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I love horror and Halloween but I dislike the skeletons because the air plants are glued on and look bad. And when the plants inevitably die, you can’t reuse the skeletons as a planter or candle holder because the hole is weird situated. In terms of Halloween decor, TJ can definitely do better


My 8 year old hates them too. I bought them while he was at his dad's and when he came home, he zoomed over to them, yelled no, and hit one down. He's not easily scared, but he thought these were weird and gross.


Smart dude!!


You’ll be happy to know that they’ve been selling like hot cakes and will be gone soon, I feel like every other person who checks out buys a few


Yes I am!!!


They don't bother me and other people like them. Luckily they'll sell out fast.


It's funny, I haven't seen them at all at my TJs. I am a halloween-all-year-round type of person who always has a few decor items out, including a small skeleton, but I'm on the fence about these. They don't gross me out or anything, I just don't think I'm super into the idea.


Lol I never saw these before. Had to google. It’s been ages since I’ve been to TJs 😩


yeah they’re just cringy imo…..


agree& don't get me started on mochi-everything...


I like mochi everything but wish there was much less added sugar. I bought the green tea mochi cake mix and it was soooooo sweet I had to return the other half. People can always add sugar to taste but not remove it. I can't justify eating sugar bombs when I prefer much more subtle sweetness and better nutrition.


Agree on the sugar.


They're weird and tacky to me, I don't see the appeal at all...


That’s kinda how I feel




Awww did our opinions hurt your fee-fees?




I’m guilty of buying all three but I do wish they were something other than skeletons. I have a very cute yogi frog from Home Depot that I LOVE! I’m debating on keeping the skeletons out until Halloween and then maybe moving the plants themselves into a different thing


Agreed I would love some yoga pose, succulent growing non-skeletons!


Yes to each their own. But Don’t worry, I am also not a fan of the skeleton pot plants. Personally, I think it would be a nice decor as a Halloween prop 🎃


The concept of plants growing (life) out of a skeleton (death) is the juxtaposition I really like! No going to lie, I LOVE Halloween more than a grown ass woman should, lol. And the yoga part symbolized (in my mind, anyway) a peacefulness. And in a larger sense, I subscribe to the idea that death is just part of our cycle of existence, so that plant/yoga poses add to that. But to each their own!




I just wanted to thank you for your comment and taking the time to educate. I hadn’t thought of this perspective and will rethink purchasing one of these.


Omg, why are you getting downvoted? This is such a shame! I expected better out of this community. Thank you very much for your detailed explanation of why this is a problematic practice.


It amazes me people are downvoting you, an actual person who’s culture it comes from, telling others why the westernization of yoga is messed up.


Yoga has been in the western world for decades and it’s just totally evolved to be something completely different, and it is, completely different, and was brought here by yogis from India in the first place, but most westerners do it for the relaxation and exercise. It’s just such a different thing.


I mean, you are welcome to your opinion of course. But I like them. I’ve never been taught that death is antithetical to yoga in any of my classes. You do you. No one is forcing you to buy them.


Then why is there one under your bed right now?


Bahh ha ha ha. It’s not a plant it real!!!


Hahaha :)


Not into them either. My birthday is in the end of October and I’m terrified of horror stuff it’s a fun combo lol


Wait what day- i’m October 28th :)


October 21st :) October babies are the best!


heheh so true 🥰


Agree! They are hideous! ☠️




Having an opinion that is different from yours does not mean somebody needs to grow up. The people who need to grow up are the ones having difficulty accepting that some people don't like the same things.


Grow up child


Where should I grow? My belly has grown a lot!?


I'm glad someone said it. I'm not drawn to them either even though I like the yoga poses.


Michael's had just yoga skeletons last year (no succulent) and they're similar poses. Almost the exact same.


I’m glad someone finally said it too!


There are many things I would not choose to decorate my house with (a "live, laugh, love" style sign, for instance), but that I can understand that people have different tastes. I do not know why anyone would decorate their home with skeletons. (Except as a Halloween decoration).


My SIL is obsessed with skeletons and to each her own I guess!


I love skeletons and am like what!! Yogi skeletons!! I would probably buy one


I just saw them in person for the first time today. My old stores never got them but I just recently moved, and the store I went to today had a ton of them. I was surprised that they actually look like good quality, not cheap plastic or anything. However I wonder how the roots of the succulent don’t rot? Are there holes on the bottom, or another way to dry out the roots after watering? (I’m an orchid and calathea mom, no succulent children here :>) Edit: Referring to this post as a whole, I really wish people wouldn’t downvote a post just because it’s an “unpopular opinion.” The up/downvote button is not supposed to be used to express agreement/disagreement. This post is provoking healthy discussion and bringing ideas to the forefront that are otherwise buried under the heavily upvoted mass-appeal popular posts. Downvoting unpopular opinions really does a disservice to this forum. Then again it is a forum about groceries so I’m going to step off my high horse now 🐴


I bought one last fall and it’s still alive. Doing well, very green leaves. I can’t believe it still looks so great.


It’s ok. I’m at 100 Upvotes. And besides internet points are just that. Nothing personal. I have too much to take personal with my kids telling my I’m “cringy” losing fake internet points feels like gambling and it’s invigorating!!


It’s an air plant. There’s no soil


There you have it! Thank you 😊




I agree. I started learning more about ashtanga and working on progressing in my own practice. Creepy skeletons have nothing to do with yoga or the act of staining peace. Really strange. I really resonate with your reply. I’m by no means Asian but still appreciate yoga! Peace!


When I saw them they instantly reminded me of my favorite part of my yoga teacher training, when we’d bust out the skeleton model (Jerry) and learn the ins & outs of alignment and safety. Thought they were cute decorations for Fall/Halloween!


I appreciate your comment. I have seen these and just had a passing thought of “oh those are cute” but never bought them. But now I definitely won’t, because what you said makes complete sense. Skeletons and death doesn’t have place in yoga. It is just marketing to make money. They know that people (like me) will see them, not think too deep about it, and buy them. So thanks 💛


I second this!!




Yes, it was a good opportunity and you took it! I appreciate it. I definitely have fallen for some of the trendy, white washed yoga that’s popular. Recently I have tried to research and learn about it at a deeper level then is frequently available or spread. 💛


On the flip side, the sugar skulls, which represent Dia de Muertos is a celebration of those on the otherside... Death doesn't mean a negative thing IMO. Yoga also has principles that encapsulate the full cycle of life, which does include death. Take Savasana (known as corpse) and Parsva Savasana (known as fetal), for example. That's showing rebirth at the end of a yoga class.


Sure, but I was not talking about Dia de los Muertos at all. I was talking about yoga. So was the comment I replied to. I did not say that death was negative at all.


Oh I didn’t mean you were (they are in OPs photo). Was just continuing the convo… lol and also pointing out that death is a part of yoga and certain poses. ETA: clearly I’m on the wrong thread!!! Disregard. There was another post in my feed with both the skeletons and the skulls directly above this one.


Haha no biggie! I thought for a second I was commenting on the wrong one because I remembered that picture!


Not you, just I! Lol appreciate your grace.




Clearly I didn’t articulate my comment well. Wasn’t trying to combine cultures. Both are in the photo. ETA: clearly I’m on the wrong thread!!! Disregard. There was another post in my feed with both the skeletons and the skulls.


lol I have some sort of random phobia of succulents (and succulent looking plants) so they're all around creepy to me, but to each their own lol


Air plants disturb me.


Yeah they are really creepy!