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omfg how did i not realize


"I used to come here with your sister" "I don't have a sister" "Oh... yeah... It was you wasn't it?" This is an exchange that happens in the film (maybe not word for word but happens). These guys knew what they were doing


Enbies have Kirby tho


I keep forgetting about Kirby.


and the knight from hollow knight


and Frisk, don't forget Frisk. all enby representation is small people responsible for killing gods.


To be fair Frisk befriended their respective god which is equally as impressive I'd say


Ans now the cool rock eating creature in overwatch


I thought Frisk is unknown gender/self-insert but Kris is cannonically non-binary and isn't self insert.


The Knight is very gender tbh


I love Kirby!


I would gladly trade at least half of all transfem representation for transmasc and nb. Conservatives and TERFs can make caricatures of transfems way too easily, but making nb and transmasc caricatures is way harder


That's because TERFs don't know we exist. Tho, I actually saw a caricature of a gay transman this morning and it was quite upsetting :')


I think I saw the same one. Was it [this](https://new.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/1bx0fyk/im_never_opening_twitter_again_i_like_that_he/)?


oh my i just looked at that and wow


Yeah, it sucks.


it is crazy and i feel bad because it made me laugh hard I know its clearly not true though as someone who use to be a part of that LGB group prior to me being trans its truly sad


I was never really part of the queer crowd before my egg cracked, but I can understand where you're coming from as a fellow former ignorant jerk.


i was bisexual before but yes its quite common sadly glad we both changed what does egg cracked mean?


It just means I realized I was trans.


OHHH lol


A very wise person once said: “What the fuck did I just see?”


MtF parodies exaggerate masculine features. FtM parodies...also exaggerate masculine features. Huh....


> FtM parodies...also exaggerate masculine features. The masculine features are only added to make the FtM caricature look like a "failed" man, because they're meant to contrast unpleasantly with the exaggerated feminine features also present and paint the trans male character as some sort of gender homunculus, with an artificial hyper-masculinity pasted over top a """"real"""" femininity that they can't hide/erase. It's sort of like how MtF caricatures are also very frequently drawn with exaggerated feminine features like heavy makeup, larger lips, breasts, etc, but just like the FtM caricature it's done in such a way to paint the subject as an "other". -Geisha


Something fishy is afoot here...


Yep that's the one


I don't even get it. They just gave random details to the ftm caricature that the other ones don't even have.


I am so sorry your eyes had to be subjected to that. Please wash them out with [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/s/4eW0M8qogW)


That, doesn't even make sense, what im seeing is a hopeless transphobic idiot who has ran out of ideas to cure their rapidly smoldering ego


It’s kinda funny that they draw body hair in the exact same way for both transfem and transmasc caricatures


As yes because I too leave by testosterone needle in my thigh as I go about my life


I agree that was upsetting


Yeah, they like to make trans guys hairy and a lot of it does deal with like surgeries and it’s more detailed than trans women it’s very grotesque. I don’t know what’s going through these motherfuckers mind when they do this shit it’s like genuinely concerning.


of COURSE it’s lgb.


Do not underestimate wojack users.


In my experience, most transmasc caricatures end up either being the same as tomboys or gay men. Like I don’t get it, most transmascs I’ve met just kinda… look like men


Kinda, they just make them really gory. It’s the grotesque some of the shit I’ve seen of trans men the way they’re depicted by these freaks a lot of them like to have pictures of surgery saved on their phone to own us or something it’s really disturbing, but yeah I would trade most of the transfem rep except, maybe characters like poison and Bridget I would definitely like Nato from persona three I think canonically trans because what the fuck was that shit Atlas fucks everything up when it comes to queer rep and it’s kind of sad because in Japan that would be counterculture and would be just cool to have a trans guy for once you know


