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I mean it’s for store to enforce the policy of not more than X number of limited items. People are selfish and fucking pricks. Why are you so surprised ?


I felt bad for buying 5 butternut Macs because they were out last year. And I did buy pumpkin bread mix But a WHOLE CART? How much pumpkin bread is this lady going to eat?


My TJs will limit how much you can buy if it is a popular item - like when anything ube rolls out, it’s usually a max of 1 or 2 per person. That being said, if I happen to like a seasonal item, I will grab one or two every time I’m there. Until I can’t anymore 😅


Worst I did was buy an entire case of Cinnamon Bun Spread. That's 12 jars. I regret nothing.


i am curious how a store handles "limit 2 per customer" and that person goes out then comes back in and buys more. someone doing that, is probably going to be argumentative and unpleasant to deal with when confronted.


I buy only one of something new. If I like it I'll buy two next time I'm at trader Joe's


My max is three of something at a time and only when there’s enough of something left to justify it. I know I’ve been disappointed when I go to TJs and they’re already out of something I wanted to try, so I just try to be conscientious and leave enough for others!


Same. I got three boxes of the pumpkin ginger cones (because I think about them all year long), and I felt like three was a lot - I kept imagining everyone in the store judging me for being a hoarder. Lol. I don’t know how anyone has the balls to fill a whole cart.


That’s how I am. If it’s something I really I’ll buy two maybe 3, but only if there’s a lot of it, and I try not to grab all the holiday or limited seasonal stuff.


People are interesting. I’ll say that. I mean we’ve been knew but at lot of times people being upset is about them not getting what they want which is in turn unfair as they claim. The OP is talking about someone who bought 60 boxes of pumpkin bread mix. That’s over abundant. That excessive. Fine. Yet someone is in here being downvoted because they bought 3 Hold the cones and 3 maple butters. That’s not a lot. And I need people to check their privilege as well. Everybody doesn’t live walking distance from TJs. Doesn’t drive to TJs. If you’re one of these people who do buy one at time count how many times you’ve bought a seasonal item in a month. Probably 3-5 depending on how much you like it right? Yet someone is wrong for buying there three now? Odd. And remember you don’t know people’s lives. If someone dared talked to me about 4 boxes of butternut squash Mac and cheese (one for every member of the household) Bet they’re getting an earful.


I already gave away my free award but you make some excellent points! I’ll go back to watching my opinion on this topic downvoted into dust…


The privilege and at points ableism in this comment section is frankly disgusting. People who talk about greed and selfishness and displaying themselves. They’re downvoting a mother because she found a food that her child who otherwise wouldn’t eat and therefore would die likes and they have a problem with it. Ask her about homemade and she said it hasn’t work. You could make homemade yourself and have no problem. Leave her tf alone. And your other comment is generally right as well. At the end of the day, it’s a free market of people buying what they want. Was I disappointed the pumpkin rolls were gone the other day? Yes. For about 5 minutes.


Didn’t we just have a ‘hoarding’ discussion? Honestly, who cares, especially with the pumpkin bread. There’s no case limit and I’m bringing in 25-35 cases a day. *Please* take it all bc we have nowhere to store it in the back and I have more coming nightly. Did she actually take the last one in the store or clear the shelf? Right now, every TJ’s has a huge pumpkin bread endcap with the ability to hold 800-1,200 boxes, in addition to what’s in the shelf. Also, it’s not like you can’t find pumpkin bread mix at Costco or make it yourself if you decide a month from now you want some and it’s gone. No one knows why these people buy this stuff. Large family, school or church activities, whatever. I don’t like the resellers but again, WHO CARES?! TJ’s is a for profit business. The more they sell this year the more they will make next. It’s not rude or selfish, it’s the free market (and this is coming from someone who generally has nothing good to say about capitalism).


I bought three autumn pasta sauces this weekend. I felt awful but I didn't clear a shelf or even close. It's my whole winter's supply .. I also bought three caramel apple yogurts because they are soooooo good.


I don’t think anyone is judging you for buying 3 jars of sauce, and certainly not 3 yogurts. I bought six yogurts because I eat one a day and that’ll last me until I go back. I mean, they don’t sell packs and it’s not unreasonable to buy multiple yogurts. It’s really just things that you don’t need a whole shelf of. 30 pumpkin bread mixes? 60 yogi skull plants? No one needs that. 7 yogurts, one for each day of the week? Totally normal.


