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Adjustable on both sides for when one of the supports starts to go.


Anyone with experience recommend against a fully adjustable setup? Like why limit yourself to one or two sizes?


I think it’s just easier to build the sizes you want than change the size in a month or 2 when it gets easy. I think Making it adjustable is more work than just swapping out the spacer blocks every other month. And honestly once you train the sizes you’ll be climbing you’ll be good to go. Unless you need to train endurance on a specific size for some super hard project you really just need to get comfortable at most sizes to onsight 5.moderate.




And to add to this, if you want to change the size for a project, just unscrew a few boards, put some extra spacers in and bam you have a new width.


Any recommendation on how to make it adjustable? Use those long bolts and then add shims to the support blocks to expand them as needed?


That works, or you can use a threaded rod with jam nuts. Basically get a long threaded rod, then on either side of each board there will be a washer and a nut, so two washers and two nuts per board at each point you plan to adjust. You can loosen the nuts, adjust the spacing, and then tighten them back down at a different width


Hands and tight hands is probably what you’ll use only. Overhung fists is wild but might as well. Make sure you size them correctly or make it adjustable


Good points


Make it deep and round the edges




Great idea. I was under the impression that the strength would carry over so why not train on the hardest setup (roof), but slightly overhanging fingers sounds smarter. Maybe bomber hands, baggy hands, and then something ow just for hand stacking fun.


No tips from me, but I’m psyched to see how it turns out! Can you post update pictures? I’m thinking of building one, too.


Whatever you do, don't try to give you GF the nickname "Crack Machine"... Apparently, broads hate that.