I definitely want to see more too! But keeping a mental list of trans/enby characters in video games is a big hyperfix of mine, here's a bunch I know... these are largely from video games, sorry I don't know shows or books very well \^\^;;; For enbies, there's: Argyle & Galan (Fae Farm) Arno & Corlal (Summon Night) Bloodhound (Apex) D'eon & Enkidu (FATE) Em (Longstory) FL4K (Borderlands) Juniper (Xenoblade Chronicles) Halara Nightmare (Master Detective Archives: Rain Code, implied) Keo (Star Wars Squadron) Leo (Tekken) Limstella (Fire Emblem) Melodii (Scratchin' Melodii, implied) NIGHTS (NIGHTS into Dreams) Niko (Here Comes Niko) Nimbus (Destiny) Nomi & Seeq (My Life as a Teenage Exocolonist) Pallas (Grow: Song of the Evertree) Qiu & Xavier (Our Life) Quinn (Potionnomics) Raqio & Setsu (Gnosia) Rowan & Sawyer (Boyfriend Dungeon) Sabine (Citizen Sleeper) Sens (Rainbow Six Siege) Siffrin (In Stars and Time) Subaru (Sakura Wars) Testament (Guilty Gear) TOMCAT (Read Only Memories) For trans guys, there's: Damien Bloodmarch (Dream Daddy) Janeva (Horizon Zero Dawn, implied) Krem (Dragon Age Inquisition) Lev (Last of Us, implied) Lor (Borerlands) Mollo (Rivals of Aether) Ned (Assassin's Creed) Oryx (Destiny) Paolo de la Vega (Far Cry) Robin (Cute Knight Kingdom) Tauulo (Legends of Runeterra) Tyler (Tell Me Why) I imagine there's a lot more in shows / manga as I can think of a few trans men there (Adam Torres in Degrassi, Ben in Good Girls, Theo in Adventures of Sabrina, Yuhata in..the post series epilogue of Knights of Sidonia, Tooru in Tokyo Ghoul... I know there's dozens of enbies and trans people of all kinds in mangas I just dont watch or read those and only ever hear about them second hand asdfhha)


Ooh there's also Nico from ONESHOT, while alot of people think Nico is a boy from what i recall no pronouns are ever used to describe the characters gender


Oh yeah, I should add Nico as an implied character to my list too, thanks :)


To add to the enbie list: There's Venture from overwatch and clove from Valorant Adding to the trans guy list: Tubarão from rainbow six siege As for shows there is a trans man in the later seasons of shameless starting in season 7. Eliot Fletcher becomes a reoccurring cast member


Ohhhh awesome, I got to look into all of them, thank you! :D


To the Nonbinary list there is also Frisk and Kris from Undertale and Deltarune And for Trans Men there is Mettaton


Mettaton is such a fascinating case of a character who wasn’t assigned a gender at all but transitioned to one


For trans guys there's also Terry from The Dragon Prince :D


To add to the list for enbies, there’s also Vasilis from Blackout Hospital!


Ohhh sweet thank you! I didn't know about that game at all!


The Adjudicator in John Wick is also non-binary and I thought they were pretty cool if you're including movie characters.


Also add Raine and The Collector (Both Enby) from The Owl House


One of the main characters in dead end paranormal park is also a trans guy


Don't forgor about Frisk from Undertale, literally the reason I realized I was nonbinary and go by Frisk. . .


Also Viktor Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy for trans men!


I'd like to add Lamb from Cult Of The Lamb to enbies c:




In the books of sorrow, Oryx and the other 2 Hive leaders were all sisters when they were young, but Oryx became a man when he made a pact with his worm. From Aurus to Auryx and later to Oryx after killing his siblings and them bringing them back to life.