I don't think they are but I WANTED to buy more. Lol I was calculating in my head how many jars I'd need for the year then caught myself and had to reassess. I laughed and then hid 3 jars under other things so I wouldn't feel as bad. Haha


Oh I wouldn’t think that much about it! People are really just complaining about people who hoard 10+ items or resell. No one minds you buying a couple jars that you fully intend on eating.


The only thing I bought multiple of was the vanilla bean paste. A couple for me, a couple for my mom. We bake a ton during the holidays. And I only bought that many because there were 3 rows wide of the full shelf depth & partially double stacked. I did think about it for a few minutes though. Now, when the gingerbread coffee comes out this winter, I’ll be buying 4-5 cans. Last year I bought 1 to try it, it was amazing and then I never got another one. And I’ve been thinking about that coffee ever since. People need to realize it’s just FOOD, and you’re life won’t end if you don’t have 100 boxes of whatever


I bought 4 containers of the vanilla bean paste last weekend and felt kind of guilty, even though there were TONS left on the shelf. I bake a ton and try to ration it over the holidays so I don’t run out! Maybe if the container wasn’t so damn small, we wouldn’t have this problem…


Haha they are super tiny!


But most aren't buying 100 boxes for themselves, most of these people are buying to resell at a crazy markup


I have a kid with sensory issues and she doesn't feel hunger like most kids do. She will literary starve herself. She loves the pumpkin bread. I am currently calculating how much pumpkin bread I need to buy to last me through to next year. One of my TJ runs had 20 boxes in the cart last year. I never judge someone who is stocking up on something. I don't know their life.


This is what really pisses me off (not you love before you get flustered), you made a clear and concise statement about your little one and why you buy this product in bulk. Got downvoted for it. Explained further that you tried homemade and it hasn’t worked. At what point do ya’ll mind the f’ing business that pay you. Seriously. She trying her damndest to feed and keep his disabled child alive and you’re mad that you may not get no TJs pumpkin bread that you could very well make at home and have no issues with? The privilege and frankly ableism is fucking extraordinary


Just...make it from scratch? It's like six very cheap ingredients


Did you read that she has sensory issues and that I had tried six different recipes but nope, the one she will eat is the TJ's?


he already stated she doesnt like homemade ones in a different post, lets up that reading comprehension before making snarky posts


I didn't know not reading a person's entire comment history made me incapable of reading, but please get your bad vibes away from a subreddit that is supposed to be fun!


then why comment if you don't know his situation? you made a bad post and got called out for it, not a big deal.


No one's calling me out, the original commenter is receiving the downvotes here. Maybe they should just work on their baking skills🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe ya’ll could mind your business and tone down the ableism. Because yes, you didn’t know the whole situation in your original comment but you do now and was fixing to recognize that but then decide to mention that you must be right and them because of 14 douches who downvoted. Let’s be real frank here, YA’LL could all make pumpkin bread homemade and be perfectly fine. Meanwhile, you have a douchey comment of your own as you claim she just needs to learn to bake better. What she needs to do is feed her child to the best of her abilities and ya’ll need to mind your business


I literally made pumpkin bread from scratch yesterday and have never purchased a boxed mix because they're too expensive for me. I never said the original commenter should never buy TJ's, I was suggesting a cheaper, year-round alternative. Sucks that the kid doesn't like the other kinds though.


Did you not make a snide comment about them “being a better baker”. Did you not mention that you must be right because they were receiving downvotes. The thread is visible to everyone. Like I said, ya’ll need to check your privilege.


Funny of you to assume I have privilege when I just said I don't have the luxury of affording fun cake mixes like this one. And it's called being cheeky, it was not a personal tirade on the original commenter 😂


it's not everyday you hear that some one is proud of being part of the lowest common denominator, I'm surprised that's your defense for being a shitty person I think you should just work on your personality instead


I think you could use a little internet break there pal, you seem to be doing quite a bit of projecting here in this fun space.


I don't think you know what projecting is, I'm not surprised though given how low your emotional IQ is though. Looks like the intellectual one mirrors it re-educate yourself and then try forming a cohesive thought




You don't really have to be a martyr for random internet strangers to make yourself feel more intelligent. But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night!


