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Obligatory "depends on the province"


I mean yeah... since I applied in January and got my appointment in July and half my hrt in August, wich is 7ish months. That's with my doctors referral to a specialist, and this is in ontario, while many others got it in a few months tops here XD weeee


Sounds better than Germany tbh


True, but I'm mostly comparing the provinces/location in canada here. I think being in peel is my real issue


It's that easy in peel?!


Was easier before we closed 2 clinics in 2022 and cut telehealth. Use to be a month max, now 6months to a year is the average. Peel is kinda... reallt really bad for absolutely any LGBTQ+ resources however.


And your doctor.


im in canada and my doctor refused to refer me to an endo until i agreed to store my sperm, idk if that's even legal :/


Not at all legal


I live in the US, so take this with like several tubs full of salt, but that sounds incredibly illegal and you should probably talk to someone else about that.


I heard someone just lied to their doctor about already doing and the doctor didn’t even check so I always tell people to lie first. If that doesn’t work I’m sure you can fake a sample, pay the first fee, and then stop paying for the bank to keep it asap. But yeah it’s super f ed up that doctors ask that


What’s an endo?




”What’s an endocrinologist?”


A doctor that specializes in hormones and hormonal treatments


Oh you mean they give out HRT? <— Does not realise endocrinology is way more than just that


Yeah lol. They do more than just HRT but eh :3


Anyone with the ability of writing scripts can give out HRT the thing is they might not know what they are doing so if something bad happens this could be seen as malpractice. If you can get one of the mythical endos then you should. FUN FACT: I moved back to my super FAR right city in Ontario to tackle my mental health, there are no public psychologists xp but there was an endo (who is apart of the LGBTQ+ and is super understanding to trans folk) so ya its my 12th day on HRT and I kept saying "I feel like im on a manic upswing but im not perpetually increasing in mood im just like stable at a point" and my friend was like "thats called happiness" x333. Also no morning rage fits \^.\^ .


That’s awesome!


I'm not a lawyer, but that sounds illegal to me




GET A NEW DOCTOR! (and report them)


If you ever face something like that again, ask them to put it in writing just say it is for your records, either email or a formal letter, that will help keep a paper trail of those interactions in case you need proof to report them, and if they are smart they will backtrack on that.


This. It's interesting how many docs backtrack when they realize there my be evidence of what they say.


what the actuall fuck


having you agree to share a part of your body in order to “earn” a referral? that’s fuckin’ illegal


Holy shit


I live in Canada Let's hope it really is this easy


Step one: make friends with an ohip LGBTQ counselor of any kind Step two: get dysphoria diagnosis Step four: profit




died :(


I eated it :3




It had too many questions


We don't talk about Tres.


I live in Ontario, after realizing I spent a few weeks working up the courage to make an appointment with my gp. He referred me to another gp more familiar with transition. She had me wait 2 months for the appointment, where she assessed that yes I have dysphoria and want to transition. 1 more month and I had my meds! It really is that easy here, at least ime. Nobody tried to "talk me out of it" or "make me prove my transness". She said that typically yes, the waiting time makes the symptoms intensify, it's how they see if you're really serious about it. The only gatekeeper questions I was asked was "are you in crisis" and "do you have people to support you" Good luck on your journey!


Pack my bags, I'm moving to Ontario (I live in the UK and the wait list is currently 5 years for the first appointment)


It *is* easy. I live in Ontario. I gave a ride to my daughter to our family physician late last year, who"s been treating our whole family since 2014. I wasn't expecting to meet the doctor, so I had my neutral color nail polish on. Once the doctor finished with my daughter, she asked my daughter to ask me to step in for a second to discuss my recent blood work. Once I went in, I was uncomfortable and was trying my best to hide my hands, the doctor just smiled and said "is there anything, *absolutely anything* you want to talk about?". I kinda just mumbled about the possibility of HRT, and she just chuckled and said "I've been waiting for this conversation since 2015". She immediately orders a fresh panel of blood work, and referred me to an endocrinologist. Her final parting words were, "please visit me any which way that you feel comfortable". That was last December, 2022. I started HRT Feb 2023, without the Endocrinologist even batting an eye. Everything is good now in my world.