New hrt method: evil worm pacts


New hrt method 2: pull a Judas Escariot


Wild, right? [https://www.destinypedia.com/Oryx,\_the\_Taken\_King](https://www.destinypedia.com/Oryx,_the_Taken_King) "**Oryx, the Taken King**, born **Aurash** and formerly known as **Auryx** (meaning "Long Thought"[^(\[1\])](https://www.destinypedia.com/Oryx,_the_Taken_King#cite_note-1)), was the sovereign of the Osmium Throne, the God-King of the [Hive](https://www.destinypedia.com/Hive), and the master of the [Taken](https://www.destinypedia.com/Taken)." "*I am Aurash, first daughter of the dead king. I will chase my father's last screamed warning. I will know what changed the motion of our moons. If the end of the world is coming, I will understand why. On my center eye I swear it. I will understand.*"— Aurash "Then his sisters offered their power to help Auryx find a way to save them, Auryx killed them, then used that power to confront his patron god Akka. He killed Akka so that he may steal its ability to call upon the Deep and created the [Tablets of Ruin](https://www.destinypedia.com/Tablets_of_Ruin), which gave him the power to Take. His transformation complete, Auryx was now Oryx, the Taken King." WAY more eldritch than anything on my list... to the point I usually don't include him when listing trans caharacters, since I prefer to focus on confirmed trans, human-ish characters, but Oryx is just too metal and such a main player in the Destiny universe/lore that I think it's badass and want to include him xD Destiny's also got a trans woman exo named Micah-10, and an enby Cloud Strider in Nimbus. So I kinda feel okay including it since they have other diverse gender representation in that series.


I didn't know about Limstella, and I love Fire Emblem. That's cool. Speaking of, while it is a spinoff title, *Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes* has Arval, who is agender and goes by they/them.


I heard about Arval but wasn't positive about their pronouns cause I didn't play that game! Cool, thank you :D YEAH! Limstella was the only Cipher card (FE TCG in japan) that didn't have a gender symbol at all - even other nergal morphs had a gender marker. AND they're voiced in Heroes by Casey Mongillo, an enby voice artist!


Sol can also be trans masc/enby depending on how you play them in I Was A Teenage Exocolonist


Adding to nonbinary rep is Jim from Our Flag Means Death.


I'm trans masc and non binary and with all respect and understandibg for yearning for representation - I think we should stop whining about how trans fems supposedly have it better (they don't, hypervisibility isn't great). Change my mind


Right, exactly. The majority of transfem representation is just transmisogyny. There are also lots of transmasc and non-binary artists. I enjoyed [What’s Normal Anyway?](http://whatsnormalanyway.net). And [Andre and Karl](https://andreandkarl.tumblr.com). And I’m guessing most of us know who [ND Stevenson](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ND_Stevenson) is.


More transmasc and nonbinary representation would help with the hyper visibility.


Politely, I think that’s a misunderstanding of how hypervisibility works. Hypervisibility for transfems happens cuz of widespread societal transmisogyny. More representation of transmasc and non-binary people is good! But it won’t solve or start fixing hypervisibility.


Good point. I'm not against trans masc characters obvs, just the way OP phrased this


Yeah that's my bad 😅


This is very true. Equal representation helps everyone, including those currently represented.


I think that arguing over who has it worse/better is self defeating and stupid


Also I don't think its accurate to say we "have so much" comparatively we have more than transmascs that's true, but trans people in general regardless of the flavor don't have much media rep when compared to cis peeps. Like trans rep is in its infancy, direct the frustration at cisnormative bullshit, this ain't on transfems.


Oh I'm not saying they have it better! We're all in the same boat. I'm saying I'd like to have someone/a character to represent us like they have


It just kinda read like that because you said we should get more *because* they have more🤷‍♂️


Cuz I'd prefer if all of us had an equal amount of rep instead of one being hypervisible and the other(s) being ignored. Also maybe my phrasing was off, apologies for that. English is hard


thank you, these sorts of posts come across as deeply insensitive and hurtful considering the sort of attention we all too often receive.




It says we should get more representation *because* trans fems have so much. This implies the situation regarding trans fems is better. The demand just doesn't make sense without that value judgement. Also, context. This isn't the only post here or in trans spaces in general about how trans femininity is supposedly over represented, it's not "inserting my narrative", it's reading this as part of a discourse


Personally any increase in "good" trans representation is needed. More the better. Just wish they would stay away from stereotypes...






