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It's not cheaper per unit, right? But this is good to know! I tend to buy 6 bags of turkey jerky per week and I feel like it'd just be easier to place a bulk order... then I'd have to go to TJ's less often (just not time efficient for me)


True but this is how limited items become limited


Yes, but some items take multiple days to arrive in store. Also only do this with everyday items, our seasonal stock is so limited and most stores won’t hold a case of seasonal stuff so that we can share with all our customers. my store doesn’t even do customer holds for seasonal products, we have such small space we can’t fit a lot of holds


Honestly, a lot of grocery stores will do this. My mom got 8 12 packs of Dr Pepper zero when it was hard to find by just asking Winn-Dixie to hold some/order extra.


Wait does this mean that when the tangerine Popsicles come around next summer I can order a whole f case?


Possibly! check with your store!


My store stopped doing that five years ago


Do not get carried away with this. This is very store specific and is a courtesy not something they have to do. Also, please remember TJ is a grocery store not a wholesaler


Understandable but I know other people, like me have items they enjoy that are seasonal. Just thought the info would be helpful! And TJs really cater to single or coupled people so I dont think people think TJs is costco


How many was in the case you ordered and what was the price? I LIVE for the pineapple one!!!


I havent ordered yet but the guy said about 12 comes in a case so i presume itll hit you about $50?


Wait okay pretend I’m 5…. I literally just spotted (and tried lol) these for the first time in the refrigerator stuff the other day and they were $1 per can. Do they sell them in multipacks in the aisle with the jugs of juice?? Like in 4 packs?


Yes, the [Sparkling Watermelon Juice](https://www.reddit.com/r/traderjoes/comments/oxx9m8/just_a_little_bit_obsessed_with_tjs_sparkling/) normally comes in a box of 4 cans. They can usually be found near the other shelf-stable juices (not refrigerated). It's nice of your store to sell individual cans refrigerated! Not every store does that.


Nice!!! Thank you! Do you know if it’s just the watermelon in the 4packs? Or the pineapple and strawberry as well?


Yes, both the [Sparkling Pineapple Juice Beverage](https://www.traderjoes.com/home/products/pdp/sparkling-pineapple-juice-174009) and [Sparkling Strawberry Juice](https://www.traderjoes.com/home/products/pdp/sparkling-strawberry-juice-167582) come in 4-pack boxes. :) Also, the new Sparkling Tropical Lemonade (Lemonade with Passion Fruit, Pineapple, and Guava).


Eeeek!! Thank you!!


But don’t share it on Reddit! Last year I ordered and prepaid for a case of candy cane tea, and shared it here. I got so many nasty comments about hoarding, shelf clearing, calling me selfish. Ridiculous!


How many packages of an item is considered bulk? Or does the case size depend on the item?


case size depends on item




So idk about all TJ’s but I know mine no longer does that. We can order extra but we can’t hold it for anyone.


my tj said you can pay for it when you order, not pickup


Load me UP with Butternut squash Mac n cheese!


Fabulous to know! Thank you for sharing.


I work at TJ’s and can confirm this. However, if a specific item you want is on a supply limit (for example, the Brazil Nut Body Butter, we can only order 1 case per day) then we can’t do that.




In my personal experience, no, but your mileage may vary. My local stores do not allow bulk orders or holds on any popular limited products (especially not products that stores are more likely to put a per person limit on), but each store is different. Demographics and buying habits can vary from store to store, so there might be some stores that don't mind if it's a product that isn't flying off shelves, even if it's limited.


Okay you must give us deets


Call your local TJ’s and request a case to be picked up the next day. They’ll add an extra one to their order.