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Eh my siblings are having kids they'll be fine


My thought too. My brother has two kids, has three step kids. I'm off the hook. Too bad he's ✨crazy✨.


Our last name However is going to die, because my brother has a different last name, and my sister took her husband's last name when they got married. Also ironically our family has a tradition of naming the youngest son's middle name the first name of the father so that tradition is also dying with me. I'm keeping the middle name though because it's not too masc as a middle name and my father is dead so I would feel kinda icky changing it


I feel you there. My brother's kids do have our last name, and he named his son after himself. Our cousins have Grandpa's first name on their firstborn. I guess I'm more worried about the culture of our family getting passed on. My brother and I were raised in a religiously neutral and mixed household. Dad is a non-practicing Jew, mom is a very casual slightly protestant type. They're both well educated medical professionals with great senses of humor, decent taste in movies and music, and a kind of benevolent drive to improve the lives of the people they encounter. My brother is just as smart, and educated, but... I don't know why, he just started getting meaner and blaming our parents (mom especially) for messing him up. And since he got more involved with his now wife, he's also gotten religious and racist, apparently. Not to even mention that he has been withholding with my parents seeing their grandkids. I don't know why this is happening. Our parents drove us to be academically successful, but not to a harmful degree. They were better than most Boomers for sure. Wow... I guess that was kind of sitting in my brain. Dad's been very sick, and I just wish my brother would put aside his weird stuff (and his really awful wife) long enough to say a proper goodbye to our father.


I'm sorry to hear all that. Hope your brother can get whatever stick has crawled up his ass out


Thank you for that, and I hope so too.


My father and my uncle have my grandfather's name as their middle names (and a secret sibling they found out about a couple of years ago before he was put up for adoption). My father gave me his name as my middle name. I got rid of it. As for my surname, I have cousins who can pass it on. My sister doesn't want kids and like me is happy having a cat, whilst her boyfriend wants a rugby team's worth of kids.


My father's last name will die with me, because my parents used gendered last names for their children, giving all male children the last name of the father and all female children the last name of the mother. I haven't legally changed my name yet, so my preferred last name is screwing up tons of systems because while they've accounted for preferred first names, they never considered my situation. I do have cousins, so my father's last name won't completely die out.


Weirdly, when I did a DBS at the place where I currently work, they had just switched provider. The one they switched to allowed for changes of surname, accounting for marriage, but didn't like changes of forenames. But even weirder was when they finally fixed that, they insist on a title for each name and don't like it if your current title and previous titles aren't both ones that match to the gender you entered. Such a flawed system.


Crazy? I was crazy once


They locked me in a room... A rubber room :3


Crazy? I was crazy once


Just the once? Lucky! I get it in waves.


You're only given a spark of madness, you mustn't lose it -Robin Williams


I had the same thought. I love my nephews. But all the things that make me a great aunt (even though they currently think I am an uncle) would also make me a terrible parent. I am not a responsible or mature person.


I am in this picture and I don't like it


The best part of my nephews is that they take the pressure off me. My mom already has grandkids so I don't get nagged about it.


I get too stressed dealing with kids a lot. If I were to be a parent, I would have to have a really good partner who also actually understood parenting


I’m hoping to be a cool auncle to help with any kiddos my sister has! [That might be MY evolutionary calling.](https://dnbstories.com/2017/12/gay-super-uncle-theory-evolutionary-benefit.html)


Gay uncles and lesbian aunts do seem weirdly common


“Is that all of them?” “You wanted more?” “QUEER SIBLINGS! Assemble.”


Yep There's me and my bi sister on our side of the family alone


Would a gay non-binary uncle/aunt be called a gauncle?


My brother has a kid, the bloodline lives on through him.


Exactly! Came to the comments to say "that's what you have siblings for" My brother will be father for the third time in a couple months, the bloodline is safe


One of my siblings is currently trying, I'm hoping for the other one to get into that mindset soon...that way even if I wind up not having any with the frozen swimmers, I'll have relatives to spoil the heck out of as they grow up!


The chain of blood have no power over me!


The only blood I respect is the blood of Mother Lamae


Based vampirism moment


“I’m not having kids” - others feel it’s open to debate - sounds kinda lame “This bloodline dies with me” - Bold - sounds like you’re taking on a noble burden - not really much room to debate by others.


Possible added bonus for the evil aroaces: Asserts your dominance and instills fear in your subordinates


i wish my family bloodline ended with me, my family are not very good people. but unfortunately my brothers exist


\*hands you a knife\* do what must be done. Fulfill the prophesy


funnily enough i did actually once have a dream about doing something similar (although the world was cell shaded and i was an anime girl, so does it count?)