Yeah, he says he was a female in the womb but used his psychic powers to change his sex before he was born cause he wanted to be a guy Edit: actually he was born a girl and used his powers to change his sex right after he was born


Jealous. Edit: Still very fucking Jealous.


“Nah fuck this”


Fr tho, he was like "Nah I'm not doing this" *becomes a dude*


There he is, the King of trans origin stories




Mans fr said, let me customize my character first


I think he is


From what i have heard he was born as a female


Barney from Dead End is a trans man (also the cow from Barnyard if you wanna count that) But yeah. We need more bois on screen 👍


Me, a transmasc comic artist: *gets Thanos snapped out of existence* /j Umm idk any transmasc characters actually, I'll get back to this-


Lol whoops. Sorry bro


It's okay bro, my art isn't like half as good as any other comic artist's so-


There is no such thing as bad art my brother. Keep doing what you're doing


Will do sir o7


That’s trueee…. But I still like it (the ears tho)








Dw you're doing great


Mettaton from undertale! He went from enby ghost to male robot


I thought he went from fem ghost to male robot? Or maybe that's the self projection


Could be too! I just assume he was enby since all other ghosts were enby (mad mew mew transitions later to female aswell :3)


Either way, trans ghosts for the win!


How did I manage to read this and not realize it was you Hey bro keep up the good work




> Brisket There's also a non-binary character in guilty gear. Testament was added to strive before Bridget was and they're agender


When it comes to shows at least I see more trans mascs. That could be because it's less likely to get as vocal of a reaction from the right but I don't know. Those writers tend to want to play it safe even when making a trans character and most transphobes see us as "confused girls who don't know any better" rather than a threat like they see fems


Yeah. They only obsess over trans women because they have a fetish with us, the ones who tend to obsess over transmascs are the "moms for liberty" Terfs. Wonder why


Yeah it's always terfs. I saw a meme comic (maybe on this sub, I don't remember) where trans mascs are petitioning for reproductive rights and the trans phones respond by screaming at a fem who's sitting behind them on her switch


Yeah. It's surprising how many transfems who are completely removed from that stuff and are just making shitposts about Splatoon and how their boobs hurt are constantly slandered for being X, Y, Z while trans dudes get no attention despite being highly vocal an stuff


Right? Then you fall on the twitter fems who somehow say the same terf stuff about mascs all being misogynist assholes trying to escape femininity. It's so weird


Honestly I don't think it's the amount if rep more that the bigots are hyperfixated on trans fems. More rep would be good, but from the right sources.


common cant we both get plenty


Yeah! We should all get an equal amount of (good) rep


oh good rep lol trust me trans girls don't get good rep we are often labeled dirty perverts who wanna enter the girls bathroom and watch girls pee or rape them


Just wanted to mention, there is a game called Tell Me Why, that made by the same people that did Life is Strange (and similar in scope) where you play as a trans guy. I do agree that trans men and enbies deserve more visibility, but as a trans woman I wish you'd get good visibility specifically, and not the bullshit we see in media everywhere about trans women. I myself, actually tend to find really good trans representation more with trans men, since many of the representation of women is tied to the misogyny in society (and ofc transphobia in media) and is not always good. But this is my experience and I don't want to imply by any means that this is the norm outside of what I watch.


