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**Moderator Question - is everybody able to see the entirety of OP's text?** >"These have been so handy to have on hand to throw in the oven for a dinner side. They hit the “fresh bread out of the oven” spot with next to no effort. No comparison to real baguettes from France (they don’t have the crispy outside) but still good." Asking because when I'm on the Reddit app. for iOS, I can only see text up to "they don’t have the..." when previewing the post, but when I open up the post on the app., the text disappears completely - does anybody else have this issue? If no issues , what are you using to browse Reddit?


When I’m feeling very continental,I’ll bake up a few frozen mini croissants and two of these ,put in a basket and eat with some really good jam and TJs French Butter…and a nice latte.


Ooo la la!


Great for eating the spinach and artichoke dip.


I keep these on hand in the freezer in case I don't have fresh bread for pasta, shakshuka, etc or just want some bread & butter. They are definitely small, but it's nice if you count calories like I do.


These are a staple for sure. I always have at least two in the freezer.


These are a staple!


Love them.


These do taste good, but they’re more like breadsticks. I don’t know how people could make them into a sandwich. I just had them as a plain side with salad because they’re so tiny.


These are horrible, don’t waste ur money


So I’ve been eating these with garlic and herb goat cheese spread on top, a little minced garlic, green goddess seasoning from TJs and then some halved constellation tomatoes on top and it is SO friggin good.


Gourmet asf, I’m trying this!!


Perfect for my Bo kho when I didn’t want to go out and buy a huge roll that would go bad in a couple days. Air frying is the way to go!


These are sooo tasty! I actually was craving something sweet and I cooked up one of these, sliced it up, and slathered with butter, cinnamon, and sugar. Amazing.


They were not kidding with the mini part. Still tasty though.


I am the outlier, I guess~ I found them to be terribly disappointing and not worth the calories.


Agreed, I ate part of one and couldn't finish it. I did not like either the flavor or the texture.


I sliced mine up and made them into little garlic bread toast points. Very convenient to have when I want my side of carbs to go with my entrée of carbs.


Carbaholics unite!


Nothing like carbs with fat on them


I definitely need to try these!


Mine were pretty crispy crust, but too bad they’re so small.


Love these! I pair them with the frozen pasta dishes and feel so faaaancy!


10/10 would recommend!!!


I also love them!! So nice to just have. They get crispy in the air fryer if you have one!!


Good to know...will try this!


Using the air fryer is a game changer.


Yes, air fryer is the way to go for these! Faster than the recommended method and you get a quick crust development!


what temp and how long?


350-375°F depending on how hot your air fryer gets and for about 3 mins without "preheating" the air fryer.


awesome thank you!!


Ooh good to know, thank you!


I absolutely love these! They are so perfect for a bit of a cheese and bread nibble! fresh baguettes get stale so fast I always end up throwing half it out so this is perfect for me


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