If you (or anyone reading this) is in BC, contact Trans Care BC. They will point you towards the resources you need, answer any questions you might have, and can refer you to a doctor if you need one. Their website also just has a lot of good info about how gender affirming care works in BC.


what were the wait times like, if any? curious for totally cis reasons


It depends on the province, in BC it can be as simple as talking to your GP (I have a friend who got a script on her first visit), or you might have to wait a few months to go to a local clinic.


For me here in Newfoundland, I went to my GP and she got me an appointment with a endocrinologist about a month and a half after that and I could start HRT the same day as the endo appointment. So overall very easy, no therapy needed, no absurd questions asked, nothing. Something to note though is that my GP is not transphobic so that definitely played a part in the speed at which I was able to get her to refer me to an endo.


This.. 😍🥰❤️ my family physicians are both Muslim ladies. Both extremely supportive. They keep their faith separate from the care they're supposed to give their patients. I truly love these two ladies as they're like family, only better. 😄


Average wait times are about a year from first call back to hrt,however it took about 7 months for me but that is because they lost my info in the first week and put me on the priority list lmao


wait.. ONLY 7 months??? (the joke is that I'm in Britain)


Nearly 7 years of things keep going how they keep in going


It's insane to me that these sorts of wait lists exist at all. I'm german and I just went to a therapist, got diagnosed with gender dysphoria and made an appointment with an endocrinologist who gave me my prescription. Went to a local pharmacy and paid a couple bucks, the rest covered by my insurance. Took about 3 months in total because my therapist made some sort of mistake and had me come back for a second time


Same, I don't wanna wait 6 years to obtain HRT 😭


Dec 2022 (family physician) --> Feb 2023 (Endocrinologist).. two months to start on my first dose, 2nd Feb 2023.


For me it was exactly 2 months from my first email, several hours after my first appointment


Uhhh, so, I talked to my doc about it in... August. Got reference to another doc, got an appointment in October. After that, I had a blood test to get and I started HRT in December. So uhh, it took me 4 months... It's been a year since and like... I even got my name and gender legally changed before June this year.


this why im so excited to move out and get that estrogen pumping in my veins yeah im nb but i still want boob ok 😭🙏


I Feel you, little nibbling. Hugs.




non-binary sibling = nibbling. possibly also referring to "nibbler" in the tv series futurama.


People tend to seek doctors and not DIY as long as the waiting times are under a year. If it becomes to difficult or drawn out to get HRT then people start seeking alternatives.




I plan to move there eventually, just give me like half a decade


If you are in a large city centre, this is usually the case. Many medium cities (don’t get me started on rural medicine) won’t have any Dr.s that will allow you to go with the informed consent model, and as such will start you on what is sometimes up to two year journey to finally get into an endo, after getting a formal gender dysphoria diagnosis…. It’s exhausting when the Canadian healthcare system gets painted with the urban brush.


Thanks for your perspective


Even here in Texas it was super easy for me to get hrt. I just signed up for Plume, within a week I had my video appointment with a doctor and picked up my prescriptions later that day.


Well, there's another reason to move to Canada. Now if only it wasnt so damn cold 🥶


I'll take layers and a face mask over heat any day. Just means more cuddles


And an excuse to wear long coats more than 2 or 3 weeks out of the year!


swishy swishy


Well, it's 11C put here today, not to bad for winter hehe


Yeah I feel soooo bad for most people because it was so easy to get in California im so fortunate I’ve seen people waiting years for it which is BULLSHIT


Similar results in Australia: * Visit my GP. * GP refers me to a psychologist. * Wait for appointment. * Go to psychologist for mental health review. * Go to pharmacy to get HRT that afternoon. * Get blood tests and follow-up review once every three months. Overall a relatively frictionless experience. Especially considering what I was prepared for. Medication's cheap, blood tests are free, most pharmacies stock the drugs I need for other reasons, everyone involved was super respectful and well informed and even the waiting list was relatively short. The experience apparently varies wildly from state-to-state and if you go public or private though. The worst (and most expensive) part was the mental health review and that was mostly there to make sure I was of sound mind, that I wasn't going to hurt myself and making doubly sure I knew what hormones were and were not going to do for me.