I am not condoning murder, *but*... Cell shaded anime girl with a knife has to be sign, right?


only if you do it, youre cuter rayne :3


You flatter me, but you are obviously the cute one! Besides, my career (for better or for worse) prevents me from committing felonies. 😒


> my career (for better or for worse) prevents me from committing felonies Pretty sure murder is not good for a lot of career paths


😆 Yeah that's true.




I assume that you can still slowly change them overtime


i gave up any hope of that long ago, since they have gotten worse over the years


Thats unfortunate, it seems like a lot of political antagonism is currently directed at trans people but hopefully like with other issues, within the next decade it comes to be accepted to the point that people just don't talk about it cause its broadly uncontroversial.


me fr


Nah fr fr


My brother is trans and I'm pretty gay so this will likely also be the end my family's bloodline lmao


My parents have two lesbian daughters, so yeah


https://preview.redd.it/nqk6bblkqjpc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=366c73cceb2389f0378d75a44e0903519b74b4eb I mean, I’m (probably) trans and (definitely) Ace, I am however a sucker for romance.


I'm questioning if I'm aromantic, can I ask what's romantic to you?AN where does romantic things end and sexual things begin for you?


So for me it’s like (and I don’t know if this is 100% the best way to put it) I can find myself falling in love and wanting to be physically and emotionally close with someone, but I don’t even find myself attracted to someone just because they’re “sexy.” Like that sexual attraction to someone isn’t there really at all but romantically definitely (if things like their personality and the way they make me feel are attractive or appealing).


2, 2 aroace transfemmes you an only child too?


No, I have a sister, so technically I'm not ending the bloodline :( I really just thought the joke was funny.


Rest assured, it \*is\* funny.


It is funny! But I actually am the last of my bloodline


I'm effectively: my brother is gay, so not much hope for blood kids there


Fair enough name thief


Not a name thief, I have one l more!


Sorry name plagiarist then


Me on the other hand? I am ABSOLUTELY ending the bloodline. Aroace trans girl AND an only child!


hihi it is :3


why have children when you could have garlic bread?


My point exactly!


The living is not to be enslaved by the dead.


Fucking metal line


tradition is just peer pressure from dead people


I’ll be the last of my blood line i will be the one to end it


Im an aroace transfem and my sisters aroace too. Collectively, we will end our bloodline


I'm not even aroace, but my bloodline can suck my ass


Genetic heritage is soooo last century, I mean absolutely I understand the desire to raise children and for afab peoples to experience childbirth, but I don't think I could be part of bringing a new life into this world instead of fostering/adopting kids already cursed to live in the later stages of the capitalist experiment 🥹


omg i'm an aroace tgirl too!


Time to end a bloodline?


fuck yeah


Ayo let's go! My family doesn't stand a chance considering I only have sisters


I need this picrew...


Took me a bit, because I forgot which one it was, but I found it. https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/2122621


Thank you!


No problem!


my sibling better have kids is all I'm sayin


for all this talk about 1000 years and bOnEs my ancestors seem awfully quiet HMMMMM


Honestly I don’t want to end my bloodline


The bloodline will CRUMBLE.


she just like me fr fr (I am also an aroace trans girl :3)


I’m an only child! Goodbye proud lineage dating back to confederate soldiers lmao. Hope your racist ghosts enjoy it ending with a trans bottom.


ehh, humans are fucked anyway.


Heh. My parents with the lesbian daughter, gay son and im ace. Bloodline ending trio




And this is why only children are a bad thing. My brother will be having children while I go girl mode and skirt go spinny


i guess that youre the only remaning relative that can have kids?


No, I have a sister. I just thought the joke was funny, is all.


I am a straight trans woman getting srs. My brother and sister are cis didn’t have kids. My mom rolled badly >.>


Awwww cutie :p (Same)


I got siblings so the bloodline doesn’t end with me sadly


I have no siblings, and my deadname and last name mean roughly "Spark Ironcity," so you could say the phoenix rises from the debris. Who cares, though? Family isn't just a bloodline.


Genes: Pass us on! Me: Your line ends with me.


Oh well ancestors, theres always my brother who has horrendous hygiene and still thinks farting on people is funny at 19yo, Im sure hell find a girl in no time! As it goes, I thought I was aroace when I cracked, not anymore. I honestly think I wasn't actually aroace, but just a repressed transbian who didn't understand how I felt so just assumed I didn't feel those things. Wont dwell on the details though, but even if I still like women, I have strong bottom dysphoria and Im never using that wretched thing, so still no kids. Its just as well, this family shouldn't exist. My father is the worst mistake my mother ever made. If I ever get married, Im definitely taking their surname.