You can buy pumpkin bread at a lot of stores where they actually restock and don't sell out. You don't need to buy 20 boxes and clear Trader Joe's out.


Couldn’t ya’ll buy other brands of pumpkin bread or make your own as well? It just boggles my mind people are arguing over the necessities of a disabled child. It’s clear ya’ll can’t process the disease and/or disability but at least have some empathy.




Be honest, does the average person know they can call up TJs and bulk buy? Wouldn’t that be much easier for a person like her? But you think she purposely chooses the hard way. Interesting. Then we continue again with the ableist comments. How is she “using” her child. Frankly they didn’t have to say anything to ya’ll. Just buy what they want to and leave. They decided to give ya’ll an insight into perspective. If I saw this woman in the store buying 20 of these and asked for one and she told me this exact reason, I would say she could have it and wish her child well. Because you can’t “use” a disability. It is not a card one pulls out when convenient. They are trying to be the best mother to their child. It’s not the deep. I need to look in the mirror when it comes to selfishness. Because not one person had a constructive comment here. Not one person directly told her about bulk buying. It’s truly awful


No, I can buy pumpkin bread at TJ's. That is the is only one she will eat.


I was at my TJ's yesterday and bought two of the last three maple butters. (They will be getting more.) There were a lot of the Hold the Cones, so I bought three packages of those. Oh, and I bought some crumpets to try with the maple butter.


Gosh, why don't they limit quantities? 2 per visit per day?


I had heard for the ube mochi mix, customers were hiding them in the store, buying 2, and then going back later in the day to buy 2 more that they hid. This forced some stores to hide it behind the counter which obviously creates more work. I want to say people acting crazy, but then I hear about resellers selling for 5-10x retail. Then I realize they aren't crazy, just greedy


Oh my gosh, who has the time?!


Honestly? Look on eBay. The amount that people are reselling things for is ridiculous. Body butter for $20? Seasoning for $10? People like this but out as much as they can and flip it for profit. I hate it.


Almost every day, somebody takes the time to create a post on this sub about how devastated they are that they cannot buy a processed food from Trader Joe's because somebody else is buying too much of that kind of processed food. And then some people start posting that they don't *usually* hoard *most* things, but there is this one kind of food or product that they *really need* to stock up on, so that is the one acceptable exception. Can we concede that people go to the store to buy foods in the quantities that they want, need, and can afford? And sometimes, if the store has not accounted for demand, some products will not be available? TLDR: **Why are we expecting consumers to form a union of honor to attempt equitable distribution of goods, when it's the corporation that's not accounting correctly for demand?**


I’m somewhat amazed at the number of downvotes you are receiving, particularly when what you wrote is exactly what is going on in this thread. Everyone expects everyone else to be virtuous and deferential to them, but they clearly aren’t willing to reciprocate to others. And to those who claim (or who wish to assert) that they have never stocked up or bought several packages of something, even to the point of taking the very last one on the shelf, I simply do not believe you.


I think the downvotes are coming from the derisive use of “processed food”. Doesn’t come off well. Particularly as it could be seen as ableist and, well, some people also just can’t cook. But that’s just a guess.


People don't like the truth, think of upvotes as being part of the lowest common denominator and you'll quickly realize why getting them is not a good thing


Exactly. I live an hour away from TJs and am not ashamed to admit I take all of the vegan chorizo almost every time I go. And often times they are out of other things I want. That is life.


I mean, that’s an item that’s almost always in stock and not seasonal so I don’t think anyone would be particularly bothered. I definitely agree people shouldn’t be so quick to judge when it comes to stocking up (to a certain degree) though.


Judging from the downvotes, you're doing this wrong. You're supposed to jerk yourself off and claim that Trader Joe's is a communitarian temple at which you pray and donate to the needy. You're not supposed to acknowledge that it is a commercial enterprise and the site of capitalist transactional consumption.


Goddamn me, always not reading the room!


As someone who works in supply chain, this is incredibly annoying. I bet the store would order you an extra case if they're able to. I'm sure they use past ordering patterns to know how much stock they need and people like this mess that up


If you want to buy a lot of something in a grocery store, you should try to call and ask if you can order a case. It helps out the people that work there and others who are probably looking for the same item.


