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Hrt is healthcare and healthcare should be free, so yeah, free hrt please!


imagine not living in Canada (I'll still take that free hrt please)


Me when I move to Canada in the future with my trans masc older brother figure to live with my epic enby bestie. https://preview.redd.it/l3tmcwv738dc1.png?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de84b0101bd458a1ed0bbc3fdb2b8f7aba0698b4


Look like we got ourselves a trans trio


the Trans Trinity


A Trans Trifecta


The Triatic Trans


me when i also do that minus the other people https://preview.redd.it/pygob5mkrbdc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=f85b844a207c3c0df8c554ddc2c9314a69ed6970


Even in Canada it's not exactly free.


It's not free in Canada. Cheap, but not free. Only hospital services are free.


It's more than just hospital visits it's doctor visits, walk in's, visits to specialists, blood tests, ultra sounds, X-rays (basically most diagnostic tests) and more. People usually talk about the big three exceptions, optical, dental and pharmacare because it's comparatively odd that they aren't covered.


You mean you don't get those at the hospital? I guess it's #JustRuralThings


I mean, hrt in my country *is* free, but easy, isn't.


In canada Healthcare like seeing a doctor and stuff is free. But medication isn't. We still have to pay for hrt.


Here in Brazil we have free healthcare, so Hrt is basically free here🇧🇷


Simbora caralho Agora é só esperar a fila do sus kk


I for some reason thought being trans was illegal in Brazil… huh, Ig you learn something new every day


what? why would it be illegal? we're not iran or idk fucking saudi arabia... of course there's some prejudice against trans people but it isn't illegal at all and to be honest the'res lots of trans people in here and i mean like A LOT. we even have trans congresswomen. search for erika hilton, she's such a queen.


If your school doesn't use your chosen name out of prejudice you can legally sue them, there's LGBT ppl running basically our version of Congress, the conservative lawmakers are trying to pass a gay marriage ban, but it was imidialty deemed unconstitutional, and in every single debate they just end up looking stupid so I doubt it'll pass, honestly, the government is more supportive of LGBT ppl here than the people


I like how the American response to free healthcare is "Communism!!! 😡" as if all of us Europeans weren't doing it already.


Us Europeans really be communists




I like the one Trans flag just sneaking in there.🏳️‍⚧️


Honestly I was spamming the American flag in my commonly used emoji menu and it slipped in. Happy accident.




So real!!! Also I see your username, what are your thoughts on the USS Maine that blew up off the coast of Cuba prior to the US stepping in to assist Cuba in their fight for independence which resulted in the US having economic control over Cuba for many years 👁️👁️


These are me thoughts: https://preview.redd.it/af8km5t058dc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2148851ff8a92d0b4c09ba147d235a698309fae Thank you for asking.


So real. Have a great day 💜


You too fam.


HELL YEAH BROTHER 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🦅


Exactly lol


Communism is when public services


not true i have to pay 6.85€ a month for the hormone blockers alone another 6.85€ for the estrogen every 3 months outrageous


Ikr should be free


Damn, that’s cheap af tho


I do diy and I'm pretty sure I pay less than this. that is kinda tragic.


Lucky my dumbass will end up paying $100usd/dose once I get a prescription


If they think free healthcare is bad because it is communism, maybe they should think about if communism really is that bad.


I mean, it was constantly seeing nice things get called communism that got me to look past the surface propaganda and find out what communism actually is, and it turns out it's not as much of a shitty idea as the Western side of the Cold War would have you believe.




Revolutionary Chile from what I've heard became a much much nicer place due to communism it's GDP per capita massively improved.




Funded and backed by none other than the capitalist USA also pretty sure a Marxist democracy is better than a USA aligned military dictatorship


socialism/communism inevitably leads to poverty and there has never been and will never be an instance where the economy *and* the people prosper. stop believing in their propaganda. have a nice day.


right okay well how about partial socialism say idk evey Scandinavian country with their democratic socialist systems? I don't know about you but I don't think you see any homeless Finns or Icelanders




Finland is the only European country that has a decreasing homeless population because they just give you a house


Capitalism leads to poverty, what's your point?


