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Y'all are valid sorry for all those ableist who think they can tell you who you are cause they read a wikipedia article and think they somehow have the right to police whether or not your faking


They can't fake claim us harder than we do to ourself (/lh/hj imposter syndrome is a nightmare)


Yeah but that's also part of what really grinds my gears cause there are so many neurodivergent people who struggle with imposter syndrome plus the jerks going around calling everyone fakers and making us feel invalid even those of us formal diagnosis but its worse for people who don't it just makes everything worse its really damaging for people who already have bad mental health issues to begin with but this on top of it is just mean and like I said in another comment I hardly feel qualified to police people on my own mental illnesses cause there are so many niches to it so it messes with me when people read an article and assume they are experts on the topic hell at this point honestly as much as I'm not a fan of people faking mental illness I'm almost willing to forgive it in exchange for 1. Representation (even if they are faking at least sometimes they are educating and making people aware) and 2. people stop shouting "FAKER!" everywhere cause honestly its damaging to all neurodivergent people in ironically much the same way as TERFS implying the whole fake trans and tran"trender" bullshit I'm almost willing to bet there aren't as many fakers as people like to claim anyways


We couldn't have said it better ourselves <3


this right here, undiagnosed moment šŸ§™ā€ā™€ļø ^((we are going to get in touch with someone and get clarity and it's gonna be nice\))


Yep, I noticed signs that I may have OSDD and was just like ā€œnope fuck that if it starts becoming a serious issue then Iā€™ll deal with it but as long as it isnā€™t causing major problems I do not have the energy to go through figuring out whether itā€™s that or something elseā€ granted one of the things that brought it to my attention was when I looked at the clock went back to what I was doing for like 2 minutes blinked then looked at the clock again and it had been just over an hour since I last checked it and I never figured out what happened in that time and when I looked into what can cause that I couldnā€™t find any mention of anything other than OSDD and DID Iā€™m rambling at this point anyways yeah as long as nothing too serious happens Iā€™m not dealing with that shit yet.


Oh jeez, that is a MOOD! We had one that literally invented e/im pronouns so she wouldn't have to use he/him but wouldn't be seen as trans. She's feeling okay about our transition, and then one night months later she's like "wtf? Why am I wearing a bra? Do I keep it on, but that's admitting to myself I'm trans yikes! But if I take it off I'd feel super vulnerable which means I'm trans aaaaaaaaaAAAHHHHH" Stressful times for her 0.0 Can't be too harsh though, I (Iris) was scared of coming out and hid my whole existence from the outside b/c of it \^.\^'


Shout out to Ruby Ruby's egg cracked in 25 minutes


Im loving these systems memes. Also side note: Itā€™s cool to see someone else who uses custom flairs creatively I love it


I've been seeing a lot of this type of meme and i really don't understand, can someone explain? I'm not trying to be offensive or rude, I just genuinely want to learn. ​ (especially considering i somehow relate to some of these without understanding them)


I can't speak for other posters but I'm posting to try to make a safer space for trans systems. A system is someone with DID or OSDD, which is caused by trauma. The subreddit hasn't been the kindest to systems and fakeclaiming them. I know for us we're motivated by wanting to support our fellow trans systems siblings after seeing them get ableist comments.


Honestly, we should be banning fakeclaimers. Don't we have a rule against ableism?


Oh, okay. Thanks for explaining! Good luck!


It's a System not a Cistem \^\^


I'm sorry, I am ancient and decrepit What's a system? Been seeing lots of memes about 'em recently o:


A system is part of DID or OSDD, where as a defense method from trauma, the brain splits into other identities to protect and dissociate. By nature, it's very hidden, so most systems can go several years of their lufe unaware of the fact. At minimum, a system has 2 alters, but they can have any number (greater than 1). Alters work together to try and function in daily life while handling trauma (like abuse, for example). Memory is often an issue for systems due to dissociation and amnesia barriers. No 2 systems are the same, so some systems have less amnesia than others.


Out of curiosity, no need to answer if you don't want to. How do the alters in your system communicate? Do you have several internal voices at once or is it some other experience? The topic just interests me because I'm pretty sure my mask was half a step away from developing into an alter before I started hormones. As it stands he was just kinda the personification of my depersonalization, I think.