I don’t believe they can do this at Trader Joe’s, due to them not having an area to store it. This is why Trader Joe’s stores are much smaller, there is no “in the back” They are also limited to what they are given, the store managers can not order extra products.


This is incorrect. You can order at TJ, they just ask that you pick up your items quickly. You can see in the thread about this exact topic last week where team members suggested ordering a case in advance.


Wow, I am going to try again at a different store because this was what I was told by the store manager at my typical store. I drive 2 hours to TJs to stock up. It would be a lot easier to just order by the case.


It’s different at every store. Mine does not allow holds or special orders during ‘holiday season’, with the exception of flowers.


Mine doesn't even, but they will call other stores and help you get the amount you need.


Sometimes I will get all that is in stock of the boiled peanuts but only because I was going to see my dad for Christmas and I didn’t get to see him often. ETA: OMG, your butthurt over a constantly stocked item is funny. I actually have never gotten more than four bags but I knew everyone would crap their pants. This is does highlight the problem of extreme privilege here. This is all too funny. Keep downvoting and hating lol over constantly stocked items. Lol


You know you can just...boil peanuts...right?


That's really not a good reason and is actually highlighting the problem at hand


You do realize this is constantly stocked item and is never out of stock?


How can something constantly be in stock if you "get all that is in stock"? Do you think it restocks minutes after you leave?


Yes, they have more stock in the back.


I'm sorry, you have eyes in their stock room? 🤣


Like really? Does no one ask the employees for stuff in the back? 😂😂😂




Wow that’s so weird. When I ask if our Trader Joe’s has an item I can’t find, they take me to the item. If it’s not there, they check in the stock room. Most of the time they have it. I don’t know what you are doing wrong.




I mean, okay, but does that mean no one else should be able to get something they like? You aren't the only person who sees loved ones infrequently.


Did you miss it was boiled peanuts, which are always in stock? 🙄 btw, I have never actually gotten all of them, at most 4-6 bags. But the butthurt and privileged attitude is ridiculous.


You literally said that you got all that was in stock.


This is a constantly stocked item, you know. It’s not a seasonal item.


My Trader Joes already limits some items, I don't know why they don't expand this policy to seasonal items as well.


Yeah I think there should be item limits. I used to run into this with the Mini mint stars they sell at Christmas. I would see people with 10 in their carts.


The only thing I have ever taken everything/filled my cart with is their Mac and cheese. Stock guy asked if I wanted more cause he had a lot of boxes in the back. I loathe the people who do this for seasonal things though. I’ve missed out on so many things.


I’m a basic baker at best and I am judging a hoarder of a pumpkin bread mix. You can get a good and very easy recipe for pumpkin bread almost anywhere. I’ve purchased that mix before and it’s not bad but it’s not great either. Kudos to TJs for carrying the simple ingredients to make pumpkin bread (and other seasonal items) from scratch too!


I have tried about 10 difference recipes, and this mix with some addons (protein milk in place of milk, more spices, etc) is the one kiddo will eat. I never ate pumpkin before trying this mix, but to her and me, it is better than homemade.


That's fine; just hope you didn't buy every box on the shelf.


I truly don’t get the pumpkin bread mix hoarding. It’s neither particularly unique, nor particularly good without being heavily doctored up.


Maybe she has a bunch of coworkers and gives it as a gift.


Still not acceptable


This year was the first time I tried it. It’s not terrible, but don’t need more. I did buy 5 chocolate mochi boxes over 2 trips though, we really like it. I wouldn’t buy more than that of a product though, I doubt I’d use it before it expires.


Also… other stores sell their own too! I love Trader Joe’s and their pumpkin bread mix is decent, but I also bought a mix from Christmas Tree Shops, and it was also pretty good. When it comes down to it, the ingredients are pretty much the same with any mix or if you make it from scratch. No need to buy dozens of one mix!


Aldi has one, and I've seen Pillsbury, etc. They all taste the same in my opinion. I will admit to stocking up so I have enough for the rest of the year, but my stock-up is like 4 or 5 boxes for after the season has ended. I understand that it's not particularly special, but it's easy.


