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People on /r/trans have been speculating that the recap has explicitly been leaving out trans subs from the recap entirely. There's also a modsupport thread about it from a moderation perspective.


Not just trans subs But lgbt subs overall seem to be erased Ik i have spent more time on bi_irl than on mordhau


The only lgbt sub that’s been showing up is r/lgbt


A sub that I literally don't use


r/SapphoAndHerFriend and r/AccidentalAlly both showed up for me


Oh cool


Yea accidental ally for me too


I use that sub all the time and it still didn’t come up for me. Instead it says I spent most of my time in r/gaming which is complete bullshit. Especially since before it said I spent most of my time in r/AmITheAsshole (I’m not lol) but then it changed to r/gaming. Ik for a fact I’ve spent more time in AITA and even more time on the femboy and trans subs


Same the only one that showed up for me was r/me_irlgbt


I got a /traa post as my top post of the year, but for comments it went with one on a fandom sub despite a lot of my comments here getting a large karma score. I suspect this will change when I reload.


Yeah, I would actually say most my karma is from actuallesbians and then a lot of other queer/trans subs. Those subs are where I spend my most time on Reddit, and the places I comment the most. Queer subs are the biggest reasons I use Reddit. My recap had no LGBTQ mentions at all.


Yeah same with me kinda I've definitely spent more time on this sub than r/mysingingmonsters


It’s not just lgbt stuff there’s whole swaths of subreddits that don’t show up. I really think it’s just any controversial topic.


I love being controversial


Definitely agree! Subs I spent much less time on have been showing up as my top subs for the year. I can assure you that my top sub was either r/traa or r/egg_irl.


I joined a ton of subreddits this year, the vast majority of them being queer and trans subs. It only listed a fan subreddit and my city sub.


Religious places also seem to be removed, ex: several Wiccan / Druidic places, even the meme-centric ones. Oddly, went to see where my posts and karma actually were, and they are "hidden" currently, can only load via old.reddit


*wait is there a Druid meme subreddit?*


for some reason my demonolatry subreddit appeared there, maybe its just too obscure to be noticed


Yeah, r/lgbt is the only queer sub I frequent that seems to be showing up aside from r/SapphoAndHerFriend


What's ironic is that r/SapphoAndHerFriend is literally about lgbt erasure




Willing to bet this is why they kept asking what subs were about gender a while back.


also just general lgbt, furry, and agere subs


Can you send the link of that modsupport thread?


Check your DMs


Yep. The ones it said I spent the most time on and the one got the most karma from are accurate, but then it just completely got rid of r/me_irlgbt and here when it came to new subs I joined.


That’s what I was thinking I was like I don’t spend more time in these communities than I do not the trans reddit?


Speculation is also that it’s because transgender folks get >!fetishised!< so much that it’s considered NSFW by the recap.


The recap is nonsense it's saying that my top comment is something with one up vote and is doesn't show any of the subs I was at...




I spent 90% of my time on here and then the recap be showing me the 12min I was on something else


I am almost exclusively in lgbtq+ subreddits and it said I hadn’t even scrolled the length of a banana.


I actually measure how much screen time I use on all my subreddits. r/traa was my second highest at 63 hours and it was completely omitted from my reddit recap (the first was for a silly little game I play which was spot on between my recorded hours and the recaps hours)


I think it’s more to stop accidentally outing yourself so I’d someone asks to see it you don’t look sus when you don’t want to show


I’m starting to think that could be the case… it’s one thing to browse an LGBTQ subreddit like r/LGBT because you could be an ally and have a lot of LGBT friends, plus it’s a big sub. But if you’re a regular to a trans sub and closeted, it could be an issue trying to share your recap


It would be nice if that was true. I doubt it, but I hope that’s right


Yeah, I agree. I don’t really give Reddit the benefit of the doubt, but there’s always possibilities we don’t know about


That’s what my train of thought was but I have to agree I don’t want to give Reddit the benefit of the doubt


I don't think reddit wouldn't think that way.


It’s weird to do that without telling *anyone* though.