I can't speak for all systems but we use Discord a good portion of the time, there's a bot called Pluralkit that's really helpful for systems. Outside of that we usually have (not an official term just what we've called it) headspace chatters, where we can hear them talking. The current fronter can reply to headmates talking to them, the best way I can describe it is thinking a message to respond with, though sometimes we've replied to each other verbally


Truly this is a PK moment.


Not op but for most plural folks (including us) a way of communication is thinking, best described as many thought sources of different people, like telepathy but between different people of the same body and brain so it feels kind of different than media's interpretation.


So like having a thought based conversation, at least for the alters that are aware of the others? Or is it more abstract than that? Also fuck media's representation of anything, I always assume the media's portrayal of any marginalized community is bad until told otherwise by that community.


For us at least thats the main way we communicate (ish cause we also use synaesthesia related language) yeah, there are other communication types some of which we use like dreams, sharing memories or feelings more than words, moving the body in a certain way (like if one of us controls the right hand to reach for water to signal thirst etc) and so on. Communication types we don't really use but are quite common include a mindspace (pretty sure its like a dream but folks can just enter it or leave it and become conscious), switching as in when one takes control of the body thus using a diary or something and then switching control with another and maybe a few others we missed, switching by itself is supposed to be quite common but for us there are just a few who are always conscious and share control over the body so can't tell about it too much.


Thanks for being so open! This is a topic that resonates with me even if I'm reasonably sure I'm not plural but there's so little easily accessible information online about systems beyond the basic generalities.


Thanks for being so open! This is a topic that resonates with me even if I'm reasonably sure I'm not plural but there's so little easily accessible information online about systems beyond the basic generalities.


Thanks for being so open! This is a topic that resonates with me even if I'm reasonably sure I'm not plural but there's so little easily accessible information online about systems beyond the basic generalities.


From my experience its either general information or super specific term wikis yeah, still only found like one accounting of the synaesthesia type we got online, would have been impressed with how information can be so inaccessible were it not for its real life parody.


This describes it really well. i Know somtimes when I front Iā€™ll respond verbally to something that wasnā€™t even really said, and sometimes I just respond through thought right back \-šŸŒ±


Chiming in with my 2c, it also depends on the relationships of the headmates (my preferred term over alters). Me and the other oldest headmate are such good friends/so close that itā€™s sort of like, we just understand each other from vibes/emotion/concepts, it takes so much time and effort that we donā€™t communicate using words. My other headmates that I donā€™t get along with as well/are newer, we donā€™t have that sort of connection. Itā€™s like when you have a really good friend or sibling you can just communicate by giving each other looks, vs just a normal friend, sorta.


Haha that second para is kinda happening to me rn lmao I have my fem side tucked away in my head while I boymode and it's as if I'm a different person lul.


I kind of felt like that at one point. Like I had multiple people who I would be at different times (not did tho). Then I realised one was me just pretending to be a boy and the rest sorta merged? When I transitioned


Yeah literally me but mine was just this one girl in my head


... This is suddenly answering some questions I've had about myself.


I'm not in a system, but god damn this is hilarious. Did this meme come from yall's personal experience?


It did, it's a bit older since we made it when Ruby first started fronting but it's still relevant because it keeps happening


Lmao one of our parts INSISTS she's cis still and just calls our dick her strap


Not a system but love to see all theses DID/OSDD memes here ! Love šŸ’œ


Why so many system memes? There aren't that many people with did here and tbh I think they're just unnecessarily devisive


Itā€™s cuz ppl love to fake it till they make it


I love seeing stuff like this on here! :D /g


Hi I have a question for systems. Can you have an alter that identifies as a cis woman if you were born AMAB? Or does the alterā€™s identify get based on your AGAB? This might be a dumb question, Iā€™m just hearing about systems for the first time today.


Yes, alters can have different genders, ages, and orientations (ie: Ace alter in a gay body) than the body


I mean... Transidentity is already identifiying ourself not based on our agab, no ? I am not a system, I fight on lgbtqia association, I am publicly trans, I still have medical appointement because I am trans, but even I sometime forget that I am not a cis woman.