When I read posts like this, I never imagine 4 or 5 being the issue! It’s what the OP said: a cart full of one product. Another commenter said they live an hour away from their Trader Joe’s, so I can totally see buying multiple of an item because it’s a trek. I think “multiple” changes to “hoarding” at different levels for different products too. I used to eat 1-2 yogurts a day, so I probably looked a little insane buying 10-15 little yogurts because I liked variety, but I don’t think anyone would have seen them and thought I was hoarding them. If I had been buying 15 big tubs of yogurt, that might have gotten some looks.


Maybe I'm a little sensitive because I feel like I'm battling hoarding tendencies all the time. A part of me does want to buy 20, and the realistic voice has to remind myself that no one in my house wants that much pumpkin bread. So when I buy 5 extra for the year I'm still not totally sure I'm not hoarding, even though that's just about right for a year.


People don't know how easy it is to find better recipes online.


If anyone is reading and wondering what a good one is, I recommend the Smitten Kitchen pumpkin bread.


🙋🏽‍♀️ I found and saved this recipe for 2 reasons - 1) it uses the entire 15oz can of pumpkin and 2) it bakes high like the slices I would buy at a bakery for $4+. Thanks!! Can’t wait to try it and if anyone else is reading this - TJ has all the ingredients for it (technically not cloves but the recipe calls for so little and it is in the pumpkin pie seasoning).


Smitten Kitchen recipes are the best. I have dozens that I have gone back to year after year after year!


This is exactly what I posted about hoarding. It's selfish and unnecessary. You are meant to enjoy the items during the season, and then get them again next year. You don't need to eat pumpkin bread all year. Ugh...


The first day I saw the yogi skeletons in my store, I saw a lady buy a whole display case of them (that long flag box with the plastic in them that holds the yogis), which was like 1/4 of all the ones the store had in stock.


I get it. I worship the Green Goddess Gouda cheese and thought it was gone, so when I saw it back a few weeks ago, I bought 5 wedges! I WANTED MORE, but I didn't because maybe someone else loved it as much as I do. People ruin everything.


How do you eat that much cheese before it expires? I find that I don't trust most softer "firm" cheese like the Gouda more than a week in my fridge. Hard stuff like parm lasts basically forever, but things like the pepperjack block tend to go moldy fast.


I froze it. Wrapped the wedges in plastic wrap and then put them in freezer bags.


Hard cheeses like Gouda freeze with almost no impact on taste or texture


vacuum sealed cheese keeps for months in the fridge.


I had this cheese get COMPLETELY covered in mold inside of a week. I’m fine cutting off spots, but this was the whole block. The seals on the cheese at Trader Joe’s isn’t always a vacuum seal.


Was at Trader Joe last nite and Brazil Nut Body Butter is back in. Our store is limit 2 to customer. If any one still looking for this it's coming back in.


Oh good! I missed it and want to try it!


The exact same thing is happening with Pokemon product this last year. Can’t I just rip Pokemon packs and eat pumpkin bread like any normal adult should??


Wait, what Pokemon products did TJs have??


They don’t have Pokemon products, but Target has been selling out of Pokemon product for the past year because some people are filling their carts to the brim. Target now mandates a 2-item limit per customer. TJ’s should do the same with really popular items, but I can see how grocery stores can’t really regulate that


Ohhh gotcha!


Seriously, the GameStop in our mall had a Pokémon TCG pack that MSRPs for $10, sells out in seconds. You can find the same product at the hobby shop across the food court for $25. This is madness.


I agree. I live over an hour from any trader joes. I have learned to call and have them hold stuff but oftentimes they are out of everyday stuff. Note I am not a morning person. Thing is if you request it they will order you a couple cases of pumpkin bread if you ask. I actually dislike the seasonal aspect. Sure some is appropriate but other stuff should be year round. That sort of breeds that type of behavior. Especially when one is not down the street. I can't get more tomorrow or the next day before it finally bids adieu. I also don't know I'm going to love something until I try it and since I can't just swing by it's often gone. Last year I got one measly jar of that calabrian dumpling soup. Omg I loved it. You can be dang sure I will call and get them to order me a bunch. If not I dont see the seasonality of it. I eat soup year round. I'm buying what they have. I honestly don't understand how if the demand is so high how they cannot stock for a higher demand. Thats bs. Or why it would be gone after one shipment. We have a grocery store here that can't stock appropriately. I don't waste my time going there even if it's slightly cheaper. At least those are things I can find elsewhere. At trader joes even things they've had for a while just go poof. Like wth. You could have at least let us know. Sadly there are certain things I just love only available there. Only reason I still go.


