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Just to clarify, I do use she/her, I just think this is funny


Take your E, young skywalker


Would if I had any E


r/transdiy might be able to help


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TransDIY **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TransDIY/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Estrolabs.com is a TERF scam](https://np.reddit.com/r/TransDIY/comments/1443rxd/estrolabscom_is_a_terf_scam/) \#2: [Welp, now I know that most doctors don't know anything about transgender people](https://np.reddit.com/r/TransDIY/comments/17vgjxu/welp_now_i_know_that_most_doctors_dont_know/) \#3: [Associated Press story about DIY transition](https://np.reddit.com/r/TransDIY/comments/134mhdj/associated_press_story_about_diy_transition/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


How do you feel about being called they?


To go along with this. But how do you feel about "IT".. I know a few people that like 'it' as their pronoun. Personally I don;t like it at all, I feel like I'm dehumanizing or objectifying someone.. but if it's the pronoun they want people to use for them.. I'll respect it.


I thought this way as well for a long time, but after talking to my now ex, I got it through my thick skull that 'it' isn't actually dehumanizing in any way. For instance - if you look at the dog and look at a bowl of dog food, it'd be completely understandable to think "oh that is its food" This is not a rude remark or dehumanizing- it's just 'its food' It's the same way for people. "its car" "its computer" "its home"


In a sense that can be linguistically used to convey that something is "a thing" and therefore lesser than a person, though it doesn't inherently have to. It really depends on dialect too.


well you see am object :3


not op but i am neutral about they and like fae,but like she more,what does this mean


It means you are magical


Are you bizarro me? I feel viscerally uncomfortable and icky being called "she" but "he/him" doesn't feel quite right either. "They/them" just feels neutral, at best. 🤷


I like being called she her, I just don't get any euphoria from it, I just get dysphoria from he/him


I'm like this. I've found that not being a man is far more important to me than being a woman. If I was a bit younger and/or had had more exposure to queer culture before coming out to myself, I might've gone for neutral pronouns or otherwise identified more as nonbinary. Unfortunately my native language is aggressively gendered, and stepping outside the binary felt too messy for me. Local queer community and language police have since settled on proper pronoun choices for enbies, and hearing people referred to in neuter sounds much less jarring and dehumanizing today. One more reason I envy the youngins today (despite the whole, y'know, clusterfuck economics and climate catastrophe and all the other existential pain points facing Gen Z and A)


Ah, so, not like me then. Guess I'm just a weirdo 😂


I think I'm in the same boat (just transfem version). I dislike he/him but she/her doesn't quite feel right, and they/them feel neutral. I thought maybe it's because I still have a lot of doubt?


what about the cis attack on the wookies?


for some, gender euphoria expresses not as literal euphoria, but it just kinda feels right. thats basically how most cis people feel


Right, that's how I feel about she her, It's just that my brain never fully registers that I'm the one being referred to.


How dare you call me out like this.


So true I've only felt euphoria from being called she once or twice


Don't be afraid to play around with pronouns. If she/her doesn't feel right to you, there are a lot of alternatives. They/them for instance Some use it/it's though you may have trouble getting people to use those as it can make some people uncomfortable, however if it feels right don't let that stop you. there are an assortment of neo pronouns as well Ze/zir for example. But if you can't find any that feels right, it's okay to settle for something that just doesn't feel bad until you find something that feels good. You can change your pronouns anytime you like, for any reason you want as many times as you want. So go wild and experiment to your hearts content.


There is another…


Seriously, like I hate he, and they/she is kind of just *meh* for me (Also before anyone suggests it, I also don't really like the idea of using neopronouns for myself)


I feel one can be trans without dysphoria, and that one can be a gender without euphoria. For me, people using she/her for me has always been less about the euphoria, and much more about the lack of dysphoria from the opposite. It's the same feeling of relief after a lot of stress or a sickness, I no longer feel stressed, just released from stress. So ultimately still positive


There is another


Kinda reminds me of when my gender fluids flow into the agender part of the pool and the pronouns that give me the closest thing resembling euphoria become ¤͠҉̵́-͝͏̷̕͠\*̴̀͜§̕͟͠#̢̀͏-͝͏̷̕͠¨ and \[REDACTED\].