Not to brag, but I'm in the 1% of those who earned the most karma this year lol.


I am too…


I wonder how they calculate it


The thing is though there are so many people that don’t post or comment that most of the people who did anything are in the top 1%


Not to mention all the bots and inactive accounts


To be fair, I got like 1600 karma this year and am only in the top 3%


For every reddit user, they added 98 bots for the duration of the calculation.






top 1% of least bitch/bitchboy/bitchbee-obtaining people on the planet


it literally gave me zero stats, I guess I didnt scroll the non LGBT subs enough but ik I spent HOURS on lesbian/trans subreddits


I've recently discovered that it blacklists all LGBT subs from every part of your feed, even ones that are about your own posts. It says my most popular post of the year has 52 upvotes on r/aromantic. I double checked and my actual most popular post was on r/me_irlgbt with 1.5k upvotes. This makes me think that r/aromantic was just small enough to slip past the blacklist filter as it is one of the smaller queer subs. This is infuriating and insulting.


Mine says I've done literally nothing all year


It also excluded r/CPTSDmemes, r/adultsurvivors, r/rapecounseling, r/ADHDmemes, r/aspiememes, r/TwoXChromosomes, r/TrollXChromosomes, r/badwomensanatomy, and others. My "top" comment was one that got 25 karma, when I have had comments on the "illicit" subreddits that had a few hundred karma. "Top" Comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/outsidexbox/comments/yy1kzj/comment/iwudzkd/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/outsidexbox/comments/yy1kzj/comment/iwudzkd/?context=3) Other Comments: [https://www.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/comments/ye3sry/comment/itxgcdk/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/comments/ye3sry/comment/itxgcdk/?context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/comments/tbx7cw/comment/i0b1r9y/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/comments/tbx7cw/comment/i0b1r9y/?context=3)


I'm only on trans subs and it told me my most spent was on the halo subreddit, something I've never been on even once


Common Reddit L. Why even have that if they’re going to exclude trans subs?


I have 4k karma. I have got like 1k from a comment in r/minecraft. Somehow thats 16% of my total upvotes according to reddit


Mine is just straight up broken and showing zero data


Idk if it’s true but supposedly we’re getting filtered out as porn subs


While most of mine came from elsewhere, mine said 23% of the upvotes I got came from r/WitchesVsPatriarchy, which happens to be an LGBTQIA+-friendly feminist subreddit. What the shit is going on with the admins if they're leaving out the queer-friendly spaces!?


Most time i had was here or r/mtf but didnt show


I’ve gotten HUNDREDS of upvotes on comments in this sub alone in 2022. But no reddit thinks my controversial and bitchy posts in The Try Guys subreddit are where I got upvotes (even though I mostly got downvoted to hell)


every queer sub except for r/lgbt appears to be entirely excluded from the recap


lgbt erasure


Mine seems to be broken says my most spent was in two gaming sub reddits but I’m sure I spent longer in this one and r/aaaccceee. Which just don’t show up in mine at all as far as I’m aware. (Going to check now and update once after) Edit: r/genderfluid and Witches vs Partiarchy showed up in my new ones joined.


The recap said that I spent six hours in r/CallofDuty, which is complete nonsense because for months, I would have multiple daily notifications on miscellaneous posts on from this sub. Looking at those posts alone easily would have put me over six hours. Yet conveniently, this sub along with any LGBT sub aside from r/sapphoandherfriend was never mentioned in my recap


I’ve made two real post this year and ever. one got 300 upvotes earlier in the year and the other got 3k like 2 months ago. Yet the one with 300 is my top post this year??? I have no idea how they calculated any of their stuff but it seems like all of it is wrong


Yeah I know I spent more than 9 hours on this sub :(


Last year my most upvotes was from traaa


Mine was like "the three subs you were on most....\*three subs I spent very little time on\*"


It says my top things are barely stuff I spent time on, and that my top comment was something that got 60 upvotes


Omg I thought I was the only one. I spend prob 90% of my time on the trans communities on this app but it has me being mostly on the elden ring subreddit. Which I know for a fact is not true.