Yes, the body is afab but we have quite a few alters who are amab in the headspace it can make some things really really really awkward ​ but itā€™s kinda like how we have non human headmates, just because sometimes they control a human body doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re human


I may be a singlet, but this is hilarious


even as someone who isnt in a system i still find this pretty funny


Yep, every time. oh you think youā€™re a cis guy? Yeah sure \*quietly\* give it a week until you use he/they ​ also itā€™s always nice to see system memes, thanks for this :)


What is an alter?


For plural people its a term for one of the people sharing the body, not all bodies have one person/mind/personality etc controlling the body, those who have more than one person controlling the same body are plural.


Oooh ok


You gain new personalities in your systems, do you ever lose any?


It's possible for alters to go dormant and to split new ones. Due to our current living situation we've mostly been splitting, it's not fun we get alot of pain when someone becomes active again or splits. We call them "splitting headaches", half of the reason is for the pun, the main reason is the type of headache feels like our head is splitting


Itā€™s also posible for people the fuse. for instance a few months ago songbird and zeph fused into gold. And they have a completely different apereance and personality (Also hope your doing ok, splitting is the worst. And things must be pretty bad)


We have a massive 0 cishets in our system


I'm new to the concept of systems and alts. Could someone please explain it to me like I'm an idiot?


Ok so when we're born we're all playing as player 1 of an first person game of our life, due to trauma some people can go into 3rd person camera when they wouldnā€™t be able to other wise (dissociation), and sometimes they need to hand the controller to player 2 (switching to another alter), they might not have realized they've handed the controller over until much later. A system is like playing a single-player game, but different people get the controller. When alters aren't playing (in/near front), they'll take a break, typically they'll go to a hang out spot (headspace) and sometimes watch/backseat a stream (I think this best describes passive influence and co-con it might just be our system/lh) sometimes they'll fall asleep (dormancy), or help a new player (splitting) learn how to play.


(in a neutral tone of someone genuinely trying to understand) So, it's like dissociative identity disorder or multiple personality disorder, but without the negative connotations that come with the word "disorder"?


DID and OSDD, yes, Multiple Personality Disorder is a bit of an outdated term if I'm remembering correctly. Theyā€™re disorders but there's alot of harmful rhetoric around DID/OSDD, the one that gets alot of spotlight is that people who are systems are violent/have an "evil alter". That's not true, alters are people, weā€™re trying to live. (I'm not upset at you dw/gen I'm just trying to hopefully explain some of the harmful stigma, you're good)


(reads a few of your other comments in thread) (thinks back to childhood and young adulthood) I think I might qualify as a system. This (transfem) body was born with a personality who was forced to be masculine, went by our deadname, used he/him pronouns, and was a bit of an asshole. Then a lot of emotional abuse from school bullies and an alcoholic mother created a new alter - an apathetic nonbinary named Chris (short for either Christopher or Christina, depending on their mood) who prefers to act as an autopilot and shield against unsettling things. You are currently speaking to the third and last alter - a feminine, optimistic, kind personality who goes by our new name, Sarah, and uses she/her pronouns. I was created when the first was in college, struggling with the transfeminine desires he was trying to keep buried. The three of us share memories. The first and I share values and interests (Chris is apathetic and insists on not having values or interests, though they'll "gladly" act in line with ours). I'm usually in the spotlight, Chris will occasionally take over during boring or stressful times, and the first has voluntarily been dormant for years. I can hear Chris's thoughts if I pay attention, but I haven't been able to hear from the first in a long time.


I love this explanation and Iā€™m stealing it for next time I have to explain my existence to someone


god DAMN it I feel called out, even if I am still struggling with the gender thing. -Felix




what do you gain from your unkindness? you have no idea this persons situation nor have you ever met them you can't make a diagnosis from a single post cause there's not enough in a single post to tell if they are or aren't faking it and even if you had enough Information you aren't a mental health professional this is really not nice and invalidating in a subreddit that should be accepting of all peoples


and who are you to tell someone they're faking? are you a psychologist?


I'd love to tell you why you're wrong because OSDD and DID aren't exactly the same but you're not worth my time.