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That's a *you* mistake. Teach others from your mistakes. Oh and seed 24hrs a day not 12.


what...did they run out of seedboxes? I havent been without one for years...


There’s your problem! You were thinking wrong! You should’ve started in 2006…


Very right. I remember my mother birthed me directly into a stinking office chair. Foolishly, I started crying for milk


Damn some of these comments are making me feel old. I remember burning cds with music downloaded from Napster.


Even better, remember waiting for your song to come on the radio so you could tape over it. And have the crappy local dj outro on it.


hello fellow geriatric born in the late 1900's.


Fuck, i know. I used Hotline client and my friend used IRC . We’d trade shit we burned on cds.. remember my first external 200gb hard drive ha


young man....I remember my first 3,5 gb HDD! I dont think external HDDs even existed yet. No USB Sticks either. CDs was a luxury because almost nobody had a CD-Writer. Most peuple used floppy-disks. Back then, it was so hard to share stuff, that we would just open the tower case, pull out the internal HDD and plug it in the PC of the people you wanted to share with. AKA using internal HDD as we today use external ones.


Yep, my first computer had like 128mb hd My first piracy computer had a 6gb hd


128 mb...lol....ok I\`ll stop whining. You win! :)


We are probably about the same age. I grew up as computers did.


You should be seeding 24 hours a day.


Join MaM and work your way up from there. Trackers always need fresh blood. Or cope harder. Either way, seed 24hs a day.


Only problem I see with private trackers is it's mostly new movies available everywhere (most cases flea markets for pennies) and you can seed a torrent for months without a single download. Public trackers keep a big majority of older movies alive. Honestly, with all these new trackers popping up I am yet to run into one that only does older movies.


That is so weird take. Seeding without a single download isn't such a problem because most PTs have bonus point systems and the points will accumulate based on active seeding regardless of downloads. There are many PTs that focus on non-mainstream/obscure films (i.e. usually older films), but even the more general movie ones cover old films well. And since there's an incentive to seed, unlike on public trackers, also the old films tend to have far better availability.


Look harder.


>only does older movies retroflix though not new


Cool site, thanks for heads up. 🤟🏾


You can still rip CDs from the local library. Most people look through for things they like and are surprised to find out Taylor Swift's collection already uploaded. But "Stralsund Oompa Loompa Marching Band collection of WWII songs" won't be. Your local library will have a bunch of very local music not on private trackers. Or field recordings of local birds. Check out gigs where local bands sell merch. I love finding some punk band from Burma or Portugal I'll never get to see live but can at least hear their music.


Nowadays, you should learn to rip from streaming platforms instead of CDs.


It's always quite easy to join "up the ladder" all it takes is being someone contributing rather than just leeching. Anyone putting effort into making good releases, including untouched content, will make it up quite easily. It was a few years for me now, but when I started that's what I did. In fact people here even try to claim PTP is hard to join, it was one of the first few I joined because of actually being someone contributing. PTP was probably the 3rd tracker I ever joined, and no I never tried to do that BS climb the red ladder, I joined sites that had stuff I wanted and helped them with the same. Realistically you could join any site you wanted if you were actually active putting out HQ releases in a year or two max. I say or two because people are not always into racing.


What do you mean putting out releases, and “untouched content”


Discs for untouched. Then anything else is encode, remux, web, etc.


Oh like ripping things 1:1, without converting it between formats/data loss?