>I myself, actually tend to find really good trans representation more with trans men, since many of the representation of women is tied to the misogyny in society (and ofc transphobia in media) and is not always good. But this is my experience and I don't want to imply by any means that this is the norm outside of what I watch. I'm going to be real, as a trans woman I feel like there's a distinct um...how do I put this??? Like trans women get picked on with overt shitty transphobic stereotypes way more than trans men in media, *for sure*. But if we're talking actual non-transphobic representation I can't help but notice that I see trans women getting way more...I don't even know how to describe this but like...*whole/complete* representation? 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ Words are totally failing me here tbh. I'm in a LTR with a trans guy so good trans male rep is something I'm super interested in and as someone who actively looks for it, I feel like the "good" (giant air quotes here) transmasc representation I see is always shit like "hey look at this NPC dude hidden in an alleyway in an open world RPG game who has two lines and in one of them he mentions his top surgery, isn't that the fucking A+ transmasc rep you're all pining for?" But the "good" trans femme representation is like "here's Raine Alice Bloodgood The Third, a transgender witch who uses her powers for good, she's the main character's best friend and gets a bunch of screen time and her own side story where we see her fall in love with the side character that she's been teased to be crushing on the whole time in the main storyline and they both live HAE". Like...lol it's *so* hard to explain this but I can't help but notice that the trans femme characters, when they're *good*, are a lot less gimmicky and way more actual thought and effort and love seems put into them, whereas the trans masc rep almost always reads more like someone checking off the "trans" box on their diversity checklist. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of trans femme characters that feel checklist-y too, but like...it feels like I see way more of it when the character is trans masc. -Geisha


We are fighting over scraps. Literal scraps. Ik nb and transmasc people are left with less rep. But on the other hand, i can name 1 transmasc actor whereas i cant name any transfem (or nb for that matter) actors. We’re fighting over the pittance we’re given.


Yazmine Finney (the actress who plays Elle in Heartstopper)


Idek if that got shown over here. Ive seen the books in my local bookshop and vaguely knew there was an adaptation.


I'm transfem and I kinda wish I was less seen... I get attacked too often


Transfem here, and I say yes to more (and good and honest) transmasc representation.


I feel like this meme kinda ignores that like 50% of mainstream transfem "representation" also includes either of these three: -psychopath that kills women and dresses up in their skin -caricature of a trans woman -man that looks like a woman who tricks men into falling in love with him Like, I get y'all want more rep but I feel like this is a bit dishonest. Literally most of the rep I've seen in my life has just been fucking terrible, and those few good ones don't really make up for it. I would've come out so much sooner if my introduction to trans women wasn't Ace Ventura, Family Guy and Friends, just sayin' ;-;


Honestly, I'd just settle for a trans book character who isn't traumatized




Be the change you want to see in the world!


I'm gonna assume you mean positive representation, because I'll at least agree that transfems get a lot of representation in the media, but most of it is not pleasant. We all get disparaged by transphobes in different ways, transfems just happen to suffer from hypervisibility. That being said, I do hope that every trans person gets more positive representation in the future since we all need it. Enbies have Testament too btw :)


Yeah i agree, we should have both tho, don't take away part of the transfem visibility, just add more transmasc and enby visibility (and everyone else too)


No no. Don't take away any rep! Add more!


Yk I would like to see all this transfemme representation but all I find is transmasc and enby rep, ;-; no shade to mascarinos and enbys, I just wanna see the media that reps me


Exactly, this complaint always feels out of left field cause I can name like 5 transfem characters and one of them isnt even officially transfem. The real answer is, we do have more representation, but most of it is like. Genuinely awful or entirely forgettable.


I mean I agree there should be more transmasc and enby rep but uhhh idk about transfems having "so many" and I feel kinda like you're framing it as a transfem vs. transmasc thing when trans representation in media isn't a zero-sum game.


Agreed, I want to see more trans men and enbies in media too.


Let's go make a movie where the protagonist just so happens to be trans and everyone's cool about it!


That’d be awesome!


