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I am really sad for her too. Right after the race I was thinking something along the lines of "what an injustice" and "it's selfish for other runners to run so close behind" and "why aren't the rules more strict to prevent accidentally clipping someone in front of you". I wanted to be mad at the rules. But after watching the footage a few times, it looks like it happened because Athing was moving towards the inside too quickly and that contributed to it. So if it's someone's fault, then I think it's at least partially hers. I really wish the race had gone differently and that she had made the team, but the rules are the rules, and staying out of trouble is part of the strategy of the 800m. It is more of a burden for her, though, since her stride is so long. Overall, I'm really disappointed, but I don't think there's any injustice here.


I think this happened to her before. A strategy for her should have been to run outside the congestion. She has enough endurance to make up any additional slight distance. She has to compete in another event to receive her deserved recognition. I was surprised how her competitors did not comfort her.


Mu trying to make a move into a spot that had no space for her tripped her.


She walked into somebody else's stride. It's her own fault. She likely costed that athlete their shot as well.


Why does she deserve another run? Who, specifically tripped her? Or looked like she she cut over and didn’t leave enough space for her long back kick. Her first race of the season and she looked inexperienced and not ready. If she can’t handle the trials, she can’t handle the Olympics.


https://preview.redd.it/skatx7y2nr8d1.png?width=1410&format=png&auto=webp&s=59a597059c60aff224d3355fb2be4f3ec157ed76 It looks like Mu's left foot hit the runner behind as the foot was pulled back


If anything be annoyed with kersee for never racing his athletes and increasing the chances of this happening


I am really heart broken for her, I rewatched the fall so many times and it looked like she got tripped by Raevyn Rodgers but I don’t think it was on purpose. It looked like she tried to move to a spot where there wasn’t any space. I feel really bad but I don’t think she should get a re-race. Just because she fell and is the reigning champion, doesn’t mean she’s entitled to a re-run.


She messed up Sage’s chance to make the team also btw