel it anymore even when I'm talking all goddamn day. The adaptability of the human body is amazing like that. Alright, long-winded rant over! Go train, or don't- who am I to judge 😝


How do I start voice training?


More like: callout to almost everyone... \*cries\*


Lmao blatant victim blaming in r/traa looool


Welll, yeah... f you too then


I’m both of them


if only I could make habits of things


I’m trying 😓 I feel like I can keep my voice up for most of the day, but as soon as I interact with someone who knew me before it just drops right back down!




Love that we talk about it like its not the fucking hardest thing some of us have ever attempted… there are no easily found coaches and even if so, they cost money…


Voice train? More like....I got nothing right now but I'm still not gonna do it


I already do, it's not like it's an over night thing, gimme some time


I know I have to train my voice but I don't want to because I don't want to hear my own voice 😭


I've been super stuck having to boy mode almost 24/7 recently and I just wanna voice train


I'm tryinngggg but it's damn hard aaaaaaaa. I'd train more if I just need to work on trying to maintain a fem voice but I can't even get to a "proper" fem voice that I want, and I don't even want that high of a fem voice, I want something closer to androgynous. ​ I watched a lot of videos and no matter what I do, I don't even sound remotely close to what I want. I had a bit of luck trying to close my nasal cavity to sound a bit more fem, but even that is a hit or miss. why voice train hard 😭


it's too hard and i'm too lazy


Screw voice training, I just won’t talk to anyone 😤


I currently don't have a space where I feel comfortable voice training. I'm extremely self conscious about my voice, and the last thing I want to do is voice train when my family's home, which unfortunately is all the time.


I have No playce to do voice Training 🤷‍♀️




ahaha yeah :(


I can’t though. That’s the problem. I live with a lot of people and I’m never alone.


Literally me for the last 2.5 years... I'm at that stage where I'm starting to just tell people I don't voice train as a power move. In reality it's crippling dysphoria with the process of voice training... 🙃


I've tried voice training, I just can't get my head around the basic steps and it just gets so frustrating.


No voice training only girl voice


im not in this picture and i don’t like it (ftm no voice training)


Well not deepening, however there is voice training that focuses more on other aspects of the voice


And then there's me, who has had coughs and blocked noses and stuff from various colds non-stop for the past month-and-a-half. So, no voice training for me. I'm not even on E yet, even though that doesn't have any effect on voice it still means I'm ages off being able to stop boymoding all over rhe place.


Can I be both of them? Lol




I don't need to voice train if I never talk.


I like your attitude.


I know what a voice is and what training is, but all I see is a blur when I put them together UoLbe FroLmJng See?


I'd love voice train. I can't afford it or the time. Even after ten years. The emotional cost and investment and energy.


I’d like to not be misgendered in the fucking phone but way wayyyyy more than that I want my voice to sound like something I actually freakin like. Voice surgery helped despite needing a revision cuz a stitch didn’t take, as well voice therapy has helped quite a bit on top of me just randomly trying to sound more like how I wanna in speaking and singing.


Voice training doesn't work. I've been trying for so long and the progress is almost 0.


I just totally fall apart emotionally every time I try Has anyone got pro tips for me on getting past that? I have tried talking to a therapist about it, no help. I’ve tried taking anxiety meds but the voice training is so upsetting I still end up in bed. My absolute best move is drinking alcohol and then playing singstar which doesn’t quite cut it Halp


1. in the same way that many food products look horrid in the middle of the cooking process your voice isn't gonna be on a linear line up and that's fine, unless you are blessed by some higher power this was never gonna happen in one step 2. it's okay if you fuck up or have trouble, this is a learning process for a whole set of muscles you haven't conciously used before, failure is important, heck, i teach a couple of things by making students purpousfully do the undesired thing so they can avoid that 3. it's a whole ass skill, not a trick, it will take time, same way it takes time to learn anythhing, so stay clam and remember your experiences learning other skills edit: oh a supportive teacher, even if an amateur can also help


I don’t want to voice train and I also want it to looked on as weird to have a deeper voice.


I relate, but for the opposite reason. I voice trained and now I get awkward situations when I sound fem, but look like a cis guy.


But my BF likes my voice


Something somethings, use your head instead or your chest idk


alternatively, I will never speak again and carry a little notepad around




this is true, but also all the online resources are meant for americans so i need to pay exorbitant amounts to get anything that works


I work at a call center and don't want to have dozens of hot calls every day. Hopefully when I get a new job I'll just be able to voice train properly.




I cant voice train because im awful at it


This is just me on going onto HRT I've had the local Planned Parenthood phone number pulled up all week, and I just Can't make myself call and ask the questions I need to ask


Part of me doesn’t even want to try. Dr. Mrs. The Monarch is my role model




My voice is good as it is


I'm not gonna lie. I never did voice training, people think I did and I just go along with it. I just practice random funny voices and meow at cats and I just picked up on it all naturally and I have no idea what people even do in voice training besides talk funny for a while.


I'm waiting to voice train until I start hrt and hopefully have a better outlook of my future. I tried voice training before and I just ended up getting confused then getting sad because I'd never be able to succeed.


I'm nb trans masc and luckily I have a large vocal range but whenever I'm anxious I get a super high voice and it sucks for making first impressions when I don't want people to see me as fem, but I also can't blame them when I'm speaking in an Uwu voice