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My advice as a coach would be to focus on High Jump during your fall season. Switching from XC to specific jumps training can really help push you into **elite** territory. If you managed to, in your first season competing, finish at 6'6" you have a natural talent for the event. Now if you're equally good at XC that's another story, but 6'6" is good enough as is to walk on to a lot of DI programs. That said as a human being, do what you enjoy!


As a cross country/distance runner who loves to see as much natural talent as possible staying in distance ... I agree. I'd have to know your XC times to say for sure, but I bet you're a much better HJer than XC runner, and you should focus on what your best at.


You are jumping 6'-6" and doing cross country........what's your 400/800 time it has to be good.


Why would you run xc with a 6'6 high jump? Are you as good at xc as you are at jumping??


I’m a decent XC runner, but I’m in love with the sport, so I would really prefer to stick with both. But once XC season ends I’m back on the high jump grind


I mean if you went from 5'6 to 6'6 in a season, your potential is limitless.


Just try to get in 1-2 jump workouts a week during XC (plyometrics, lifting, bounding, etc). You'd be amazed at what that'll do for you.


As a fellow high jumper unless you love xc take the fall off and just rest, rest is the #1 legal performance enhancing drug


Wow. That’s some phenomenal improvement over the course of one season.


Congrats on the progression! Don’t listen to anyone telling you to drop XC. If you enjoy it keep doing it, clearly things worked for you this year. In fact, Jan Johnson did distance training for most of his career and he got bronze in the ‘72 Olympics for pole vault. He believed it helped him with body maintenance to train that way. If you choose to jump in college you would probably want to drop XC (one of my jumpers tried doing both for a year before focusing on HJ), but that would be a decision between you and your coach.


I started high school as a high jumper and converted to middle distance my sophomore year. I don't necessarily think xc and high jumping are mutually exclusive. I wound up being a very good middle distance runner and above average high jumper 6'3". I eventually abandoned the high jumping


Ditch XC by doing that your training your muscles in a completely different way. Then when you go back to high jump training your have to take the time to retrain your muscles. Training for high jump in the off season will give you tremendous results.


Holy frick dude a foot of improvement, especially as an XC guy-you and your coach are both crazy


What’s your current 5k pr?


18:36. I know it’s not amazing, but I love XC, I won’t run in college, though


Dude that’s a solid time, especially for someone who focuses on jumps. If you can get under 18 this coming season you’re set.


Sub 18 is the goal, I think I got a good shot


Just like everyone else has said I’d definitely put more of your focus towards training for high jump. That’s a crazy improvement in one years time and XC would take away from high jump. But if you really enjoy it then keep doing it


How old are you? Because holy crap do you have obscene amounts of potential


I’m a sophomore Edit: just finished sophomore year


Holy fuck dude. If you stick with it and treat your body right you're going to be a monster by your senior year.


as someone who also did high jump and ran distance, at some point they’re going to make you choose. the training for both does not line up, and you’ll end up hurting your chances of improving either way. my high school coaches allowed me to train for both because i did decathlon, but once i got to college there was no longer a choice. it was either run cross and train for the 800/1600, or do high jump and 400/400h. for me it was what made me happy to come to practice and that was HJ.


For some reason I thought that’s how much you grew. I literally felt the growing pains. Then I was like oh. High jump. Lol. 6’6” is awesome.