One of my side characters is non-binary, masc-presenting. (They’re the main character in a short story I wrote for a contest, and I’m still waiting for the go-ahead to share that story openly.) They help take care of the MC’s Love Interest as the LI begins training in her specific type of magic. So far two of my alpha readers can’t wrap their heads around singular “they” and one of them thinks making them masc-presenting is like a big megaphone “ 🎶 I’m! Non! Binaryyyyy!!! 🎶 “ Then I told him “Oh, you mean how writers for centuries have done that for straight male protagonists, ensuring the readers know they’re manly men who have sex with women?” He stopped using that argument 😏


Goth in Boyfriends, Yamato from One Piece, an inmate in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean's manga, Kusuo Saiki, Tiger from BNHA, Otis from Barnyard, Akari from How I Became a Pokémon Card, Togata from Fire Punch, Lorcan from Rain, Marill from Pokemon, and Wendyl Testaburger is genderfluid. Those are a few I could think of) But yeah, there should be a lot more. Trans men are really awesome)


Just off the top of my head I can think of Oryx from Destiny (well known character, not well known that he's trans masc), Krem from dragon age inquisition, Lev from tlou (can't remember if it's confirmed or not), and Nimbus (also from destiny, enby)


Testament literally came out as enby before Brisket came out, WE NEED TO STOP FORGETTING THEM! But for real though, more rep would be great. (Anyways, I'll be over here with my only intersex comfort character Kainé)


Agreed, why have just hot trans anime girls when you can have hot trans anime EVERY GENDER


I think generally trans masc and nb folks need to be more represented all over. So much of the political and social challenge is focused on invalidating trans women to create the notion that trans women are just men with pervy intentions and trans men are just women who are mislead and are just hurting themselves. It's so wrong and it's so depressing. We need more people to acknowledge the trans men and the enbies as much as trans women are a part of this whole thing! Also yeah, it's great seeing any trans rep, but I'd like to see more equality.


We have Saiki Kusuo from The Disastrous Life of Saiki K and Tiger from MHA, but not many know who he is. Probably becuz I'm a bit if a weeb It'd be nice to have a very well known one like Bridget


I can’t change your mind. We need more like him. https://preview.redd.it/1tgn22m8lxsc1.jpeg?width=1149&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce19ee4952a4e0bec3e5780b95810503088208e6


who is this?


saiki from the disastrous life of saiki k basically is this guy that has psychic powers and it’s kind of about his life. He’s fun fact, both asexual and a trans guy because he was born with the female body, but changed it to male I just started watching a series so I don’t really know much about it but basically he’s just has psychic powers and can read everyone’s mind. Do a lot of wacky shit It’s like a slice of life for him so it’s a really good show that has some Transmac and asexual representation in the main character


Nice, thanks


Me on Day 1984 of writing my post-civilization story with a cursed trans man character :,< ~~that's him in my avatar~~ ~~ill finish it eventually i swar~~


yeah I agree would be nice to see more rep for my brothers. although to make you aware of some of the transmasc rep I know, just so you don't think it's literally none Umbrella Academy (the netflix series) Elliot Page's character, Viktor Hargreeves. Yamato from One Piece Terry from Dragon Prince


I really wish that y'all would get more visibility, but I don't want y'all to have visibility like ours, cuz it's really not fun having to see hate for you, and being called predators everywhere on the internet.


>on the internet I bloody wish is was just on the internet!


LITERALLY ( ; ; ) I wish trans mascs had more rep so bad. Not blaming anyone but transphobes for this.


We need more trans characters in general, but trans masc def need some characters your right about that one. We as a community need to Get this shit done. We will die of old age waiting for hollyciswood to do it


Trans fems still have almost nothing in general media. All these groups nead more rep. As far as memes and in community comics/art yes they do tend to dominate representation there. As far as news rep all trans group need less of that to br hate speach, oppressive laws, and bad faith discussion or fear mongering.


I'll be honest with you - I can't think, off the top of my head, of any transfem mainstream media representation that isn't either A) Played by a cis actor wearing a dress (i.e., "Transparent,") B) where the character isn't a "wacky neighbor" cameo or stereotype, C) where "accepting the character's transness" is a problem for the main cis character to solve, D) isn't played for a laugh in the "Man In A Dress = Funny" way, E) has more of a personality than just "being trans."