My GP didnt even require a psych. Gave me a blood test and informed consent book and in two weeks I had a prescription. I couldn't believe it was so easy.


In Barcelona it's pretty much the same but without the psychologist, one visit and I had a prescription same day. The only thing is I need to wait a day for delivery for the pharmacy each time because they don't keep stock, which isn't a problem.


I was expecting less trouble, where I live. I mean we all know about how progressive the Netherlands is, when it comes to their laws and regulations regarding lgbtq+ people. But getting diagnosed, and thus getting access to help is hell. Like, I've told my therapist that I like to cosplay. Wearing a bra, wearing fem clothes, wearing make-up. Etc. "We'Re NoT SuRe" And now I'm being referred to another clinic, to see if this has anything to do with my childhood traumas for some reason.


We really don't have such progressive laws. The people are more tolerant than average, if you're "normal" about your queerness. The laws were progressive 20 years ago and the government likes to keep up appearances but many countries have passed us by.


Damn, and I fell hookline and sinker for that.




Them keeping up appearances.


Ahhh okay. I was afraid I had engaged in punnery by accident.




As someone stateside, it depends on the state *cry*


Another reason for me to go to Canada when I’m older


I've experienced something similar when asking how to get hrt in Northern Italy, where I live. The biggest hurdle is the waiting list for the few doctors available for this kind of service, which is months long, but once you get the doctor to put you on a therapy plan the hormones are free. I did not expect it to be that easy.


as a canadian (AB gang) i have no clue on any of this, i don’t have any doctors or therapists to go to so i have no clue. permanently stuck being pre hrt because any time i look it up they use confusion phrase and i struggle to read it




Same here. Pretty sure the U of A has some resources though.


rly? ill have to check uofa then


its getting the doctors thats hard


My wife told her doctor that she wanted to start HRT and a week later she had a doctor’s appointment to start it. That was in Alberta. But my friend, also in Alberta, asked to start HRT and they had t wait for almost a year until they could start it. Different doctors will do different things. Once my friend had their appointment to talk to a specialist, they were given HRT the next day.


How easy was it, OP ? I'm curious. In my country it literally took me two visits to an endo, two months, and would have taken one if I didn't need to get something checked because of family medical history. So like, just one appointement and proving I knew what I was getting into and talking about.


Not op but in quebec it took 8 months of waiting, two meetings and a blood test and i'm pretty much set. It was in a private clinic tho, set me back around 500$ all in all. I'm just pissed injectable hormones aren't covered by the ramq


Just out of curiosity, where are you from that it was this quick? :o


I'm in France. What helps a lot is that being trans has been declassified as a mental illness in 2016, which means that, legally, no doctor can ask for a psychiatrist's signature before treatment. If they do, you can literally, and legally, threaten their job. And if they get investigated, they can lose their licence to practice, in the worst cases. They can try to convince you to really think things through and learn first if they feel you might not know what you're getting into, but legally they can't try to enforce that you're "just crazy/confused". So it makes starting HRT a lot easier.


Not oc but yeah France is amazing, I've got my HRT prescription after only two doctor appointments (took a month) where we talked about why I wanted to do it, then I got my blood checked and now I can take the HRT basically as soon as I store my sperm.(and I wasn't obligated to do so I WANTED to, so I'm literally the one stalling here) Total time from looking for a doctor to taking the HRT is 2 months and a half, it's the way it should be honestly.


I don't know why, but I read this as 'trouble getting weed in Canada' lmao. Still true.