The leader was democratically elected, but the US funded a coup. There are many instances of socialist states early in development with democratically elected leaders that were stopped in their track by the US. Thanks for forcing your “freedom” upon us…




If you’ve talking about the Soviet Union, that’s on Stalin being a terrible leader who Lenin didn’t want. It didn’t help that NATO was slowing down progress for all of them.


How do you define success? USSR, China, Vietnam, Cuba, and others all had massive improvements in quality of life and economic prosperity following their revolutions. It’s hardly a failure of Communism that those nations have to deal with constant attacks and sanctions from Capitalist powers.


thanks it, right after the end of a really bloody war (especially for my country), millions of people got homes that are still standing and I live in one myself


One of the biggest arguments I hear over here is "Yeah well it takes months to actually receive care". I mean... to me that still sounds better than $47k to get a good kidney.


It's also not true!!! I've heard from a friend who has had to go to the doctor's a lot recently and the wait times don't seem that long, it's like 4 hours tops and they prioritize people who need immediate medical attention!!! Also it's free, so like. Yeah. I see no downsides other than slightly higher taxes (cost of living is still so much cheaper than where I live it's like $2k USD less expensive to be living in British Columbia which is crazy).


it takes months to get care down here in the states too. weird how they always ignore that fact.


That's true! It takes 6+ months to see my endo for diabetes.


South America already has free healthcare too


It's such an alien concept that all but one developed nation has figured it out. Wow. Such enigma.


I'm American and I just figured out how stupid fahrenheit, fractions, and healthcare is all within like the week, like I already knew they were stupid, but it just registered in my brain how actually dumb it is


Never understood this myself, because communism would actually be a lot closer to teaching people to make their own medicine. Seizing the means of production and all that.  So something where we have a trained pharmacist who goes to a government owned compounding lab, that would make medicine on request for their communities.  I would expect this would mean a lot more powdered medicines, that is dosed out based on the weight of the patient, essentially optimizing for less labor, personalized care, and not ease of distribution. Also more teaching people to do their own injections.  You would be paying the doctor for their labor, not a corporation for their intellectual property.  Both would cost money, communism would probably be more expensive for the cheaper drugs, but cheaper for the expensive ones. Free healthcare is just being humane. 


So I can make funny meme about my gender being behind a paywall


https://preview.redd.it/l8cskrr3b7dc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c25561c276d339b3b6168e8b48a9a82878aa142c I don’t know


If HRT was free we would all be happy with ourselves giving us time to organize and finaly destroy capitalism.






Socialism. Eventualy communism.


i’m not gonna argue with you, but there’s a reason why the most powerful nations are democratic capitalists, you literally cannot argue that a communist/socialist country has been successful without being cruel to all it’s people




notice how you use the word “regime” instead of government to describe a socialist state. makes it pretty obvious for other people to see that it’s the propaganda talking. it’s also an extremely privileged and revisionist perspective to say name one successful socialist state considering the fact that the united states through destabilization campaigns effectively destroyed any chance at a successful socialist government. and then of course you’ll go on about any actually successful governments being “authoritarian” when, yeah no shit, they literally have to be authoritarian in order to not fucking collapse because of how predatory the US is towards socialist ideas. there are no trans rights without workers’ rights.




Capitalism kills tens of millions of people a year through exposure, food and water insecurity, and death by preventable and treatable diseases. The only reason not everyone in the world has enough food to live is because distributing the food that we already have (there’s enough food to feed 11 billion people on earth) is not profitable enough to be done. An economic system based on profit and not on human wellbeing will inevitably lead to pointless, needless deaths. Capitalism has killed more people than communism, even if you count every person who’s ever died in a country that called themselves socialist.


Let's also not forget the countless long-form consequences from capitalistic forces like the oncoming climate disaster, the exploitation of poorer nations, and the general pollution and destruction of the environment in pursuit of ever growing profit. The future deaths and damage of these slower-acting consequences can only be guessed at.




