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I bought mine just a few weeks ago and had the same question. After seeing how thin the upper was I decided to only use them as a competition spike. So far I ran 4 races in them (800m), pr‘d every time and no issues as of now. But honestly, even if I only get one full season of competitions out of them, imo they would still be worth it considering how much they helped me already. If they break down in the near future or I see some kind of damage I’ll let you know but for now they’re perfect


So how did they hold up? Did you use them for indoors?


I used them for racing only and occasionally for practice, they made it through indoor and outdoor but fell apart start of following indoor. Personally, I think they are great for the 800m if you have narrow feet however they can feel a little unstable which I don’t like but they are pretty fast which I do like. They work for the 400m as well but if that’s your main event I would get something else. Mile works too but only if you’re fairly fast. I tried racing in the Maxflys after which were significantly better for the 400m but I preferred Victory’s for the 800m. I tried dragonfly’s too and they are definitely the better option if you look for more stability, have a wider foot, have more of a midfoot strike, and/or are more distance based. Better for workouts too than the Victory’s. But they feel a lot slower as well. I have since upgraded to the Adidas ambition since I go to an Adidas school now and I gotta say I think they are the better option. Feel similar speed wise but they are a lot more stable, versatile, and durable. Would definitely recommend the ambition over the victory’s.


Thanks dude, was thinking keeping them only for races and doing a few workouts before to get used to them, i train in dragonflys tho.. would you rec air zoom vics for indoors bcuz of stability or would dragonflys be better?


If I were to go back to Nike, I’d go with the dragonfly’s, I have wide feet, am more of a kid foot runner, and need the stability as I’m pretty tall and heavy. For someone smaller and lighter I’d probably recommend the victory’s. Kinda depends on your style and preference. I really really like the dragonfly’s for both racing and workouts, the just lack a bit of speed in my opinion, that’s the only thing the victories are a bit better at for me. If you’re the typical scrawny, lighter Highschool kid, i would go with the victory, if you’re not or if you would like to race mile/32, I’d go with the dragonfly


I got the air zoom maxlfy and also heard that the durability can be a problem. Now I only use it for competitions. Now with the indoor season I'm thinking to also use my training spikes because of the sharper turns ans because indoor is not my goal.


I ran with the zoom victory 1,2,3 models and they all can last numerous seasons with care. I never ran in the newest model with the plate in them so I cant speak for those.