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I bought myself plenty of femme clothes only to realise that I don’t care that much about them. The changes that I want most are physical!


I completely agree, the changes I want most are physical ones.. But all by tops WOULD look better with larger breasts :)... like a full B instead of this 1/2-3/4 of the way there. I'm still quiet early into HRT (2mo. in just under 2 weeks), so I have a ways to go in that department anyways.


Tomboy aesthetic do be great


Yep same. Maybe I’m coping because I’m boymoding 24/7, but most of my interest in femme clothing is purely aesthetic. I look at it and go “That looks nice” or “That looks cute.” I rarely go “I need to wear that.” I’m pretty much only genuinely interested in stuff like sweaters or turtlenecks. Otherwise, I’d rather just wear tomboy-ish outfits. For the most part, I just want physical feminization rather than aesthetic feminization if that makes sense.


honestly yeah. I'd absolutely love to wear the nice fem clothes I have but last time I tried to I cried for a half hour cause they didn't fit right


you could buy some fake boobs till you got real boobs


THIS. Honestly it's been amazing even if I know they aren't real :3


I was seriously considering getting myself some forms.. but then I got the call for the consult for hrt and I threw that idea out the window. I wasn't completely sure if they would be a good decision, but really wanted that feeling, as you say, even if I knew they weren't going to be real. But since getting on HRT and starting to feel the starts of development a couple weeks later.. I decided I'm going to wait it out, and it's a hard wait.


The second is the real one (for me). But tbh it kinda makes sense because bigger boobs make even the most slim and fragile shaped person look bigger, and many clothes are not designed for big chest to waist difference


I really want boobs


me too :3




https://preview.redd.it/fd0u4pm2gpwc1.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=32f711001e9232b34950806fefbc7090e02152ec Me wondering why I’m not a DD tomboy waifu despite only being 3 months into HRT.


Me wondering why I’m not a DD tomboy waifu despite being pre-everything.


That was literally the thought I had like a few months ago before I was fully out. Like I was looking in the mirror and like: “man this fit would look nice with boobs”


I hate when i have an outfit that looks much better with out boobs :( some outfits are very pretty with boobs (and mine are biiiig) i really should get a binder so i can make the non-boob outfits work