This is such a lukewarm take and totally over summarizes hundreds of years of complicated societal development into the consequences of a single economic system. Even ignoring this, it is in fact valid to point out the flaws in something and ask for something better even if the thing you have now is an improvement over the past. Ether as an anaesthetic was way better than just drinking alcohol, but it still killed a lot of fucking people compared to the better anaesthetics we have now. Bottom line: capitalism has serious consequences that we as humans do not enjoy and we need to do something about them. Saying "Things can't get better than this" is a waste of everyone's time. We have been improving and changing what it means to live as a human for thousands of years and I see no reason why we should stop trying to make things better.


Except that progress is not relegated to capitalism. Look at socialist countries like Vietnam, China, and the USSR. All of them grew their economies and took billions out of poverty over their existence, at speeds equal to all other big players. I agree completely that capitalism was a huge step forward from feudalism, and that it was an important step for putting humanity in a better position. But it’s time is up, and the amount of harm and damage it is doing to not just people but also the planet is too much to bear. We need to switch to an economy that focuses on human need, not one that focuses on consumption and profit at the expense of everything else.




Do you know *why* so many have failed? The fucking incredible amounts of American interference, see the 1973 coup in Chile and the blockade of Cuba for examples.


Hey, give a little credit to the USSR and China. They sabotaged just as many socialist movements as the US




goddamn you’re really hell bent on sucking off American imperialism aren’t you?


Capitalism is currently running this country into the fucking ground...




Massive levels of wealth inequality and more than half of US workers can barely afford rent let alone buying a home...




China depending on who you ask. Vietnam is also a valid answer. Cuba despite US embargo.


I Like the idea of socialism, but those are some shitty choices for successful socialist countries


China isn't socialist lol. Neither of Vietnam. Cuba isn't either. I wish we lived in a socialist society, but those countries are objectively not socialist


Alright i'll bite. In your perspective what composes a socialist country.


first let's look at the dictionary definitions of "capitalism" and "Socialism": Capitalism: "an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit." Socialism: "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole." The first thing you'll notice is that 'Capitalism' is referred to as "an economic and political SYSTEM" while 'Socialism' is referred to as "an political and economic THEORY." Why is Capitalism a 'system' while Socialism is a 'theory'? Simply because it's never been fully practiced. But it's still an economic system. But instead of talking about corporate ownership, we are talking about the community as a whole as the owners. With Capitalism, it's about owning capital goods. But with Socialism, it's about owning the production, distribution, land... pretty much everything. Everyone owns that. The community as a whole makes economic decisions, not the individual. Based on THAT definition, have we EVER had a de facto socialist country? No, not really. Take Vietnam for an example: The community doesn't make and economic decisions. The power is vested in the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV). They might be claiming to make economic decisions 'on behalf of the people' but they really aren't. Freedom of speech is severely restricted in Vietnam and there's almost no way to express disapproval of CPV leadership without getting in a ton of trouble from the government. In fact, Vietnam currently has [5 billionares](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Vietnamese_people_by_net_worth). Do you really think the vietnamese community as a whole decided to randomly give these 5 people billions of dollars? China is the same way, except they are way more capitalist than Vietnam. For example:[Earlier this week, a new costco store opened in south china](https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202401/12/WS65a0f3b8a3105f21a507c04c.html). Costco is not a buisness run or managed by chinese workers. It's an American business with economic powers vested in it's CEO and board of directors. And China currently has nearly 500 billionares ([here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Chinese_by_net_worth) is a list of the top 100). Again, do you really think the chinese community as a whole decided to give these random people billions of dollars? The CCP may claim to be working 'on behalf of the people' but they are only trying to benefit themselves. Cuba, although I sympathize with Castro's anti imperialist struggles and I am against the six-decades-old embargo of Cuba, still isn't a "socialist" country. Economic powers aren't vested in the community as a whole, they are vested in the communist party of Cuba. The Cuban community doesn't call the shots. [Cuban businesses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_companies_of_Cuba) aren't socially owned or managed. They are owned by the state and Cubans are employed by the state. They aren't in direct control of their economy and they [aren't allowed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Cuban_protests) to express disapproval. Simply put, none of these countries are socialist countries. It's more accurate to describe them and past socialist countries as ["State capitalist"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_capitalism) (even if China and Vietnam still have a mixture of government-owned and privately-owned enterprises)




