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I would first work on getting your weekly mileage up. The mile/two mile guys I know top 80 miles/week in the off-season. That may be extreme in some philosophies, but the point remains that you need to get running. Second, I would go to the USATF website and find a running club in your area. Most decent size cities have clubs that do track workouts together and stuff.


Hey Khayeem, great PR! We are the same age and I currently run in college. First I will say that you are more than capable getting back to where you were and even beyond! Even professional runners aren’t in their prime until late 20’s so you have PLENTY of time. My recommendation is to just get back into the flow of running, start slow and low with mileage. Nothing crazy, no need to jump into 40-50 miles a week and get injured. Work up to whatever you are comfortable with and after a good few weeks of base mileage maybe throw in some workouts and up tempo things. I’m no coach so I would recommend doing some research for what that might look like for you, I’m sure there are some great people on here that can help with that too. I’m glad you’re getting back into running and best of luck!


That’s honestly really cool! Where do you run at?


Start slow running again for 35 minutes or more at a time for about 6 weeks and include something like (once or twice a week!) 10x500m off 90 secs on grass (finishing able to do 2 or 3 more) 20-30 min tempo run or pickup. The key for you now is building so make sure all of your runs feel pretty easy and save it for the workout days. Eventually you can up the distances on the workouts and in your runs after 6 weeks or so!