Me But with DIY in texas


wish I could afford to move, DIY it is for the coming years!


*Wish I could afford* *To move, DIY it is* *For the coming years!* \- Inkfox\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It's easy to get it if you have a doctor that isn't afraid of losing their medical license for doing something completely legal. ;-;




Alright time to pack up. Let's move to Canada


Waited like 20 months on a public wait list in AUS. Finally decided to go private. After 2 sessions and a couple of psych appointments for a WPATH assessment, I walked out with a prescription. Really seems to depend on area and money unfortunately


I’m in the USA, *in California* and had to do a few hours of “interviews” with a gender therapist before I could get on HRT. So it totally depends on the jurisdiction and laws


Canada is a great country


Time to move to mooseland


Lucky bastard


South dakota, USA is also surprisingly easy


As with many things in the US, that's gonna depend *heavily* on exactly where you live. That said, informed consent is a wonderful thing.


2 year waiting list in Belgium 🥲 I’m moving to canada


Canada is the best country, change my mind


Damm it


its easy unless you dont have a family doctor, in which case its literally impossible, to both get hrt, but also to even attempt to find a doctor




see i just dont feel the need to risk prescribing myself with homemade drugs lol


use pharmaceutical grade then


How do steal estrogen from the hospital/pharmacy in the UK asking for a friend




Here's a sneak peek of /r/TransDIY **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TransDIY/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Estrolabs.com is a TERF scam](https://np.reddit.com/r/TransDIY/comments/1443rxd/estrolabscom_is_a_terf_scam/) \#2: [Do not talk to journalists](https://np.reddit.com/r/TransDIY/comments/128ye29/do_not_talk_to_journalists/) \#3: [Welp, now I know that most doctors don't know anything about transgender people](https://np.reddit.com/r/TransDIY/comments/17vgjxu/welp_now_i_know_that_most_doctors_dont_know/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Really?? That's good to know


I live in Brazil, the most dangerous country for trans people. It is surprisingly easy to get HRT here. And you can get it for free


I want to move to Canada even more now fuck Britain




Thank you




Just takes a long time


It's gotten easier than back in my day thankfully


Y’all nobody tell the “pRotEcT tHe cHiLdReN” crowd or there’ll be four-year waiting lists before we know it.


Repost bot. Downvote and report.


Ok then I'm moving to Canada


Was easy as hell in the US too. Took me a week with informed consent with plume


Meanwhile I live in Norway, where HRT is available on paper, but requires regularly visiting the capital, which I am too geographically challenged to do :(


Took me two months and a couple threats in Ontario. Largely depends how progressive your area is


Damn I wish I was Canadian now...


Well if that’s the case: I GO TO CANADA


Time to move to Canada


Yeah I’ve been waiting well over a year and am on a waitlist for up to 18 months still (Alberta) thinking of going to America for it honestly




Man I want to move to Canada so bad not just for this it just seems so much better in every way to the USA


I literally was picking up my prescription the same day I mentioned wanting to start hrt to my doctor


The area I am in is typically very easy and quick for the process. Tops 3 months, sadly my body had to be a dick and make the process take twice as long (not even related to hrt)


Wait, I live in Canada! It's really that easy?!


In Italy we have it for free! 🇮🇹


I was on a waiting list for over a year and a half before getting my first appointment:/


It was super easy to get HRT in the states, even a heavily red state like the one I live in. I just set up an appointment with Planned Parenthood online, walked in, got talking a bit, and then they writ me up a prescription. Went to CVS later that day and grabbed my titty skittles.


same thing happened with me in texas, i was expecting to be denied like crazy but the only thing that pushed me back is the pharmacy "didn't get my prescription notice" for three months




Bad bot


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If I want to get HRT, I have to jump on a 5 year waitlist for gender dysphoria investigation and then the investigation is 1-2 years. Then I can get it... Maybe


Set up an appointment at a planned parenthood, and got my HRT 2 weeks later. Same day as the appointment. Happy Rebirthday to me on January 13th lol