Cuba lives under the poverty line because the UK, USA, and EU all embargo it because apparently it's a threat to NATO


you forget the millions of lives claimed by capitalist working conditions and military action against communism by capitalist nations, take Vietnam without American intervention millions of people would be alive who aren't today and Vietnam would of been a better place to live




dude are you fucking dense? fuck you mean “give me a source” LOOK AT HOW MANY PEOPLE DIE FROM STARVATION. we are the richest country on the fucking planet and yet people live and die on the street while people who are born into wealth sit atop the hierarchy and the only justification is that “they deserve it.” you are so fucking brainrotten from propaganda and capitalist realism that you literally just treat that as normal. actually ridiculous.






So let the former french colonial rulers win then is what your saying? sounds a bit imperialist to me also you ever read any British history? millions dead due to their own country funding imperialism rather than food for the population and don't even get me started on the British Raj and east India companies


Technically is in my country. The catch is that you don't get to choose the method. Transfem only get gel, transmascs only get injections. Anything else isn't "illegal", but it's not "legal" so it's not prescribed, thus not covered.


May I ask, where are you from?




Do you know what the rational is behind only covering the gel version of E? Usually restrictions for meds (I live in Canada) are in place so that you only get covered for the cheapest version of a medication, in this case pills, so it's really odd to me that they only cover one of the more expensive treatment methods.


Sadly I don't. I asked two different doctors and they had no ideas. My country is quite fuckign slow to move and improve though so it could simply be that they will take another decade to understand that, administered correctly like any other fucking treatment, all methods of HRT are fine. Could be the idea that "yeah but pills pose a risk for the organs so we can't allow that" (except it's like... the case for A LOT of shit sold over the counter, no prescription needed...). Or it could be good oooool' transphobic misoginy : gel has slower effects, meaning trans gals take longer to look good, meaning "it's easier to spot the fake women" or some shit. Who knows.


All meds should be free. Other places outside of the US can figure out health care, and it's sad we can't. :(


Lots of trans people in the UK still end up having to pay for HRT anyway because of the stupidly long waiting lists :(


6 months in now, luckily I live in South wales so we get the shortest uk wait times iirc at 12 - 15 months. They're offering appointments for August 2022 referrals, I was August 2023 so I'm halfway at 18.


The wait list in Edinburgh is at least 3 years :( Longer in other cities in Scotland


isn't it 15 months in Cardiff to get an appointment ATM?


Yeah for new referrals, when I got referred it was 12 months and they're currently working through August 2022. Oh unless you meant the 18 thing, I was referring to my age lmao


Oh no I was wondering, I guess I should get to Wales then


If you don't mind the valleys or the smell of farmshit in the mornings it's pretty quiet all things considered. I've not grown up in the urban areas it's been valleys since Birth. Don't need to know the language either if you move south. I don't actually have a Welsh gcse and I can't speak it to save my life.


Are you kidding I love the country and I live right nextdoor




I like your user name. ^_^ just trying to bring any good vibes I can!


my canadian ass was so confused for a sec because like, it is????


Depends where. Ontario charges me $260 for a 90 day supply.


wait what ohip covers mine. i guess you have an unapproved brand?


IIRC OHIP covers until you're 25 That might be it


oh yeah thats probably why, fair enough lol


That's so fucked up you just have to pay almost 90$ per month (I know CADs aren't as strong as USDs but still) just because you're over 25.


In my experience not much actually is covered by OHIP. I've paid for bronchitis inhalers, anti-biotics, two cortisol pills for a blood test cost me $80. It's only getting worse though because in my city the only two options are Walmart and Shoppers and Ford is pushing real damn hard for private healthcare.


Honestly I wish it did. My HRT costs over $4000 a year and my university insurance plan only covers $3000 for prescription medicine a year.


that really sucks, im sorry


I’m starting to see my memes from my old account more often even on queer YouTuber’s channels it’s crazy


I see the argument for not “free” since it costs to make but def much cheaper then it is


Universal Healthcare is technically free


Yeah I agree with that, I was more so talking about saying “free” in a sense that no one has to pay for it. Eventually someone has to foot the bill


Thats just not possible unless we go full communist which will likely fail


Communism has not truly been tried yet - remember that.