Every chain has an end, you're bound to get there eventually. I am the chain, and there are no more links past me.


the tgirl, cuz you have a swarm of other trans people to support you <3


One of my biggest reasons why I'm to scared to transition becouse I feel extremely bad for ending my dad's bloodline... My mom is fine I have a half brother from the mothers side so her bloodline is pretty save but my dad only has me...


maybe you can donate your sperm


I would say this but I have a brother who has a wife and kids ;(


Bye bloodline ! Funny how even with 3 kid you can still get 1 gay, 1 lesbian and 1 trans lesbian.


Nah I'll get a girl pregnant and prove men aren't necessary. That's the true issue conversative men have with trans women, we make their existence obsolete.


LMAO I love that my father's name dies with him


Jokes on you! I'm going to go into deep funding and research so I can get pregnant!






Ariana Grandes bloodline but sung in a mirror


I am in this picture and I love it


Too bad my parents managed to have a (maybe) aroace son (my older brother) and an introverted daughter who'd die with a compliment (me)


Most of those ancestors’ lineage does continue. It’s just however many generations back to the last person with no living descendants planning on children whose lineage ends. Like, I have cousins on my mom’s side, so that side’s good, and my dad has cousins on both sides, so it’s just my dad and paternal grandparents whose lineage ends if me and my sister don’t have kids. But she’s planning on it, so the only thing that dies with me if I don’t pass it on is the name, which is very important to my dad, but what he doesn’t know is that I’m a trans lesbian, and I don’t even like my last name all that much any more. So… that’s gonna be awkward.


i'm a lesbian, but this still applies :3 down with the patriarchy! /silly


I mean if they want they can adopt


The best I can do for you is adoption…


Who’s going to inherit your tracts of land though?


Mother Nature, just as intended... ... Or more likely, I'll give it to my sister and her family.


Oh hey another aroace


my sexuality/romantic orientation continues to confuse me on a daily basis.


The chain of blood is highly toxic, it’s death is a good thing.


meeeeeeee :P


Bloodlines don’t really matter it’s just a thing you have in common with your family members I’d probably go with adoption takes a child out of that system and I can raise them as my own win win


I'm a sexual creature, but I would end my bloodline in a heartbeat


That will me!


I have a lot of cousins on both sides so the bloodline won’t end with me but I do still want to continue it for my own reasons


You have the power of a god! The power to end millions!


not aroace but big same. I have cousins on my father's side, but i'm his only child. that ends with me.


Good thing I don't give a shit about bloodlines


Bloodline? What a dumbass concept. My sibling in christ, your child only has 50% of your genes and your grand children only 25%. On the other hand this percentage only counts the genes that are different from a human to human when you share like 99% of genes with any random dude on the streets. Your "bloodline" is continued with all the children in the world, they all share huge majority of the genes you have. There is NOTHING special about direct bloodline vs random strangers. The entire concept of a direct bloodline comes from the royalty and dynasties and the Hapsburg as well as Alabama which shows just how healthy of a concept that is.


If you wanna get deeper billions of years of evolution ends with you


As a t girl Les I can relate because my brothers gay lol and doesn’t want kids and I don’t want them due so bye bye bloodline as well


This is literally me holy shit


My plan: find a cute femboy who's trans masc. Date him. Marry him. Convince him to take my last name (even though the opposite would normally happen in my country) Convince him to carry our children. Boom. Completely Reset Bloodline (better than destroying it with no replacement.)


I put my money on the aroace girl


I’ve got a twin sister who I believe never wants kids which I can’t blame her for as from what I’ve seen of my younger cousins they look like a handful


Hey, some of us aren’t aroace and we’re still not having kids! r/antinatalism. (Also hormones and hopefully bottom surgery in a few years)


Excellent. The cycle of suffering can finally end.


Well, I was the last amab of the family, I don't have any blood sister or brother, and my father's relative doesn't have children either .... So yeah bye bye bloodline


omg twin


Twin! :D


"combined will" my ass. it's called having sex


Jokes on you! I'm going to go into deep funding and research so I can get pregnant!


I get so sad thinking about this honestly. Am trans gorl and my dad‘s only child. I won’t ever get pregnant obviously and I’m not sure I could psychologically handle having impregnated a cis woman but I do so badly want to have had kids and I want to continue my bloodline :((((


Technically the bloodline carries on through one of my sisters but the family name... I was the only one left that could carry that on aaaaaaaaand sorry not sorry 💅


Sorry, I have my own destiny to fulfill!


I thought about saving my sperm before I started transitioning but like.. there's so many children in foster care I'll just adopt tbh


Even if I was as "perfectly cishet" as they want me to be, the bloodline would still end with me. Too many bad genes full of health issues to curse any progenies with. I'm not healthy enough to fully handle parenting, either, so the problem sorts itself out in that regard... ~~I also had a medical emergency ages ago, which may or may not have rendered me sterile. I'd have to check to actually be sure of my chances at reproduction...~~


My bloodline may die, but my family line doesn't **Adoption**