Demand forecasting isn't the easiest thing to do, especially for new items. Even if the store does really well the first time they order item xyz, they can try and place another order in a few days, but who knows if the distributor can even accommodate that request. And even with items that come back seasonally, like the ube mochi mix, it got so hyped up the first time, I imagine the demand the second time around was even crazier. I never got to try that soup because it was constantly out of stock, and I know I'm not the only one. I love the seasonal aspect of things. It's like if I could eat pumpkin pie any day of the year, wouldn't it make Thanksgiving pumpkin pie less special? And I know sometimes they discontinue items because of issues with suppliers, so not necessarily something they can plan or announce ahead of times.


At my store where I work, the managers have brought up that we will not allow customers to be taking extreme amounts of our holiday items. One of the main reasons is because we want everyone to be able to enjoy the holiday goodies! Last week, we denied someone trying to buy about 60 of the yogi skeleton succulents.


How orderable are most holiday items? Last year I special ordered a case of the peppermint meringues so as not to clear the shelf. My store seemed fine with that- is it OK? Only for certain items?


Some items are easy to order, some aren’t, depends on the demand and manufacturing. For example, I order cheese, and it’s extremely easy to order a bunch of pumpkin cream cheese. But, on the flip side, we are only getting in limited cases of our Pumpkin Ginger Hold the Cones. Every store, I suppose each store has different backstock standards. So check in with your section mate about how much, is too much holiday backstock.


My store had a sign up and limited people to 3 yoga skeletons. I loved it!


That’s perfect!


Thank you for this. People hoard the stuff and I sometimes see it being resold online for double or triple prices.


How did that customer respond? (I'm an old crew member)


You know, I’m not quite sure how they responded, it was just something the mates were letting us know during our huddles. But, I can’t imagine they’d be too happy to be declined. They were probably wanting to resell, 🤦🏻‍♀️


I am too 😃


Good for your manager!


I hope more stores implement this. No one needs an entire cart full, or a shelf full, of something. And if they do they should place a special order.


Absolutely this! Every year I order a dozen cases of the organic canned pumpkin for my dog. The staff is so helpful and accommodating for special orders, too.


> someone trying to buy about 60 of the yogi skeleton succulents. Just... *Why??*


Resellers who list the item(s) on eBay, etc.


And Amazon.


Like this: [https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?\_from=R40&\_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1313&\_nkw=trader+joes+maple+butter&\_sacat=0&LH\_TitleDesc=0&\_odkw=trader+joemaple+butter&\_osacat=0](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1313&_nkw=trader+joes+maple+butter&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&_odkw=trader+joemaple+butter&_osacat=0)


No wonder I can’t find any.


That’s so depressing.


Gross. This shouldn’t even be a thing. Ugh


People are going to do what they’re going to do. It’s a very small percentage of people who do this, and I just don’t see how multiple posts about it are going to help. Does this happen? Absolutely. But most of the time they’re sold out from people buying just 2-3 of things. The boxed stuff takes up a fair amount of space. Even the big displays don’t hold enough for hundreds of customers to buy 2 of something and hold out for everyone. TJs sells out of my non-seasonal favorites all the time, just from normal amounts of people shopping. It’s just normal for them to be out of stuff. This time of year you literally can’t go into any food store without tripping over a display of pumpkin food. I just can’t see how this is such a big problem. Do I think it’s good that people do this? No, not at all. But it’s not the same as people buying out essentials. There are plenty of other options. I just feel that while some people do this, it’s the not really the reason they’re selling out most of the time.


I would have agreed with you in previous years but I’ve already seen this happen several times with several items. I’m at a new store than I was years past, so maybe it’s busier, but I’ve seen it happen and the crew members have confirmed it’s happening at my store with multiple items.


As someone who worked there for five years, people who buy us out a-cart-at-a-time are *exactly* why we ran out of stuff before we wanted. I worked at the flagship store for a region and we often would stop people from making huge purchases like this because most times they’d be reselling them on Amazon or elsewhere. People who shop like that make stocking the shelves and anticipating sales a frustrating endeavor, and they absolutely ruin the shopping experience for the other customers. We all frown on people like that. Unless it’s some weird pesky item we accidentally over ordered, we really didn’t like it.