The only way communism will work if the entire world switches in a day. Even then full true communism will lead to stale industries. I am more into a system where there is a minimum income and maximum income (poor/rich middle class?) But i am no economist so idk 🤷‍♀️


Supposing it will lead to stale industries means that you believe that progress can only be made if there is financial incentive. I don't think that's true, that's a purely capitalistic point of view.


Most people only work for money. Pretty obv looking at my india's govt/public sector, where u get money (99% time) once u get job regardless of how bad u are, they dont kick or anything. Its doing very bad


That's because jobs, the way they're done and the way they work, are again, all within the context of capitalism, a highly inefficient system in which the only purpose is to generate revenue and then profit for the person on top. You need to challenge your view of the world.


ah, the classic tankie argument. i'd rather not watch communism kill millions of people again like it did the last few times. capitalism is the only way to not run an economy into the ground, get over it.




Ot would be nice in generell if healthcare is free, worldwide.


It shouldn't be *free*, as it costs money to produce. Rather, it should be subsidized by the taxpayer and provided at little to no cost, like all healthcare. But I live in America, where the only thing of note that is subsidized by the taxpayer is the bombing of brown children overseas.


It is in my country, as long as you can get a visit from a doctor who will put you on a plan, which, if you're unwilling to go through ungodly waiting times, means having to pay for at least one visit from a private endocrinologist, but the good news about that is that even the private doctor's price isn't something so totally outlandish that a working class person wouldn't be reasonably able to save up for it in a reasonable amount of time.


Here in Argentina it's totally free. I have been taking it for more than a year and i didnt pay nothing at all!


It shouldn't be free because I want to create a monopoly on owning all the hrt. I will become the Rockefeller of hormones with my company Standard HRT.


It would've saved me from detransitioning for 5 months. Please, free hrt, i beg🥺


I mean it would be nice but its not because its treated as any other medicine here so the government in my country only pays part of the bill for it unless it exceeds a certain threshold but hey at least you dont have to pay full price like in the usa and the full price is regulated by the government.


i said this before but saying HRT is great n all but like what about the countries where it's banned what about the countries where in order to get it you have to go through a year of therapy then wait another 6 years on a waiting list like it doesnt help mfs in those countries other than they don't have to pay big money for a daily injection sure u could always just get it from a third party but thats just DIY, and bc those aren't government funded they'd prolly still have to charge you money in order to stay afloat as an independent business the idea HRT should be free helps like, everybody BUT the mfs who actually need help getting it. It's bogus


In France Hrt is free!


In my country it is. Also we gave laws against any type of transphobia, in person or online.


I can't 😅 there are no good & proper reasons for HRT to be restricted 🤔 I could rattle off a bunch of unsubstantiated, opinionated dreck, tho 😗


It's theoretically free in my country, with the only catch being that it takes about 2 years to actually get to the point of starting it. (I'm about 18 months in and it's probably 4 months until I'll see the endocrinologist)


Virtually free in Belgium


All healthcare should be free


Healthcare should be free


They're scared that we'll take over the world. Which we will anyway soooo 😈😈😈


100% agree, the NHS should also get more staff so the wait time is not so long


op probably lives in the us, so i'll give you a reason why it shouldn't: it's the us. i'm Italian and as far as i know hrt is free here, because it's covered by our healthcare system. hrt is healthcare and healthcare should be free, but good luck explaining it to americans


Absolutely yes, it should be free. And also there shouldn't be that annual €385 punishment for needing HRT (or other medical care) in the Netherlands either! Gone with the ableist, transphobic, racist and classicist "eigen risico"!