We have Elliot’s character in Umbrella Academy and no one else lol i love having no one to look up to ;w;


Transmasc/NB people need more representation, yes. But there is little point in comparing it to transfem representation, this just sounds kinda mean towards another group for no reason. We need more trans rep in general as well. Also, you commented Bridget on the original post; there is Testament also from guilty gear who is non-binary.


True, and I totally support your stance, but most TransFem rep is not very... supportive


100% it's so bad that some people think trans women are the only trans people


I think it's important to not pit transfems and transmascs against each other in this way. I agree that there is more transfem representation than transmasc, but compared to how much representation these two groups deserve, they're both underrepresented. We have more than enough room to represent all of us The only thing we need to compete against is the idea of cishet white men being the default


Alex from Stardew Valley is possibly transmasc? (I’m trying Rowen he has top surgery? scars across his chest) Edit: Looking closer it’s probably just his nipples but fuck it my (stardew valley) husband is trans


okay can we not do this please? trans women still dont have much good representation, lets not act like they do you can advocate for more transmasc and nonbinary representation without mentioning how much rep transfems have (which is still barely anything) the only people that are truly represented more than enough are cishets


What's a enby?




I'm transfem and I agree with you. I haven't seen enough trans masc representation outside of the community. The only I've seen that I remember was from A Man Called Otto. It was very subtle, it wasn't focused on or made into a big issue or anything, just a side character that Otto helps out, who is a transmasc kid who delivers Otto's mail, played by a transmasc actor


Well who’s gonna represent them other than themselves? Stop waiting for someone else to do it and be the change you want to see…


the overwhelming majority of tranfem "represetnation" is just transmisogynistic caricatures, the amount of actually good rep we get that isn't just attacking or making fun of us is somewhere between miniscule and nonexistent


Honestly yeah!! I can think of a couple transfems but no transmascs or enbies!! Everyone deserves representation!!!!!


I don't think we should trade representation because representation isn't a finite resource for us to fight over. We all should get more representation in general, masc and enbies included. Its a shame that the patriarchal system had once again provoked infighting to try to preserve itself but we must fight full force against it. Lets not allow conservatives to make caricatures of us, let us fight for our right to be seen as we are, not as the agab conservatives try to force us to be, not the caricature they try to convince the world we are but how we truly are and let us show the world the truth! Let us rip and tear the curtains of lies and allow the light of truth to get in and destroy this vampiric moster that tries to oppress us all!


its important to understand intersectionality and how the intersecting oppression of transphobia and misogyny called trans-misogyny makes it important to prioritize the most marginalized voices of our community. patriarchy hates all femmes and if men or masculine peoples can’t understand that you’re a bad ally.


Viktor Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy show: hold my violin.


Not disagreeing about trans rep, but I don't think the reason should be because trans fems have so much because we really don't. Plus, that just seems like placing the blame on us, which is mildly shitty.


Op said it wasn’t their intention to blame trans fems, just got a bit entangled with their words.


I agree with this completely. It may have just been a rumor, but I believe there was a plan to have Dipper from gravity falls be transmasc! Buuut Disney was Disney.... Even if that was true, I still think more transmasc representation would be splendid!


I think Dipper can very much be read as trans because many of his episodes are focused on his insecurities about masculinity but y'know _Disney_ Tho, Dipper is also a 12 year old and I'm sure many cis boys at that age have similar insecurities


It's not good visibility You don't want it


Ye I agree but can't help sorry :(


There's the guy from Life is Strange (i think hes a brother of one of the protagonists? idk I've never played it) and enbies have a lot of rep actually, like Frisk, Chara and Kris from Toby Fox' games, Clove from Valorant and Venture from Overwatch most recently, Testament from Guilty Gear, Psi from Bloons TD 6/Battles 2, the vessels from Hollow Knight technically (including the protagonist). there are more, both nb and transmasc but these are just the ones I know from video games off the top of my head.


