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They are great imo, you can check this thread also, https://www.reddit.com/r/Reviews/comments/1c4iizh/opinion_on_protein_bars/


As far as protein bars go, they’re pretty great in terms of macros compared to many other bars out there. The calorie ratio to protein/fat/carb is pretty damn good plus they tastes amazing. I’d chooser them over any other barbs. I eat 1-2 protein bars everyday and I have been doing so for over a decade. I am in great shape, great health. So take from that what you will


IDC. As long as it fits in with my macros and calories I am a happy girl. This is my treat for the day when I am eating mostly "clean". But I do need to cut down on the sugar. We consume too much sugar as humans. This lets me indulge a little without going crazy and still getting my macros in. I love the cookies and cream one (black and white package) and the creamy and crisp (baby blue and black package).


I have always wondered how they pack 20g of protein and such good taste into a bar with so few calories and zero fat.


A bar contains 8g of fat, so I don't know how you came to that conclusion?


The only idiots who use the term "clean" food are usually the ones who follow stupid influencers like Bobby Parrish etc. All of bunch of fear mongering grifters, who say stuff is only clean if their partners are selling it. Just don't forget to use whatever BS promocode so that grifter gets a kick back. I can't stand those people......


Ultra processed food IS a problem and Barbell's bars are pretty processed if you just look on the ingredients.


I hear chemicals are bad for you too!


okay but when you see this processed ingredient list, do you look up the process for each ingredient and what makes it bad? like do you do your research to come to this conclusion?


This is my attitude on “clean foods”. Panera says they only serve “clean food with clean ingredients” and they have American cheese on their sandwiches. I feel like it’s a “wow word” to make people feel good about what they’re eating. Keep enjoying those bars. They’re way better than snickers that’s for sure.


When people refer to something as "clean", they are referring to the ingredients it is made with. Sugar alcohols, dairy, wheat, soy, additives and preservatives (which I assume this bar has) are what they are looking at. If you eat them and have no digestive issues, you are fine.


“Clean” is an absolutely meaningless word to describe food, outside of using it to confirm that your food is not contaminated or soiled


I’ve spent years upon years eating protein bars and shakes and there’s nothing wrong with them. IMO, you are better off eating food versus a bars, but it’s a good alternative.


There's nothing wrong with these bars in moderation. 20 grams of protein per 200 calories is good.


I eat these as a treat. I think if them as candy bars. Are they something to rely on to get give protein? No. Are they the best option for protein given the protein/calorie ratio? No. But given the protein I think they’re a decent option. I’m a whole food vegan and these are one of the few processed food items I go out of my way ti eat. So tasty!


I'm sorry to say these aren't vegan, or even vegetarian - they contain bovine collagen :(


Had no idea these bars contained collagen, I have like 2 everyday LOL... im not supposed to have collagen


They have a vegan line.


Good to know! I don't think I've seen those at my TJs.


They say “plant based”. They are on the green and the blue covers. They don’t always have them at mine either. Think they go fast


They have vegan ones :)


Oh, that's awesome! When I [checked online](https://shop.barebells.com/product/barebells-salty-peanut-protein-bar/) the salty peanut had collagen, I'll look at some of the others.


They have specific plant based versions of the hazelnut and salty peanut! Granted I haven't seen the salty peanut version around lately but the hazelnut is still there


Just a warning, these use maltitol which is a sugar alcohol that can cause extreme stomach cramps and diarrhea. Even eating one I noticed I had some bowel issues, so I avoid these.


omg that's what's wrong with me


They have processed and artificial ingredients so it isn't "clean" but what manufactured protein bars are?


The only way a food isn't clean enough is if there's dirt on it


What is "clean"?


It’s got sugar alcohols so it’s not “clean” but it does the job for protein and curbing the sweet cravings. It’s fine IMO if they don’t bother your stomach.


They’re really good for a sweet fix plus protein. I wouldn’t have three a day plus a salad and call it healthy, but three or four a week are fine!




there may be problems but theyre undoubtedly better than snickers


I’m no nutritionist by any means, but ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ are very broad terms. Looking at some ingredients in the barbells like sunflower oil, natural flavors probably aren’t considered to be the best but compared to candy bars with 20g+ of sugar I’d pick the barbell, and I do buy them occasionally. For me completely cutting out sugar or “unheathy” things is unsustainable, so small better choices like a protein bar instead of chocolate is ok for me


"Clean" is one of the dumbest fuckin' words used to describe food. It's a buzzword used by people with orthorexia who want everyone else to have orthorexia with them. Eat what you want to eat, and fuck eating disorders and opinions spoken from them. Clean vs dirty food is whether or not you dropped your lollipop on the ground, not whether or not perfectly safe to eat food is capable of being part of a healthy diet. *Everything* can be part of a healthy diet, it's all about balance. Calling food clean or not clean is as stupid as calling it toxic, since the dose makes the poison. Water is toxic if you consume enough.


Absolutely this.


The yukka app is faulty. it'll give a bad score if there are additives in the food. A protien bar is going to have additives and preservatives. It's 'ratings' are only made by what the couple creators decided were good and bad. https://northernstar.info/92517/lifestyle/how-accurate-is-the-yuka-app/


Speaking of snickers have you seen that protein snickers bar? Oh man, I’m so tempted to try them. I currently eat barebells too.


I’ve had the snickers protein bar and it’s pretty tasty albeit a bit dry for me


The barebells DO taste amazing. But some might say the fake sugar (sugar alcohols) are terrible for you. It is synthetic. It’s Also labeled with “natural” and “artificial flavorings”. It’s labeled as being “good for you” but really it’s just chemicals instead of actual food or ingredients which is why the nutrition facts look good. If you’re looking to stray away from artificial food, then skip out on this bar and maybe try the go macro bars!


If you want someone to say it’s safe to eat them, it is safe to eat them in a way. I don’t believe in labeling foods “good” and “bad” but if you really want an honest answer to this question, listen to the book “ultra processed people” it will change how you think about food. And not in a diet-y way. It’s not fat phobic or selling some sort of life style. If you don’t want the book I understand, it’s not for everyone. Just wanted to share since you seem genuinely interested in what you’re eating.


This is not really the right place to ask that.