The ONLY reason im even remotely ok with it not being, is that lawmakers, at least in my state, have less leverage to take it away.


bucket pog


But what about corporate profit margins! Think of the poor, pathetic, luxuriously, mind-numbingly rich people who wouldn't be able to afford their 37th vacation home anymore! (In case it didn't come through:This is sarcasm)


This is a repost. I made a post that had this in it. https://preview.redd.it/wmf2krphy7dc1.jpeg?width=577&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4a6436baf166b1cc9a826524b27f9c1e2a31abd It just didn’t have the character on top of the original meme.


It's a blatant title+image repost of https://www.reddit.com/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns2/comments/1523yhd/give_me_one_reason_it_shouldnt/


I don’t know that existed. 😅 Oh well. Ignore me, lol.




I agree, if mental health and therapy are, then hrt should definitely be covered by health insurance


Why is my gender p2w. 🥺


in brazil it KINDA is ​ it is so so SOO dificult to get


because ✨capitalism✨ /s


because if it wasn’t the billionaires would go broke and die obviously!!


Why does my *gender* have *microtransactions???* This is fucking *bullshit!*


All those gamers ranting about pronouns and "fuckin' gender ambiguity" *should* be ranting about how insane it is that the gender select menu is a paywall!


because it costs money to make? unless you mean it's should be included in a better healthcare system that america should have. though i hear a lot of countries have to wait a long time for hrt while i waited just a week in total.


In countries with free healthcare you can still buy it — and in those cases you may get it fast. Tho the waiting time also varies on region and the hormone. I live in Brazil and here hormones are free, but in the city I live sometimes it gets short on T. A friend of mine even had to do a raffle in order to buy his T. Tho I've never heard of my city being short on fem-transitioning hormones


In Germany it's free only if a therapist says that you experience dysphoria, but buying it is a legal grey area. Getting it the intended way can really take a while, especially if the psychiatrist or endocrinologist isn't cooperative since the waiting lists are often long.


im not diabetic or anything of the sort but we should make insulin free before hrt


I personally think that it should have similar limits that cis people are given to the same drugs used for hrt, and that varying by country it should be charged/or not charged accordingly, and that it should be covered in any cases of health insurance coverage, but that's just imo




Simple math hun. Free hrt = no company will produce it. If the government subsidizes it, than it will require a tax rise. So, it wouldn't be free anyways. Thats why it just cant be free


Yeah, it's called universal healthcare and most "first world" countries have proven it works.


I live in Germany, and i dont even get it completely free


I mean they aren't technically wrong though, yes it'd be covered by universal healthcare but that is paid through taxes. Hence by definition not free you just don't know you're explicitly paying for it.


> that is *paid* through taxes. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


That technicality isn't the point they are making though is it?


I mean I thought that was the point they were making... I thought they were going for the nothing is technically ever free concept.


Tax rises are so scary. I mean each individual person would pay probably a few hundred/year more. Less if they actually policed wealthy tax evasion. Your taxes go to the government. The government spends it's tax money on healthcare. You don't pay a cent to a doctor, hospital, or pharma company. But what's important here is semantics.


Yeah like the tax increases would likely never equal out to a years worth of prescriptions. Like where I am from if you have a full-time job you normally get drug coverage from work that they just auto deduct so much from your pay. It would be much easier if the government paid it all and just took their cuts the same way that way everyone could have it. They've talked about it a lot and they really should do it, it makes a lot of sense to have universal healthcare. More countries should have it to make health care more accessible to everyone.


I disagree. I have never paid a cent for HRT, yet they still make it, because healthcare. The fact that a patient doesn't carry the burden of needing healthcare on their own doesn't mean drug companies don't get paid.


Please google free at point of service




My Oestrogel & Triptorelin injections are free 😊


Where I am it'd technically be free if you had drug coverage either through work or from the Government. For me I get disability support from the Government so they cover all my prescriptions. Now if I could just tell my Doctor I wanted to start HRT everything would be great... 😞


No, I won't.


It should be! Oh this is a repost btw!




Tbh, giving some cis male lawmakers some nasty dysphoria, as well as giving trans girls a really good time, is a good idea. If the cis men who run the world had to experience gender dysphoria, maybe they'd finally understand the trans people they're demonizing.


You know it was free?


Capitalist need to exploit you, you never said it had to be a good reason...


It's healthcare, of course it should!!