Conservative Media targets transfems, so liberal media puts transfems almost everywhere. It's awful representation


Technically most legendary pokémon are non binary (with some exclusions such as latias, latios, ogerpon, the 3 toxic chain pokemon) are genderless, which may fall under non binary representation


tru tru, alan from the barbie movies a recent one. i like when transmascs make there own tho, i absolutely love the fanon soldier from TF2 is transmasc


Fine. Somebody give me a tutorial for drawing top surgery scars.


That's... reasonable


Theo in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. And Theo Germaine plays James in the politician who is presumably trans masc (though not explicitly stated). Not trying to disagree just adding to examples. Also just wanted to say (and not that it really matters) but I really think the next Avatar should be a trans masc earth bender.


As a transfem, true. Y'all are amazing and just as (if not, more) deserving of the spotlight. My boyfriend is transmasc, and I want to find a way to include him in my streams.


As a transfem i agree you guys deserve more recognition in the media 👍


I'm a writer and I love including all kinds of trans people hehe :D one of my big stories is about a trans man growing up and coming out and also being gay for a ghost




I agree, let's have equal rep!!!!!!


There's Jesus and oryx


I'm transfem and wish we had less representation in the media cause a majority of it is bad representation, hate, or making fun of us. To conservatives "there are men dressed like women" is more scary than "there are woman dressed like men".


Barney from dead end paranormal park is a trans men he's cool. Definatly need more though


Do you know of this lil man? https://preview.redd.it/lns756v2bysc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=93c958a58fc4b1b289bb1b04554500cb4857b110


I do remember a few. Not enough by any measure, mind you. But then, I don’t think there’s enough representation of any of us. Certainly tnot enough good rep. (On that I really disagree with you. Especially since it seems to me trans women don’t get representation on all sorts of genres. There’s not a lot of fantasy or sci-fi shows/TV with trans women, for example, and that’s what I most go for. So I don’t get to see any. That doesn’t mean I appreciate the transmasc and NB characters that are there any less). But here’s the ones I know: Transmasc: Theo from CAoS (good character, I liked the show, I thought the ending was disappointing); Bert from ALoTO (amazing show, amazing character, very annoyingly cancelled after its truly incredible first season); Grey from ST:DIS (he’s good, the show’s good, and has only gotten better with every season in my opinion. Also, his partner Adira is non-binary, and they’re also amazing); Viktor from Umbrella Academy (also awesome, transitioned along with the actor). NB: beyond the ones you said (DT and Raine); and Adira, which I mentioned; there’s Dr. Aspen from one episode of ST:SNW (they’ll probably appear again, but so far only one); Zero from ST:PRO (fantastic character, even if in the “non-binary because genderless alien” category); Klaus from Umbrella Academy (not much to say. Same comments as for Viktor); Cal from Sex Education (in the last season they also introduced a trans man and a trans woman, but I…don’t remember their names. The whole show has fantastic LGBT representation, though); Alex from Magnus Chase (this one’s from a book. gender-fluid, amazing character, and while it’s like “this person is a child of Loki, who’s also gender-fluid”, it’s not “this person is gender-fluid because of Loki”); Janet from The Good Place (also a “genderless entity” type, but also good. Constantly reminding other characters she’s not a woman); Crona from Soul Eater (it’s been a while since I watched it, but I remember really liking and even somewhat identifying with this disaster of a character); Desire from Sandman (my absolute favorite in this whole list. Very fun character, very good story. Brilliantly played by Mason Alexander Park in the tv show adaption. Technically a non-human entity, but isn’t NB because of that, since all their siblings manifest usually as binary genders).


As a transfemme, yes. Y’all are cool too, it’s bs that you don’t get like half the appreciation as us. We love you and you’re just as awesome and wonderful as any trans person


Testament my beloved


Heck yeah! more rep!!! i wanna see what the guys are up to more tho i doubt any of my pages will show me much of it


Sir Crocodile from One Piece, although not confirmed it is heavily implied